Read The Silver Seals - Skylar Page 11

Chapter 11

  I woke up to Nick holding a taser to my neck. I'm sure for anyone else, your brother holding a weapon up to your neck is a really scary and threatening. For me, it meant they really cared. I lost my headache, nausea, and the coldness was gone. I removed the three extra shirts they put on me and got up.

  "Hello, Dad," Nate said. "Yeah, we've missed you guys too… Kidnapped… No we didn't run away… Yeah, by a crazy doctor… No we don't hate you… We never said that… Don't put Mom on the phone… Dad, we've been kidnapped… We need you and the police to come to this address… 4260 Fifth Street in Brooklyn… No, we can't come to you because we're being held hostage… No, Dad… This isn't a trap… Or a prank… Dad just come." I walked over to the unconscious guard. I picked up the pistol. I aimed it at the guard’s leg.

  "Hang up after the shot," I whispered. He nodded. I pulled the trigger. The guard screamed. I knocked the guard back out. Nick stared at me as well as the guy sharing the cell with us. "What?"

  "Dude, you shot a guy," the guy said.

  "Dude, he helped almost kill me," I said. "Besides, we needed a reason for our dad to come."

  "God, I'm with some crazy mother fuckers," he said. "I'm Mason." He held out his hand.

  "Sky," I said taking it. I reached down to the guard and took his belt. "Can't use my powers if Dad's coming."

  "True," Nate said. "We need to release the prisoners. Make sure they all get out. Any questions?"

  "No," I said. "But, I do have something we need to do, destroy doc's notes. Destroy formulas, crash computers, everything needs to go." The three of them agreed.

  "Alright, let's do this thing," Mason said. Nick opened the door. It felt odd. I knew there was a camera in our cell that picked up audio, yet no one was out trying to stop us from escaping. Then I felt it. They were all in the weapons room getting ready, checking weapons, like tasers. It was just a giant mass of energy right above us.

  I put my hand up for us to stop. I then shot at where I felt the bits of energy floating above us. I heard several guards scream out in pain. "What are you doing?" Mason asked.

  "Gotta let them know that we're here to party and that we aren't leaving early," I said. Mason just shook his head. "Where do they keep the prisoners?"

  "Down the hall. Girls on the left. Guys on the right," he said.

  "I'll get the girls, you can go release the guys," I said. I ran off. I needed to find Robyn. I went to the first door. The lock was electronic and the door was metal. "Get back from the door." I pressed my hand up against the keypad and poured out the energy. The door fried and fell off its hinges. I kept going down the hall and frying keypads. Robyn wasn't in any of them. I pulled one girl aside. "Where are the other girls located at?"

  "I think they might be in the lab," she said.


  "Down the hall to the right, then you take a left, and it'll be on your right," she said. I nodded and headed in that direction. I busted the glass door open. I placed the gun in front of me just like Dad taught us to do. I saw about fifteen girls strapped to tables. They were laying in bras and pants.

  I ran over to Robyn. "God, that sick twisted doctor. But, I am amazingly glad to see you."

  "I've missed you too. Help me out of this first though," she said. Once I finished, I stood watch as Robyn released the other girls. Just as she was finishing a hoard of guards came in. Guns and tasers pointed at me.

  "Put the gun down, son," one of them said. I set the gun down and then stood up. "Kick it away from you." I did.

  "So now that I'm gun less, are you going to shoot me with those tasers?" I asked.

  "Since you asked, yeah, we are. Fire," he said. I felt at least ten of them hit me. I fell to my knees from the amount of electricity I got at once. It felt amazing. I stood up when they finished.

  "Thank you so much," I said. "Now I feel like I need to repay you." I grabbed the wires still hanging and grabbed them. It was metal from the tasers. I released energy and they were so close together, that the electricity jumped from each person until they all fell down.

  "Good thinking," she said. I kissed her.

  "I love you," I said. "Now, we need to destroy some of doc's stuff. Up for it?"

  "Totally. I just got my speed back and I need to use it," she said. So we went around trashing the lab. I downloaded some stuff onto a flash drive trying to see how they were able to do this. "Almost done with that computer?"

  "Yeah, but I'm trying to get it to go faster," I told her. I pressed my hand up to the computer a released a little energy and that made it go a small bit faster. I got up and looked around the room. We made it a mess. We had stuffed the papers into several different metal trash cans. As soon as we finished we were going to burn them. I heard a little sound saying that the computer had finished putting the info onto the flash drive. I pulled it out and shoved it into my pocket then I destroyed the computer.

  "Sky?" I heard my dad say.

  "Dad," I said turning around.

  "What are you doing?" he asked. His hand on his gun.

  "Destroying information. You?"

  "Trying to rescue my sons, who seem to have it under control," he said.

  "Do you have a pocket knife?" I asked. He pulled his out and tossed it to me. I grabbed one of the trash cans and cut the power cords. I set it in the trash can and then threw some water in it. I did that to the other cans and soon we had a pretty good fire going. "Let's go before the sprinklers turn on." Too late. They turned on making the fire worse and causing my electricity to spark. I was barefoot which didn't help. "I'll meet you guys outside." I really didn't feel like seeing if I could hold in my electricity with cops and other people running around. I made it out and saw some officers I knew.

  Officer King came up to me and said, "Which one of the chief's boys are you?" I felt weak. I expected it. I had been near death for a couple of days. I probably looked bad too.

  "Sky," I said, out of breath. I felt a little dizzy. "Do you have a Red Bull or anything?"

  "Here," he said. He handed me a double shot of espresso. I guzzled it down. I could feel my electricity sparking up. I sat there and waited for them to come out. Nate had told me mentally that the building was clear and that they were getting out now. I got up when I saw them.

  "Dude, you need to lie down and rest," Nate said.

  "I will, as soon as we get home," I told him. "I never leave a fight early." He shrugged his shoulders.

  "Well, I'll take that as a good sign," Nick said. Then the three of us got slammed together by a hug.

  "I've missed you boys so much," Mom said, crying. I got out of the hug quickly. "Skylar James Johnson come over here and hug your mother."

  "No, I'm good," I said. "Tears and snot do not sit well with me." I sat down on the sidewalk and passed out from exhaustion.