Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 66

Page 66


  In the dream I was screaming in agony. My teeth were long and sharp and were shredding my dried lips. My mouth was parched and my throat felt painfully dry. As my voice rose into a shriek, I felt the flesh on my face crack and split.

  And in my dream, I felt a horrible despair that the man I loved had abandoned me and all was lost. I would wither away as the hunger ate at me until nothing was left, and I was filled with terror.

  It was then I had awakened.

  Rolling onto my side, I wept into my pillow, the horror of the dream still gripping me. Vlad remained unmoving beside me. I could feel his anger seeping from him to infect the atmosphere of the room.

  “You cannot just leave them starving,” I finally dared to say. “How can you do this to Cneajna?”

  “Do not speak her name to me,” Vlad snapped.

  “But she loves you. She loves me. I dreamed of her and-” I was cut off when he slapped me.

  “We will not speak of her again. Or of the other two,” Vlad said in a low voice. He lay beside me and put his arm about my waist to pull me hard against his body. “Sleep and forget them. Our time draws near. ”

  Weeping softly, I covered my face with my hand and found no solace in sleep or wakefulness. At last I rose to write this entry. I cannot truly rest knowing that the sisters are in such dreadful agony.

  Later -

  So much has happened since I began this entry just a few hours ago. I am still shaking and terrified. I can barely believe what I have just endured. I am writing to calm myself and draw my thoughts together.

  In such a short time all that I have known has been destroyed.

  I finally did sleep again after my nightmare of the sisters. Vlad woke me a few hours later, and I rose up to see that he was already dressed.

  “The Baroness has invited us to join her at her home tonight,” he said in a low voice. His hair and mustache were neatly trimmed, and his bright green eyes regarded me thoughtfully.

  I made a face at this announcement. I had no desire to see his mistress. The last few nights had been draining as Vlad and I spent hours planning our move to England. Already he has our trip across the continent mapped, and we've spent hours conversing in English. His accent is strange and he has a tendency to word things oddly, but he is improving quickly.

  I never really had a moment to myself and Vlad seemed to deliberately stay at my side. Of course, this meant I could not go meet Ignatius in the hotel garden so I resented that I was going to be forced to visit with Vlad’s mistress.

  Vlad laughed at my pout, leaning toward me. “You are so very contrary. ”

  “You have no idea,” I retorted.

  “Oh, I believe I do. ” He stood up slowly and ran his hand over my cheek. “Dress in your finest. Let the Baroness see your full beauty tonight. ”

  I fear an evil little glint flashed into my eyes.

  “I did not realize you were so jealous, my dear wife,” he said with amusement.

  I drew away from him and pouted. “I would just rather she understand that she is not my competition. ”

  “Of course she is not,” Vlad chided me. “Even if she does seem to believe that. She could never compete with you, my flame haired bride. ” He caught me by my hair and drew me against him. Kissing the back of my neck, his hands slid over my body.

  I growled at him irritably. “If you wish me to dress then stop that. ” I drew away from him and fled from our secret chamber.

  He caught me in the foyer and twirled me about. His kiss was searing as I beat my hands against his chest. Twining his hands in my hair, he whispered against my lips. “You are the first. Remember that. ”

  “Only when it serves my purposes,” I retorted.

  He laughed, releasing me. I stomped my foot at him, then turned and fled up the stairs.

  I found Magda in my room waiting for me. She was laying out one of my favorite dresses. “The Count told me to make sure you looked your very best tonight,” she said nervously.

  With a bit of a frown, I fell into the chair next to my vanity. “Yes, he is dragging me off to some ridiculous gathering with his mistress. ”

  Magda’s expression was grave as she began to brush out my hair.

  “It is unfortunate that he does not leave you behind,” she said in a low voice, and I understood the hidden meaning. I wondered how much she actually knew about Ignatius and me. I dared not ask.

  “Yes, I know. I’m rather tired of being tied to his side. ”

  Magda began to twist my hair up into a fancy design. “He has been a bit possessive since his return. ”

  “He suspects me,” I answered truthfully.

  “And yet he is open with his mistress. ” She adorned my red tresses with jeweled hair clips and a fancy green ostrich feather.

  I shrugged. “I really do not care about her. ” Unfortunately, I knew that was not fully true. I actually despised the Baroness and felt threatened by her to some degree. Of course, she had also betrayed my family and I hated her viciously for that. But, if I was honest with myself, the mere thought of Vlad turning her into a vampire made me quite angry.

  “That woman is evil,” Magda hissed.

  “Why do you say that?” I glanced back at Magda. She seemed quite upset.

  “She used to visit often before Vlad brought you here. He used to spend a lot of time with her before you became his wife. She used to do terrible things to the servants and he would let her. ”

  I saw that her hands were shaking. “Magda, did she hurt you?”

  My faithful servant reached out and took my hands. I felt a pang of guilt that I had never realized the depth of her devotion until just a few nights ago.

  “I know you are a good woman. You have never treated us badly. You have made Vlad act like a true Master and not a brute. We used to live in terrible fear when he would come to the house, but now, it is so much better for all of us. ” Magda’s brow furrowed. “But that woman, that awful woman, please, do not let her befriend you or try to return to his good graces. ”

  I held her hands firmly. “I despise her. Do not worry about her. And, of course, you shall be treated well. I will insist on nothing less. ”

  Magda looked close to tears. “But you will leave to England and we shall be here. What if he gives us to her?”

  “I will insist that he keeps this home,” I lied. I actually had other plans for the house once I killed Vlad. I was determined to return to Buda and take the house as my own until I could arrange to leave for England.

  Magda looked a little relieved, but her brow was still creased with worry. “In all the years I have served Vlad, only this time with you as our mistress has been peaceful and good. ”

  “I am glad to hear that I have brought some measure of happiness to your life,” I said, my voice thick with emotion. I was very touched by her words.

  “Perhaps he will eventually allow us to take our sips of blood from you and not him,” she said after a beat.

  “Why does he have you drink his blood?” I looked at her questioningly as she helped me into my bright green silk dress.

  “So that we are bound to him,” she answered.

  “But you helped me the other night,” I said.

  “My family has served him for hundreds of years. We have always drunk of his blood and it sustains us. We live long and are rarely ill. But, when we drink, we are strongly bound to his wishes. He has not given me his blood in almost a year. I think perhaps he trusts that I will do as he wishes without his blood. ” As she talked, her nimble fingers worked to fasten my dress.

  “I thank you for helping me,” I said in a low voice.

  She moved around me, fluffing my bows and lace. “I thank you for being a true and kind mistress. ”

  We shared a moment of camaraderie I have rarely had with any servant, and I felt an immense fondness for her. What followed was a pang of guilt when I re
alized I did not even know if she was married or had children. I knew absolutely nothing about her except she was devoted to me.

  The door swung open and Vlad’s presence filled the room. I was a little surprised at how modern and handsome he appeared tonight. Obviously, he had taken the time to trim his hair and mustache and it made his face seem much more pleasant. Of course, I knew that was a lie, but it was still rather remarkable.

  “You look lovely. We should depart now that you are ready,” Vlad said.

  Magda quickly tied one more ribbon in my hair and then hurried to get my cloak.

  I walked toward Vlad slowly, my gaze fastened on him rather intently. “Why are we going to this party tonight?”

  “Why are you so suspicious? Perhaps it is time for us to socialize with others as a married couple,” Vlad answered.

  “Oh, please. You do nothing without some sort of ulterior motive. You plot everything. ”

  “You do know me well, do you not?”

  “Far more than I like,” I admitted.

  Magda brought my cloak and helped fasten it about my throat. She looked anxious. When I departed on Vlad’s arm, I saw that she was clutching her hands tightly, her knuckles completely white.

  “I would truly like to know why we are going to the Baroness' home tonight,” I said as we walked down the stairs to the foyer. “I do not like it when you plot and leave me in darkness. ”

  Vlad turned on his heel to regard me thoughtfully, then shook his head. “No, it is best if you do not know. I am not in the mood for one of your temper tantrums. ”

  “I beg your pardon? Temper tantrum?” I stomped my foot. “Truly you think ill of me. ”

  With a laugh, he helped me into the carriage and took his place beside me.

  I gave him my most sour expression. “Of course, you will not be a decent man and let me know of your plans. ”

  “Of course not. Besides, you have never considered me to be a decent man,” Vlad said with a laugh.

  I growled at him and settled down into the seat as the carriage lurched forward.

  “Perhaps I have decided it is time for you to know the truth about certain matters that pertain to you,” he said at last.

  I regarded him with great curiosity, but he ignored me.

  The Dosza Palace was not the shimmering spectacle it had been the night of the opera, but it was still quite glorious to behold as we approached. As the carriage drew up to the steps, Vlad reached out to touch my hand, his fingers tracing over the red stone in the ring he had given me.

  “Remember, you are Countess Dracula. None other carries that title,” he said firmly.

  I regarded him in silence, attempting to discern a hidden meaning. The door to the carriage opened and we disembarked.

  Brice met us in the foyer. “Please, follow me,” he said in a low voice, and I noticed that he barely glanced at me.

  Freed of our cloaks, we followed Brice into a parlor where the Baroness was already visiting with other guests. Sir Stephen and his wife, Maria were seated on a couch talking softly with the Baroness.

  As we entered the room, the Baroness slid to her feet and put on her most dazzling smile. I thought this amusing since all their expressions had been quite dire when we had entered.

  “Count and Countess Dracula, how wonderful for you to join us tonight,” she gushed.

  Vlad allowed her to greet him warmly and I followed suit.

  The Baroness looked beautiful in her red gown and red ostrich turban. She clasped her hands to her bosom and her diamond bracelets and rings caught the light like white fire.

  “We are most pleased to be here,” Vlad said in response, then moved to greet Sir Stephen and Maria.

  A fierce anger enveloped me as I stood among those who had betrayed and murdered my family. My jaw set firmly as I moved to greet the other guests, putting on my best face despite my rage.

  “It was so delightful to meet your brother,” the Baroness said with a bright smile.

  “He enjoyed your party immensely. ”

  “It was a shame he departed so soon. ”

  Maria was staring at me openly and I realized she had never seen me without a veil. Her support of Vlad’s story of my disfigurement had helped us deceive my brother, but now I wondered if she had always known all along that it was a lie.