Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 59

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  Chapter 29

  The Journal of Lady Glynis Wright- Buda

  20th of April, 1820

  This was my last night to spend with my brother-


  I mournfully watched the moonbeams from the moon above skip merrily over the dark waters of the Danube. Sighing heavily, I tucked my hand into my brother’s, leaning against him to seek comfort.

  We stood side by side staring over the waters toward Pesth. For almost a month, we had strolled along this same bank every night speaking of the life we had once shared and tentatively planning for the future. But, alas, this was Andrew’s last night in Buda.

  Andrew wrapped his arms about me. “It will be all right, Glynis. You shall see. I will help your husband make plans for your move and soon you will be sipping tea with Angeline and playing with Johnny. You will be in England soon, Glynis and we will be together once more. Do not fret. ”

  “I am trying not to, but England seems so far away,” I sighed.

  “Yes, but you shall soon be home. I swear it. You shall reclaim your life and one day we shall sit and watch our children play together. ”

  His words caused me pain, but I tried to hide it. I would never have mortal children, but my brother did not realize that. My children, should I ever create any, would be undead and deadly just as I am. “I am going to miss you so, Andrew. You have made me so very happy this last month. ”

  “Here I have been feeling like a terrible nuisance,” Andrew answered with a wry grin.

  “Well, yes, that as well, but always a wonderful nuisance,” I teased him. I drew back and held onto his hand, pulling him along behind me.

  “I cannot wait until you are safely relocated to England then we shall all be together until death parts us,” he decided.

  I could feel the tears in my eyes and I desperately tried to keep them from falling. “I will never forget this time we had together, Andrew. It has meant the world to me. ”

  “Do not speak of it as if I am never going to see you again, Glynis. We shall be together once more, and we will all be quite happy. I am merely returning to England to clear the way for you to come with your husband. Then the family will be reunited and we shall be together. ”

  I could not help but be maudlin. Andrew does not understand the world I now live within. He has made me human again. He has restored my faith in life and God. At the same time, he has spurred me into a desperate and enormous decision. I will kill Vlad and escape. As soon as possible, I will do it.

  Andrew's thoughts were of his travels home, his dear wife and infant son, and belief that I would soon join him in England. All the while my thoughts were of darkness and murder. But my mind is quite made up. I will kill Vlad before we ever leave Buda, for once in England Vlad will wield great power over me. His threats against my brother would carry extra weight once we are on British soil. To save Andrew, I know I have to kill Vlad while he is still in Eastern Europe. I am unsure of the consequences of my actions, but I have to fulfill my promise to my mother. I will be free of Vlad.

  Clutching Andrew’s hand tightly, I strolled along in silence. I tried to put on a gay exterior, but still, I could not help but wonder when I would ever see my beloved brother again, if at all.

  We made our way back to the home of Sir Stephen in awkward silence. The tension grew between us. Andrew was thrilled to be leaving for home, yet torn because he was leaving me behind. I was relieved that he would soon be far away from Vlad, but I could not help but feel a heavy sadness at the reality of his departure.

  “It will be odd trying to live like a normal man once more. I have become accustomed to being awake all night during my visit here,” Andrew mused.

  “I am sorry for that. But I cannot bear the sunlight,” I answered truthfully.

  “I know and I understand. I know that is why you will not see me off in the morning, and I do not hold it against you. You being here now is sufficient in every way. ”

  I smiled ruefully and turned my face into the wind, feeling the cool breeze slipping beneath my veil and drying my silent tears. As we moved up the stone steps that lead into the home of Sir Stephen, Andrew gave my shoulders a tender squeeze as he smiled at me lovingly.

  “I love you, dear sister,” he said.

  “I love you, dear brother,” I answered.

  Together we entered the house. Vlad was waiting for us with Doctor Baum in the sitting room. I saw his foot tapping restlessly and a bored expression upon his features. I knew instantly that he was desperate to leave. Sir Stephen hesitantly entered the room and sought out his Master’s gaze. Vlad motioned him to a chair and Stephen quickly sat down.

  “Are you tired, Glynis? I know the party last night was quite a strain on you,” Vlad said evenly, his gaze piercing.

  “Actually, dear husband, I am quite tired,” I answered him. I longed to stay longer, but Vlad was clearly quite anxious to leave.

  “So soon, dear lady?” Dr. Baum looked surprised. He was used to me being awake until nearly dawn.

  “I am feeling a bit faint and you two should really rest before your trip tomorrow,” I said smoothly.

  “Mayhap it is best to say our goodbyes now,” Andrew conceded.

  “Thank you for understanding,” I said softly. Oh, how I am going to miss him. He has brought me so much happiness during his time in Buda.

  Vlad rose majestically to his feet and moved to escort me to the foyer. Andrew took hold of my other hand and clasped it tightly, joining us as we walked together. A servant opened the front door and Vlad stepped out into the night, looking back upon us.

  Before he could say anything, I turned to Andrew and flung my arms about him. “I am going to miss you dreadfully!”

  “And I you. But we shall soon be together,” Andrew responded and hugged me tenderly.

  Dr. Baum followed us out onto the front steps and I turned to him. I kissed him on both cheeks and felt a pang of guilt for what I had done to him.

  “Thank you so much for accompanying my brother on his visit here,” I said.

  “It was a pleasure, Countess. It truly was. And we shall see each other again very soon,” he answered with a cheery smile.

  Vlad moved forward and politely shook both men’s hands, but made no pretense of a sad farewell. He seemed almost relieved. “We shall all see each other soon enough. It was a pleasure gentlemen. ”

  “Take care of my sister,” Andrew urged Vlad with one of his bright smiles. “I know she is quite a handful. ”

  Vlad smiled, looking at me. “Yes, she is. But you can rest easy, Andrew. I shall make sure she is well taken care of. ”

  I once more embraced my brother and kissed both of his cheeks. “I love you, Andrew. May you be blessed with a safe journey home. Give Angeline and Johnny a kiss for me. ”

  “I shall. Be happy, Glynis and write me often until you return home. ” He was being very brave for me and I loved him for it. He kissed my forehead then helped me into our carriage.

  I reluctantly released his hand and sat back beside my Master. As the carriage lurched forward and drew us away from my brother and his friend, I lowered my head and wept.

  “Do not be such a child, Glynis,” Vlad scolded me. “We shall see him again. I promise you that. ”

  I turned my face away from him and cried into the soft folds of my veil.

  When we returned to our home, I snatched off the veil and shredded it to pieces. With an angry scream, I flung the pieces at Vlad and raced up the stairs to my room. He followed slowly, but with an amused expression upon his features. When he entered my room, he found me ripping apart all my veils in a wild frenzy.

  “Now what is the use of that?” he asked.

  “I do not need them anymore, do I?” I flung a bit of black lace at him and it drifted lazily to his feet.

  “You are angry, I take it,” he decided.

  “Truly you ar
e so very observant, husband,” I said smartly.

  “Why are you angry? Because you were reunited with your brother? Because I brought you to live in this lovely home? Or because you have been treated as a Countess for over a month’s time?” Vlad’s eyes narrowed, the green in them seeming to glow.

  “No,” I said indignantly. “I am hungry. ” I pouted and slumped down onto the floor, my skirts rising up around me like a blue silk cloud.

  He laughed and shook his head, his long auburn coils falling around his narrow, lupine features. “You are so very spoiled. ”

  I stomped my foot on the floor. “I am hungry!”

  Amazingly, he did not seem very angry for my outburst. He squatted down before me and tilted his head to regard me. “Then go eat. Find a nice young man to seduce in his bed and feast. ”

  I flicked my gaze upwards to regard him suspiciously. “Truly?”

  “Truly. ” He reached out and ran his fingers lightly down my cheek. “Feed and renew yourself. But be mindful of the hunters. ”

  I was unnerved by his gesture. I could not help but think of his words to the Baroness and her words to him.

  He drew me to him and kissed me deeply. I remained limp in his arms, not responding. He licked my lips then turned my head and bit into my throat. I could not help but swoon and fell back in his arms. He lowered me to the floor and drank just a little from me.

  I felt the hunger grow fierce in my belly.

  “Go and feed your beast. Feed it well. Remember that you are more than Lady Glynis of England, but a vampire and my Bride. ”

  I could taste my blood on his lips when he kissed me again, and I boldly bit his lip and took a bit of his blood into me. He crushed me to him and let me drink just a little then pulled free. Climbing to his feet, he motioned to me. “Go feed and return before sunrise. And do not fret over your brother. In a year’s time he shall be a part of our life and we a part of his. ”

  I rose to my feet and he traced his fingers over the healing wound on my throat.

  “Did you even like my brother?”

  Vlad laughed and walked to the door slowly. “He was much like you, dear Glynis. How could I help but not like him. He will be a worthy servant and ally. ” And with that, he was gone.

  His words angered me and hung in the air like a threat. Whether he meant it to be or not, his prediction of my brother’s fate in our lives terrified me. I could not bear the thought of Vlad wielding power over Andrew. Fighting down my fear and anger, I quickly formed a plan in my mind.

  With quivering, desperate hands, I pulled on the fastenings of my dress and climbed out of the layers of blue silk. I quickly donned a frothy black gown that made me even more pale and striking. It was very lightweight and would allow me to move quickly, without restraint. I combed out my fussy hairstyle and allowed my long hair to hang down to my waist in gentle waves. Finally, I pulled off all my ornate jewelry; save the ruby ring Vlad had given me.

  As I hurried from my bedroom, I wrapped a long black cloak around my shoulders and drew the hood over my long unfettered hair. Then I fled into the night, determined to save my brother.

  The Journal of Andrew Wright

  20th of April, 1820

  I had the most frightful nightmare just now. I awoke with a start and I find I cannot return to sleep until I have written down what I saw in the dark world of dreams.

  In the dream, I saw a drunken butcher staggering down the street, his bleary red eyes squinting through the thick fog rolling off the Danube. Mumbling incoherently to himself, he fumbled through the night. His meaty face was puffy and red from the strong liquor he had consumed and he stank of urine. He was an unpleasant sight and, in my dream, I knew he rather reveled in that fact.

  Several common whores scampered away from him as he materialized out of the fog and he lewdly sneered at their fading forms.

  He was nearly to his shabby home when he hard a strange noise whispering out of the misty darkness. It was a strange slurping noise, vaguely similar to his style of gulping down liquor. Staggering forward, he saw a dark shape emerge from the foggy night. It was a strange voluminous figure lying across the narrow alley. He stared at it for a long moment then he made out a slender hand emerging from the dark shape. It was a woman’s hand, pale and very dirty in the faint light from the gas street lamp behind him.