Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 6


  Cimeries contacted Mehen and provided him the list that Robert had given him, after Mehen left Cimeries contacted Lilith. He provided her the list of names. He told both of the fallen angels that the slayer was on this list but he could no get it down smaller. Cimeries went about his business knowing that he was going to be well taken care of by both of them.

  Mehen reviewed the list of names and address for them and he decided he would send one hundred minions to each person and kill them all. Mehen called his legions and gave them their orders to find the names on the list and kill them. Once he sent his minions out he would receive a report from each group once their task was completed.

  The killing of the names on the list began almost within the hour. By the time two hours had passed fifteen of the names on the list had been killed. Because the killings took place all over the world no one had put together the fact that they had all been travelers that had all been to the same locations that Ryan had been to. By midnight all but five groups of the demons that Mehen had dispatched to do his bidding had returned. He waited somewhat patiently for the remaining five groups of demons to report.

  One by one the remaining groups sent a demon back to Mehen to report that their target was traveling and they were trying to locate them. Mehen was furious that they could not be found. He departed and went to see Cimeries, “I need more information, My minions tell me these five names are traveling again, I need to know where they went.”

  “Of course I will find out as soon as possible, I should be able to have the information by tomorrow.”

  “You better or you won’t like the end results.”

  Cimeries departed from Mehen and went to his FBI contact, Robert Allen. Cimeries found Robert asleep in a chair with his TV on, Cimeries kicked the chair to wake Robert up. He stirred a little and Cimeries kicked the chair again and said, “wake up Robert I need your services again.”

  Robert woke and pulled his gun not realizing it was Cimeries standing before him. Cimeries took the gun from Robert’s hand before he could fire it.

  “Now is that any way to greet a friend?”

  “Sorry I was still in a wakeup fog and didn’t realize it was you. What do you want?”

  “Don’t get snappy with me, remember I own you I would be glad to send you to the bowels of hell.”

  “I’m sorry it won’t happen again.”

  Cimeries handed Robert the list of the five remaining people and told Robert that he wanted to know where they had traveled to and he wanted the information right away, and he would wait for it.

  “Cimeries it is going to take me a couple of hours to get the information.”

  “You don’t have a couple of hours.”

  “Let me see what I can come up with.”

  Robert sat down at his computer and typed in the commands to check the five names that Cimeries gave him. It took about thirty minutes to get the answers, one went to Rome, one went to Turkey, one went to Orlando and two went to Kuwait. Robert took the results from the printer and handed them to Cimeries who took them. Before Robert could say anything Cimeries was gone.

  Cimeries made the trip back to his world and found Mehen and provided the update information of the five travelers. Mehen immediately dispatched his minions to the locations.