Read The Survivalistas: Book 3- Piper Page 1

  The Survivalistas

  Book 3- Piper

  By Shandy Jo

  Copyright 2015 Shandy Sanford

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. While the places maybe real the author has used creative license.

  Author's Note: This work has not been professional edited, I do this as a hobby for fun. That is why my books are currently free. If you find any misspellings, grammar issues or problems in general with this work please let me know. I look forward to hearing what you think, feel free to email me at [email protected] or just lay it all on the line and leave a review. I encourage constructive criticism of all kinds. Thank you!


  Beside Piper there was a groan, she cracked open her eyes. Head pounding like a jackhammer she took in the lump beside her. Drinking so much had crappy side effects. Why did she let Shanna talk her into going out? She was trying to get her life together, not let it fall completely apart. Another groan came from the blankets then a head poked out.

  “Oh God, I feel like crap.”

  Piper let out a sigh, at the sight of Topher, her best friend Shanna's brother. He groaned again. Piper smiled, at least she hadn't done anything stupid, Topher would have never taken advantage of her completely drunk. Shanna had been her BFF since grade school and by extension so had Topher. Forced to go along and keep them out of trouble the three had formed a strong bond.

  “Remind me never to try and keep up with you two again.”

  “Hey if you can't run with the big dogs...” She murmured.

  “Whatever, and stop yelling. My heads going to split like a ripe casaba.”

  Piper started to chuckle but it hurt her head. “Why am I in your bed?”

  “Fuck if I know, everything after the absinthe is a blank.”

  With a groan of her own she tossed the blankets off and sat up. Big mistake. The throbbing intensified and a wave of dizziness made her stomach roll. If Couch McGregor saw her like this she'd get a foot up her back side. As if to remind her that the Couch was no longer an issue, her knee gave a dull ache. Absently she rubbed it, stupid accident robbing her of her promising Gymnastics career.

  Shaking off the self-loathing, she looked over her shoulder. “I'm going to steal your shower.”

  “Ok just don't take it to far.” Topher replied with a grimacing smile.

  Shaking her head she climbed out of bed and shakily made her way to the bathroom. Kicking the door shut, she grabbed the sink and tried to calm her raging stomach once she was sure she wasn't going to puke, she looked in the mirror. Smudged make-up decorated her eyes, gunked in the corner and man was she pale. Maybe she should take Shanna up on that tanning offer.

  Shaking her head, she climbed into the shower. Using Topher's Axe body wash she scrubbed away last nights grossness. After washing her hair with some fragrant less shampoo, she stood under the spray. Finally pulling herself out, she dried off pulled on her underwear and snagged Topher's bathrobe from the door. Luckily she and Shanna were the same size so she could raid her closet.

  Picking up her clothes she exited the bathroom. Topher was no where to be seen, but the smell of eggs and bacon wafted down through the open basement door. Climbing the stairs she stepped into the kitchen. Shanna stood at the stove in her Hello Kitty pajamas, making breakfast. Topher sat hunched over a cup of steaming coffee, his dark hair wet. He must have used the upstairs shower.  Red rimmed and bloodshot, his green eyes were dulled with pain.

  “Hey Shanna, can I borrow some clothes?”

  “Sure.” She gestured with the spatula toward the laundry room. “There's a basket of clean stuff on the dryer. Help yourself.” As Piper headed toward the laundry room, Shanna added. “Toss your dirty stuff in the washer.”

  “Thanks.” Dropping her clothes in the washer, she dug through the basket. Pulling out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. Without taking off the robe she shimmied into the jeans, then removed the robe and put on the shirt. She padded back into the kitchen, Shanna set two plates of eggs, toast and bacon on the table. Getting down a cup Piper poured herself some coffee, then sat at the table. “I thought all the meat was inedible, since the recall.”

  “This is fresh from the farm. Uncle Ted brought it over, he's made a small fortune selling unprocessed stuff. Everyone wants organic now, they're afraid the terrorist will target something else.”

  “Good for him.” Piper picked up a piece a toast and began pulling the crust from the sides. Shanna clicked on the small TV on the counter as Topher's phone belted out Stalker Girl by the Arrogant Worms.

  Reaching over Topher hit the button to silence it. “I can't handle her this morning.”

  “Who?” Piper asked popping a piece of toast in her mouth.

  “His stalker.” Shanna supplied.

  Piper grinned, as she chewed and swallowed. “I didn't know you had a stalker.”

  “I took her out a couple times, it got weird and dumped her. Only she didn't take it so well, now she keeps calling.”

  “So block her.”

  “Tried. She stole my friend, Mark's, phone and called me.”

  “Well at least she's dedicated.”

  “You have no idea.”

  The phone rang again.

  Piper took another bite of toast, slowing chewing. After swallowing she asked, “You want to get rid of her.”

  “Yes. I'd do just about anything to get her off my back.”

  Raising an eyebrow Piper glanced at Shanna, who was hiding behind her coffee cup, and asked. “Anything?”

  “Well...” He paused studying her. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing illegal.” She murmured, picking up his phone.

  “That's not reassuring.”

  She smiled, pushing a few buttons. A few seconds later a frantic voice answered.

  “Topher, Oh my God you have to come help me! There are these crazy cannibals everywhere. Can you come get me?” She yelped and a banging noise came from somewhere distant.

  Piper glanced at her friends.

  “What do you mean cannibals? April what's going on?” Topher said snatching the phone from Piper's hand.

  “I don't know. These people started attacking people and they tried to bite me, I just ran.” April sobbed. “Will you come get me, I'm scared?”

  “Where are you exactly?” Piper broke in.

  “Who's that?” April asked her voice laced with jealousy.

  “A friend, answer the question.”

  “My apartment.”

  “I'll see what I can do, just hang tight.” Topher hung up.

  “Do we believe her?”

  “Uh guys, I'd say yes.” Shanna pointed to the TV.

  On the screen were pictures of people fighting, many shuffling in nothing but hospital gowns. The pale sickly looking folks, were overpowering and tearing into anything that moved. Their faces were contorted in anger, as if furious with the world.

  The news reporter, started talking. “This is coverage of what is currently happening all over the of the city of  Watertown. Officials are asking you to remain in your homes, or wherever you are currently located. No travel is advised. If you are trapped in your vehicle, try to stay put as military, police, and emergency personnel will find and help you.”

  “Maybe we should just let the professionals help, April.” Shanna suggested.

  Piper watched the TV, downtown was chao
s. No one was obeying the advisory. The professionals were overwhelmed they weren't prepared for this type of thing. There was no way they'd get to Stalker Girl before the crazies. She looked at Topher, “Your call. She's your stalker.”

  Topher watched the TV then looked at her. “What do you think?”

  “I don't think the police or whatever will get to her in time. But like I said it's your call.”

  He ran his hand over his face. “Damn it, let's go get her.”

  Staring at the TV Piper chewed on her lip. A woman jumped a police officer, biting his neck as two other men grabbed his arms. “Fine, but we need to make it fast.”


  Before they crossed the bridge over eighty-one they could see plumes of smoke rising from all over the city. Shanna sucked in a gasp, from the back seat of Topher's bronco. The street was eerily still for ten o'clock on a Sunday. The lights flashed a steady yellow all the way down Coffeen Street. A small compact car had been t-boned by a truck in front of the college blocking traffic. The passenger door hung open with no one inside, but a figure lay slumped over the steering wheel of the truck, the windshield a bloody spiderweb of cracks.

  “Jesus.” Topher muttered, turning into the Ontario Village Parking lot.

  “Upstairs or downstairs?” Piper asks, pulling attention back to the task at hand.

  “Upstairs...” Topher trailed off, ahead of them several people milling around. There were probably ten of them. Some were in hospital gowns, others night clothes, and one naked. Topher rolled to a stop eyes darting around. Heads jerked toward the sound of the engine, faces contorting into sneers of rage, milky eyes flashing as they stumbled forward.

  “Back up!” Piper slapped his arm pulling him out of his stupor. “Topher, back up!”

  Shaking his head, Topher tossed the Bronco into gear and backed out of the drive. “How do we get to April?”

  “I'm thinking.” Her eyes drifted to the upper story of the apartments then past them to the Home Depot behind the buildings. “Head over to Home Depot park and kill the engine.”

  Peeling out Topher sped down the road and made the sharp turn into the road leading to the store. Killing the motor he turned to Piper. “Ok what now?”

  “They were attracted to the noise it seems. So if we sneak in the back, just a quick in and out.”

  “But she's on the second floor, we'll need rope or something.”

  Piper rolled her eyes and jerked her thumb at the store.

  Shanna leaned over the seat. “You're going to loot Home Depot?”

  “No.” Piper shot her friend a hurt look, then eyeballed the store. There were a few cars and trucks in the parking lot but the store looked empty. Someone had left the door propped open, which was very odd for a freezing March day. “Well maybe, but only if they refuse cash.”

  Flopping back in the seat, Shanna moaned. “I can't believe I'm your friend.”

  Twisting in her seat Piper blew her a kiss. “You love me and you know it.” Not waiting for a reply Piper undid her seat belt and hopped out. Topher and Shanna followed more slowly. It was unnerving how the click- clack of Piper's stiletto boots was the only noise. Part of her wished she'd borrowed a pair of Shanna's sneakers, but the boots were her favorite; brown with red laces they looked like hiking boots except for the three inch heel. Granted they didn't do wonders for her aching knee.

  As the three of them came closer to the door, Piper shifted her weight to the balls of her feet to reduce the noise. Peering inside the carnage surprised her, it reminded her of the zombie shooter games she and Topher had played.

  A man in jeans and an orange vest lay on the floor, his throat ripped out blood down his chest. A man in pajamas shuffled up and down the electric section. He was covered in blood and had a vacant stare on his face. Near the door sat a crate of crowbars, quietly Piper grabbed one handed it to Topher then picked up two more giving one to Shanna.

  “What do you expect me to do with this?” Shanna hissed, taking the bar.

  “Hit things.” Piper hissed back before stepping into the building. She heard a whimper and turned to find two women huddling behind the customer service desk. One frantically waved her hands and pointed to the door. Piper waved back, striding into the building, her clicking heels and the sudden sound of her ringing cell catching the pajama man's attention. He spun around and charge her, pale face, milky eyes, blood stained mouth and half his face missing. Choking up on the crowbar like a baseball bat, Piper planted her feet and swung catching the man in the chin. He flew backward, and landed with a wet crack on the cement floor.

  “What the fuck, Piper?” Topher choked out, as the checkout girls cheered her on.

  She turned a manic grin plastered on her lips. “It's just like Chop 'Til You Drop, T.” Piper looked at the checkout girls. “Any more in here?”

  “Probably, we had a bunch of customers and other workers. Those nut jobs wandered in and started biting everybody.”

  “Why are you even here, didn't you see the news?” Shanna asked, still hovering in the doorway.

  “Yeah, but our boss said that at times like this people try to reinforce their houses so it would be more profitable for us to come in. He offered us hazard pay, twice our usual.”

  Piper shook her head, amazed at what people would do for money. “You might want to get home or somewhere safe.”

  The girls nodded then scurried out of the building. Shanna watched them leave and asked, “What about us, shouldn't we go home or somewhere safe?”

  “First we have to get Stalker Girl, then I think we should go to my house.” Piper replied, clenching her crowbar and heading into the store.

  Behind her Topher made a strangled noise and she turned the see the dude on the floor with no throat struggling to his feet. Stalking over she kicked it back down and stabbed the heel of her boot through it's skull. “I've always wanted to do that.” She used her crowbar to pry the head off her heel.  

  “Piper you're really starting to freak me out.” Shanna told her, panic creeping into her voice her hazel eyes wide.

  “Fine I'll tone it down.” She rolled her eyes and turned back toward the store, mumbling under her breath. “Spoiled sports.”

  Ducking down an aisle they found the rope without any other run in's, much to Piper's disappointment. Grabbing a large roll, they headed back out. Piper tossed a twenty on the counter, and looked to Shanna. “See no looting, I paid.”

  Shanna just glared at her and jogged toward the parking lot, behind Topher.  Sighing Piper followed, catching up back at the Bronco. “Call Stalker Chick and ask her where her apartment is. Tell her to throw a towel or something over the railing so we know which one she's in.”

  “Stop calling her Stalker Chick, she has a name it's April.” Topher muttered, pulling out his cell and dialing.

  Piper ignored him pulling off her boots, she sat in the back seat with the door open playing with the rope. Shanna nervously looked around the empty parking lot, then toward the apartments.

  “Shanna get in, you’ll be safer in the vehicle.” Piper said, watching Topher talk to April on the cell phone. After a moment's hesitation she walked around and climbed in the other side.  

  A moment later Topher clicked the phone off. “She’s hanging a towel off the balcony. Her building is over there, we can drive up behind it no problem.”

  Piper closed her eyes for a moment, processing. “Here’s what we’re going to do, I’m going to hop on top and ride over to the apartment. Topher you need to drive, and take it easy. When we get there Shanna hands the rope up, I’ll climb up and help Stalker Chick down into the bronc. Quick and easy.”

  Topher seemed to debate for a moment then nodded. Handing the rope to Shanna, Piper climbed out and shut the door, before scaling the side of the Bronco and flattening herself on the roof. In high school she had done this a couple times, flying down the backroads. Back then it had been exhilarating, it probably would be today as well if not for the crazy cannibals waiting it ea
t her if she fell off.

  The driver side door slammed, the bronco came to life under her, and Topher called up. “Hang on, P, it’s gonna be a little bumpy.”

  Piper scrambled for purchase as they began rolling across the parking lot. Her fingers dug into the side over the windows as her bare toes pushed against freezing metal. Thankfully the ride was short, Topher pulled to a stop under a balcony with a pink fluffy towel hanging over the banister. The back passenger side window rolled down and Shanna held up the rope. Peeling herself from the metal she grabbed the rope and stood stretching to her full five foot six inches she tied the rope to the bottom of the banister and clambered up. Heaving herself over the railing, she landed on her feet and her knee gave a dull ache of protest. Her phone buzzed against her butt. Ignoring the pain and the phone, she walked to the sliding doors and knocked gently. Inside she heard a slight shriek, then the door slid open. A short, skinny, brunette glare up at her.

  “Who are you?” She spat, crossing arms that looked like toothpicks.

  “I’m Piper, Topher’s friend.” Piper jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “He’s waiting for you.”

  Her eyes lit up and she peered past Piper. “Really he came?” April asked, seeming suddenly shy.

  Piper eyed her uncertainly. “Yeah, you need to pack anything…”

  There was a banging on the front door and it cracked. April screamed again, pushed passed Piper on to the balcony. Calmly Piper slid the door shut and led April over to where she had tied the rope. “Can you climb down and slip in through the window?”

  “I’ll try.”

  Piper helped the other women over the railing, just as a bloody face smashed against the glass door. It’s teeth gnashed, as the person banged it’s ruined head against the door. Piper didn’t wait she hopped over the railing and dropped to the roof of the Bronco. She landed on her feet, managing to dented the roof as she did, shifting she slid into the passenger window.

  Before her butt was even in the seat she cried, “Go!”

  Topher sped away, spinning out and then fish tailing at the light. Piper closed her eyes, leaning back in her seat, they drove over the overpass and out of the city. Remembering her phone, Piper dug it out of her jeans pocket. The caller id said Mica and Piper hit the button to get the text. All it read was, “Dad was right.” There was also a missed call and voice mail, pressing a button she called up the message. After listening to her sister’s tearful rendition of how Mica had brained her foster dad, Piper looked at Topher. “Fuck. T, we need to make another stop.” Piper said, her fingers flying as she texted a reply to her sister.