Read The Stones of Talarana I - The Shadow of the Tyrant Page 3

Shortly after Greg stood alone while his parents, along with other guests, tried to approach the Registrar to pay homage. He wandered a bit 'around the room, looking around, then his attention went to a group of children, probably his age, he had not noticed before. They probably had been dragged there by force from their parents. Approached, there were four children in a circle, everyone took him away, watched them for a few seconds without being able to understand what they were doing, then one of them let out a cry of surprise, just by opening the circle and leaving Greg 's opportunity to see better. A little boy up, perhaps a little older than him, proudly showed his right hand, in which, burning, kept a fireball. The other three children were left open-mouthed in front of so prodigious apparition, Greg, not least, won an embarrassment to him.

  "What do you want?" Asked the little boy top, looking down on the newcomer.

  Greg was silent for a few seconds, so that the other seemed impatient, getting rid of the heat from his palm and repeating the question again.

  "How did you do that?" He asked, fascinated, avoiding to answer the question that probably had not even heard.

  The other burst into an amused laugh, which also followed those of his friends and the girl who was with them and that Greg had not previously noticed.

  "How ignorant you are," said one of the others.

  "But where you have lived so far?" Echoed another.

  Interrupted the girl, petite but penetrating voice, "This is magic, he will one day become a magician!"

  Greg, forgetting the unfriendly words that had been spoken, observed admired the boy, proud, smiling with arms folded.

  "How do you become a magician?" He asked as his eyes shone a light of enthusiasm.

  The other shook his head. "You would like to become a magician?" He said in the tone of someone who was offended. "Do not be silly. And even if I'd never do that to my height, I am instructed by the Chancellor himself, the greatest and most powerful wizard in the world. "

  The others nodded, Greg pouted and began to think. "Why can not I?" He asked, naive.

  The boy laughed again and his eyes shone a light left, totally different from what it was just before baluginata in the eyes of Greg. "Well, if you insist, let's see if you can do what I did," and laughed again, and laughed.

  "But I do not know how to do it," protested Greg.

  The other and the seconded said defiantly. "Speak the words" mej fer ruby "and stretch out your hand in front of you."

  Greg looked at him puzzled. "It takes so little? '. The other gave him a sideways glance, his smile became a grin of defiance. "Try it, see what you can do."

  Greg tried: the first time he did not get anything, just the laughter of the other children, the second was worse than the first, the laughter grew louder, the third time Greg began to lose patience, and his voice grew without notice a faint light flashed in his hand, followed by small plumes of smoke. The laughter stopped abruptly, while behind him someone had started to beat her hands gently.

  Greg still did not understand until he saw the three children perform in a bow and curtsey child, at which point it remained not turn around, face to face with the man who had just welcomed his guests to 'inside of his house.

  "I could not help noticing strange movements in these parts of the room. I am not surprised to see you work Laukros. The ability to publicly display your skills is commendable but be careful, you can reveal a double edged sword. You can always find out that there is someone better and with you, "said the Chancellor, his voice soft.

  The boy bowed his head slightly, Samarlec smiled, then turned his attention to Greg. He knelt down to be with his face to the front of Greg. "I do not think I've ever seen, who are you?"

  Greg, remembering the teachings of pressing his mother but he was never instructed on how he would have to show in front of the Chancellor himself, he decided to bow and then arise. "My name is Greg Oltan, son of Aaton Oltan administrator in chief of the activities of the Port of Selthon." The other children snickered while Chancellor, not badandovi, smiled, nodding. "Nice to meet you Greg Oltan. I know your father of view, but I did not know that his son possessed magical powers. " Greg opened his mouth, the other children suddenly stopped laughing.

  Soon after, out of breath, then his parents, his father, out of breath, unable to speak. "Where were you going to finish, we've looked everywhere, because of you we could not even pay homage to the Chancellor" cried her mother furious. His father looked at him with disappointment as the man bent rose and performed a short bow in front of the newcomers to offer him then his gifts:

  "My guests, you have to be the parents of this child, aren’t you?"

  Vylia Oltan let out a yelp of surprise, shortly after composing performed a deep bow in front of the Chancellor, immediately imitated by her husband.

  "Get up as well, this suit is not necessary formalities," said jovial man.

  His father stammered something about the great honor to know him personally, Samarlec stopped him with a slight wave of his hand, "were you aware of the potential of your child?".

  "Gr-Gre-Gregris?" She asked with a note of disappointment.

  "My lady, did not know that his son has natural magical abilities? I am convinced that it could become a great magician if well below »

  Vylia's eyes widened in surprise, his father began to gasp and pant and became red in the face.

  "Really?" He asked, hoping that the Chancellor was joking or that you were wrong.

  "Certainly Oltan Administrator, has just demonstrated materializing a small ball of fire," the Chancellor confirmed with confidence.

  Aaton Oltan had heard enough, stammering excuses and very little credibility apologized endlessly with the Chancellor, then, followed by his wife and son, which was still struggling to comprehend the fact that he could reveal a flame in his hand, he left the party.

  Vylia Oltan, losing his usual demeanor, she barked an incredible number of protests behind her husband, Aaton Oltan far not even heard while fast pace and tight despite its size, dragged his son by the arm.

  Greg tossed from side to side by the vehemence of his father, who in his life he had never seen explode in a way so overwhelming and so difficult to identify, it was with the head somewhere else, thought of the words of the Chancellor, he thought back to feelings that, in those few seconds, she felt evoking that fireball.

  In the car, his mother did not say a word while his father merely grunted impatiently. Greg, in the middle, still did not understand what was happening, wondering if he had done something wrong.

  Then, with the ingenuity that had always been shown to have asked:

  "Father, can I become a magician when I grow up?". His father flared up suddenly and the driver almost had to stop the car from fright: "YOU'LL NEVER BE A WIZARD NOR 'TOMORROW OR' WHEN YOU ARE ADULT! YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY PLACE OF DIRECTOR AND YOU AT YOUR TIME WITH YOUR CHILDREN AND THE WOULD BE SO 'UNTIL THE MOONS WILL STAY IN SKY, I HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR? "

  Greg stared a moment his father, then nodded and was silent for the rest of the trip.

  Aaton Oltan, worried, after an argument with his wife turned rather, struggled a lot to get to sleep that night while words and images of years before they appeared before him every time she closed her eyes. Normally he would try to banish his nightmares considering nothing but nonsense, but that warning, clear as clear, turned those dreams into reality, an inconvenient truth and not easy to accept, a truth that as far as he would have been possible would have hidden from everyone, including his wife. But he did not know the course of events prophesied years before had inevitably set in motion as gears of a clock enormous and complicated gear but, he believed, and if it was promised several times to himself, he tried to obstruct and sabotage in all modes.