Read The Sword and The Seven Stones: Diamond Page 9

  Alman looked down to where the west forest began. From his vantage point, he thought the trees actually looked black from where he stood. He looked at Gavin. “Let’s stop for the night. We are all exhausted. If we find food and set up the fires earlier, then we can figure out a way to keep the horses safe and get some sleep before evening comes. “Gavin knew that it would put them behind a few hours but he was in agreement with Alman that they were exhausted and if they were to get through another night alive, they would need their wits about them.

  Harry tied up his horse to the tree. They picked a spot that this time they hoped would work better for the horses. The area was open and it was covered in creeping thyme. They put a line of fires on each three sides and the trees where the horses were tied, there was a cliff drop behind them. Gavin took a look down and he didn’t think that the cats would be able to get up there because of the sheer face of it. They were not going to take any more chances with the men. Nelvil took Harry out to look for food. Harry was still in a state of shock after what happened the night before. Nelvil was a giant of a man but underneath he was gentle to others, especially children. Jordon sat down on a rock and took out his stone and started to sharpen his sword. With each stroke he took, his eyes seemed to get darker and darker. It was as if something took hold of him and he wanted vengeance. Gavin knew they would have to watch him tonight. Alman and Churil decided to take a walk around the perimeter together and as they did, they came upon a pool of water. Walking over to the pool, they could see right to the bottom and in the next moment, they were jumping in. Clothes tossed off and left on the embankment. The water felt so refreshing. Alman scrubbed his hair and under his arms. Going back under the water, he held his breath and looked around. He couldn’t believe how clear the water was. The pools around the palace were murky. He made his way up to the surface when something came out of nowhere and wrapped itself around his leg. It kept pulling him farther and farther down. He turned in time to see Churil pull his knife out and slice whatever was holding him down. As soon as he was free, he made his way up to the surface. He swam over to the bank and climbed out. Churil was right behind him. Just as Churil stepped onto the bank, the creature’s tentacle came out of the water and wrapped around Churil’s arms and chest to pull him back into the water. As the beast raised itself out of the water, Alman had never seen anything so horrifying. It had the shape of an octopus but the head was separated by a neck that made it almost look human. The eyes were huge and black and the small teeth that ran along its lips looked razor sharp. As it looked at Alman, another tentacle came around and almost had him. It looked like the same monster that tried to get him and Harry at the river the second day but on a larger scale. “Run now,” Churil screamed out to the prince. Alman grabbed his sword that glowed bright from the stone and swung it through the air. It sliced through the tentacle that was meant for him. He kept swinging, trying to avoid getting caught himself but Churil knew that eventually he would get tired. He urged the prince to run to safety. The scream the monster let out was deafening. The last slice he took was a big one and he thought for sure that it would let go of Churil but it held him tight. Alman grabbed their clothing and boots and ran. He looked back but only heard the splash of the water as the beast took Churil with it. He got to the camp, his hair still dripping water. Gavin took one look and pulled his sword. “What happened? Where did that scream come from?” A few moments later as Alman sat on the ground trying to catch his breath, Gavin noticed that Churil wasn’t with him. He squatted down and looked at Alman. “Where is Churil?” Alman shook his head. “The beast came right out of the water. It had me and Churil cut me loose but it wrapped around him and I couldn’t get him free. I kept cutting it over and over but it wouldn’t let him go.” Gavin rose and called out to Jordon and Nelvil. “Stay here and keep an eye on him.” Nelvil told him that he thought it would be a good idea if he went with him. Gavin nodded. Harry was putting the rabbits they killed on a spit. Gavin figured by the time they got back, the food would be ready then they would have to get some rest. Jordon had finished sharpening his sword and stood up. “Nelvil, stay here. I will go with Gavin.” Gavin knew that Jordon wanted to fight anything. He was mad that he lost his friend. “Now is not the time, my friend. Save that anger for tonight when we may need it. I need you to stay here and keep an eye on both of them. Gavin picked up their canteens. He would fill them up from the spring that they passed by just a few minutes from the campsite. Jordon resented that he couldn’t go. He needed to expel the anger that had built up in him. He looked over at Alman and he could see that he was still shaken up. Jordon nodded then walked outside the perimeter and gathered enough wood to keep the fires burning all night. Harry left Alman alone. He hoped that his friend would see what a stupid thing this quest was and turn around and go home.