Read The Survivalistas: Book 3- Piper Page 6

  Jacob smiled wider, “Mica this is George. Mica’s the one who was driving and smashed all those zombies.”

  George grinned at her revealing tobacco stained teeth some pieces of chew stuck there as well making her cringe. His dirty blond hair was greasy, pimples covered his face, he had the build of a football player or farmer. He stepped closer, and the smell of peppermint snuff mixed with body odor wafted toward her.

  “So where’d you learn to drive like that?”

  Swallowing down her revulsion, Mica replied, “My dad.”

  He nodded as though that was the answer he expected. Anger spiked in Mica’s chest. “Listen I don’t think you should be out here.” She looked over George’s shoulder at Jacob, “Does Piper know you brought them out here?”

  He gave her a noncommittal shrug.

  “Hey we just wanted to meet you and ask you to come party with us on the roof. Celebration for getting rid of all those dead heads.”

  “Thanks but I’ll pass. I want to stay with my friend, she was hurt and isn’t up for partying.”

  He glanced down at Ava, who glared back. “She can come too, or we can just have it here.”

  Mica shook her head. This guy was pissing her off more and more. She hated these types who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Gritting her teeth she spat out. “We don’t want to party. Get the hell off my bus.”

  Anger flashed in George’s eyes and he gave her a hard shove, knocking her into the seat across from Ava. “We’re going to have some fun whether you like it or not.” He snarled looming over her.

  Mica lashed out with her foot connecting with his knee, the small space had made it hard to get momentum and the blow just made him snarl at her. Kneeling on the seat he unbuckled his pants with one hand while grabbing at her jeans with the other. Mica forced herself to remain calm. He grinned down at her, “see it’ll be fun.” The dumb-ass leaned down as though to kiss her, and Mica headbutted him right in the nose. For a moment she saw stars, then heard him howl in pain. Jerking up holding his bloody nose, he screamed. Mica didn’t think twice this time she brought her booted foot up right between his legs. Another cry of pain leaked from George as he crumbled to the floor. Getting to her feet she found his two lackeys edging closer while Jacob was nowhere to be found.

  From the other seat Ava rose up a Browning in her good hand pointed at the boys. They froze in their tracks, staring at her. “Don’t fucking move,” she growled.

  “You can’t shoot us both.” One said, with a tremor to his voice.

  Ava raised an eyebrow, looking devastatingly badass. “Can’t I.”

  They glanced at each other nervously, but otherwise didn’t move.

  Mica felt a smile tug at her lips as she keyed the headset mic. “Piper get your ass out the bus we have a problem.”


  Piper was furious, hot righteous rage poured through every millimeter of her body. She glared at Donovan as he spoke to Mica and Ava. The boys had been lucky that Gavin and Donovan had come out with her. When she’d found the one crying on the bus floor holding his crotch with his pants undone, she’d been tempted to take Ava’s gun and shoot him herself.

  Gavin put his hand on her shoulder and she flinched him off. “Piper, Mica’s fine, you can’t blame yourself for this. It’s a new dangerous world.”

  “I don’t blame myself, currently I’m blaming Jacob for bring them on the bus in the first place. The kid is a giant pain in my ass.”

  “What do you want to do with him?”

  Piper looked up at Gavin, his eyes were hard and she realized he was as mad as she was. Gavin loved Mica like she was his own little sister.

  “Donny said we can leave him here.”

  She shook her head and looked back at the girls. “Let Mica decide.”

  Donovan got to his feet and came to where they stood in the back of the bus. Gavin’s brother had been a State Trooper before this whole mess had started and led the small mostly law enforcement biker gang. After taking over the school he’d become the unofficial leader of the survivors hold up inside.

  Donovan ran a hand through his hair. “I need about ten guys just like your sister and her friend, Piper.”

  Piper blinked at him unsure what to say, she knew her little sister was tough and could take care of herself but it didn’t mean she had to like it.

  He continued, “the girls are going to be fine and would have been totally justified shooting each of those wanna be criminals. These three punks have been trouble from day one. I just hope this was the first time and the last time they try something like this. Most the girls Mica’s age here are pretty shell shocked, I don’t think they’d put up a fight like Mica did. Those two,” he jerked his thumb to where Mica and Ava sat.  “Are going to be the ones who survive this thing. I will deal with the boys. Mica assured me that nothing happened, but nowadays we have to be tougher than before. For me attempted rape is just as bad.”

  Piper felt a swell of pride replace some of the anger she was feeling. “Thanks Donny. You know you can come with us, to Big Moose. Their trying to rebuild and take in survivors.”

  “Thanks, P, but we have a good thing going here.”

  “Fine, but you know where the bunker is if you ever need a fall back. We left the door unlocked.”

  Donovan smiled, “good to know. Now I have to go take care of some little jerks.”

  Piper looked up at Gavin as Donovan climbed down the ladder. “Would you go round up everybody? We’re leaving in ten, if their ass isn’t in the bus they stay behind.”

  “Yes, Ma'am.” He gave her a salute and followed his brother.

  Piper walked over to where the girls were sitting. Mica was now sporting a bruise to her forehead, a bloody nose and a cut lip all from the headbutt she’d performed. It seemed the altercation had sealed the girls new friendship as Ava’s good hand was entangled in Mica’s. Mica had her head leaning back against the seat eyes closed. Piper had to wonder how much of the cool collected facade these girls projected was the real deal. “Hey, sorry to throw this at you Mics but we need to know is Jacob staying or going?”

  Mica’s eyes popped open and the girls exchanged a glance, before Mica looked at her. “He’s a prick, but we can’t just dump him with a group of strangers. He already lost his family, we’re all he’s got and it wouldn’t be right.” Mica’s eyes flashed and a hard look came over her face. “But if he does anything like this again, he’s zombie chow.”

  Piper couldn’t help but smile. Mica was way more compassionate than she would have been in her position.

  Chapter 11

  Mica’s eyes flew open as the voice came through the CB over Topher’s head. Fighting through the nauseating pain in her head she got to her feet, making her way to the front of the bus and grabbed the mic. She’d only caught the words, lyric, Big Moose and Piper.

  “This is Piper’s sister Mica, please repeat Big Moose.” She said into the mic.

  “Mica this is Lyric in Big Moose, we were wondering if your group could pick up supplies while on your way. Anything... food, medical, clothes, would be helpful.”

  “Let me check with Piper.” Setting the mic in the cradle Mica keyed her headset. “Piper, Lyric just contacted their wondering if we can pick up supplies somewhere along the route.”

  “There's a Wal-Mart just outside Lowville.” Topher said, glancing at her then back to the road.

  “T says there’s a Wal-Mart outside Lowville. I don’t remember there being any big box stores up in the mountains, might be our only shot.”

  “You know things never go well when survivors go into those places in the zombie books and movies, right?” Piper replied. “We have supplies in the bus.”

  “It’s a whole town, P, this might last a week.”

  “Fine. First sign of trouble we’re gone like Grandma’s bra.”

  Mica chuckled, at the reminder of their eccentric grandmother who insisted on burning bras. “Ok, I’ll let Lyric know.” Mica grabbed th
e CB mic again, looking down at Topher. “Head for Wally World.” Pressing the mics button in her best trucker voice she said, “ten four good buddy, we’ll be on the lookout for some grub.”

  There was a staticy laugh then Lyric’s voice, “that’s great. Thank you so much. Big Moose, out.”

  Mica hung the mic back up. “How long before we get to Lowville?”

  Topher shrugged, “Half hour tops.”

  “Have somebody wake me up when we get there.” Mica moved to the back of the bus and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for then sat back down in her seat next to Ava. “Wanna split a Vicodin? You have to be in more pain than I am.”

  Ava stared at her for a moment, then conceded. “Yeah, my arm hurts like crazy.”

  “Thought so.” Mica sawed the white pill in half, handing one part to Ava she swallowed her own section. Closing her eyes she settled into the seat, pressing her knees into the back of the seat ahead of them. As she waited for the medicine to take effect, Mica felt Ava get comfortable next to her. The other girl's head resting against her shoulder. She’d felt a kinship for Ava right from the get go, but after the ordeal with the three stooges Mica felt she had someone other than Piper she could rely on to have her back. With her cheek resting against the top of Ava’s head Mica fell asleep.


  Piper took in the half dozen cars sitting in the Wal-Mart parking lot. The doors and windows looked intact, but that didn’t mean much. At this stage of the game most place would have been hit by survivors like themselves. They hadn’t even bothered with the Tops grocery store one street over. After one look at the smashed doors and zombies loitering around they’d given it a wide berth.

  “This better be worth it, Mica.” Piper said into the headset mic.

  Her sister’s staticy voice sounded in her ear. “Aww come on, it’ll be fun. Admit it you’ve always wanted to loot Wally World.”

  Piper smiled, and shook her head. “Get out here, I need you to help clear the place.” Not that she really wanted to put Mica in danger of getting zombified, but the only two people in the group she trusted not to freeze up on her were Mica and Gavin. Everyone else was just too squeamish or she just didn’t trust them period. Mica hopped out of the bus, her lacrosse stick in one hand and a Browning strapped to her hip.

  Piper frowned, pointing to the pistol. “That’s not yours.”

  Mica’s face lit up, “Ava loaned it to me.”

  Ava appeared in the door to the bus and sat down. “I’ve only got one good hand to shoot with anyway. I can keep watch from here if you want.”

  Piper looked at Mica then Gavin, who nodded. “Fine. Mica give her your headset so she can warn us if anything starts looking hinky.”

  Mica handed her headset over to Ava, then they turned heading for the doors. Before they’d gone two steps Ava called, “knock on the door first. It’ll get their attention and give you an idea of what you're dealing with inside. If there’s to many it might not be worth it.”

  Piper glanced back at the bus and nodded once, reaching the glass doors she knocked hard. After a moment of nothing happening she shrugged, “it was worth a try.”

  “If they’re in the back of the store they might not hear it.” Mica said, looking at the doors.

  Gavin reached over and tried to pull the doors open. “Locked.”

  “Now what do we smash it or try the back?” Mica asked glancing around the parking lot.

  Piper didn’t like this. Everything indicated that people had or were holed up in the store. Shaking her head Piper replied, “Neither. We are not going to be the dumb greedy heroes who take stupid chances for supplies we don’t really need.” Just as she got done speaking Piper heard what could only be a baby crying and then a woman’s scream coming from inside. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Piper groaned, as a zombie smashed it’s face into the door.

  Mica gave her an expectant look bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  “Time to be a dumb-ass hero, P.” Gavin murmured.

  Piper looked to the bus, everyone, except Ava, was pressed up to the windows watching. Ava sat in the door of the bus, gun in hand a pensive look on her face. Piper would never forgive herself if she didn’t try and save a baby. She nodded to Gavin who swung his crowbar through the glass door and straight into the zombies skull. The glass crashed inward, the sound causing her to cringe. The crying became louder and she realized it was two babies not just one, the scream came again. Gavin finished knocking the glass out of the door and led the way into the building. The entryway was clear but the inside door was wedged open. Cautiously they entered the store. Inside was dark the only light coming from the skylights in the ceiling. They edged through the aisles moving toward the back and the store rooms, where the crying was coming from. A fresh looking creature lurched at them, from the toy section. Mica was quicker than either of them smashing her field hockey stick in its temple, the sickening crack followed by the body slumping to the floor. Piper’s heart pounded as they continued, pushing through the swinging doors into the huge stock room. Stacks of pallets blocked their view, along with shelves packed with everything the store offered. The crying was getting louder the closer they got. Turning a corner they found two woman holding infants, a little girl and teenage boy had climbed a shelving unit, with several zombies trying to grab them.

  One of the women saw them, her panicked gaze grabbing Piper. “Help!”

  Not wasting another moment, they rushed the zombies smashing heads with their weapons. Swinging around Piper saw the creature a moment too late, as Mica stepped back. It latched on to Mica’s ankle, she screamed bringing the hockey stick down cracking the skull, but the damage was done. Blood oozed from the bite, Mica’s eyes locked with Piper and she let out a groan.

  Grabbing Mica’s arm Piper rushed her out of the stockroom, ignoring everything and everyone she dragged her sister through the store out to the bus. “Get the first aid kit!” She yelled as they exited the doors. Ava jumped to her feet and disappeared inside. Mica dropped to the pavement next to the bus, wincing in pain and rolling up her pant leg. Two crescent marks marred the skin.

  “What happen?” Ava called tossing Piper the kit.”

  “Mica was bit.” Piper replied turning back to Mica. Yanking the kit open, she pulled out alcohol wipes and began rubbing furiously at the marks.

  “Piper.” Mica put stopped Piper’s attempt at first aid. “I’m done for…”

  “Not yet.” Ava interrupted, dropping down beside them with her pack in hand. Squatting next to Mica, she rummaged through the bag then brought out a bottle of pills. “Take one of these.”

  “What is it?” Piper asked suspiciously.

  “A cure.” Ava replied, handing Mica a little purple pill from the bottle.

  Mica shrugged popping the pill in her mouth and swallowing. “Can’t hurt, I’m dead anyway.”

  Piper glared at Ava. “If that works we are having a long discussion young lady.”

  Ava didn’t look at her, the girl’s full attention on Mica. “It’ll work,” she breath her fingers entwining with Mica’s.


  “You’re sure your sisters ok?”

  Piper forced a smile at the older woman with the kids, and nodded. “Yeah I over reacted.” Truth was she didn’t know if Mica was ok or not. It had been several hours since they had saved Sofia and her family. Finding the woman’s husband and brother-in-law tied up in the stores office. She had yet to learn the families whole story but at the moment didn’t care. Her mind was whirling with the possibility that Ava had a cure to this horrible epidemic.

  Sofia spoke catching her attention again, “one of the men who brought us here was bitten. He became sick within an hour, died and came back in under three. His friends tried to lock him in the freezer not wanting to kill him and it didn’t work out so well.  Overnight they had all changed and came after us. I’m just saying…”

  “I get it.” Piper snapped, getting to her f
eet. “I’m going to check on my friends.” Stalking away, Piper felt bad she knew the older woman was just trying to help but if her calculations were right Mica should’ve changed already. Climbing up into the bus, Piper walked over and sat down across from Mica and Ava. She studied Mica for a moment, her sister looked fine. She wasn’t sick and didn’t have any possible symptoms of the virus. In a low voice Piper said, “talk to me Ava. What’s your story?”

  Stay tuned for The Survivalistas Books 4: Chole & Book 4.5: Ali

  Other Books in The Survivalists Series

  Book 3: Piper – You just read it!

  Book 4: Chole – Coming soon to The Survivalistas Blog!

  Book 4.5: Ali – Coming Soon!

  About the Author- Shandy lives in Upstate New York with her husband, two kids, four cats, and dog. By day is a not so mild mannered sewing machine operator. At night, and on weekends, she is Super Mom. Chasing kids, cleaning house, wrangling animals and whatever else might come up. She also runs several blogs.

  You can find out more about The Survivalists series on it's blog

  My other blogs-

  The Mad Mind of Shandy Jo - Personal Blog

  Mama Knows Books - A Book Blog

  From String Bean to Lean Machine - Hiking, Fitness, and My Journey to run a 5K (and not barf at the end) Blog

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