Read The Survivalistas: Book 3- Piper Page 2

  Topher sent her a questioning look. “What?”

  “I need to get Mica.”

  “Your sister? But she should be safe with her foster family.” Shanna said from the backseat.

  “She had to bash in her foster dad’s head to keep him from eating her and some other guy. Mica’s freaking, I have to go get her.” Piper twisted looking at her friend. “I already fail to keep her safe from that asshole, I’m not abandoning her during the fucking apocalypse.”

  Shanna bit her lip and nodded, shrinking back in her seat.

  “What’s the address?” Topher asked, his hands clenched on the wheel.

  Chapter 2

  They pulled up out front of a one story house with an attached garage. On the steps was a man with his head bashed in, blood painted the porch.

  “Your sure this is the place?” Shanna asked, eyeing the corpse.

  “Yeah.” Piper typed out a quick message to Mica, then climbed out of the Bronco. She'd put her heels back on, they clicked on the slush covered sidewalk. Cautiously she walked up the steps, holding on to her crowbar and looking around for nut jobs.  Keeping one eye on the dead guy she knocked, a second later the door swung open. Piper couldn't help smiling at Mica, it had been awhile since they had seen each other. Her little sister now stood the same height as Piper, if she hadn't been wearing heels. Mica's long curly brownish gold hair was swept up into a ponytail, her big brown eyes taking in Piper's appearance.

  “You do that?” Piper asked nodding to the corpse on the steps.

  “Just the brain bashing. The Altman's don't believe in guns.” Stepping back inside Mica grabbed her coat, backpack, and field hockey stick. She looked behind her at two guys standing in the entryway. “You coming or going to hang out here?”

  They exchanged a glance then followed her out of the house.

  “We're full up.” Piper said, pointing to the Bronco idling in the driveway.  Movement down the street caught her eye. She chewed on her lip of a moment then said, “We'll have to figure it out.”

  The dark haired kid spoke up. “I'll ride on the roof, but I ain't staying here with the dead bodies.”

  Piper grinned, “Trust me you don't want to ride on the roof. Now come on let's get going before those things hear us.”

  They headed to the Bronco and after a little reorganizing everyone squeezed in. Jacob, the blond boy, was squished against one side of the vehicle with Mica on his lap. Piper found this amusing since her sister's face was bright red and she refuse to look anywhere but out the windshield. Camden, the dark haired guy, was on the other end with Shanna on his lap. Both seemed pretty ok with the situation. While April was squished in the middle. It wasn't ideal but there was little alternative and they were running out of time. Shambling forms seemed to be seeping out of the woodwork and heading in there direction. Piper hopped into the passenger seat, and Topher sped off just as a couple figures lurched out from behind a neighboring house.

  “Think we should head for the bunker, and lay low until this blows over.” Piper told Topher grabbing the oh shit bar as he took a sharp turn.

  Topher nodded, eyes on the road. “What about the boys?”

  Piper turned slightly. “You two want us to drop you somewhere?” They shook their heads and Piper shrugged. “Guess their with us, for the time being.”

  Mica piped up, “I thought you sold the bunker.”

  Piper looked back at Mica. “Couldn't do it. I figured you needed somewhere to go once you were ready. Besides it's home.”

  Mica looked to be about to say something else, then her eyes widened. Topher yelled, brakes squealed and the bronco turned. Piper held on for dear life as the bronco tipped up on two tires, hanging for just a moment then slammed down on it's side. Closing her eyes, she felt glass shatter over her as the door connected with the pavement. Her head bounced off the door frame, leaving her dazed. From the backseat came screams, and cries of pain. Blinking Piper tried to pull the world into focus. Pain wracked her body, her right side aching from the impact with the plastic and metal.

  Her mind flashed back to another accident, and she began to shake. “Mica!” Piper's voice cracked, as she frantically tugged at her seat-belt. This wasn't happening, not again. She needed to calm down and assess the situation. With a huge effort she forced herself to stop panicking.

  The bronco lay on the passenger side, beside her Topher hung in his seat belt fighting to get the stubborn metal to unlatch. When he did, she realized, he was going to fall right on her.  “Topher wait.”

  He paused in his struggle and looked at her. “What?”

  She swallowed. “Let me move first or you're going to fall on me.”

  “Hurry, this fucking hurts.”

  She nodded, and quickly removed her seat-belt twisting she looked into the back. The back door was open, Mica and Jacob had already climbed out. They knelt on the side of the vehicle, helping April out. Jacob seemed to be favoring his right hand, but otherwise neither seemed to be hurt. As Shanna and Camden climbed out, Piper scrambled over the seats. Pulling herself out the open door, behind her she heard Topher drop to his feet then follow her out of the bronco. Everyone crowded on the side of the ruined vehicle, looking down at the creatures trying desperately to reach them.  

  “Fuck.” Piper swore, looking at the three zombies. The huge cab kept the group out of reach for now, but more would come. With a groan, she dropped back into the bronco and began rummaging through everything that had gone flying in the accident. Finding Mica's field hockey stick she, called. “Mica, here.” Handing it to the younger woman when her face appeared in the door. She added, “take these too.” Finding two of the crowbars.

  Mica took them, then asked. “Do you see my backpack? I've got some stuff in there that might be helpful.”

  Piper turned back shuffling stuff around, and found Mica's backpack stuck under the seat. From outside she heard the sounds of a scuffle. Climbing out she found Mica, on the ground bashing out the brains of one zombie. Jacob had taken out a second with a crowbar, and Topher was finishing off the third. Looking around she noticed that the sounds of the accident had gain the attention of more than just the three. Figures shambled and stumbled toward them, far to many to fight off. Forcing her addled brain to work, she took in where they were, it wasn't to far from the factory she worked at. They could go there, take stock of injures and regroup.

  Jumping down she tilted in her heels then righted herself. These things would have to go, she needed better footwear. “Come on, I know where we can go.” She called, waving to the others to follow her. Turning down a side street she had never been so happy to see the metal building in her life.

  Mica jogged next to her, in a winded voice asked. “The bathing suit factory?”

  “It's sound.” Piper gasped, skidding to a stop in front of the heavy steel door. Pulling out her keys she unlocked the door and ushered everyone in. Re-locking the door she walked over and deactivated the alarm, then flicked on the lights. She looked over the group, they looked shell shocked. Shanna and April huddled close to Topher. Camden stared absently into space. Jacob cradled his right arm against his stomach face pinched in pain. Mica held her field hockey stick, looking out the window and bouncing on the balls of her feet like a prizefighter. “Anybody hurt?”

  Jacob grimaced, “I messed up my wrist.”

  “Anyone else?” Heads shook, but no one spoke. “Ok, Shanna, Stalker Chick go into the break room, grab the first aid kit take care of everyone's cuts. When you're done getting bandaged Camden, Topher grab some of those machines and put them against the emergency doors. Jacob sit, so I can look at your wrist. Mica go look around and see if you can find anything useful.” Slowly they all moved to do as they were told.

  Piper grabbed Mica's arm, “Look on the tables next to the machines and in drawers, some of the women have wrist braces we can use to splint his arm.”

  Mica nodded then weaved between the rows of machines, head down rummaging through stuff. Piper tur
ned back to Jacob and pointed to the chair behind the desk. “Sit and lets see that wrist.”

  He did as she commanded, carefully pushing up his jacket sleeve. The wrist was swollen, and a little purple. Jacob hissed when she touched it. “Can you move it?” With a groan of agony he move his hand up and down. “I think, and I'm not a doctor, but I think you just sprained it. Hang on, I'll go get some ibuprofen and ice. Mica's looking for a splint or something.”

  “You and Mica seem to be pretty calm for the apocalypse.” Jacob said, as she stood.

  Piper gave him a smile. “I'll freak out later.” She left Jacob by the desk and headed for the break room. Shanna had just finished bandaging Camden and looked up at her as she entered.

  “Want me to take care of that cut on your head?” Shanna asked, picking through the first aid kit in front of her.

  Piper touched the sore spot, where her head had connected with the door. Her fingers came away with blood on them. Sighing, Piper replied. “Not right now, let me finish taking care of Jacob. I think his wrist is sprained. Is there any ibuprofen in there?”

  Shanna held out a small packet, “Are you sure you're ok? You don't have a concussion, do you?”

  “I have no idea.” Piper took the packet and retrieved an ice pack from the freezer of the break room fridge. “I have a hella headache, hurt everywhere and feel as though my knees going to give out at any moment. The thing is after what we saw on the news I not going anywhere near the hospital until this blows over.”

  Shanna nodded, “Let me know when you're ready to get bandaged up. I think you and Jacob got the brunt of the accident since you guys were on that side.”

  “Yeah. Hey bring that out if you're done, you can bandage up Jacob. He's got some cuts on his face.”

  Snapping the kit shut Shanna followed Piper out to where Jacob sat. He cracked an eye open when they approached.

  Mica hustled over carrying a couple different braces. “I wasn't sure which would fit. Why are there so many in here in the first place?”

  Piper ripped open the painkillers and dumped them into Jacob's hand. “There should be a bottle of water in the bottom drawer, if you need it.” Turning to Mica she took the braces. “Many of the women who've worked here awhile have carpal tunnel syndrome, from sewing. The braces help with the pain.” Selecting the largest she looked at Jacob's wrist the purple had darkened and the swelling wasn't going down. “Kay this might hurt but you're better off with the brace on to keep it stable, just in case.”

  Jacob nodded, “It's ok. I broke my arm once and it felt a lot worst than this, so do what you gotta.”

  Piper bit her lip and gently pulled the brace over his hand on to his wrist. Jacob hissed in pain as she tightened it down. When done she handed him the ice pack, he placed it over the wrist. “Shanna will take care of those cuts on your face.”

  Piper ducked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She had a cut just above her right eyebrow, and a gash on the side of her head near the hairline along with a nasty bruise. Behind her the door opened and Mica entered carrying the first aid kit. “There's not much left, but some of the machines have band-aids if you need more.”

  “Thanks.” Piper muttered. Yanking a bunch of paper towels from the roll, Piper wet them and washed the blood from her face.

  Mica set the kit on the sink, in front of Piper. “You work here, right?”

  Piper nodded, “Yeah I'm the administrative assistant.”

  “What about school?”

  “Night classes, and online.” Putting antibacterial cream on her cut, she added. “Getting a job looked good and it helped pay the bills.”

  Mica climbed up on the sink beside Piper's. “Looked good?”

  “I've been trying to get custody of you since mom and dad died.”

  Mica drew a deep breath and hung her head. “I know.”

  Piper decided to changed the subject. “Did you get hurt in the accident?”

  “Just banged my head on the roof. Jacob took the brunt of the fall, he cushioned me.” A ghost of a smile crossed Mica's face.

  The door to the bathroom popped open and Shanna stuck her head in. “Need any help?”

  “No, thanks. Mica's got it. Why don't you and Stalker Chick raid the fridge. Some of the girls tend to leave stuff, maybe there'll be something to eat.”

  “Ok.” Shanna left.

  After the door shut, Mica said. “You're giving them busy work?”

  “Yeah, something to keep their minds from wandering.”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  Piper glanced at Mica. “I'm working on it.”

  Mica swung her legs back and forth. “So what have you got so far?”

  Piper sighed and propped her hip against the sink. “There's an old truck down by the loading bay, if we can get to that we'll have transportation and can get the hell outta here.”

  Mica chewed on her lip for a moment. “We're going to need weapons. I noticed these long sharp looking hook things.”

  Nodding Piper said, “Beaders we use them to put beads on the strings for the suits.”

  “Whatever.” Mica rolled her eyes. “Anyway if we attached those to a couple brooms, they'd make nice spears. Jab to the eye socket and those suckers go down.” She hopped off the sink and mimed stabbing something with a spear.

  Piper sighed again. “Better than trying to make slingshots out of the string bikinis.”

  Mica chuckled and hopped down from the sink, as Piper snapped the first aid kit shut.  “Did you ever think Dad was going to be right?”

  Piper shook her head exiting the bathroom. “I hoped not.” With a sad smile, she tossed her arm over Mica's shoulders and headed for the break room. It looked as though Shanna and Stalker Chick had managed to find sandwich makings and stuff to drink.

  Shanna pushed two paper plates toward them as they approached. “Made you each a sandwich too. Hope you like ham, it's all that was in the fridge.”

  Mica squished up her nose but took a plate anyway. “Thanks.” She hopped up on the counter behind the table, and began eating. Piper flopped down in an empty chair at the table. As soon as her weight was off her feet they began to throb, along with her bad knee. A tiny groan of pain escaped her lips, with a grimace she reached down and rubbed her knee.

  “Hey, Piper, I found something for you.” Topher held up a pair of orange Crocs.  

  Piper shot him a glare, as Mica giggled from her perch.

  “What? You can barely walk in those heels. I don't know how you ran up that hill out there. Not to mention your knee must be killing you. I thought these would help.”

  She had to admit the ugly things would be easier to walk in and probably run in. “Fine,” She conceded. “Give them here.”

  Topher handed her the shoes. With a resigned sigh, she undid the laces on her boots and kicked them off. The pain in her feet lessened immediately, and Piper wiggled her toes before slipping the Crocs on.

  “So what's the plan?” Topher asked looking at Piper.

  Pushing the plate and sandwich away she replied, “There's a truck by the loading dock. We can take it to the bunker, but some of you will have to ride in the back.”

  “Which means we'll need weapons,” Mica added. “Just in case.”

  Piper leaned back in the chair. “Tell them your idea.”

  All eyes turned toward Mica.

  “We make spears out of the brooms and those hook thingy's I found. Attach the hooks to the brooms with some duct tape or something. A good stab to the eye socket and the zombie goes down.”

  Stalker Chick shook her head. “You two are nuts. I say we wait here until help comes.”

  “Um, judging from what we saw on TV, I don't think helps coming.” Camden said, glancing around.

  Everyone was silent for a moment then Shanna spoke up. “I think we should go to Piper's place. At least there we'll be safe.”

  Topher nodded in agreement. “I don't know a safer place than the bunker.”

  Mica pi
ped up,“I want to go home.”

  “What about you two?” Piper asked.

  Camden and Jacob exchanged a glance. “It's already four against three, so let's just get the show on the road.”

  “All righty then. Mica why don't you and Shanna scrounge up the stuff to make those spears. Topher and I will access the truck situation.”

  Dusting crumbs from her pants, Mica jumped off the counter and headed out of the break room with Shanna following.

  “So what should we do?” Jacob asked.

  “You rest. Camden wanna help the girls?” Piper replied standing.

  Nodding, Camden got up and took off. Topher stood, and followed Piper out of the break room. She lead him toward the doors where they had entered. Next to a large roll up door hung a key ring, Piper grabbed it then peered out the door they had come in. One lone zombie stood in the parking lot.

  Piper closed her eyes then opened them, pressing her cheek against the glass to see the pick up. It sat in it's normal spot, backed right next to the roll up door. Topher bumped against her back as he peered over her head to see what was going on.

  “I think we should get everyone together, and make a run for it.” Topher whispered in her ear.

  Piper nodded, unable to come up with something better.

  Mica popped up behind them. “We're ready when you are.”

  Piper turned toward her. “Really?”

  “Yeah we only had to make three, everyone else already had something.”

  “Then go get everybody else and we'll get moving before more of those things show up.”

  Chapter 3

  Piper quietly lead everyone out of the building. They had only gone a few feet, when the single zombie turned and lumbered toward them. Mica nudged Piper forward toward the pickup, saying, “I got this.”

  Before Piper could argue, Mica stalked toward the man. If it wasn't for the snarling vacant stare Piper would have thought the guy had just stumbled out of bed. Turning her attention back to the truck she wrenched open the driver's door, and hopped in. A wet meaty thunk sounded just as the engine roared to life. Shanna and Stalker Chick clamored in the passenger side. Topher, and the three teens climbed in the bed of the truck. Piper glanced into the rear view mirror, and stomped on the gas when Mica gave her a thumbs up. Speeding out of the parking lot and down the side street. Not even bothering to stop for the stop sign she turned the corner. Whizzing over the bridge and out of town, finally slowing only when they hit the empty back roads.