Read The Survivalistas: Book 3- Piper Page 3

  Twenty minutes and a lot of turning twisty roads later, Piper eased the truck down a long driveway. As the house came into view Stalker Chick scoffed, “This is better than where we were?”

  “A thousand times better, April.” Shanna replied, staring at the run down farm house.

  The two story farm house was gray and drab, with a saggy pouch.  Piper could understand how Stalker Chick, would be skeptical. She had no idea that the walls and doors were reinforced or that the windows were bulletproof glass.

  Piper eased the truck to a stop, killing the engine, she climbed out. Mica and Topher hopped over the side of the truck box. Everyone else slowly emerged from the vehicle, moving cautiously. Striding across the slush covered yard, Piper jumped up on the porch and unlocked the front door. The others darted in house as if the devil himself was chasing them, even though the area looked clear. Following she pulled the door shut and bolted it.

  “Anyone with zombie gunk on them go to the kitchen.” Piper barked, looking pointedly at Topher and Mica. They obeyed, tiptoeing through the living room to kitchen. “Mica you're the grossest so go get cleaned up first.” The younger women gave a quick nod, and kept going toward the bathroom. Piper joined Topher in the kitchen, then turned back toward the others. “Shanna would you run upstairs and find us some clean clothes, please?”

  “Sure.” Shanna replied, and took off up the stairs.

  April flopped down on the couch crossing her arms. “So why's this place so special?”

  “The windows are bullet proof glass, the doors reinforced steel and the walls are reinforced too. We have enough food stuffs to keep us going for at least a year. Special enough, Stalker Chick?”

  The woman's lips narrowed into a tight line, but she kept quiet.

  “So you're a survivalist or something?” Camden asked.

  “My dad was a prepper and my mom was into extreme couponing. Lucky for you guys.” Piper snarked, in reply.

  Camden ignored her tone and asked, “What was he preparing for?”

  “Zombie apocalypse or nuclear fallout, whichever came first.”

  Topher shook his head. “To bad the old man can't see he was right.”

  Chapter 4

  Piper sat on the porch wrapped in her coat and a fleece blanket. She felt a hundred percent better after a shower. Staring down the pitch black driveway she didn't bother turning when the door behind her opened.

  “Jesus it's cold out here. What the hell are you doing?” Topher asked, stepping toward her.

  “Nothing.” She murmured, picking up the tumbler from the table next to her and draining it.

  “What's that?” Topher asked, sitting down in the other chair beside the table.

  “Dad's special brew.” She picked up a mason jar on the table and poured some of the clear liquid into her glass, then handed the jar to him.

  He sniffed then took a small sip. Instantly he began coughing. “Oh my God! That's awful and strong.”

  “It's got multiple uses. Fire starter, fuel for alcohol stoves, sterilizing wounds, Molotov cocktails, and knocking you on your ass.” Lifting her glass she took a healthy swig.

  “No wonder you can drink abstinent like water.” He took another tentative sip and coughed again.

  They sat in silence for a few minutes then Piper asked, “Anything new on the TV?”

  “No same as before. Folks get sick, croak, come back, bite people and so on.”

  “Any word from your parents?”

  “No, phone lines are jammed. They probably went to Uncle Ben's, we're better off here.”

  Piper nodded, “I think I'll run to town tomorrow and get a few things we need.”

  Topher gave her a stunned look. “What could we possibly need?”

  “Medicine mostly. There's a pharmacy in Adam's, along with a dentist and vet, best to hit them before others start to raid places.”

  “Fine. We'll go check those places out in the morning.”

  They lapse back into silence, staring down the long dark driveway.


  Piper glanced back at the house as she pushed the old motorcycle down the drive. She'd done this many times sneaking out on her parents so she knew that no one would hear if she started it down the road a bit. Seeing no one stirring she turned back to the driveway and yanked the bike to a stop.

  Mica stood blocking her path, arms folded. “What are you doing?” She demanded, stepping toward Piper.

  “Going to get the few things we don't have. Medicine, mostly, before people get smart and start taking things other than narcotics and painkillers.”

  Mica chewed on her bottom lip for a moment then said, “I'll go with you.”

  “No. I need you here. I don't trust the newbies. If it was just Topher and Shanna, I'd say yes, but those other guys not so much.”

  Mica nodded, her gaze drifting to the still house behind them. “You're right. What about taking Topher?”

  Piper shook her head. “I'll be faster alone.”

  Mica snorted, “I'm sure those were the famous last line of someone in a zombie movie.”

  Piper grinned and pulled her sister in for a hug. “I'll be careful, promise.”

  “I'm holding you to that.”

  Letting Mica go Piper pushed the old bike down the drive and on to the road. When she was far enough away she got on and started the engine. The throaty purr of the engine, soothed her. The motorcycle, a 1942 Indian 741, had been her great grandfather's, supposedly from WWII. It was still in great shape even after all these years, painted black with a star on the gas tank. She'd loved riding the thing and had learned how to maintain the mechanics from her Dad. With determination she drove down the winding back roads. Her first stop was in Adam's Center, the old vet clinic would be a good place to stop and see what she could find. Not only did very few people know about the place, but they probably wouldn't think of veterinarian to get meds from.


  Pulling into the veterinarian's driveway she looked around, before shutting off the the bike. On her way here she'd noticed people casting quick glances from behind curtains and shades. She'd also been chased by the shambling undead. Not that they could keep up with the motorcycle, but it had still been unnerving. Getting off the bike she eyed the silent house, then the small building at the end of the driveway. The door to the clinic stood ajar, making Piper's already nervous stomach clench. Taking her pistol from its holster she made her way slowly to the door.

  Pushing it open cautiously she enter the pale green waiting room, with old crack linoleum and equally old hard plastic chairs. A counter ran part of the length of the far wall, with two doors behind it. From what she remembered one door was for entrance to the exam room and the other was the exit. She had to go through the exam room to get to the back where the medicine, and other stuff was kept. Crossing to the closest door, Piper gingerly pushed it open and edged into the room.

  A low growl froze her mid-step. A large German Shepard stood teeth bared, hackles raised over the still twitching body of the old vet. The dogs brown and black fur was stained with blood across its muzzle, down it's chest, as well as it's front legs and paws. Piper swallowed a gasps as she noticed the veterinarian's body had been mauled and lay in a thick rust colored pool, yet still moved. One milky eye fixed on her and it's near flesh-less jaws snapped uselessly at air. The dog growled again, deep and menacing, showing more sharp blood stained teeth. Swallowing down the bile rising in her throat Piper aimed the twenty two pistol at the dog, waiting for it to attack. Instead the creature sniffed the air, whimpered, tail curling between it's legs and began to back up. A moment later it turned and bolted out the exit door.

  Letting out a sigh Piper lowered her weapon and looked around for something to put the old doctor out of his misery. Finding a wooden broom, she pushed the rounded end through his temple. “Sorry, Doctor T,” She whispered, applying all her strength to the task. When the body stopped moving, she let go winching as the wood hit the cement floor with a crack
. After a moment of silence for the veterinarian who had taken care of so many of her pets, she moved to the back room. One wall was lined with empty cages, on the left stood a huge dog crate with it's door mangled. To the right on the far side of the room stood a metal case and on the wall not two feet away hung a key ring.

  As she passed the wall of cages a small whimper caught her attention. A tiny puppy huddle in one of the cages. It scampered toward the wire door as she approached, looking up at her hopefully. The puppy didn't look old enough to be away from it's mother. Unlocking the cage she picked it up, almost engulfing it with her hand. It looked like a little stuffed animal, yet wiggled and licked her thumb. There was no way the tiny creature would survive on it own. Unzipping her coat, Piper put the puppy in her inside pocket. It wiggled and squirmed, then finally settled down.

  Zipping her coat back up, she hurried to the cabinet and grabbed the key. Opening the metal door, she grabbed anything she recognized, filling her saddle bag with all it could handle. On her way out she grabbed a small bag of puppy food. Exiting the clinic she made her way to the motorcycle, strapped the dog food to the back, attached her saddlebag and got on. On stop down, one to go.

  Chapter 5

  “Where is she?” Topher demanded storming into the barn.

  Mica didn't even pause in delivering jabs to the punching bag as she asked, “Who exactly? There are several she's around here.”

  “Mica,” he growled, grabbing the bag.

  “I'm right here,” Mica replied, shooting him an innocent look.

  Topher closed his eyes, seemed to be collecting himself and said, “Where is your sister, Piper?”

  “Oh her. Went to town for some medicine.”

  “By herself?”

  “Uh yeah.” Mica rolled her eyes and gave the bag a hard punch. “She has a radio and will call if she gets in trouble.”

  “Really?” Topher scoffed, “What if she goes off the road and ends up with one of those things having her for dinner.”

  “Your faith in my sister is overwhelming,” Mica snarked back. She stepped away from the bag and stripped off her gloves. “That won't happen.”

  “I hope your right.” Topher barked over his shoulder as he stormed back out. Mica stuck her tongue out at his retreating back. When the door slammed shut, she heaved a sigh and hoped she was right too.


  Piper stopped the bike several feet from the makeshift road block. Two large pick-ups had been parked nose to nose a crossed the street. A large man in leather and denim climbed out, shotgun slung on his shoulder. He gazed at her for a moment, then yelled, “What's yer business?”

  Piper returned the look for a moment, and clenched her jaw. She really didn't want to play her cards just yet, but she already could tell this guy was going to force the issue. Reluctantly she called back, “I'm looking for Gavin. He usually hangs out at the bar.” She pointed toward the building a few feet away.

  The guy gave her the hairy eyeball for a few more seconds, then leaned into the truck. The other guy sitting in the cab, hopped out and ran over to the building. The burly biker leaned against the truck and watched her. After a minute or two Piper began to wonder if Gavin was even here. Just as she was getting ready to say screw it and go the long way around, the door to the bar flew open and Gavin strode out.

  A smile tugged on her lips, as the young biker strode toward her. He was dressed in leather chaps over a pair of worn jeans, topped with a heavy leather jacket. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” He admonished, as he got closer.

  “Oh, you know. Running errands, killing zombies, saving dogs... the usual.” She gave him a sweet smile. “Now will you tell King Kong to move so I can get through?”

  “Not until you tell me where you think you're going.” He crossed his arms over his chest, but she noted the tiny smile he suppressed.

  She huffed out a sigh, “Kinney's.”



  He rubbed the stubble in his chin, studying her. “Fine, but I go with and we share whatever we find.”

  Piper wrinkled her nose. “You can come, if you want, and take whatever. As far as I know it's still a free country. Just hurry your ass up, I'm wasting gas.”

  Gavin chuckled, turned, nodded to the guy in the truck and headed toward the bikes in front of the bar. The truck roared to life and backed out of her way. Piper shot through the opening and passed Gavin who was getting his own ride. Only to be stopped a few miles down the road by another blockade which didn’t move until Gavin rode up behind her. She shot a quick glare at him, then darted between the trucks. Gunning the engine she buzzed down the road, ignoring the hunk on the cycle beside her. Piper’s attention was on the homes along the road and what they could be hiding. Her guard rose as they passed the school which looked as though people had barricaded the doors only to abandon it. Slowing they pulled into the store's parking lot which was surprisingly empty. Piper gestured for Gavin to follow her around back, the store would hide the bikes from any prying eyes that passed by. Parking the bikes, she grabbed the empty bags and looked around. Snow still lay in piles from where it had been plowed from the parking area. The parking lot was covered in a layer of grimy slush. The grassy area between the tractor store and the drug store was slushy and muddy but they could use it to make a quick escape if need be.

  “So what’s the plan? Do we just walk in and say I need some meds?”

  Piper shrugged, “I’m playing this by ear.” Tugging her jacket away from her she checked on the puppy. Seeing he was curled up in her pocket, she turned and walked around the building to the front doors. The outside doors seemed jammed open, and the inside turned off. Gavin grabbed one side, and she took the other pulling them open. Piper took a deep breath, sniffing for any sign of rot or decay. The bright overhead lights were on yet she didn’t see or hear anyone or thing in the store. Slowly entering she carefully started moving toward the back of the store, where a large sign proclaimed Pharmacy. Gavin followed warily looking around, gun drawn. Taking the card aisle, she approached the pharmacy counter. The sound of a shotgun racking, had her back peddling as a man in a white lab-coat and glasses stepped from the shelves with a twelve gauge pointed at them.

  “What do you want?” He asked, and Piper noticed a tremor in his voice.

  “Just some med.” Piper replied, raising her hands. “Some antibiotics, and painkillers. Stuff to get us by in case this doesn't straighten out.”

  The guy lowered the gun. “You don’t want to rob me?”

  “No, we were only going to take what we needed for our groups.”

  The guy studied them, as if having an internal debate then set the gun aside and waved them closer. “What do you need?”

  “Like I said, antibiotics and painkillers.” Piper replied, setting the bags on the counter.

  “That all. No birth control?” His eyes danced between her and Gavin.

  She glanced back at the leather clad man, who grinned at her and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “No birth control.”

  “You wound me.” Gavin muttered.

  Piper rolled her eyes, and the pharmacist chuckled taking the bags and moving between the shelves dumping bottles into them.  As he did Piper walked to the back shelf and located some puppy chow, grabbing a bag she also tucked a few cans in her pockets. Returning to the counter she asked, “How much do we owe you?”

  The pharmacist set the bags on the counter and waved her question away. “Nothing. The store has insurance and I’m sure we’ll be looted before this is over. If it doesn’t end... well you’ll need it more than the looters, I suppose.”

  “Thank you.” She replied, tossing a bag to Gavin and taking her own. The sound of revving engines had her spinning toward the door.

  Gavin cursed. “Is there a back door?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Well those a four wheeler engines and the good ole’ boys around here aren’t crazy about us bikers taking over A
dam’s Center.”

  The guy nodded in understanding and lead them to the doors to the store room. Quickly walking through he pushed open a backdoor which let them out right next to their bikes. “I’ll keep them busy so you guys can go.”

  “Thanks again.” Piper said, putting on her helmet and hopping on her bike. Luckily the sounds of engines, along with hooting and hollering drowned out the sound of their motorcycles as they zoomed a crossed the muddy lot between the stores then out onto the road. No one bothered to follow them as they drove toward Adams Center. When they reached a side road, Piper waved to Gavin and took the turn. She knew the road would let her bypass the blockade and bring her out across from where she wanted to be. The country road, was tree lined and the shadows had allowed the snow to stay on the road, instead of melting like it had on the main road. Taking the curves as fast as she dared, on the slipper cement, and eyeing every house along the way.

  Piper groaned when she reached the end of the road, and Gavin sat straddling his bike, next to the stop sign. “What took you so long?” He called and Piper gave him the finger not bothering to stop.


  Mica ran to the door and looked out, when she heard the roar of the motorcycle. Piper pulled into the yard followed by a man on a bigger bike. Getting off the motorcycle Piper grabbed her bags and stomped toward the house. The guy pulled his cycle up beside Piper’s, killed the engine and followed. Pushing the door open, Mica let Piper entered. “What’ Gavin doing here?

  “Not staying.”

  “Okey dokey.” Mica murmured eyeing the biker.  

  “Here take this little guy to the kitchen and get him settled.” Piper said, removing the puppy from her coat and handing him to Mica.