Read The Survivalistas: Book 2- Lyric Page 1

  The Survivalistas

  Book 2- Lyric

  By Shandy Jo

  Copyright 2014 Shandy Sanford

  Cover art created by Shandy Sanford

  Graphic from and taken by the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. While the places maybe real the author has used creative license.

  Author's Note: In order to offer you my work free I could not afford to have my work professionally edited. If you find any misspellings, grammar issues or problems in general with this work please let me know. I look forward to hearing what you think, feel free to email me at [email protected] or just lay it all on the line and leave a review.


  Pulling her long blond hair into a pony tail, Lyric studied her reflection for a moment. Why couldn't she look more like her Dad? Then this thing would be in the bag. Wrinkling her nose at her too blue eyes and pale skin, she pulled on a head band to keep her bangs out of her face. Picking up a tube on the counter she squeezed a line of blue green face mask out onto her fingers and slathered it over her face, careful not to get any on her manicure. Once she was satisfied her face was completely covered, she put the tube back and washed her hands.

  Exiting the bathroom she found her mother shaking her head at the television. Her mom looked up at her. “Would you look at this insanity. People attacking each other, looting, it's mayhem in the big cities. Everyone's going crazy after this last attack.”

  Lyric settled next to her mother on the couch watching the latest news coverage of New York City. The screen was filled with overwhelmed nurses and packed emergency waiting room.

  “Bio-terrorism is a scary thing, mom. People got sick and either went nuts or died.”

  “I know, honey, but even more are going to die, with folks acting like this.”

  Lyric didn't reply she just stared at the TV, the ticker at the bottom of the screen scrolled the same warning it had for the past few days. All meat has been recalled, any bought within the past month should be taken to a proper disposal center, with a list of local centers following.

  “Have you heard anything from Aunt Tera?”

  “Just the text saying she, Uncle Dan and Indie would be staying at the school. If things get real bad to join them, but I think it's just Dan and his paranoia. This to shall pass.”

  Lyric wasn't as sure as her mother. The camera focused on a man strapped to a gurney, the camera man zoomed in on his face. A chill crept over Lyric's spine, the mans face was a mask of rage as he thrashed, but his eyes were totally blank. The camera panned out as the guy began to flail wildly. Doctors ran to his aide the flurry of people reminding Lyric of a medical drama. Suddenly the screen went black and a moment later a reporter in the TV station appeared, apologizing for technical difficulties. The phone rang startling Lyric, she glanced at her mom. Sharon got to her feet and walked over to pick up her cell phone from the counter.

  “Hello Milly.”

  Going back to the TV, Lyric half listened to her mother on the phone. The worry in the older woman’s voice grabbed her attention again. “All right I'll meet you there.”

  “What's going on?” Lyric asked as Sharon put the phone down.

  “You're Dad collapsed at work, their sending him to the hospital. I'm going to head over there now.”

  “Give me a minute and I'll go with...”

  “No you have a big day tomorrow, I'll take care of your Dad. Once I get there I'll give you a call and let you know what going on. You just worry about winning that contest tomorrow.”

  Lyric smiled, getting up and followed her mother into the kitchen. “Tomorrow will be a breeze, small potatoes.” She paused. “Get it, Irish Festival, small potatoes.”

  “Sweetie, don't get cocky.” Sharon pulled on her coat and picked up her purse. “Be good, talk to you later.”


  “And the winner of the twenty-ninth annual Miss Ireland pageant is...” A scream interrupted the announcer. In the back of the theater a woman fought against a man who looked drunk. The announcer called for security while a man ran to help the woman. The doors opened and more people surged into the theater, lurching as though they to had had to much to drink.

  Over head loud speakers squealed, “Will everyone please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion.”

  The announcer looked at Lyric and the other girls. “Out the fire exits.” He gestured as the judges scrambled up on stage and followed them. Jude, one of the other pageant entries, pushed the door open and let out a yelp as a man rushed at her. She struggled to keep his snapping teeth away from her face, screaming all the while. Without thinking Lyric grabbed a metal folding chair from where it leaned against the wall and swung with all her might. There was a wet thunk and the man let go falling to the floor. Jude stared at Lyric eyes wide and frightened.

  “Did he hurt you?”

  Jude shook her head dumbly. “No, did you kill him?”

  “I don't know but let's get the hell out of here.” Lyric muttered looking from the prone figure on the floor to the people around her. Dropping the chair she herded them out of the building. Outside it was just chaos.

  “Holy Mother of God.” One of the judges muttered beside Lyric. People screamed and ran, while others lurched drunkenly after them. Lyric could have swore she heard gun fire in the distance. It was like a bad B horror movie. Many of the people shuffling and lurching wore only hospital gowns, their eyes blank and staring while their faces were contorted in silent rage at everyone around them. One man was completely naked and bore a huge Y incision over his torso.

  “This is so not right.”

  Behind Lyric the female judge screamed, whirling she found the poor woman being bit by a man. The younger male judge muttered, “Screw this.” Before running down the street.

  The older male judge, Lyric thought his name was Richard, frowned moving closer, and punching the man biting the woman. It took two punches before the man let go, shook his head and shambled away. The female judge sobbed, as blood ran down her arm.

  “We're going to have to stop the bleeding.”

  Lyric looked around, their dresses wouldn't do any good. “Wait here.” She said, and ducked back into the building. Quietly she made her way to the dressing room where she'd left her messenger bag. Grabbing it, she looked around for anything else that would be useful. A baseball bat leaned in a corner, probably a prop from one of the past plays. Grabbing it Lyric returned to the door and back out into the chaos.

  The woman now sat on the ground, sobbing. Richard had removed his shirt and was using it to staunch the flow of blood.

  “Take that off.” Lyric said, pulling a maxi pad from her purse.

  “What are you going to do with that?” Jude asked, looking around nervously.

  Lyric didn't reply just slapped the pad over the wound, then took two hair ties out wrapping them around the woman’s arm to keep the pad in place. “That should work for now, but we might want to get you to the hospital. Do you think you can walk a couple blocks?”

  “Yeah.” She managed through her tears and Richard helped her to her feet.

  Lyric looked around. “Where did Kyra go?”

  “Took off.” The announcer replied, falling into step next to her. Jude walked next to Richard, who was helping the wounded woman. “Oh here. You won.” He handed her the crown and sash he
still held.

  “Thanks.” She replied absently putting them in her bag.

  For the most part they were ignored, Lyric smashed a few with the baseball bat leaving them laying on the ground. As her adrenaline waned, the March cold began seeping in goosebumps covered her bare arms and shivers wracked her body. High heels were not ideal wear for the slush covered sidewalks.

  The closer they got to the hospital the louder the gun fire became, a couple cop cars flew by with their lights on.

  Her parents were still at the hospital, the doctors keeping her Dad for more tests. We're they ok? Did one of these crazies attack them? We're they locked in a basement safe or had they been moved before this insanity began?

  An Army Jeep pulled up next to them, breaking Lyric's train of thought. A large guy not much older than her, climbed out holding a gun. His chocolate colored skin seemed to glisten in the chilly air, as his darker eyes took them in.

  “Anyone hurt?” He asked moving closer, a smirk played on the corners of his lips as he looked over Lyric then Jude.

  They must have been a sight, dressed in formal gowns. Blood on her's from when she dress the wound, holding the baseball bat. Stepping out of the way, Lyric gestured to the female judge. “She's been bitten and it's pretty bad.”

  He inched closer, hand hooked in his gun and looked at the make shift bandage. “Interesting. Hop in we'll take you to the medic.”

  Richard gave Lyric and Jude a little push toward the jeep. “You two should go with Carol.”

  The solider and Jude helped Carol into the Jeep. Lyric handed Richard the bat. “Just in case.”

  He nodded, “Thanks, and Congratulations, you were my pick.”

  Lyric smiled and climbed in the jeep, once the solider was in they drove off.

  Chapter 1

  Lyric stared at the ceiling in the stuffy gymnasium. Two month since Marcus, the soldier, had brought them to Fort Drum. No one had explained anything at first but now she knew the truth. Mostly thanks to Marcus. They had hit it off becoming friends, and it had blossom into something more. He'd let slip a few classified things. Like that the people attacking had been zombies, transformed due to the virus put in the recalled meat. He'd also let slip that the camp was in lock down, once in that was it. No one was aloud back out.

  Her parent still hadn't contacted her, or showed up.

  Lost in thought she almost didn't hear Marcus whisper. “You sleeping, Lyric.”

  She rolled toward him, at least as much as the small cot let her. “No.”

  “Good come on.”

  With a smile, Lyric climbed out of the cot, and grabbed her issued rucksack, which held all her possessions. Tossing it over her shoulder, she followed Marcus out of the Gym and over to the barracks. Stepping from the warm building into the cool night air, Lyric shivered. Marcus reached over and put his arm around her shoulders. He guided her into the barracks and down the hall to his room. Unlocking and opening the door, Marcus gave her a little push inside then followed.

  Lyric dropped her bag next to the door, walking into the small kitchenette. “Hungry?”

  “Yeah. Mess hall closed before I got there.”

  She sighed pulling open the small fridge. “You didn't miss much, I think they're running low on food.”

  He nodded, trudging over and flopping on the bed. “There's been talk of rationing.”

  Taking out the stuff to make him a sandwich, she set it on the counter. “Hows the gate?”

  “Not good. If many more come, it might go down.”

  Lyric didn't reply as she slapped mustard over the bread then added ham and cheese. After pressing the last piece of bread on top she put the supplies away. Picking up the sandwich she carried it over to where he sat. Marcus took the sandwich, then grabbed her tugging her onto his lap.

  “I heard that you took a job introducing the newbies.”

  “Yeah, I'll be helping acclimate new people after they've passed quarantine. I figure it's a good way to see if my folks make it.”

  “Good idea.” He grinned at her, and took a bite.

  “Thanks. Mind if I use your shower. I hate that locker room, no privacy.”

  He swallowed. “Go ahead. I know it's the only reason you're dating me.”

  Standing she grinned. “It's not the only reason.” With a smile she headed for the bathroom.


  Lyric jerked awake to a blaring siren. Marcus was already dressed and yanking on his boots.

  “A drill?” Lyric asked rubbing her eyes.

  “Maybe, but I don't think so.”

  She sat up and crawled to the edge of the bed. “Be careful.”

  Marcus nodded, his expression serious. “I will, Hon.” He gave her a quick kiss and left. Lyric changed from her pajamas into jeans and one of Marcus's sweat shirts. Leaving the light off, she went to the window peering out the blinds to see if she could see anything. Gun shots rang out. It wasn't a drill. Not wasting any time Lyric yanked a half full backpack out from under the bed. After a quick look over the contents, she began adding a few things. Taking Marcus's handgun from the nightstand she strapped the holster on and packed extra ammunition.

  Screams and increasing gun fire, grew louder outside, but Lyric forced herself to ignore it and focus on survival. A loud slam against the door, caused her to jump. Fumbling out the handgun, she slowly walked to the door.

  Another slam, followed by a voice this time. “Damn it Lyric, we gotta go. Open the f-ing door, Marcus is waiting.”

  Quickly she shoved the gun in the holster and unlocked the door. Ira, Marcus's best-friend, pushed the door open. “Come on.”

  “One sec.” She muttered, grabbing the bags and following him out. A few men dressed in military grab ran passed them, giving Ira a quick nod. Other wise the place was empty. Ira led her out an emergency exit and around the building to where Marcus sat in a jeep. He started as Ira opened the door, his hand going for his weapon, then he relaxed slightly seeing it was them.

  “Come on, we've got to get the hell out of here.” He said, as Lyric climbed in the back. Ira took the front seat with a death grip on his gun.

  As Marcus peeled out, Lyric asked. “What happened?”

  “The fence fell, they got through... and the zombies have changed.”

  “What do you mean they've changed?” Lyric asked as they barreled down the road away from the carnage.

  A harrowed looking figure stumbled into the road. Marcus didn't even slow down, Lyric squealed as the jeep clipped the person send him or her flying off the road.

  “You just...”

  “Lyric.” Marcus growled. “I'm trying to drive and save your life.”

  Clenching her teeth, Lyric squeezed her eye's shut, doing her best to ignore every bump and thump the vehicle hit. She ventured a peek when they slowed, a gated fence blocked the road. Ira got out cautiously he walked over to the gate shot the chain and opened it.

  Marcus glanced back at her, “Sorry, I snapped.”

  “It's ok, we're trying to survive a zombie apocalypse I shouldn't be squeamish.”

  He chuckled, “You can be squeamish.”

  Ira hopped back into the jeep. “Sure can, Princess, I'd be crushed if you weren't. It'd ruin my image of vapid beauty queens.”

  Lyric gave him a wane smile, as Marcus eased the Jeep through the gate. This area was heavily forested and seriously dark at night.

  Turning on to the main road, Marcus glanced at her in the rear view mirror. “Where to, you're the only native new yorker in the vehicle?”

  Lyric could only think of one place to go at this point. “Head toward Carthage. We'll go to my Aunt and Uncle's Survival School.”

  “Where's that?” Ira asked, turning to look at her over the seat.

  “Up in the Adirondacks. Deep in the woods. I've only been there a handful of times, but I know the way and if any one has survived this thing, it's Uncle Dan, Aunt Tera and Indie.”

  Chapter 2

ic woke as the jeep came to a stop, and the engine cut out. “Where are we?”

  “Small pit stop to get some gas and bathroom break.” Ira said, looking back at her.

  “Wait here we'll go in and make sure it's clear.”

  “Like hell I am!” She unsnapped her seat-belt. “It's always the scared chick in the car that get's it first in the movies.”

  Marcus glanced at Ira and they laughed. “Ok, stay close and don't shoot us.”

  Lyric frowned at him, as she climbed out of the vehicle after them. She knew how to handle firearms her father had taught her to hunt, and her uncle had driven home the point that guns were not toys. Although she would have felt safer with a shot gun.

  She pulled out the hand gun and followed Marcus into the Nice & Easy convenience store. Surprisingly most the huge plate glass windows were still intact, and they could see the front of the building looked empty. Pulling open the door Marcus went in scanning the place. He waved the other two in. The place had been pretty picked over, shelves were bare, coolers had been left open.

  “What exactly are we doing here, again?” Lyric asked, looking around at the destruction.

  “Getting gas and hopefully food.” Ira muttered, walking over to the cash register.

  “Out here looks clear. Lyric would you see if anythings left?”

  Skeptically she eyed the shelves, again, then holstered her gun. “Sure.” She walked over the the counter and grabbed a few plastic bags. Starting with the closest shelves she worked her way toward the coolers in back. Kicking empty boxes, and papers out of her way as she went. Reaching down to shove a beer box out of the way she was surprised to find it heavy. Out of curiosity she opened in, inside someone had place a couple boxes of Twinkies, several energy drinks, a bag of potato chips and several candy bars. Clearly someone had stashed this in the hopes of coming back.

  “Jack pot!” She grinned, looking around, maybe there was more than one box. Setting the box next to the door, glancing out she noted that Ira and Marcus were fighting with the gas pump. Shaking her head, she wondered if she should yell at them that the pumps would work with out power. Shrugging she decided they'd figure it out and began digging through the debris in earnest. Finding two more boxes with junk food and energy drinks. Adding the boxes to her pile she peeked out the doors again, to find the guys, putting gas cans into the back. Turning back to the job at hand she looked around trying to figure out where she hadn't already looked. Her gaze landed on a single soda box sitting in a cooler. Opening the door the smell, something like rotting meat, waft out from the back.