Read The Survivalistas: Book 2- Lyric Page 3

Susie snorted a laugh, smiling. “Let me get you something to eat.”

  At the thought of real food her stomach let out a gurgling rumble. “That'd be great. All I've had today was Twinkies and chips.”

  Getting up Susie walked over and pulled a plate out of the oven. “Um... I was wondering what happen to your hair? I don't mean to sound...” She trailed off for a moment as she set the plate on the table. “It just looks like you took garden shears to it.”

  Lyric ran her hands over her hair, what had been down to the middle of her back was now less than shoulder length. Just the thought of what had happened made her want to take another shower. She's washed her hair several times while in there already. Susie looked at her expectantly setting down some silverware.

  “A zombie's hand got tangled in it.”

  Susie's face squished up in distaste. “Oh gross, I'm so sorry. When you're done eating do you want me to even it up for you?”


  Chapter 6

  “Indie, your back.” Susie said glancing toward the door.

  Lyric jerked her head toward the kitchen door. Indiana stood looking shell shocked looking at her. Indie's long blond hair was matted with who knew what, her clothes were dirty and a little ripped, but it was the look in her blue eyes that got Lyric. They'd known each other since they were kids and had been as close as sisters at one time. She could tell that Indie was holding it together by shear will.

  Indie stared back, taking her in. “Lyric.”

  “Hey cuz.” Lyric climbed to her feet. Wanting to hug the one family member she knew was alive, yet slightly afraid if she did Indie would fall apart. “You look like crap.”

  “You cut your hair.” Indie swayed on her feet, and Lyric reached out to catch her, but she steadied herself. “I'm going to get cleaned up and then we can talk.”

  Lyric nodded sitting back down and giving the others a tense smile. Once she heard the bathroom door slam shut she looked at Susie. “She's not ok.”

  “Are any of us ok?”

  Sighing Lyric nodded, Susie had a point. Beside her Marcus shifted uncomfortably, then leaned over pressing a kiss to her temple. “I'm going to walk the perimeter before it gets to dark.” He got to his feet and headed out the door.

  Susie also got to her feet, “I should get Indie some clean clothes.” She also left, her feet thudding on the stairs heading up to the second level.

  “Well this is getting awkward.” Ira said, stretching out his legs under the table and putting his hands behind his head. “If this place had any more tension it'd hum.”

  Lyric raised an eyebrow at him, but he ignored her. Ryan came over pulling out a chair and sitting down. “You have no idea.”

  The door banged open making them jump, three men filed in. An older man in his forties, early fifties and two younger ones. Eugene who she had met briefly before her shower and another who had to be his brother.

  “I see we have company.” The old guy muttered setting his gun in the corner next to the door.

  Ryan twisted in his seat. “Fred, Earl this is Lyric and Ira.”

  Fred nodded in their direction. “Ran into your friend Marcus outside.” He turned to Ryan, “Can we clean up some place?”

  “Yeah, use the shower upstairs. I'll show you.” Ryan got to his feet leading Fred and Earl out of the room.


  Conversation died as Indie returned from her shower, looking a hundred and ten percent better. Susie broke the silence. “So are you going to tell us what you found out?” Susie asked, as Indie sat in a vacant seat at the table.

  “Sure if I can have some of whatever smells good.”

  Getting up Susie filled a plate from the pans on the stove. Indie recounted her run in with a doctor, while she was in town, everyone listen quietly. “It's not much but it's more than we had. Thanks Susie.”

  Susie nodded sitting back down and Indie began eating.

  Lyric could tell she was holding something back, but didn't bring it up at least not right now.

  “Indie, I'd like to introduce you to Marcus and Ira.” Lyric said, gesturing to each in turn. “Guys this is my cousin Indiana.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Indie muttered around a hunk of meat, she swallowed. “So what's your story?”

  Lyric looked at Marcus, then back at Indie. Like she had with Susie and Ryan she gave Indie a water down version of what had happened.

  “So Fort Drums out?” Indie said, as she pushed her plate away. Lyric nodded, glancing again to Marcus who also gave a curt nod. Letting out a long sigh Indiana rubbed her eyes looking very tired.

  “We've had a lot of information doled out maybe we should get some sleep and regroup in the morning.” Ryan said from where he leaned against the counter.

  “Yeah that sounds good. Do we have sleeping arrangements planned out?”

  “Girls can take the master bedroom, it'll be tight but I think you can all fit in the bed. Fred can take my room, that leaves the guest bedroom and couch.”

  Under the table Marcus squeezed her hand. “Ira and I can take turns keeping an eye out and using the couch.”

  Ryan nodded, “I'll take a turn, too and sleep in the recliner. So that means Earl and Eugene can have the guest bedroom.”

  Everyone murmured their agreement, Susie, Fred, Earl and Eugene said their good nights and took off upstairs. Ryan left to get blankets for the couch and chair, leaving Indie, Lyric, Ira, and Marcus in the kitchen. A stifling silence permeated the room. Lyric wasn't sure what to say to her cousin. Finally she muttered, “I'm sorry about Aunt Tera and Uncle Dan.”

  Indie looked at her then the table and nodded, she swallowed nosily then asked. “What about your parents?”

  “Don't know Dad went to the hospital the day everything went crazy and Mom went with him. I haven't seen them since.”

  Indie wiped at her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. “Sorry. I'm going to head to bed. I'm beat.”

  “Kay, night.” Lyric said watching her leave.

  She turned back to the guys. Ira scrubbed his face with his hands, “Fuck I need a beer.” Getting up he went to the fridge and began rummaging through the stuff inside. “Damn rednecks. All this place has is PBR and wine coolers.” Kicking the fridge shut he set two red, white and blue Pabst Blue Ribbon cans on the table and slide a wine cooler toward her.

  Her automatic response was to push it back, “I'm still underage.”

  Ira snorted, pushing a can toward Marcus. “It's the fucking apocalypse I don't think you'll get busted.”

  Lyric stared at the fizzy pink liquid in the bullet shaped bottle then grabbed it and twist off the cap. One wouldn't kill her besides her parents had let her drink wine or champagne on New Years. She'd be twenty in a few months, close enough. Taking a swig she let the taste of overly sweet artificial strawberry mixed with a tang of alcohol roll over her tongue.


  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Lyric groggily opened her eyes, who the fuck was setting off fire crackers at this hour. The sound came again and it finally registered as gun fire. A light from outside illuminated the windows, and she rolled off the bed crawling to look out the blinds. A group of zombies milled in the yard slowly making an advance on the house. Lyric counted ten, four unmoving on the ground and six still shuffling toward the house. As she watch another two slumped to the ground, another zombie fell over a body and before it could fully right itself it flopped unmoving. Behind her there was a groan and Lyric swung around still crouched on the floor.

  Indie sat up in the bed, “What the heck is going on? What's that noise?”

  “Shh,” Lyric hissed and waved her over, turning back to peer out the window. Three more zombies had stumbled into the yard.

  Indie crouched beside her looking out the window. “Damn it. Look at them all, where'd they come from. I didn't see hardly any in town.” She whispered fiercely.

  “Don't know we didn't see any coming from Big Moose either.” Lyric watched th
e last zombie fall and held her breath wondering if more would appear, but nothing stirred. Letting out a sigh, she sat down pressing her back to the wall. Indie followed suit, from the bed Susie let out a loud snore. Lyric tried to stifle a giggle but it leaked out. A moment later Indie began laughing as well.


  “Oh my God this is foul!” Indie exclaimed tossing an arm into the bed of the truck. Lyric nodded in agreement, adjusting her gloves. She, Indie, Ryan, and Marcus had volunteered to clean up the zombie mess. Susie had taken one look at the front lawn and fled to the kitchen refusing to come outside. Earl had promptly thrown up upon seeing the mess. Eugene and Fred had offered to help, but Indie had sent them to take care of the animals instead. Ira seemed to have disappeared, no one was really sure where he'd gone.

  “You didn't have to help.” Ryan reminded them his voice slightly muffled by the handkerchief over his face. “Eugene or Fred could have helped instead.”

  All four were dressed similar with long jeans, long sleeved shirts, gloves, and handkerchiefs over their nose and mouth. Unfortunately it was starting to get hot for the beginning of summer. Lyric could feel sweat beading on her forehead as she grabbed the feet of a small women in a flowered night dress. As she pulled the corpse toward the truck, one of the feet came off in her hand. Stumbling backward she fought down her breakfast, tossing the foot in the truck bed. She grabbed the legs and finished pulling it close so the guys could pick it. They'd managed to load about half of the thirteen bodies littering the yard.

  “Fred seems like a great guy, but I was kind of afraid his back would go out or something.” Indie said, walking back to grab another body.

  “I think he's a tougher old guy than you think.” Ryan replied, grabbing the body, Lyric had left next to the truck and placing it in the bed.

  Listening to the two bicker, she absently grabbed the feet of a corpse pulling it off of another one. The bottom one shifted, then began to try to get up. “Son of a bitch!” Lyric yelled, dropping the feet and jumping back. A stream of profanities issued from Lryic's mouth as she raised her booted foot and smashed in the creatures skull. She didn't stop stomping or cursing until big hands grabbed her shoulders pulling her away.

  “Hey, it's dead.”

  She whirled on Marcus, breathing hard. “Of course, it's fucking dead.” Lyric glanced toward Indie and Ryan, Indie's eyes were wide as if shocked. Realization dawned on her, as she saw herself though their eyes covered in gore and probably a little crazy. Closing her eyes she drew a deep breath. “Sorry, I'm ok now. Let get this cleaned up.”

  “I think you need a break.” Marcus said, gently taking her arm.

  Indie stepped forward warily, “Yeah why don't you and I get a drink. The guys can do without us for a minute or two.” Lyric allowed herself to be led to the house and sank down on the steps. “I'll be right back.”

  Behind her the screen door slammed, Lyric closed her eyes. What the hell was wrong with her? The screen door slammed again and the porch squeaked as Indie walked over and sat down. Indie glanced at her as she handed Lyric a bottle of water.

  “I haven't heard you swear like that since you lost the Candyland Pageant. Didn't your Mom wash your mouth out with soap when you got home?”

  “Yeah, FYI Dawn dish soap tastes awful.” They laughed.

  Indie drew in a breath, “Seriously are you ok?”

  “Yes, no. Are any of us really ok?”

  “I think we're holding up well given the situation.”

  “Ugh you sound like my Dad.”

  “Well one of us should.” Indie said, leaning over and bumping her shoulder playfully. They lapsed into silence watching the guys haul the corpses to the truck. “Come on lets get those two something to drink before they pass out.”


  “Do you really think this is a good idea?” Lyric asked tossing a hand into the pit. “I mean can't we just bury them and call it a day.”

  Indie shook her head tugging a corpse to the end of the tailgate. “They might contaminated the ground water.”

  “Isn't that why we drove them all the way down here?”

  “Yeah, but also so the smoke doesn't draw attention to us.” Marcus replied, heaving one of the bodies into the pit.

  Lyric frowned behind her handkerchief, she didn't like this. When they had first talked about burning the bodies she was against it because the smoke would let people, most likely the hillbillies from Big Moose, know where they where. Ryan's solution was to drive them several miles to a field, dig a pit, toss the bodies in, fire it up and take off. They had agreed, this would be the best way to avoid being located and setting everything on fire. Lyric just hoped they were right that the pit and recent rain would be enough to keep from starting a forest fire.

  Chapter 7

  “So any idea where these Deadheads came from?” Fred asked leaning back in his chair.

  The others cast uncertain glances around the table. Susie stood quickly and began picking up empty plates. Finally Indie shook her head, “No. I didn’t see this many on the way to town and Lyric said she didn’t see many on the way here from Big Moose. From what the Doc said, these things should be decomposing faster so that there was an end date.”

  Marcus pushed his plate away. “Our Medics on base said the virus was mutating. They had been getting info from the CDC so they could treat bite victims.” He shook his head, “I didn’t understand a lot of the medical jargon, but what I got was it wasn’t good.”

  Indie puffed out a sigh and rubbed her temples. “Yeah the Doc mentioned that too.”

  Lyric shook her head and stood to help Susie clean the table. She was glad she wasn’t the unofficial leader of this motley crew. Entering the kitchen she found Susie at the sink, head down and shoulders shaking.

  “Susie, you ok?” Lyric asked coming up beside her and setting the dishes on the counter.

  “I don't get how you guys are dealing with this.” Susie dashed at the tears streaming down her face. “I've been trying to...” She hiccuped and shook her head.

  Lyric reached over and gave her an awkward hug. “We're all just doing the best we can.”

  Behind them someone cleared their throat and Lyric turned to find Ira standing in the doorway. “I hate to interrupt, but don't you think Marcus will be a tad disappointed to know you swing for both teams, Lyric.”

  Frowning Lyric put her hands on her hips, “Where have you been?”

  “What are you my mom now?”

  Lyric waved her hand. “As if.”

  “You missed dinner.” Susie turned toward them. “There might be some leftovers on the table still. I'll get you a plate if you want.”

  Ira grinned, “That'd be great, thanks.”

  Lyric rolled her eyes and left heading back into the dinning room.

  “Is there someway to communicate with your Doctor friend?” Marcus asked, as Lyric entered the room, he was leaning close to Indie.

  “I'm not really sure.” She chewed on her bottom lip nervously for a moment. “I told him what channel we were using on the CB, but I didn't ask if he had one.”

  Lyric paused in picking up the plates. “Has anyone tried the HF radio?” At their confused looks she clarified, “The Ham Radio.”

  Ryan snapped his fingers. “You mean the stuff in the basement. It's just a CB.”

  “No the dipole antenna outside mean it's an HF radio, which has a broader range than the CB.”

  “If you say so.” Ryan shrugged,” My dad's got a bunch of old radio equipment in the basement. I can show you if you want.”

  Marcus stood and took the plates from her hands. “Go see if you can get anymore information on what's going on.”

  Lyric bit her lip and nodded to Ryan. “Let's see what's down there.”

  Ryan got to his feet and lead her out of the room, to a door in the kitchen. Lyric frowned at Ira and Susie who were talking in hushed whispers by the sink. Shaking her head she continued down the stairs into the fi
nished basement. The cement room was open, but held shelves and shelves of supplies. In the far corner under a small window the shelves created a workspace covered in electronic equipment. Lyric made her way through the rows of canned goods and toilet paper to the corner. Wide boards jutted from the walls forming a waist high desk/ workspace. In the corner was an old bulky monitor with a banged up key board and mouse in front. Lyric ignored the computer, pulling up the cushy office chair she focused on the radios. There were several different styles, brands and sizes. She suddenly wished she'd paid better attention when he dad had been trying to teach her.

  “So you know what this stuff is for and how to work it?” Ryan asked leaning against the desk beside her.

  “Kind of.” She replied flipping a few switches. “My dad was into it and for awhile I was but I never got my license. I know the basics, but pageants took up the majority of my time.”

  “You mean like beauty pageants?”

  She nodded pressing another button and the radio began scanning stations. Under one of the smaller radios a sheet of notebook paper was taped with scribbled numbers and letters. She realized they were band widths, and they were familiar chewing on the inside of her lip she studied them. “These are aeronautical off route sub-bands.”

  “And that means what?”

  “The military uses them.”

  “So we can talk to the military?”

  “I'm not sure. My dad used to just listen...” She sighed looking at all the equipment. “This is all different from my dad's set up. I need to figure out how to use it.”

  Ryan nodded, “Pops kept all the manuals to this stuff over there.” He pointed to a shelf packed with books and instruction manuals.

  “Thanks, I'll look through them in the morning.” She reached for the power button on the radio and a voice startled her.

  “...we found a pit with burned bodies. Couple miles from that farm house those kids are staying in.”

  Ryan and Lyric exchanged a look, but stayed silent as he continued. “It's a sweet place they got power, solar panels. What do you say, Rev? It's a couple young bucks and few good looking chicks. We can take them.”

  There was a pause then a new voice. “How many?”

  “Three girls, one old guy, and five guys. Three of 'um are those military brats who crashed our gate.”

  Another pause. “Armed?”