Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 58

Page 58


  How could I not forgive him?

  I kissed him and felt our passions growing. I knew, in that moment, all I wanted was to flee into the night with Ignatius and risk Vlad’s wrath.

  Ignatius suddenly withdrew. “Someone approaches. ”

  The doors to the balcony slammed open and the chill night wind howled into the room.

  I heard the door open behind me.

  As quickly as the wind had rose up, it dissipated, leaving me standing alone before the open doorway staring up at the night sky. My arms were empty and my lips felt naked as the cool breeze brushed against them.

  Ignatius was gone.

  “Countess Dracula, I have been searching for you,” a very prim and British voice said from behind me.

  I turned around to see a tall man framed in the doorway. It was the servant who had spoken with the Baroness earlier. I recognized his rugged handsome face instantly and I smiled at him.

  His face went slack and his eyes widened.

  It was then I remembered my veil. Reaching up, I drew it down over my features quickly.

  “Madam, forgive me! I am so sorry to interrupt your…moment alone. ”

  “There is nothing to forgive,” I answered quickly. “But, why were you searching for me?”

  He stepped tentatively into the room, his eyes darting about, searching the shadows.

  I was certain he had seen Ignatius vanish.

  “My name is Brice, Madam. I am also from Great Britain. When I saw you last year, madam, I knew you were in danger, but I could not warn you. Forgive me, but it was already too late. But tonight, I can warn you. Your husband is a most evil vile man and my mistress is his faithful servant. Even now, she caters to his every wish. ”

  I was so shocked by the servant’s bluntness, I could not think of what to say.

  “Forgive me, please,” he said in a voice that was desperate and yet reserved.

  “You saw me when I was here last year?”

  “Yes, Madam. I was at my mistress’ side when she greeted you on the banks of the Danube. There were a great many people there that afternoon, so I am not surprised you do not recognize me. I attempted to speak with your father, but I was thwarted. ”

  I felt chilled to the bone and whispered, “What do you know? Of my. . . husband?”

  “That he is not human. That you and he are what the Baroness yearns to be. It is all she desires. To live forever. ”

  I was stunned at his words. “And why, pray tell, are you telling me all this? Do you not fear me?”

  “No, I do not. I have seen how you are still a sweet young woman with your brother tonight. I know that you may be changed into something other than human, but you are still the spirited young woman I saw last spring. I saw it in your smile when I entered the room. Honestly, madam, I have seen things so horrible here, I cannot bear it. I came here from England to have a good life, instead it has been just shy of hell. The Baroness is an evil woman and your family is not the only one she has conspired against. ”

  “What do you mean? What do you know?” I demanded.

  “I know you were trapped into this fate, Madam. I know what they did to you and your family. That you are but a victim of an evil plot against you. ”

  I felt my rage growing and fought to draw it in, suppress it. “You are saying the Baroness had something to do with the fate of my family?”

  “Come with me, madam. I will show you. Please, come with me. ” Brice held out his hand to me, imploring me with an expression both sorrowful and anxious.

  “Very well. Show me what you must,” I responded.

  I admit as I write this I am still quite mystified by my newly acquired ally. As I walked behind him, staring at his stiffly held frame, I could only wonder at his motives. Of course, it was such a strange evening from the very beginning, and at that time I suspected it would be to the very end, that I could only follow this man who promised me a clearer portrait of the truth. It was a night of revelations and my curiosity spurred me to discover what more might be unveiled.

  I followed Brice through darkened hallways to the gloomy domain of the servants. He motioned to me and we brushed past the house servants that were still on duty. One maid was seated on the bottom steps of the servants’ staircase her head slumped to one side as she dozed off from exhaustion. I stepped gingerly around her and moved up into the dreary shadows above her.

  Brice motioned to me and pushed open a doorway. Beyond it, lay a long narrow hall.

  “What is this?”

  “The Baroness is a peculiar woman. She likes to know everything that happens within her household. ” He hesitated, for emphasis. “I do mean everything. ”

  “She spies on her own guests,” I asked in surprise.

  “You could say that. Come along. ”

  The hall was extremely narrow and I could feel my dress brushing against the walls on either side of me. Tiny little slots were in the walls at various points. Nervously, I avoided looking through them and followed Brice closely.

  I drew my power tight around me, shielding myself from Vlad or the Baroness, should she be a vampire. I must have vanished from sight, for Brice looked back down the hallway with confusion. I reached out to touch him and he looked quite startled.

  “Madam, that was quite terrifying,” he said in a low voice.

  “I apologize,” I said briskly, trying not to vanish from his view again.

  He took a few more steps, then motioned. “Here. They are in here,” he whispered softly.

  I moved closer to him. Turning my head, I peered through the tiny slot. Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the candlelight beyond and I could see into the dark cavernous room that was the Baroness’ bedroom.

  A woman, very young and beautiful lay on a table, her eyes wide and unseeing. She was pale and lifeless, her throat and wrists baring the marks of a vampire’s bite. The Baroness languidly lounged on her bed, watching Vlad as he spoke with her. The curtains in the windows rustled as the night air flowed through the room causing the candles to flicker, throwing ghastly shadows along the walls.

  Vlad’s fingers trailed over the Baroness’ cheek as he smiled down at her, his teeth still tinged with blood. “Good things come to those who wait. ”

  “I do not wish to wait,” the Baroness pouted. “But if that is what you desire…so be it. ”

  “It is what I desire,” Vlad assured her.

  The Baroness sighed, then slid from the bed. She wandered across the room to the dead girl and smiled down at her with contentment. “And when will I join you, my love?”

  “When the time is right. ” Vlad fell back against the pillows on her bed, looking quite flushed and content.

  “It pains me to see you with her,” the Baroness said in a low voice.

  Vlad’s eyes narrowed, but she did not notice.

  In the tiny hallway, I pressed closer to the slot, trying to see all that was happening, yet pulling my power in tighter around me.

  “I know I chose her for you, but it hurts me that she is immortal and I am not. ”

  “I chose her,” Vlad said in a voice that was edged with anger. “You may have directed my attentions toward her, but I alone chose her. ”

  “Forgive me,” the Baroness said with a winsome smile. “I spoke hastily. ”

  “You know I need her. I wish to move to England and I need her to establish a mortal life there. Glynis can give me the life of a mortal man,” Vlad reminded her.

  “I long to be what she is,” the Baroness whispered. Her fingers trailed through the thick blood congealing on the table and pressed them to her lips. “I wish to take life as you do and make it my own. ”

  Vlad was growing restless and he moved swiftly across the room. Taking the Baroness’ face roughly in his hands, he said softly, “You directed my eyes to Glynis. You told me she was the most perfect of all the English noblewomen in Buda. You told
me how beautiful she was. How lovely. And when I saw her, I wanted her. You helped Stephen convince her parents to come to me. You gave her to me. Do not start resenting her. In the end, you will be her sister and my Bride. You will be with her forever. ”

  The Baroness lowered her eyes. “I long for the day. To be your favored Bride and love. ”

  Vlad laughed, kissed her roughly then threw her to the ground. “Glynis is the first among my Brides. You will serve her. Do not forget that. ”

  I drew in a breath in shock. He named me the first. Not Cneajna. He had said this once before, but I thought it idle flattery, a bribe to gain my devotion. But he said the words now in all sincerity. My mind whirled at the concept, of the possibilities. What did it mean?

  I still reel at the thought.

  The Baroness lay on the floor in silence, her eyes welling with tears. “You love her!”

  Vlad merely smirked. “I need to go to my wife. The night is drawing to an end. She will wonder where I am. As will my brother in law. I will see you another night,” Vlad said to her.

  “You love her!” The Baroness voice rose angrily. “You love her!”

  I could not stand there and wait for Vlad to respond. I grabbed Brice’s hand and hurried us both down the passage. Vlad would be seeking me out soon and I knew the Baroness’ tirade would not last long with his temper.

  “Do you understand now? All she speaks of since she discovered you had come to Buda is you. She is obsessed. ”

  “Yes, I understand too well. Your mistress conspired against me and my family,” I nearly growled. “Damn her!”

  “She yearns to be what you are,” Brice said, his gray eyes tormented with sadness.

  “And Vlad has promised her. I will kill her first. She will never join us,” I vowed through clenched teeth.

  “Do what you must, but I beg of you one thing,” Brice said as we reached the darkened hallway leading to the ballroom.

  I whirled about and stared into his craggy face. “What do you desire?”

  “When you are free of him, you will come for me. Let me go back with you to England. ” His voice was filled with great yearning and sadness.

  “Very well,” I answered him. “I will not forget what you have revealed this night and I will come for you. You will go home to England. I vow it. ” Then I turned to hurry down the hallway to the ballroom.

  Vlad met me at the doorway, both of us reaching it at the same moment. He was so flushed with blood that he looked human. He grabbed hold of my arm, pulled me back away from the doorway behind a curtain, and kissed me deeply through my veil. I could taste the blood on his lips and teeth and my hunger responded to his kiss. With passion and hunger, I kissed him, holding tight to him.

  He released me and tucked my veil back into place. “Sometimes I forget that there are more annoying women than you on this earth. ”

  I lifted my chin and said, “A fight with your mistress?”

  Laughing, he swung me about in a little dance, then pulled me against him. “Choices have been made this night that will liberate you in ways you cannot imagine. ”

  “Tell me?”

  With a smirk, he released me, took my hand, kissed it, and then shook his head. “No. ”

  He led me into the ballroom and all that followed held no meaning.

  Now I sit at my desk in my room, the sun threatening to appear in a few minutes. Vlad is already at rest. As I write all this down, I realize that Vlad and I are entangled in a game of which I do not understand the rules. The Baroness accused him of loving me, but I do not think he loves. In me he has found an adversary and compatriot. We are both headstrong and somewhat ruthless. Tonight, I am beginning to believe we may be evenly matched.

  Vlad is consumed with his plans and now I must be consumed in my own. I cannot merely wait to see what happens. I must make my own freedom appear. I must fight for it.

  Tonight I watched the men I love converse together before me. They are both worth fighting for. I am worth fighting for. I must fulfill my mother’s dying wish. I must begin now to truly plan my escape from Vlad.