Read The Survivalistas: Book 3- Piper Page 5

  “What about Big Moose?” Shanna asked, she was looking over Piper’s shoulder at the map. “It’s surrounded by forest and mountains shouldn’t that buffer some of the dust and what not. It’s also outside your circles of doom and has other survivors. Judging from the map, it’s our best option. Unless we want to move to the other side of the country, fighting untold numbers of infected dead heads on the way.”

  “Well what does everybody think?” Piper paused a beat then added, “Hands if you want to go to Big Moose.”

  April’s and Shanna’s hands shot up, tentatively Jacob and Cam added theirs. After a moment of indecision Topher put his hand up as well.

  “Alrighty then. We’re going to Big Moose.” Piper forced a smile, “We’ve got a lot to do.”

  Chapter 9

  Piper looked over the road map folded to show the route they’d be taking to Big Moose. As much as she didn’t want to the most direct way was through Adams Center, taking one seventy seven to Lowville, then driving down the number four road directly to Big Moose. The route would also keep them from having to deal with any big cities or towns. Once they reached Lowville they would be out of the contamination zone and she would feel better.

  Mica skipped into the control room. “You have to see what the guys have done to the bus.”

  Piper hope it was the modifications she’d discussed with Gavin last night. She given Shanna and April the job of taking stock of the supplies and boxing them for the drive. While the guys had gone up to the barn to modify her dad’s monster bus for zombie fighting. Entering the barn she took in what the guys had been working on. The bus sat on huge off road wheels several feet in the air, just like it always had, and now boasted chicken wire welded over the windows and windshield. The front door to the bus had a piece of steel about waist high over the lower half with chicken wire covering the top. Both these additions made it so the windows and door could be opened, yet keep the occupants safe. They were good additions to the shatter resistant glass already in place, a safety feature her dad had built in. Having been created for the sole purpose of destroying other vehicles, the bus had a lot of safety features required for the demolition derbies her dad had taken the thing to.  

  Gavin voice cut into her thoughts as they walked around the bus. “The old man knew what he was doing with this thing. The underside is secure so nothing will fly up and jam the engine. Only thing I can’t find is diesel.”

  Mica giggled, “It doesn’t run on diesel.”

  “The engines more of a flex fuel system. I don’t know the exact mechanics but this bad boy runs on daddy’s moonshine.” Piper said, affecting a southern twang on the end.

  “I knew I liked your dad,” Gavin said with a grin.

  Piper returned it with a sad smile, “He liked you too.”

  Turning her attention back to the bus, a roll out ladder hung from the rear exit of the bus. Hoisting herself inside Piper looked around. All but the first two rows of seats had been removed, to make room for supplies. On closer inspection she found the chicken wire hadn’t just been welded on but also bolted. Sharp screw tips pointed out, ready to shred grabby undead hands.

  “You guys have been busy.”

  Gavin shrugged, “we just reinforced what was already here.”

  Piper nodded, and sighed. “Ok go get cleaned up and we’ll start packing supplies. I want to head out first thing in the morning.”


  They hadn’t left quite as early as Piper had hoped. Wrangling grumpy teens out of bed wasn’t as easy as her mother had made it seem. But now they were on the road, Piper and Gavin on the motorcycles and the rest of the group in the bus. Topher was still a little sketchy driving the behemoth, but he was getting the hang of it. Communicating through headset walkies-talkies, Gavin and Piper scouted ahead for road blocks, zombies, and other survivors.

  With a burst of speed Piper popped out of the four way stop and took the corner to fast, dumping the old bike. The sound of an oncoming motor was surprising and terrifying as the huge SUV barreled toward her. Her bad leg was wedged under the bike, making it impossible for Piper to get up. The SUV jerked to the right, skidded with a squeal of tires over the embankment and into the tree line. With a feeling of helplessness she watched the blonde head in the driver seat bounce around then the airbag deployed. The sound of breaking trees, crunching metal, and shattering glass reached her. She sat frozen, even when the weight of the bike was lifted off her leg.

  “Piper,” Gavin’s worried face appeared in her vision, snapping her out of it.

  “There’s someone in the SUV.” Pushing to her feet she winced as pain radiated up and down her leg from the knee.

  Concern flashed on Gavin’s face. “You stay here I’ll go check.”

  Stomach twisting Piper did as he suggested, watching Gavin run to the vehicle and pull a girl from the driver’s seat. Suddenly Mica was next to her, squatting down.

  “You ok, P?”

  “Yeah, just dumped the bike and wrenched my knee. I’ll be fine.” She looked up as Gavin lay the unconscious SUV driver in front of her. The girl was about Mica’s age, her chest rose and fell rhythmically. She sported a large bruise on her forehead near the hairline, which was old judging from the color. On her left temple there was another bruise forming with a cut and a trickle of blood. The airbag had done some damage as well, giving her a case of raccoon eyes and a bloody nose. Small cuts dotted her arms, chest and face. Her left hand lay at an odd angle signaling that her wrist was probably broken.

  “Mica get the first aide kit.” With a quick nod, Mica ran toward the bus.

  Piper tentatively ran her finger down the girl's nose, and breathed a sigh of relief. “Not broken. Probably just a concussion, hopefully.” Looking the girl over, Piper’s eyes lingered on the matching set of Browning twenty two caliber pistols on her hips. “She looks in good health.”

  “Cars packed with supplies.” Gavin added.

  Mica returned with the first aide kit handing it to Piper. Using an Ace bandage she wrapped the broken wrist aligning it as best she could. “It really should have a cast.” Piper sighed, and looked at Gavin. “Can you get her in the bus. Grab Topher and get the supplies from the vehicle along with any of her stuff. We can’t just leave her here.”

  “No problem.” He eyed her sitting on the road. “What about you?”

  She waved away his concern. “I’m fine.”

  Gavin nodded, lifting the girl up he carried her to the bus. Mica started to follow and Piper grabbed her shirt. “Help me up.”

  Concern flicked through Mica’s eyes, reaching down she wrapped an arm around Piper’s waist and helped her to her feet. Leaning on Mica, Piper took in her torn jeans and road rash. Piper winced, putting weight on her sore leg.

  “From one to stepping on a Lego how bad is it?” Mica asked, glancing at her leg.

  Piper smiled, “around a GI Joe.” Mica grinned and helped her get the motorcycle back on it’s wheels. “I want you to keep an eye on our new friend. Let me know when she wakes up.”

  Mica gave her a smart-ass salute, and headed for the bus passing Gavin as she climbed back in. Gavin came over as Piper straddled the bike.

  “You ok to drive that thing?”

  “Yeah. Not my first wipe-out.”

  Chapter 10

  Mica looked at the young woman laying on the seat, she was pretty when you looked past the cuts and bruises. Reaching out she brushed a few strands of hair off other woman's face. Sighing she pulled out an alcohol pad from the first aide kit on her lap and began cleaning the tiny cuts.

  “So is she ok?” Camden asked, peering over the seat in front of them.

  Mica gave him a looking asking if he was stupid, then said, “does she look ok?”

  “He means was she bit?” Jacob popped up next to Camden looking down at them.

  “Not sure yet, but I doubt it.” Mica replied, dabbing at a cut on the girl's cheek. The woman moaned and shifted on the seat.

  “Why do you doubt it?” Camden asked.

  “She’s clean, has supplies… She was somewhere safe. Besides look at those guns.” Appreciation crept into Mica’s voice. “This girl knows how to take care of herself. She would have been fine if Piper hadn’t wiped out in front of her vehicle.”

  “Yeah well take good care of her, Hot Stuff, we might have to repopulate the world.” Jacob said grinning before sinking back down in the seat.

  Mica clenched her jaw and went back to tending the wounded woman in front of her. Jacob had turned into a giant ass as soon as he discovered he was safe. More than once she’d come close to punching him. At first she had wondered if this was just his way of dealing with everything, but after spending time with him and Camden she’d realized it was just how he acted.

  Shanna appeared at the end of the seat. “Here’s an ice pack, it’s one of those instant ones you have to shake to make cold.”

  “Thanks,” Mica took the offered pack, smacking it on the floor she shook it until it got cold. Wrapping it in a wash cloth she placed it on the blond’s forehead.

  “She going to be ok?”

  Mica shrugged, “hopefully.” Snapping the first aide kit shut she handed it to Shanna then climbed up into the seat laying the young woman’s head on her lap. Holding the ice pack in place Mica stared out the window absently stroking the woman’s hair now and again. A slight whimper escaped the girl causing Mica to look down, and raise the ice pack. Her lids fluttered then blinked open, revealing eyes that reminded Mica of the Caribbean. Mica smiled, “You’re awake.”

  Placing the ice pack back on the girl’s forehead, she added,“You might want to stay lying down, you hit your head pretty good in that accident and I’m pretty sure your arms broke too.”

  The woman groaned, her eyes closing and face scrunching up in pain. After a moment she looked back up at Mica and licked her lips. “Where am I?”

  “Oh sorry, bad manners.” Mica offered another smile. “I’m Mica and you’re on our bus. Don’t worry we’ll take care of you.”

  She gave a slight nod, her eyes falling shut again.

  Mica keyed the headset, “Piper she woke up.”

  After a moment Piper came back, “any information.”

  “Not yet, she’s kind of out of it.”

  “Ok keep me informed.” There was a burst of static then Piper added, “Let Topher know that we’re coming up on Adams Center and the bridge is out.”

  “Will do.” Mica shifted slightly and the girls eyes flew open. “Sorry. I’ll be right back.” Setting her head on a rolled up sleeping bag Mica got to her feet and made her way to the front of the bus. “Hey T, Piper said that the bridge to Adams Center is out. We’ll have to cut over eighty-one.”

  “Wait, I’m not sure I’m ready for off roading.”

  Mica glanced over her shoulder, “Shanna would you keep an eye on our guest?”

  “Sure.” Shanna walked over to the seat where the young woman lay.

  “Let me drive, T.”

  “What?” He gave her a quick glance, then turned back to the road. “You can drive this thing? Do you even have your license?”

  “Yes and permit.” Mica grinned at him. “Who do you think test drove this bad boy for Pops?”

  “Ok, but if Piper gets mad it’s on you.”

  Mica keyed the headset, “Piper we’re switching drivers. Topher’s not crazy about the idea of off roading, I’m taking over.”

  “All right, take it easy.”

  Mica’s grin widened as she took over the driver seat and clasped the harness. Revving the engine she eased the bus down the on ramp to eighty one, then drove it over the median and all the lanes before going back up the off ramp. Piper and Gavin waited ahead, waving when they saw her, then driving off. Mica drove carefully into town. The Nice n’ Easy had been raided, gas nozzles abandoned on the ground and a truck rammed through the front doors. The deeper they got into the village the more signs of chaos appeared. Houses had smashed windows, doors hung open, cars flipped on their sides, mangled around telephone poles or just plain abandoned.

  Piper came over the headset, “Mics you got a pile up in front of the library. Want us to wait?”

  “Just stay out of the way, we’ll get over it.” Mica replied, speeding up. “Buckle up boys and girls… It’s going to get a little bumpy.”

  A wicked smile crossed her lips as she saw the smashed cars blocking the road. The bus heaved up and rolled over the cars as though they were nothing more than a speed bump, land with a jolt on the other side.

  “Son of a bitch!” Piper cried into Mica’s ear. “There is a huge crowd of zombies up ahead. It looks like their trying to get into the school.”

  “Hang back. I’ll take care of them.”


  “No worries, P. I got this.” Mica sped up, her heart pounding as she plowed into the crowd of zombies before they could even turn. The huge tires crushed the decaying creatures, smashing and smearing them over the road. Behind her April screamed as a few of the dead heads clung to the chicken wire. Mica whipped the bus around for another pass, and the rotten flesh gave way. Putrid body part flew in all directions from the massive tires. Over the whine of the engine and the crunch of bones under the wheels Mica heard cheering. She chanced a glance out the window and saw a group of men standing on a bus which had been flipped on it’s side to form a blockade. Swinging the monster bus around for the third time, Mica took out the rest of the group which had been pounding on the buses roof before pulling to a stop. The men jumped down, crushing the skulls of the monsters still moving on the ground.

  “Holy shit, that was so cool. You really are Jill Valentine, Mica.” Camden cried, pumping his fist in the air.

  “Oh my god, Mica, never do that again. I was scared shitless.” Shanna chastised.

  Mica turned to look at her passengers, April was clinging to the seat looking pale. Both boys were thrilled looking at her with awe. Topher was looking out the window an unreadable look on his face. Shanna was tending to their guest, who was sitting up grinning at her. Mica felt a smile pull at her lips as the headset crackled.

  “Good job, Sis, that was pretty awesome.”


  Mica heaved herself, a thermos of chicken soup and the wiggling puppy, she had dubbed Barbra after discovering it was a girl, into the bus. Barbra immediately ran over to her makeshift crate and huddled in the blanket Mica had put in there. The tiny puppy didn’t seem to like riding very much. Mica turned her attention to Ava. The new addition to their group sat in the same spot they had left her. Sitting on the cracked green seat, her back against the side of the bus, knees pulled up to her chest.

  They’d been lucky. The school had been taken over by Gavin’s biker gang, who were taking in survivors. The gang had been ballsy enough to go to the Med Redi for medical supplies and had discovered a nurse hiding out there. He’d been able to put a cast on Ava’s wrist, but without x-rays they couldn’t tell how bad it was or exactly how long the cast should stay on. Erring on the side of caution he’d told them a couple months at least.

  Ava looked up as Mica approached. “I brought you some chicken soup.” Mica offered holding up the thermos and sitting on the end of the seat.

  “Thanks.” She took the offered container. Pinning it between her knees she unscrewed it with her good hand.

  Mica watched Ava maneuvered the thermos, wanting to offer to help but also knowing if it was her she wouldn’t want to be treated like an invalid. Especially now, when having a broken bone could mean life or death. Holding the cap full of soup between her knees and the thermos in her good hand, Ava offered Mica a sheepish grin. “Little help.”

  Mica smiled back, “sure.” She replied, taking the thermos and the inside cover to screw back in place. “Where were you headed?”

  Ava took a sip of her soup, slurping down a noodle before answering. “Big Moose. My family has a summer home there. When this whole thing started my mom
and brothers headed up there.”

  “You didn’t go with.”

  For a moment Ava seemed to be debating how much to tell her, while taking another gulp of soup. Finally she replied, “I stayed to help my dad, he stayed to keep the Nuclear power plant in check. Yesterday there was an accident. The cooling pool caught fire and my dad…” her voice caught and she looked down at the cup in her hand.

  “I’m so sorry.” Mica offered, knowing full well those words meant nothing to Ava right now. “I lost both my parents in a car accident before this whole thing happened. It’s just Piper and me, now. So I get it.”

  Ava’s head came up, her blue eyes boring into Mica’s brown ones. Mica felt her stomach flutter, and a tingle raced up her arms. A ghost of a smile crossed Ava’s lips, then she settled back against the bus again sipping on her soup.

  “So where were you guys headed?” Ava asked changing the subject.

  “Same place. We’ve been in contact with someone up there who says they’re taking in survivors. Figured at least we can check it out.” Mica shifted in the seat pulling one leg under her and turning to face Ava.

  Voices at the back of the bus drew their attention. Mica peered over the seat as Jacob climbed in with a much bigger teen right behind him. Two other boys clambered in after them.

  Jacob grinned at her, “great you’re here. These guys wanted to meet the driver who saved their butts.”  

  Mica didn’t like this one bit, she didn’t like how the boys were eyeing their supplies or the once over they were giving the bus. Standing Mica stood in the aisle between the seat blocking the way to the driver seat. The bigger teen gave Mica a once over which made Mica’s skin crawl.