Read The Stones of Talarana I - The Shadow of the Tyrant Page 2

Chapter I

  A special child

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  No one could forget the tragic and violent storm that struck the selthonian coasts that cold night in early spring in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of Levian Dorhan VI; many ships, civilian and military, who were in the open ocean that night, not had come back again to the delightful coastal of the Azure Bay.

  Waves of unprecedented power rose by treacherous waters, pitch black and vessels, at the mercy of them, were completely helpless, forced to a sad end to a malevolent fate. Many of these boats found the end against blacks and sharp rocks, not far from the coast, and with them their crews. The unfortunates who chose to jump overboard came out to for even more violent and terrible, drowned by waves as high as towers. This was also the fate reserved for a young and inexperienced imperial administrator, returning from the Feree islands after an inspection on the extraction of Varnelio, if it was not for the will of those who, from the skies they see and hear and for he had chosen a different fate.

  His ship had been irreparably damaged by the impact against the rocks, and many of the crew had fallen and drowned in the icy ocean.

  At that moment the man was below deck when he noticed the irreparable flaws from which the water came profusely, he resolved to reach the deserted deck of the ship.

  Faced with the reality of things, found himself having to decide between the sink with the ship or groped to reach the shore by swimming. Going with the thought of his beloved Vylia who had recently suffered with him and mourned the loss of her son which was pregnant, he wisely decided to opt for the second chance that was offered: grabbed a buoy and tied with a top firmly to life and infusing himself courage, he threw himself into the water.

  In that moment, his body was as if struck by a thousand daggers of ice and thermal shock was enough to cause him loss of consciousness. At the mercy of the storm, the man, unconscious, was pushed several times under the surface of the water, that he had not the slightest jolt, until, from the depths of the sea, there emerged a gigantic figure, holding it gently, the rescued just before a column of water swept into him.

  Stimulated by the sudden change, the man opened his eyes, unable, however, to see nothing more than a gigantic figure shrouded in complete darkness.

  The creature began to enter the ocean with large and immeasurable steps, of which the survivor did not seem to have the slightest perception: the heavy dark clouds that prevented him from oppressing the sky to see the moon and the stars, making it impossible to take reference points . The castaway to his astonishment could not even see the glittering Towers of Crystal, a sign that the ground they had lost hope of finding any survivors. After what seemed like an eternity, on a night so black that seemed to have swallowed even the passage of time, the man felt that what saved him was slowing down, until you reach the full stop.

  The huge presence over him and he could feel his heavy breath, certain that he could not be a human being, he was certain that looked more like an amphibian or a fish anthropomorphic. The moment, with weak words, he asked his savior the reason for that action, a flash of lightning lit the scene, making it visible for a fleeting moment, the nature of being.

  As he had not so very wrongly guessed, its size was huge and massive, rough and scaly skin and face, huge and swollen, protruding eyes large and watery. Big gills, vibrating his breath, occupied the thick neck. Overall it seemed a be scary, but the noble deed he had done made him in the eyes of shipwrecked almost human.

  Being, in a deep voice, almost as if it came from the most remote recesses marine, while the big gills fluttered, spoke:

  "Human, I'm Dalagoth, genius of water and servant of the heavenly fathers. It was their greatest wish to declare your salvation. "

  Dalagoth, reappearing at a new blaze of lightning, pointed to the sky and said: "Soon you will have the revelation and you will find answer to your question."

  The name of the creature was not entirely new to the shipwrecked: in one of his trips to the north had heard vaguely fantasize of a kind which was said to be marine vessels and help people in need. At one time he thought it was only legends that the old fishermen delighted to tell young listeners, but being in front of him and that a short time before had saved his life, it was clear evidence of the truth of those stories .

  Suddenly the sky was rent, right in the direction he had indicated with his hand Dalagoth: a great glow had thinned the thick layer of dark clouds, by entering a warm and enveloping. That light, just like the golden light of the sun, had something reassuring about the man that made him forget the horrors seen during the shipwreck which until recently gripped him.

  Then, through the opening in the clouds, a globe of light that fell in a few moments he reached the ground, illuminating the surrounding area, so that the survivor was forced to cover his eyes with his hand, in an attempt to distinguish least this before him. After a few moments the glow subsided, revealing the presence of higher figures, resplendent in their robes, large and loose, bearing with them a small bundle wrapped in a blue cloth embroidered.

  Four characters, beautiful and dressed in magnificent robes, approached the man, revealing pure faces, no less shining light from which they came, in which were embedded eyes shining like gold. One of them, with one hand clutching a huge scythe, approached the man and asking him his free hand, graceful and elegant and slender fingers, forehead, he began to speak with him directly with the thought. Sweet words and music that began to flow into the mind of the young director.

  "Hello, human kind-hearted. We are the Golden Angels, those who watch over your people from the Sea of ​​Glass. Our bitter fate brought us on the blue skies of your world and we have always watched over the free peoples. We have seen kingdoms rise and fight and you helped her build a glorious empire. But after the sad events that you have unfortunately forgotten with the passage of millennia, we retired where no human eye can perceive us. Now is the time for us to help your people the last and decisive time. " The Angel took on a grave that hid his eyes. "After thousands of years, what had been sealed is awakening and with him his generals that relentless, with an iron fist, forced your people to eternal slavery in their evil city. We put ourselves on his return brakes and obstacles, but his faithful servants were able to remedy it. To the will of our fathers, however, in order that we could donate, perhaps your civilization the hope of a new salvation. This child, the last of the glorious line it belongs to, subtracted from the raging waters of the armies and evil, has in itself an ancient power that the enemy and his servants yearn to end your world. "

  Then, pointing to the child at a point just below the heart, the angel did appear a tiny flash of blue. "Receive the blessing of Uriadrel, Lord of the Two Moons." Then the angel next to him, bearing with him a great spear, gently took the child in his arms, and after a few moments, a new voice entered the mind of the shipwrecked. "This child is the hope for your world and you have to take care of him until the time is right, until the time comes for miracles. Then he will manifest his power. Receive the blessing of Midrael General of the heavenly. " So the second he handed the baby to the third angel as the second and the first, put his right hand on the head of the shipwrecked. "On this child has been invoked the protection of Leviathan, guardian spirit of your people. During this period, human, had three special children, of noble descent: each of them is protected and consecrated the ancient spirit worshiped by his own people. Their combined power will face the danger. Receive the blessing of Feadrel, Lord of Waters. " The shipwreck was incredibly puzzled by these words, entranced by the sight shining but at the same time, very sad and melancholy.

  And the third angel handed the infant to the quarter that the young, sure about this, though incredibly different from anything he had seen before, was identified with a female, the voice incredibly sweet and affectionate. "My child, came the sad moment when we have to leave." The child seemed to react to the words of the angel, doing a few verses. "Take care of this child as his own son. Our ability to
see into the future is great, but not enough to completely dispel the fog that surrounds him. One last thing: when he will rise in the desire to learn the arts of magic, you allow him to do so. When that time comes you will know that the time is ripe and the imminent beginning of a difficult period for him and for the whole world. " Then the lady turned back to the child: "And when you provide proof of your value, you will wait for the heavenly ascent, which will allow you to learn the arts of my people. Receive the blessing of Shadriel, Lady of Light. " The angelic lady gave to the child an affectionate kiss on the cheek and finally gave it to him.

  The first angel spoke for the last time before disappearing from the sight of man and then climb back to the sky, surrounded by the golden light. "It 's time to say goodbye, wise human being. We are aware of leaving the heir in good hands. In your home we'll know protected and loved. Do not be afraid of the events, we will always be from the next. " Then the glow disappeared and the darkness returned to overpower the man who, in complete darkness, turned, seeing Dalagoth bow, touch the child with one of his huge fingers, and soon dive back into the sea, disappearing wrapped by the same ethereal glow he had appeared. The man opened the bundle, revealing a baby in swaddling clothes, asleep. He smiled at the thought that his life and his wife would have known the joy of being parents and thanked again with the mind the angels, hoping that they could still hear him.

  He had lost track of time and feeling incredibly exhausted, he decided to lie down in a ravine that had found groping and, comforted by the softness of the ground, he fell asleep. A few hours later the clouds thinned out completely and the wind ceased to slap the surface of the water, allowing the sun to rise in all its glory, whose rays, a pale red, awakened the young new father. With his mind still clouded by the rapid succession of events that occurred during that strange night, the young administrator, noting happily that you are only a few hundred meters from the beach and the harbor, went home, taking the small, still asleep the arms. He hoped for a future as his successor, but the kid was destined for something different, something big.

  Why not try? Idea, at first confused then ever more concrete, took shape in the mind of man, looking for a way to respond to the extraordinary events he had just witnessed.

  In the end it was not certain that these beings were saying the truth, no danger looming over the world and that child was not destined to become nothing more than, as he wanted his father, a powerful official Selthon. "Nothing can be said until certain events do not display the way that this child will follow in your life," but echoed within him a voice while barefoot, walked the beach still wet after the storm. He shook off the insistent voice and soon arrived at the port from which Samaran along the avenue, the main street of the city, he came to his new home, recently built for him and his wife. The baby woke up at that moment uttering a faint cry, the young director, noting that, smiled and pointing to the baby's home said, "Welcome home."

  The Empire of Selthon was on the verge of big changes, not only because Levian Dorhan VI had breathed his last breath in the night and was preparing to join the Lord Ocean with a lavish ceremony but also because, in the last months of life Emperor, a sinister atmosphere had fallen on every corner of the empire. Only those who lived at court had a fair knowledge of the events, but only a few were in knowledge of the machinations of those who would lead, after completion of the funeral, the proclamation of Levian Dorhanavius as the new Emperor of the West.

  Changes had also invested Oltan’s home: his father had been appointed a few days before the Superintendent of the Imperial Trans Oceanic Commerce and had decided, as a manifesto of its increased prestige, to expand its already enviable family home.

  And a change in spite of little account, was to affect his son.

  "Greg, this is Eleona, now it will be your new governess," he said with a smile Vylia Oltan only on rare occasions so wide that his son, still overwhelmed by blankets and pillows of his bed he could hardly focus on the familiar figure of the mother.

  It was a lucky find a housekeeper at such short notice and especially so cheap. The previous ruler was forced to return home, recalled in an accident which in turn had preferred not to say. Then dismissed after years of service, years during which Greg was often able to escape out of hand.

  The child had recently turned six years and, at least according to what was the common thought, he could do very well without a new housekeeper. His father was more than convinced of this, but his mother was adamant. It seemed right that the events for the side they Oltan lady because, just that morning, he had knocked on their door a young woman who had just arrived from the north of the country but with little experience, looking for a full-time job with room and board.

  So it was agreed the price and duties of the young towards the child, the last step was just what the presentations.

  Greg, dodged a blanket, and was finally able to put to good to focus on the woman. She was tall and a little less than his mother, but while the latter, used for years in nothing but think about how to organize the work of his servants, he ended up becoming what no doubt, though attractive, shapely woman, her new housekeeper looked toned and in excellent shape, with blue eyes and a pale straw-colored hair tied back in a tail.

  Eleona bowed his head as a sign of greeting: "It 's a pleasure to meet you, Gregris" he said smiling, but keeping his eyes fixed on him.

  Greg was silent for a moment, studying the new housekeeper was so different from the women who had seen up to that point, certainly very different from its previous ruler among whose hair had always seen long white strands.

  Then from under the covers brought out his hand and held it out. Eleona took her into his: it was small, warm and soft and smiled again.

  His mother smiled to see how the child demonstrate already possess all the qualities that would make him a gentleman, then invited the girl to follow her to show her the room where she was staying.

  Greg was only looked around for a few minutes, uncertain whether to go back to sleep or go down to breakfast. Then he chose the first, his head fell back into the pillows and blankets, and soon after closed his eyes.

  "Let's go Greg! We can not go home again later! "said in a firm tone Eleona the child from behind, sitting on one of the docks of Selthon, seemed interested in everything except what he was saying his housekeeper if the prospect was to go home.

  Eleona rolled his eyes clear and snorted, reached the child and sat next to him, making his eyes they were in the path of those Greg.

  He looked toward the ocean, motionless and silent, seemed even not to see her. Then drew back and looked away: now the spell was broken and Greg seemed to have given up his thoughts, which had been lost over the horizon.

  "What were you thinking? "Asked a little later.

  Greg waited a few moments: two months Eleona was his housekeeper but always seemed to know him. "I thought the sky," he said shortly after in a breath.

  Eleona seemed stunned for a moment, then brightened. "Is something bothering you small? ".

  Greg shook his head, then thought, "What's up there Miss Eleona? '

  Eleona weighed the answer to be given to the child. "The two moons, the sun and stars Greg."

  The baby did not seem sure of the answer, it was he who deliberately crosses the girl's eyes. "Why did the other night you approached with a prayer to heaven if there is nothing but the Sun, Moon and stars? "Asked squinting as many times as concentrated.

  Eleona was puzzled by the question: should have seen it, had not been prudent enough not to be noticed. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

  "You're right baby. There are the Heavenly Fathers, the protectors of this world. "

  "Who are they? "Urged the Greg.

  "Those who do so that everything goes in the right direction, those who look at us from above and that protect us from evil."

  "And who are the bad guys? '

  For the first time in his life, even if it was prepared to face a similar situation, Eleona was s
peechless, letting the silence calasse on them while in the hot sunshine of summer day decreed once again their delay.

  "That girl has to go, it is CLEAR? "Mr. Oltan ruled with a harsh tone and dry and does not belong to him and that his wife had never met until that moment. Aaton Oltan looked like a ferocious beast while his wife, clutching the back of a chair, tried in vain to subdue him. The son had been sent to his room for some time, accompanied by Eleona, knowing that this would, in all probability, the last task that would serve as a governess to Greg.

  It was just one word, only to unleash the storm at home Oltan. Greg Eleona to defend the delay with which they had come for lunch had admitted his guilt by saying that he asked who were the Heavenly Fathers. His father became altered to purple and then furious roared the girl to go to bed Greg immediately for the afternoon nap, and then show up again in the dining room to resign.

  The girl went down in the room keeping the head upright and staring, showing their dignity even in that moment. His movements betrayed the calm that reigned inside her. As the time was mild was now aware of having done its job. The girl did not move from the entrance hall, the front of Mr. Oltan frowned, then directed his reproachful look at his wife and told her to leave the room. They were alone, in silence for long moments, during which the man seemed to regain his usual cool and calm.

  "Sit down," he said, even though in his invitation there was no trace of friendliness.

  "They have sent you, right? "He asked, taking her place in turn and twirling, perhaps unconsciously, his eyes upward.

  Eleona was not sure that explanation was part of his duties, but the man, in the guise of a businessman, wanted an explanation, as a father, demanded.

  She nodded but did not say anything else.

  "They no longer trust me maybe? "Asked Oltan with questioning look, for a moment I touched the terrible thought that the woman had been sent there to take away his son.

  Eleona caught the terror in his eyes. "I am not aware of their thinking about it, I would never think to understand the mind of creatures so superior. My job was to make sure the baby's health and that everything went according to their will. "

  Oltan did not seem satisfied with the answer and he urged, his voice hard.

  "I will not permit you to take away my son, whatever his fate. He's just a baby. "

  The look of Eleona softened, but when he spoke again his voice was firm as well as its expression "No one wants to take away his son but has to get used to the idea that one day this will be made irrevocable '

  Oltan once again realized how uncomfortable it was its position as the child was entrusted to him even a stranger could get to tell him what to think.

  Eleona no expectations other words, thought the discussion ended, he stood up and disappeared, leaving only Mr. Oltan with the only thought that seemed reasonable at the time. No one would take away his son.

  "I beg you, Gregris Iranon Oltan, behave as befits a member of high society, for once," crooned for the umpteenth time Vylia Oltan as he adjusted the collar of his son who persisted in not wanting to engage the buckle. When he called his full name adding the surname the matter was serious. Greg, at the age of eight years, was not yet aware of the fact that his last name and his social position should be a source of pride for him. It would have been even nine years later, but his mother never lost hope that her son, sooner or later, to understand him. Sooner or later he would have discovered that his was all a waste of breath and that no heir or of one of the most powerful families in Selthon, he always preferred to play and spend your time with people belonging to lower social classes.

  His father, not far away, curled up at eye level of the child to make sure that it did not just pretend to listen.

  "You are the son of the new Director-in-chief of the maritime activities of the imperial capital. Dinner tonight is in honor of a very, very important man. Do not kick you in any trouble. You're not with your friends. "Greg was limited to frown and to emit a puff.

  "I make myself clear? "Asked the father vehemently.

  After another puff Greg nodded with little conviction, his father had to judge the satisfactory answer, gave him a worried look and then turned and reached the door and letting in a heavy coat lined with gray fur.

  Two maids helped her mother to put on a fur coat as his caregiver, eight years was perhaps one of the few children who still had one, which did not fail to arouse the laughter in his friends, first of all one of Mark , he slipped on his coat.

  Waiting for them outside the private car of his father, the darkness of winter his body gleamed silver soon. It was rare to see cars like that to Selthon port, Greg himself had seen the private car of his father maybe once or twice but that was the first time he entered it.

  The doors opened on both sides and he sat in the middle between his father and his mother, lightly pressed, and shortly after the car was moving, moving away from home.

  For weeks, heard about the dinner, not possible to escape that burden. As Greg would be very happy not to take part, and normally it would not have been his mother judged essential to the image of his father that he was present, for what he called "entry into society."

  Greg had turned their noses had protested in vain, had been forced to put up with weeks of jokes from his friends, then he finally arrived the day of the gala: his mother had spent the whole day in the busy final preparations, forcing Greg to follow her everywhere she went, with the excuse that he had to try on clothes for the event.

  Several times during the trip through the hills of Selthon, Greg had tried to rebel against those uncomfortable clothes that looked like it bandaged everywhere. Even the buckle that his mother had impuntata love him connect at all costs had been able to dissolve. The journey passed in silence, interrupted, however, by the comments of his mother about what was necessary for them to own a villa in the countryside. His father, the numerous requests of petulant wife had merely responded with deep grunts as dried. After a little more than ten minutes she got tired and bored in turn, had assumed a sulky expression and folded his arms, merely to observe the scenery outside the window.

  The car was muttering softly along the road recently paved, while the blue lights lit up faintly the road.

  After several turns, which Greg was not used and that they had to worry about, the machine stopped. In the midst of voluminous fur of his parents Greg could not see out the window, he perceived only confused many lights that after the trip spent in the dark, stunned him for a moment.

  Aaton Oltan and his wife got out of the car and Greg followed them a short distance, looking, finally around: a long path lit by street lamps and surrounded by statues and hedges had appeared suddenly before his eyes, leaving him open-mouthed. In the end, after a porch, there was the entrance to a house compared to which his house was perhaps half of the half.

  His mother, not seeing him next turned, do unladylike grabbed the hem of his garment, and with a quick pace caught up with him, grabbing his hand and dragging him with it at a pace that Greg found it difficult to follow. Behind them they perceived the sound of other cars that were coming while in the meantime the three now, were advancing briskly toward the house.

  The circular colonnade which came shortly before the actual entrance to the villa, stood a magnificent fountain in scale reduced but still appreciable than that posed in front of the Major Basilica of Selthon.

  In the group of sculptures towered like a real Lord Leviathan while its sides appeared less mythical figures that Greg, escaping from the grip of his mother and closer, he could not recognize. Paused instead of a, smaller than the other, very similar to a large toad. His father was shortly after next, just as Greg, puzzled by the interruption was leaning to touch it. His father, strangely because of its size, it was almost cast upon him, and, lifting weight, had taken away.

  "Those are myths, they do not exist" he said, underlining his words with an altered tone, almost threatening. Greg nodded, then turned back, he could not help but look again at
the statue from whose mouth came a gentle spray of water.

  The entrance to the villa consisted of two decorated columns, in the middle of which was placed a wooden door, the guard which was placed a servant in livery, bowing briefly opened the door, causing them to enter.

  If the exterior of the house, in spite of the darkness, it was gorgeous, the interior, in a sparkling gold, crystal and mirrors, it was even more so.

  In an anteroom they were helped to take off the fur and a few moments later, two servants, opening doors inlaid with gold and precious stones, introducing them to the room where the real party had just begun. A new servant, Greg could not believe that there were so many, announced their arrival and a number of heads that were in the room turned, nodded and smiled and then dive back into what they were doing.

  Greg advancing in the room flanked by his parents: his hand was clenched with her ​​mother's hand, for the first time was in a totally foreign to him and of which he knew nothing. They stopped several times to receive the greetings of many members of society Selthoniana which Greg had not even heard of. His mother, with sudden timing, every time they stopped did not fail to forge stronger than his son's hand, the sign agreement through which ordered him to make a small bow.

  All of them found it incredibly similar to his parents, incredibly cute and surprisingly well educated, comments to which his mother could not help but feel gratified. Other servants, with large trays in their hands they passed in half and her parents did not do less to use. Greg was bored and went on the evening maneuvering between skirts and uniforms of important members of the empire, and representatives of the army and inert was carried away by his mother.

  Finally reached a rather thick, which seemed to have concentrated most of the guests present. There was a silence as a servant, in a loud voice, announcing the arrival of Chancellor Samarlec, the master of the house. A burst of applause well behaved poured onto the dining room, his mother, came even to the point of letting my hand just to take part.

  In an anteroom they were helped to take off the fur and a few moments later, two servants, opening doors inlaid with gold and precious stones, introducing them to the room where the real party had just begun. A new servant, Greg could not believe that there were so many, announced their arrival and a number of heads that were in the room turned, nodded and smiled and then dive back into what they were doing.

  Greg advancing in the room flanked by his parents: his hand was clenched with his mother's hand, for the first time was in a place totally unknown to him and of which he knew nothing. They stopped several times to receive the greetings of many members of the selthonian society which Greg had not even heard of. His mother, with sudden timing, every time they stopped did not fail to forge stronger than his son's hand, the sign agreement through which ordered him to make a small bow.

  All of them found it incredibly similar to his parents, incredibly cute and surprisingly well educated, comments to which his mother could not help but feel gratified. Other servants, with large trays in their hands they passed in half and her parents did not do less to use. Greg was bored and went on the evening maneuvering between skirts and uniforms of important members of the empire, and representatives of the army and inert was carried away by his mother.

  Finally reached a rather thick, which seemed to have concentrated most of the guests present. There was a silence as a servant, in a loud voice, announcing the arrival of Chancellor Samarlec, the master of the house. A burst of applause well behaved poured onto the dining room, his mother, came even to the point of letting my hand just to take part.

  The eyes of all present were magnetized to a young man whose clothes stood out for glory even on the rich furnishings of the room. Measured with a wave of his hand he greeted his guests, then cleared his throat and spoke.

  "My friends, I am really happy to see you all gathered here in my humble abode to the party of my election as Chancellor." The hall was again overwhelmed by applause.

  "Without your support I probably could not occupy this position so important and onerous, so I thank you sincerely for your equal citizen, for the great honor you have made me."

  With a calm hand gesture calmed applause new, even more thunderous, smiled and spoke again.

  "You are all aware of how our Empire has been recently, before my election, exposed to the risk of a civil war. The divine Emperor did not, however, accepted a compromise and so vile, sealing my appointment, he brought an end to hostilities »the applause, although numerous, this time merged with the noise in the background.

  "Thanking you again for accepting my invitation, as a good host, I just have nothing else to add," he was bringing a jeweled chalice filled with wine. I threw up, and invite the audience to do the same and, in a final burst of applause, raising his voice slightly and adding emphasis he said, "Let the party begin! '