Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 30


  Semyaza had watched the worship services happen each night and saw all the gifts that were left for the devil, he was surprised that none of the demons tried to sneak one for themselves. Once the service was over and all of the humans had left the demons started taking the gifts thru the gate. Semyaza spotted the backpack and told the demon who had just picked it up that he would take that one. He entered the gate and heard a sound coming from inside the backpack, He opened it up and saw the clock and it was counting down, three, two, one and then it hit zero and that was the last thing that Semyaza ever saw. The backpack exploded and parts of the backpack flew everywhere and a piece of the frame flew off and cut the head of Semyaza off.

  All of hell rocked from the explosion at the gate of hell. Lucifer was so mad that something had happened in hell again that caused all of hell to shake. Kunopegos a fallen was passing the throne when Lucifer grabbed him and instructed him to find out what happened, and to make sure he checked all the gates to hell. Lucifer tossed Kunopegos to the ground and said, “Make it fast I want to know.”

  Kunopegos got to his feet and hurried away from Lucifer he sent his minions out to find out the cause that had rocked all of hell. It took less than an hour for his minions to report to him that the Asian gate to hell had been destroyed. Kunopegos went to Lucifer’s throne room and told him the news. Lucifer took his sword and cut the head of the messenger.

  Lucifer watched in horror as the head and body of Kunopegos burst into flames and disappeared, and he dropped his sword, he had committed the most deadly sin that an Angel could commit, he had done what had never been done since the beginning of all time, he just killed another Angel.

  Hell shook and a bright white light appeared and a booming voice said, “Lucifer what have you done? You have taken the life of another Angel.”

  “I have do so, it was in a moment of rage.” Lucifer answered God.

  “For this you must be punished.”

  “What can you do to me? You have banished me to this place for all eternity, you can do nothing worse.”

  “Lucifer you will leave this place and become a human, you will find and fight the Angel Slayer. Should you defeat him you will be returned to this place with its river and lake of fire to rule over, Should you lose to the slayer you shall cease to exist.

  The white light disappeared and Lucifer disappeared, Lucifer fell and tumbled down the sand dune that had once been a gate to hell. Lucifer stood and realized that he was nude, He tried to bring forth clothes but nothing happened. Lucifer tried to fly but again nothing. Lucifer then realized that he was a mortal man. He started walking and came to a house that had clothes hanging on a line outside the house and he took some clothes and dressed, Next he would seek out the slayer and destroy him so he could regain his kingdom.

  Lucifer started walking again and five hours later he found himself at the great Temple Mount in a city. He stopped a man and asked where he was the man said , “You old fool you are in the holy city of Jerusalem, the home of Jesus the son of God.”

  Lucifer thought great he was a mortal man now and he had to begin his search for this slayer in the place where his enemy’s son was born. In a strange kind of way it was fitting, he would kill the slayer here where gods son was born.

  “Where can I find the one called the slayer?”

  “I know of no one called that. No go you bum.”

  Lucifer was not use to being spoke to in this manner and his temper was growing, he grabbed the man and said, “I asked where the slayer was now tell me.”

  The man pushed Lucifer’s hand off of him and he punched Lucifer in the mouth. Lucifer stumbled back and felt the warn blood running down his lips. He reached for the man again and the man said, “Look fool just go away before I really hurt you.” Lucifer felt the anger grow and said, “Fool I am Lucifer, the devil, tell me what I want to know or I will destroy you.”

  The man started laughing and said “Yea right,” as he turned and walked away muttering something about the old man being crazy. Lucifer started to walk around the city and he would stop people walking and ask about the slayer, he received the same stupid look from all of them.

  Lucifer walked around the city asking anyone who would stop and listen to him, he was becoming tired, a felling he had never known, he spotted an cafe and walked into the outside seating area and say down. A young woman brought him a menu and sat it down in front of him and said she would be back to take his order. Lucifer thought finally someone who knows who he is. In a few minutes she returned and asked him what he wanted. Lucifer said, “I am looking for the one called the slayer, what can you tell me about him.”

  “I don’t know of anyone called the slayer now what do you want to eat.” She replied.

  “I have no money for food, I cannot pay. So just bring me something.”

  “What do you think this is a soup kitchen get out of here,” she yelled.

  A man and woman were sitting three tables away and the man got up and walked over to Lucifer’s table and told the waitress “bring him whatever he wants and add it to my bill.”

  “You do not need to do this.”

  “Oh I know I don’t I just won’t let someone who is down on their luck go hungry.”

  The man walked back to his table and sat down, he looked to his female companion and told her what he had done. She looked at Lucifer and smiled. The couple paid their bill and left. Little did Lucifer know who he had just spoken to.

  Ryan looked to Maria and said, “I’m glad we could help out that old fellow, I hate to see someone down on their luck.”

  “I just hope he appreciates it.”

  “One never know now do they.”

  “Your Right about that.”

  Ryan and Maria made it back to their hotel and made arrangements to have the crates picked up and delivered to their home in San Diego. Once the delivery man picked up the crates they went to the airport and checked in for their flight. Fourteen hours later they walked into their home.