Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 7


  Ryan and Maria landed in Kuwait and picked up their rental a car and drove to their hotel. They checked in and went to get some lunch at the hotel restaurant.

  “You know Maria I am struggling with this assignment, I was raised to never harm a woman. It seems as though that all of the fallen one this time are going to be females.”

  “I understand that but remember that these fallen are evil and have turned their back on the lords way. They are not what I would call a woman. They finished their meal and Ryan spotted a demon at the front desk, to the desk clerk the demon looked like any other human. Ryan said to Maria, “we may have some company look at the front desk.”

  “I don’t see anything out of the ordinary, just some man.”

  “Babe that man is a demon, sorry I forget you can’t see them in their true form.”

  “Do you think he is looking for you?”

  “I would almost bet on it.”

  “How would he know we are here?”

  “Now that is a good question that I intend to find the answer to.”

  They watched as the demon went to the elevator and saw he was joined by ten more demons. They got on the elevator and Ryan watched as the floors clicked off and stop on the seventh floor.

  “Looks like they stopped on our floor.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “Give them a few minutes to check our room and then I am going up there and put an end to them.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Stay here and keep the dagger close, if anyone wants to start any trouble with you, use it.”

  “Ok I will, but please be careful.”

  “I will babe.”

  Ryan got up and walked to the elevator, he pressed the call button and when the elevator doors opened he stepped inside. He had the elevator to himself so he called the Angel sword to him, the sword appeared in his hand and he made ready to use it. The elevator reached the seventh floor and he got off the elevator he walked to his room and found the door ajar. He pushed the door open the rest of the way and stepped into the room. He spotted the ten demons talking and he said, “Can I help you?”

  The demons looked at Ryan and started towards him. Ryan held the sword behind his back so the demons could not see it and when they got close enough to Ryan he brought the sword up and cut the head off of the three closest demons. The remaining demons tried to stay back from Ryan as they did not want to meet the fate of their brothers. Ryan moved closer to them as they backed up and swung the sword and killed two more demons. One of the demons decided to leap at Ryan and he easily side stepped the leap and brought the sword down across the demons neck and watched as the demons head rolled away from its body until it erupted into flame and disappeared.

  Ryan kept himself between the door and the demons so they would have to go thru him to escape. As each demon tried to move to the door he would cut the head off of that demon. There was only one demon left and it was the one that he first saw at the front desk.

  “Who sent you? Answer me and I may let you live.”

  “My lord Mehen sent me, we are to destroy you.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you are the Angel slayer.”

  “Well guess what, I also slay demons,” and Ryan brought the sword around and cut the demons head off.

  Ryan put the sword away and went back downstairs to rejoin Maria, as he stepped out of the elevator two things caught his eye. First the delivery man was there with his boxes and he also saw a large group of demons outside the front door of the hotel. He signaled Maria to join him as he walked to the delivery man.

  “Sir come with me I want to put my boxes in my car.”

  “Very well sir.” The delivery man said.

  The three of them went to the elevator and rode down to the parking garage. They walked to the SUV that they rented and the delivery man placed the boxes in the back of the SUV. Once all the boxes were loaded Ryan tipped the man and he started to open the boxes. He found the MAC-10’s and loaded them, he took ten extra magazines for the two assault rifles and placed them in the front seat of the SUV. He closed the back of the SUV and he and Maria drove out of the parking garage and move slowly towards the group of demons still at the front door of the hotel. Maria stopped the SUV in the street and Ryan yelled,

  “Hey you ugly old boys, here I am come and get me.”

  Maria sped away and Ryan watched as the demons took chase after them. Maria reached the outskirts of Kuwait City and drove into the desert and the demons followed them. They had gone about five miles into the desert and because the speed she could safely make allowed the demons to start to close in she stopped the SUV and she and Ryan got out and moved to the front of the SUV. Using the bulk of the SUV as cover, when the demons were in range both Maria and Ryan opened fire with the MAC-10’s

  Although Maria didn’t like guns she was a good shot and working with Ryan she was becoming an expert shot. The two of them were dropping the demons like flies, by the time they had reloaded for the third time there were only a handful of demons left. They decided that they had had enough and turned and fled. The demons decided that they would go back and report to their master Mehen that they had found the Angel Slayer but had not been able to kill him. They would need help.

  Ryan and Maria got back into the SUV and Ryan told Maria to head to Babylon. That was the first place he wanted to start looking for Lilith. He was pretty sure there would be clues there.