Read The Survivalistas: Book 2- Lyric Page 2

  A decayed hand shot out of the shelves at her. Lyric let out a cry, and back peddled knocking over an empty rack. The creature threw itself against the shelves it's hands clawing for her, she could hear its teeth gnashing together. Grabbing the door Lyric slammed it shut. Running over to the pile of boxes, she stacked them carefully one on top of the other, and picked them up. Pushing the door open with her hip she glanced over at the rattling cooler door wondering if the thing could get out or not.

  Heading for the Jeep she called, “Hey guys little help?”

  Marcus looked up, his eyes grew wide when he saw the precariously balanced boxes. “All you could find was beer?”

  He opened the door to the back and she set the boxes inside. “No someone stashed a bunch of stuff in the beer boxes and hid them in the garbage. I assume they where hoping no one would find them.”

  “Good thing I had you look, huh.”

  “Yeah, well there's also a zombie in the cooler. So don't ask me to go back in.” She added walking around the get in the backseat.

  “Didn't hear you scream.”

  Lyric gave Ira a withering look. “I don't scream.”

  “Yeah right.”

  “No seriously I can't, the most you'll get is an ahhh. It's like my voice won't do it.” She snapped her fingers. “Damn, would one of you brave strong men mind going in and getting a map. I forgot.”

  “I got it.” Marcus said, jogging toward the store.

  Sliding into the Jeep Lyric slammed her door, then leaned her head against the back of the seat. A few seconds later she heard Ira climb in the drivers seat. “How'd you guys get gas anyway? I figured the pumps wouldn't work if there was no power.”

  “Someone was kind enough to set up a hand pump and hose, where they fill the main tank. We used the cans to fill the Jeep, then refilled them and put the cans in back.”

  “Cool.” Lyric muttered, raising her head and looking toward the building. Marcus exited with a large trucker atlas and maps. Running toward the jeep he climbed in the passenger side and handed her the maps.

  “Your friend in there was pissed.”

  “Probably just hungry.” Lyric mumbled looking over the map.

  The guys chuckled as Ira put the vehicle in gear. “Speaking of hungry. What all did you find?”

  “Mostly junk food, Twinkies, energy drinks, and chips.”

  “Mm, food of champions.”

  Chapter 3

  Lyric pulled to a stop, and looked at the map. She was so winging this, sighing she looked at Marcus who was sleeping in the passenger seat. What if she was wrong? Drawing a deep breath she pushed those thoughts away and studied the map. They'd stuck to back roads for the most part, but in order to get to the Number 4 road she was going to have to go through Lowville. Right through the center of the town. Granted the place wasn't very big, but any where that had been populated had the potential to have zombies.

  Reaching over she poked Marcus in the arm. “Hey wake up.”

  Instantly he was wide awake, “what's wrong?”

  “Nothing, well, we're going to have to go right through the middle of Lowville. I thought it would be a good idea if someone was awake to shoot if need be.”

  Yawning and stretching, he nodded. “You got it, sweetheart.” Casting a quick glance into the back seat where Ira lay snoring, he leaned over grinning. “Come on give me some sugar, baby.”

  Lyric smirked, a giggle slipping out. “Corn ball.” She muttered, leaning toward him and meeting his lips with hers. Pulling away she added, “and quoting my favorite movie won't get you into my pants.”

  “Worth a try.” He replied, settling back in his seat.

  Lyric bit her lip on a smile and turned onto the road leading toward the village. Her smile melted as houses appeared. Some had boards covering the windows, and others the windows had been smashed. One houses door hung open, a dark stain covering the front walk. On a few front yards and the sidewalk were what looked like decaying corpses. Lyric quickly turned her eyes back on the road, as her stomach threatened to heave the Red Bull she'd drank earlier. Swerving around a tipped over F150, they saw the small downtown area had been pillaged. Even a tiny print shop hadn't been missed, with it's windows smashed and a trail of cords hanging out onto the sidewalk. From a shop across the street, a figure stumbled out.

  Marcus picked up the gun, propped between his legs. Lyric swallowed and sped up, whipping down the road that lead where she wanted to go. After driving a ways the pavement turned to gravel then to dirt. Mud bogged down the tires making them to slip and slide on the narrow road. Lyric pulled over and let Ira take the wheel. As they whizzed by a boulder with 'this road is fucked' spray painted on it. Lyric chuckled, “Someone had this road pegged.”

  The guys exchanged a grin. As they negotiated a last turn and houses magically appeared along a paved road. Ira slowed, rolling down the picturesque streets. Unlike Lowville there was no carnage, the houses looked untouched. Turning another sharp corner they slowed abruptly. On one side of the road was a parking lot filled with vehicles, the other a massive stone church. The doors to the building we're wide open and two men with guns stood either side. As the Jeep rolled into view, one ducked inside, while other moved toward them.

  Ira braked, and threw the vehicle in park. Lyric scooted forward on the back seat to hear better. Gun leaning against his shoulder, the man wore head to toe camo. He waited as Ira rolled down his window.

  “Mighty small rescue party, you have here.”

  “Sorry, Sir, but this isn't a rescue party.”

  “But ya are Army, aren't ya?” His eyes narrowed, and his hand reached for the shot gun on his shoulder.

  “Yes, Sir, we are...”

  “Then you're what? A scout?” He asked, cutting Ira off.

  A bad feeling rolled through Lyric's belly at the guys interrogation. She didn't like the way he kept his hand on the gun strap, and eyes flicked from Ira to Marcus. She'd been around enough hunters to know a causal hold from a 'I'm getting ready to put holes in something' hold.

  She rocked back looking at the church wondering where the other guy had got to and saw another man accompanying the other guard, coming toward them. He was the complete opposite of the other two wearing a crisp black shirt and pants. Looking like he'd be more at place in an office, than the middle of nowhere.

  He smiled, flashing straight white teeth. “Mike don't scare them away.”

  The man standing before Ira's window visibly relaxed, and stepped aside. “No worries, Rev they ain't going anywhere.”

  Lyric glanced from one man to the other through the window, not liking the undertones. Behind the Rev a small group of people filtered out of the church. Her eyes danced over the crowd hoping her aunt and uncle would be there. One woman seemed familiar but otherwise she didn't know anyone in the group. They seemed to be mostly women, children, and older people. She didn't like the uneasy glances, and how they hung back. The kids seemed to cower behind the adults as if they would be attacked or beaten. But what stick out the most was there were no minorities, no one was black or Hispanic or even multiracial. Mike's hostility suddenly clicked.

  She turned her attention back to the guys in time to hear. “You folks look pretty beat. Why don't you come in and get some thing to eat, take a break. You could let us know whats going on outside our little town.”

  Lyric's stomach tightened, at the greedy look Mike gave their ride, guns and her from his new position next to her window. She shifted forward, “Guys, the Captain told us to cover as much ground as possible.” Marcus' pinched expression asked her what the hell she was doing, but she pushed on. “Mark the map and let's get back on the road.”

  The Rev's face showed his dislike of the idea that they were leaving, but he smiled. Mike's face was a thundercloud, as he looked to the Rev. Ira shrugged, “you heard the Lady, we gotta follow orders.”

  “Of course. Perhaps on your way back. Mike will radio ahead so someone can open the gate for you

  “Yeah maybe. Thanks.”

  Mike un-holsterer the walkies-talkie on his belt and spoke into it as he and the Rev walked away heads together.

  “Be on alert you two.” Lyric muttered as Ira threw the Jeep into drive.

  “So you going to let us in on why we couldn't stay here.”

  “Do you two not know how to read people?” The exchanged a glance and shrugged. Had all her years reading judges given her some sort of insight on how to read faces or body language better than trained soldiers? Shaking her head she sighed. She stared out the window realizing how this town had remained safe. On one side was a lake the other thick forest. Where the road opened they had erected fences with vehicles, chain wire, barbed wire, plywood, or whatever they could find.

  “Mike was plotting your deaths, so he could take the Jeep and everything in it. Get me? We go into that church, you two would be feeding the fish in that lake and I'd be someones forced bride.” Marcus twisted in his seat, to look at her. “I think you might be over exaggerating just a teeny bit, Darling.”

  Reaching out she took his hand. Maybe all her father's “stranger danger” lectures had her on high alert. Or maybe she was right. Lyric nodded toward the windshield as Ira slowed “Um, you think?”

  Marcus let go of her hand and turned forward. Half a dozen men clad in camo leaned up against several pick-up trucks, all were armed with hunting implements. The men where parked between them and a large wooden gate.

  One of the men strode forward, carrying a bullhorn. “Alright boys, the Rev said to do this the nice way so let the girl out of the vehicle and we'll let you go on about your business.”

  Lyric bristled at being called a girl and anger bloomed at the condescending tone the guy used. Ira glanced back at her. “Buckle up.”

  He tossed the Jeep into four wheel drive, then reverse backing up several feet. Ahead of them the men ducked behind their trucks guns pointing at them. Stopping Ira put the vehicle into drive and floored it, yanking the wheel to the right by passing all the trucks and the gate going straight through a plywood section of the fence. Bullets pinged off the metal, but none pierced the cab. One hit cracking the back window as they fishtailed in some mud. Gaining traction, the vehicle bolted forward onto the road and away from the nut jobs with guns.

  Lyric didn't start breathing again until they were out of site of the fence and several miles down the road. Once sure they weren't being followed Ira let up on the gas and they slowed to a more reasonable speed.

  “Dumb asses!” Ira muttered, glancing in the rear view mirror. He shot Lyric a grin, “They should have realized this baby was bulletproof and made for smashing shit. It's Military issue for God's sake.”

  A shaky laugh slipped out of Lyric's mouth.

  Marcus looked back at her, concern in his dark eyes. “You ok?” His gaze swept to the cracked window then back to her.

  “Yeah, I'm just wishing my training had been more about dodging bullets and less pretty feet.”

  Ira snickered, then broke into full out laughing. Marcus chucked, but still looked worried.

  Chapter 4

  Ira pulled into the vacant parking lot leading to one of the various hiking trails. Even though it was the end of May snow still covered some of the shadowed area under the trees. Climbing out she stretched her legs, as the guys inspected the damage to the Jeep.

  “Damn I thought it was pulling. They nicked the tire.” Ira muttered, circling the vehicle. He opened the back and rifled through the stuff pulling out a can of Fix a Flat. “This will have to do until we can find a spare or a new car.”

  “You don't have a spare tire?”


  Marcus stepped in front of her and wrapped his arms around her. “Just let him fix the tire, sweetheart. We need to get a new vehicle anyways, since that window won't hold up against a heavy beating.”

  “Fine.” She muttered laying her head on his chest. His heart thumped a steady calming beat under her ear, as he ran soothing circles with his fingers over her lower back. Her eyes wandered to the trail head sign, Cascade Lake. She knew where they where. Indie, Aunt Tera and her had gone hiking on this trail a couple times.

  Ira came around the Jeep dusting his hands on his pants. “Ok it'll take us a few miles, but it's not gonna last for the long haul. We need to find a place to settle and regroup.”

  Lyric pushed away from Marcus. “My Uncle has some friends that live a few miles from here. I've visited with them a couple times when staying at my aunt and uncles. Their survivalists like him, even if they're not home I'm sure they wouldn't begrudge us using their place.”

  “Ok well lets get going.”

  “First I have to use the little girls room, or bush as the case maybe.” Lyric muttered, heading for the trail.

  “Don't go to far, and be careful.” Marcus called after her, she gave a wave to let him know she heard. After going down the trail a few feet she turned and ducked into a thicket of brush. Something snagged her hair, and she yanked to disengaged it from what ever caught it. Something snapped behind her and she turned just in time to dodge what was left of the poor hiker or possibly camper that stumbled at her.

  “Son of a bitch!” She yelped grabbing up a large stick she smacked it in the head until it stopped moving. “Can't even pee in peace.” She ranted beating it a few more times, before whipping the stick at the creature.

  A twig snapped and she jerked the gun from her belt. “Whoa, don't shoot. I heard something and came to check on you.” Marcus peered around a tree at her. As she put the gun away he came closer, looking at the decaying mess that had attacked her. “Remind me not to piss you off.”

  “Whatever, lets go. I don't need to pee anymore.” She stomped passed him heading for the parking lot.

  “Uh Lyric... you got a hand stuck in your hair.”

  “Oh god! Get it out!” She started pulling at her pony tail, as bile rose in her throat. When she couldn't get it out, Marcus stopped her from ripping out her hair. Turning her he gently untangled the rotten hand from her hair tossing it on the ground. “Cut it.” She demanded, knowing she couldn't wash her hair.


  “Cut my hair just above the hair tie. I am not going to be able to deal with zombie... slime in my hair.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes damn it. Do it or I will.”

  He tugged her hair tie so it was a little lower and looser, but still high enough to get rid of the section the zombie had touched. Taking his pocket knife he sliced and suddenly her head felt ten times lighter.

  “How much?” He held the still tied hair out for her inspection a good five to six inches laid in his hand matted with the grossest thing imaginable. A shudder crept over her skin and she had never wanted a shower so bad in her life. “Thank you.”

  He nodded, sliding his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Leaning down he caught her lips in a searing kiss. Pulling away he murmured, “Don't scare me like that again.” She nodded, as he gave her another gentler kiss. “Ok Ira's waiting.” Tucking her against his side he lead her back to the Jeep.

  Chapter 5

  “It's right up here on the left.” Lyric pointed to the drive way with a Wrangler and pick up parked in it. As they pulled in a guy stepped out of the barn and walked toward them. When he got closer Lyric recognized him as her cousin Indiana's friend Ryan. The three of them had played together as kids, when she'd visited during summers but she hadn't seen him in person in year. Sure they were Facebook friends but that didn't mean anything. Hoping he would recognized her she slipped out of the jeep gesturing for the guys to stay put as she did.

  A screen door slammed as she rounded the front of the vehicle, stopping her in her tracks. On the front porch stood a Susie, Indiana's best-friend, and a guy in his teens holding a shotgun.

  “Holy shit! Lyric!”

  Her attention swung back to Ryan who smiled, jogging toward her. “Hey Ryan, I didn't think
anyone would be here. I thought you'd be at the school.”

  He grimaced, his face fell and she knew something was terribly wrong. Tears welled up before she could stop them. “There gone aren't they?”

  Ryan nodded solemnly. “All except Indiana, but she took off a little while ago. Something about recon.”

  “So the school wasn't safe.” She drew a ragged breath as the doors to the jeep opened and shut behind her.

  “It was at first, then we had to go for supplies and needed to know what was going on.” He looked toward the house, his voice hitching. “My Dad got bit, and it went downhill from there. Dan made Indie, Susie and me bug out, by the time we got back everyone was gone. Some took off, but we don't know to where.”

  Lyric nodded her mind drifting to their recent run in with the trigger happy hillbillies. She sank down to half sit, half lean on the bumper. A hand rested on her shoulder and absently she muttered, “Ryan this is Marcus and Ira, guys this is my cousin's friend Ryan. His family owns this place.”

  They shook hands and Ryan jerked a thumb toward the house. “You guys look beat, we've got food and hot showers if you're interested.”

  “How...?” Lyric started to ask pushing away from the bumper and moving toward the house. The idea of a hot shower and real food rejuvenating her.

  “Solar panels.” Ryan said, falling into step with her. “Dad wanted to go off the grid. Everyone said he was nuts but it paid off.”


  Lyric stepped into the kitchen, Susie sat at the table alone her hands wrapped around a mug of steaming tea. Running a hand through her wet hair Lyric joined her. Not having any clean clothes they both had borrowed some from Ryan's Mother. They exchanged glances. Apparently Ryan's mom was a fan of cutie shirt. They both wore a pink oversized sweatshirt, Susie's had a doleful puppy and on her's was bunnies. Smiling Lyric said, “I'm pretty sure we qualify as fashion victims right now.”