Read The Shepherd Page 10

  We had graduated to the magical status of dating, a truly wonderful thing.

  Anita and her brother came around to shake hands with Nadia, who had already hooked onto my arm. Anita noticed. I scrambled to explain. “This is my friend, Nadia. I didn’t get a chance to tell you about her yet. We met a few weeks ago.” Realizing the odd situation, I added, “She lives by me out on Stratford.”

  Nadia never let go of me. No way to hide the truth of it. We had some kind of special connection.

  Anita looked at me and looked at Nadia’s attachment to my arm. I could see the wheels turning.

  “Hey, I’ll be back in a minute.” I extracted myself from Nadia and nudged Anita. “Come here.” I walked Anita out to the parking lot, away from listening ears.

  “Look, she’s a friend. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

  “She looks kinda young, like what thirteen, fourteen?”

  “Yeah something like that. She’s different. You’ll see. She’s kinda like my new adopted sister.”

  “Yeah ... I think she’s got a thing for you. Better be careful Mike. If her parents think you’re involved with her, you could get arrested.”

  “Anita, trust me. She’s a good friend. You’ll like her once you get to know her. She’s not like anyone you’ve ever met. Trust me.”

  Before I knew it, Nadia was there again, standing right at my side. “This is my bro. He takes good care of me.” She leaned up on my shoulder. “No worries here.” And then she pinched my ass with one of those sneaky sleight-of-hand moves.


  But Anita smiled sweetly. Then I realized it had already happened – Nadia’s charm worked an instant spell on Anita.

  Nadia turned her golden gaze back to me. “So what was that all about?” I stared at her for a minute, unsure. She prompted, “The guy with the Jeep?

  “Oh, no big deal, a jealous boyfriend. You know me, I’m such a macdaddy. Guys can’t help but be jealous. It ain’t easy bein’ a playa with all these haters around.”

  I smiled down at Nadia and scooped both girls, one under each arm. I walked them back to the skate park. Mr. Macdaddy.

  We sat at a picnic table, a girl on either side of me. Anita held my hand and kissed me on the cheek, but Nadia spoke in serious tones. “I think he’s gonna be a problem.” I looked at her, puzzled. “Asshole with the Jeep?”

  “I’ll be alright.” I shrugged.

  She pegged me with that grave stare, imparting a sense of someone much older, dangerous even. “Would you like me to take care of him for you?”

  We couldn’t help but laugh. Standing nearby, Rafe hopped on his board to skate off to the ramps, chuckling. “Yeah, dude, let her take care of your dirty work.”

  Even Cleo overheard Nadia from a distance and snickered. But Nadia was unperturbed. She maintained her solemn stare, awaiting my answer. As if nothing else mattered beyond my answer to this question.

  “You’re actually serious? What are you gonna do, light up a bag of dogdoo on his front porch or something?”

  Nadia gave a little half smile and nodded. “Or something.”

  “Maybe you can stalk him to death?” I was smiling, expecting her to laugh or giggle or show some kind of normal girl behavior.

  Nadia maintained her stare and spoke real low, almost a whisper in my ear. “If necessary, maybe. Let’s just say I’ll make sure he never bothers you again.”

  I almost believed her for a second. She was so disarming with her intensity. Then I shrugged it off and hugged her closer. “No, I don’t think I’ll unleash you on him yet. Let it be. Tommy has enough problems keeping up with Rachelle. He doesn’t deserve the wrath of Nadia.”

  After another laugh, I directed the girls to my Geo to give Anita a ride home. Nadia hopped right in with us like she belonged there, a member of the family.

  Anita had that look. That what-the-hell-are-you-doing-Mike look. “You’re giving her a ride?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  As we traversed the familiar route to Anita’s house, she spoke low, glancing at Nadia in the backseat. “So … where exactly does she live?” She tried her best to seem casual, but she wasn’t fooling anyone.

  “Out by the trailer park, I’ll drop her off on my way.” I had a sour feeling in my stomach with the lie. I’d never had cause to lie to Anita. But I couldn’t think of a way to explain this thing with Nadia. I didn’t really understand it myself.

  Nadia nodded as I spoke, adding validity to the lie.

  I wanted to tell Anita all about Nadia, about how I let her stay in my room, this homeless fourteen year old. But no one would ever understand. All I knew was that I enjoyed Nadia’s company, she was welcome, and I missed her when she was gone.

  Anita accepted the simple explanation. “Oh … okay.”

  We kissed and said our goodbyes like lovesick teenagers who’ll never see each other again. Anita stood there in her driveway watching as I drove off. Nadia slipped into the front seat, taking over Anita’s place.

  She patted my hand. “She knows you’re hiding something. She knows you didn’t tell her everything.” She had that queer little half smile.

  “So … what’s to tell? You stay with me when you want, and I’m happy to have you. It’s nobody else’s business.”

  “Exactly. And that’s the way we’ll keep it. People wouldn’t understand.” She paused, then smiled and continued, “I like her. She’s good for you. Much better than Rachelle. I’m happy for you.”

  “Well thank you very much, I’m so glad you approve.”

  Nadia nodded regally, a queen granting permission to her subject.

  At home Dad was passed out on the couch, six beer cans on the living room table, still in his RSC work shirt. But I didn’t mind him having a few beers after work. He earned it. Conveniently, too. I walked Nadia right past my father and into the bedroom. No need for the sneaky window routine.

  Tired, I went straight to the bed and flopped. I was starting to doze off to her comfortable weight curled around me when she asked, “You’re taking Anita to the dance?”

  I squinted, as she stared at me expectantly. “Unh hunh.”

  “How much money do you need?” I squinted at her again. She was serious, no smile, no teasing.

  “I think you’ve given me enough money already. Do you know how weird it is to have a teenage sugar mama? How old are you anyway?”

  She gave me the slightest hint of a smile, running her fingers through the hair at my temples, a wonderfully relaxing scalp massage. “A hundred and six.”

  I snorted and chuckled. “Seriously, how old are you?”

  “I guess I’m probably fourteen. Don’t I look fourteen?”

  “Yeah, or maybe thirteen.” I smirked.

  “So, how much?” She asked again, her fingers running an entrancing pattern across my head.

  She had turned me to putty, smiling and relaxed. She could ask me anything and I’d tell her if only she kept on playing with my hair. “Ahh … my tux is $150, we’ll probably go to dinner, that’s another $30, and I should get her one of those flower things.”

  “A corsage.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably $20. So about $200 I guess. I have most of that from what you left me last week.”

  “Okay, go to sleep now, I’ll take care of it.” She kissed me on the forehead.

  As I dozed off I mumbled, “Sure thing.” Somehow I’d gotten used to the idea of accepting money from her. It was strange, but like so many aspects of our relationship, the strange had become ordinary.

  As was the norm, I dreamt – dreams of Nadia sliding over and around me, caressing, stroking, running her hands everywhere. The best dreams ever. I could die a happy man in the middle of those dreams. I always seemed to get a more restful sleep when Nadia stayed with me.

  In the morning there was $250 in assorted bills on my dresser and Nadia was gone without a trace. She must have thrown in the extra fifty for good measure. Sometimes, if it wasn’t for the money, I’d t
hink I dreamed her entire existence.

  Ah … life was good.

  * * * *

  Chapter 11

  Friday, October 22nd, Homecoming Night

  Nadia had become a regular fixture every night, sometimes showing up at the skatepark to hang out with me and Anita. At other times she slipped in through my window later in the evening. Anita liked her. They became good friends within days. The fact that Nadia bragged repeatedly about how Anita was good for me, and that Anita made me smile all the time probably had a lot to do with their friendship.

  Anita seemed to accept her without feeling jealous or threatened. And Nadia made it obvious she had no intention of trying to steer me away from Anita. She actually did the opposite; Nadia was always trying to get me to take Anita out on the town (on her dime of course). Whenever we went on our little dates, Nadia would tactfully excuse herself. She understood there were moments when three’s a crowd.

  On homecoming night, Nadia was there in my bedroom, checking out my tuxedo, combing down my unruly waves of hair, a regular fourteen year old mother.

  “You know I can’t take you with us to the dance?” I felt guilty about leaving her behind.

  “Sure, don’t worry, I’ll stay busy. I had a life before I met you. You can drop me off in town on your way.”

  “No problem.” I kissed her on the forehead. “What would I do without you?”

  “I was thinking the exact same thing.” She spanked me on the butt. “Okay. All set?”

  I nodded yes, but she was looking at me funny, like I’d forgotten something. Nadia reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a little white box. That hoodie was like a magician’s hat into which many things disappeared and all sorts of unexpected things emerged. This time she held Trojan condoms. “I think you might be needing these.” Her eyebrows rose with a knowing look. That girl was far too worldly.

  “Uh, yeah. Could be a good idea.” My face burned in embarrassment. I could hardly look her in the eyes as I accepted her gift.

  “You’re so cute, Misha.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Have fun, and don’t worry, I’m not jealous. I like Anita. She’s the right one for you. You belong together.” I didn’t understand it, but it worked, so I went with the flow.

  On the way out the door my Dad stopped me. “So this is the big night, hunh?”


  “You look real good son, real handsome.” I nodded, impatient to get out the door. My father held his hand out. “Here, I want you to have this.”

  He put a $100 dollar bill in my hand. It was the most money my father had ever given me at one time, the only money he’d given me in the past six months.

  “Thanks, Dad, I appreciate it.”

  “You’re a young man now. It’s hard to believe how fast you’ve grown up. Listen, Mike, I haven’t always been there for you – not much at all lately – but I want you to know that I’m gonna try harder. I’m gonna try to do better by you.”

  My father’s uncharacteristic sentimentality made me very uncomfortable.

  He patted me on the shoulder and stepped back. “Well, get going. Don’t wanna be late for the big date. Tell Anita I said hi.”

  “Okay … um … bye, Dad.” Richard looked like he was about to shed tears. Feeling the pressure, I scooted out the door quickly.

  Nadia waited in the car, having gone out my window. My secret nightlife with her had become an easy habit. Her slinking in and out past my father didn’t seem wrong at all. I dropped Nadia off at the intersection of Pioneer Way and Hill Avenue, a half mile before Anita’s house.

  “I’ll catch up with you after you get home.” She patted my hand and took off walking.

  Anita’s father, Manuel Gomez, answered the door. He checked me out for a moment before letting me in the house. “You look nice.” He had a pronounced Mexican accent.

  I didn’t know how to respond beyond, “Thanks.”

  It was awkward. Senor Gomez had always been courteous when Anita was simply a friend, but now that she was my girlfriend, a new tension existed between us. I stood in the tiled entryway with Anita’s red rose corsage in hand, waiting. Senor Gomez did too. He had something to say, and took his time getting around to it.

  “You’re a good boy, Mike. I’ve always liked you, despite your father.” I nodded, not sure what to say. Kinda hard to live down Richard. Senor Gomez looked me square in the eyes, scrutinizing me. “I’m glad it was you she chose to start dating. You’re good friends and that’s important.” My head kept on nodding nonstop, and then it occurred to me what he was after.

  “You don’t have to worry about me, I respect Anita. I would never hurt her, she’s my best friend.”

  “Qué bueno, that’s good.” He turned his head and yelled back over his shoulder down the hallway, “Anita … Mike’s here waiting, are you coming?”

  “Be out in a minute!” She yelled back.

  I saw it in his eyes, he finally decided to come out with it. He leaned in close in a low tone only I could hear, “She’s my baby. She’s sensitive. If you hurt her, so help me God, I’ll make you regret it!”

  My throat seized up tight with embarrassment. My face burned a suffocating red, and the starched collar of my dress shirt was choking me. “I … I would never, sir.”

  Anita’s father stared hard and then continued in the same snake-hiss menacing tone, “And make sure you keep your hands to yourself!”

  I choked, “Yes, sir!”

  Anita came to the rescue, swishing into the living room from the hallway in a gorgeous black strapless dress. Must have cost several hundred dollars. The fit was perfect, accentuating the healthy curves of her golden brown breasts and tapering nicely to the waist. She seemed slimmer than ever before. She didn’t look fat really, just thick … where it counted most. Her shiny, raven black hair was pinned back up off her neck.

  When she smiled nervously, I blurted out without thinking, “You’re so beautiful!”

  Anita walked right up and kissed me in front of her father. She was so elated she didn’t care if he was watching. I blushed again as I handed her the corsage. It was a good match, the blood red rose, shiny black dress, and Anita’s warm skin color. Her father put his arm around Anita. “Hay mija, está bien Hermosa. Te amo mucho, cuídate.”

  She smiled, beaming with the praise. We said goodbye to her father and I gallantly opened the passenger door for her. When I was out the driveway and heading down Hill Avenue she quizzed, “What did he say to you?”

  “Oh, nothing really. If I lay a hand on you he’s probably going to castrate me and donate my junk to science.”

  “No way! Are you serious?”

  “Well, he did say to keep my hands to myself.”

  “So … are you?”


  “Are you gonna keep your hands to yourself?”

  “I don’t see how I can with you in that dress. You’re entirely too sexy for your own good.” She had that look again. And no matter how many times she looked at me that way, I always got tight in the pants.

  She was so … different. Anita was all woman, with a woman’s expectations from a man.

  I pulled into the parking lot at Michael’s on the Lake, one of the ritziest restaurants in town. I couldn’t keep my promise to her father. I turned to Anita and leaned over to whisper in her ear, “If I’m going to break your father’s rules, I might as well get an early start.”

  I kissed her delicately, sliding my hand along her neck, collar bone, and down into the top of her dress. She was so damn sexy, and all that smooth golden skin begged to be touched. She gasped as her breast filled my hand. Her arms wrapped around the back of my neck to hold me in place. I was right where she wanted me, no escaping her this time.

  Our kisses became hot and deep, our tongues dived back and forth. I fought for control of her mouth, delving deeper and deeper. And then she swallowed my tongue, pulling me all the way in, working it with her tight, intense suction.

  I thought I was gon
na blow a load in my pants right there. Where did she learn how to do this?

  I had her dress down, both of those golden D cup breasts open to the air and my hands. Anita moaned and whimpered as I learned every inch of her chest. Every time I brushed her hard nipples I felt a jolt hit her, followed by a sweet little sound. It was like pressing buttons to make her groan. She was so large, no way her breast would fit in one hand.

  Two-handed breasts.

  As she worked my tongue, sucking hard and frantic, I knew that’s what it would feel like inside her, buried, warm and wet and loving. My whole body reacted, humming, vibrating with arousal and need. I wanted her like I have never wanted anything else in life.

  I needed her, Anita. I needed her beautiful warm body. I wanted to tear her dress off and bury it in her till she screamed.

  Before I knew it, Anita had her hand between my legs, grabbing onto all that she could find. Her touch was like hot syrup pouring over me, warming me instantly.

  Oh god, I needed her so bad.

  When she unzipped my fly and reached inside my pants my need exploded, literally. A warm, wet, and wonderful explosion. Convulsing with the shock of the moment, I started to realize what we were doing, had done.

  “Whoa …”

  I sat back into the driver’s seat to get a breath from this wild woman who tried to follow me – reaching, grabbing, and kissing like there was no tomorrow. “Anita … wait … stop.” It was too much, too fast.

  Anita was breathing heavy as she sat back in her seat with a protest. “Argh!” She looked frustrated, unsatisfied.

  “Phew! That was … I don’t know what that was, but we better chill out before we go in there.” My hands were shaking, and I could hardly breathe.


  Embarrassed, I stepped out of the car to catch some cool October night air and wipe the worst of my mess with a napkin. I needed to get to the bathroom and clean up properly.

  “Yeah.” Anita admitted in a husky voice, tucking herself back into her dress. She tugged the front of her dress up, trying to reduce her impressive cleavage.