Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 29


  Ryan has stayed in the hotel room during his recuperation, because he didn’t want to draw attention to his wounds. Three days passed and Ryan was ready to make a drive by the dunes and see if anything had transpired since his encounter with the hell hounds and demons. They left out of Jerusalem early in the morning and took their time heading out of town. As they made the turn to the east when Maria stopped the Hummer.

  “Do you see what I see?”

  “Yea and it does not look good. There seems to be a lot of activity over on the dunes. Let me grab the binoculars and get a better look. Ryan got out and opened the back of the Hummer and dug the binoculars out of their case. He brought them to his eyes and just said, “Shit.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Here take a look.” Handing the binoculars to Maria.

  Maria looked at the dunes through the binoculars and her mouth just opened and no words came out. She kept scanning the dunes and Ryan could tell she was counting.

  “This is not good I counted ten hell hounds and a ton of demons.”

  Let’s get out of here we have some planning to do.”

  They both got back into the Hummer and headed back to Jerusalem. Once back in the hotel room Ryan got out the satellite photos that Maria had downloaded from the internet. Ryan went over them with a fine tooth comb but they reveled nothing that he could use.

  “I want to go back to the site tonight I want to stake out the dune and see if they drop their guard during the hours of darkness.”

  “What time do you want to get there?”

  “Let’s look to arrive right after dark, I want to spend the night there.”

  Ryan and Maria turned in and set their alarm for seven that evening, Ryan was awake before the alarm went off and made coffee. Maria woke a few minutes later and shut off the alarm. They dressed in black so they would not be visible at night, it was close to eight when they departed. When they arrived close to the dunes Ryan took out the camouflage makeup and covered his face with the black and handed it to Maria who did the same thing Ryan had done. They got out of the Hummer and walked until they were within five hundred yards of the dunes. Ryan was surprised to see that he could actually see the glow of red coming from the gate.

  At eleven that night he noted in his note pad that the activity of demons and hell hounds had diminished to the point that there were only two hounds and two demons. Ryan could hear a car and watched as it pulled up to the base of the dunes and four men got out and climbed to the top. They raised a pentagram on a pole and laid out two tables which they covered with a red cloth which they placed various worship items on. The glow from the gate gave Ryan plenty of light to see what the men were doing. Cars started arriving shortly after the first one arrived,

  Ryan noted that all of the people were dressed either in black robes or red robes, neither the hell hounds or the demons gave them a second look. Ryan and Maria watched quietly and with interest the ceremony that was conducted. As the devil worship service came to a close an hour later Ryan noted with interest that many of the people left items and the demons picked them up when the people were gone and took them inside the gate.

  Ryan and Maria watched this for three days and it was always the same the items left for the devil were always take into the gate fifteen minutes after the last person left. Ryan made his way back to the Hummer and when the last car left he followed it back to the main road. He passed the car and when he cleared the car he slid the Hummer sideways causing the car to stop. Ryan got out of the Hummer and walked to the car.

  The driver of the car rolled down his window and said, “What the kind of idiot are you?”

  “The kind that is going to kill you” and Ryan pulled out his pistol and shot the two occupants of the car. Ryan searched the car until he found the robes, Ryan told Maria to follow him and Ryan took the car and drove it thirty miles from the dunes. He closed up the car and left it on the side of the road.

  Ryan and Maria returned to the hotel and turned in for the night. Ryan awoke close to nine the next morning and got right to work, he opened the crate that contained the stash of C-4 and detonators. He took his large backpack and he opened it and took everything out of it. Next he picked up a brick of the C-4, placed a detonator in it and put it in the backpack. He did this until the backpack was full. He took the wireless transmitter for the detonators and connected it to a small digital clock. He set the clock for alarm at one thirty in the morning he then placed the clock in the backpack. He closed up the backpack and set it to the side.

  Ryan called down for room service and ordered breakfast for him and Maria. He hung up from room service and went and woke Maria and told her that breakfast was on the way. When Maria came into the living area of their room she spotted the backpack and asked what it was, Ryan told her it was packed full of C-4 and they were going to the worship service that night and that they would leave it as a gift. They spent the rest of the day lounging around the hotel.

  They arrived close to the dunes at ten thirty wanting to watch the men set up the worship gear. Right on schedule the men arrived, and set everything up, when a few more cars started to arrive Ryan pulled the Hummer back onto the road and followed one of the cars and parked next to it. They got out and put on the robes they had taken the night before and put them on. The woman from the car next to them came over and introduced herself and said, “Are you folks new, I haven’t seen you here before?”

  Maria answered, “We are from the states and we heard about this service and wanted to come and worship.”

  “That’s great it is good to have you here.”

  Ryan and Maria went up the dune with the other couple they had just met, and when the service started they followed the actions of the couple. When the service ended the other couple and Ryan and Maria went to the spot where all of the gifts were being laid and placed their gift along with the others. They walked back down to the Hummer and got in and waited until all of the other cars had left and they followed in line. When they turned on the road to Jerusalem, they heard rather then saw an explosion. They turned their heads to see flame and a plumb of white smoke. They smiled and drove back into Jerusalem and turned in for the night.