Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 67

Page 67


  The idle conversation began to die down, and I realized that the humans were quite nervous. I looked toward Vlad and raised an eyebrow.

  “She did not invite us here,” I said at last.

  Vlad smiled at me as he took a chair near the fire. He settled into it as if it was a throne. “No, I summoned them here. ”

  The pretense was over and the mortals looked even more nervous than before.

  “We are at your disposal,” Sir Stephen said quickly. “Whatever you desire. ”

  Maria stepped back behind her husband and cast a wary glance in my direction.

  The Baroness laughed a little nervously. “Oh, come now. We are all friends. ”

  “You are my servants,” Vlad said in a low voice.

  The Baroness smile faded as she immediately turned and curtsied to him. “Of course, Master. Forgive me. ” She bowed her head and took a step back from him, her fingers fidgeting with her skirt.

  Vlad sat comfortably in the chair, his hands folded over his chest. “Let us speak openly before my wife. It is time she understood all that has transpired. ”

  The Baroness sat down sharply in a chair and looked toward me with fearful eyes.

  Maria took her place next to her husband, her hand taking hold of his.

  Sir Stephen looked absolutely terrified and he gulped visibly.

  “It is time, Glynis, that you understand the role these humans played in bringing you to me and making you my wife. ”

  “You told me that Sir Stephen summoned my family here with the intent of turning me over to you,” I said as I took my place next to his chair. I leaned my elbow on the back of it and stared at the mortals. I knew Sir Stephen’s role in the demise of my family from what Vlad had told me, but I made a mental note that I must act surprised about the Baroness’ participation.

  “He summoned several families here,” Vlad said. “Did you take notice of all the English who were visiting when your family was?”

  Sir Stephen looked down at his hands and frowned a little.

  I thought back to all the social events I had attended in Buda then slowly nodded. “Yes, actually, I remember a few other families were also visiting at that time. ”

  “It was the Baroness who felt I should pursue you. She made an effort to meet all the young English ladies. Out of all of them, she chose you. She visited me and spoke glowingly of your beauty and charms. Soon after, I sought you out at the opera. ” Vlad smiled as the Baroness squirmed in her chair. “Is that not correct?’

  “Of course. She is quite lovely and I felt she would compliment your imposing stature with her vivacious personality.

  “Of course, Sir Stephen did as I ordered because he fears me and is loyal,” Vlad said with a bit of a smirk. “Also, his daughter, Laura, is about to return from boarding school in Switzerland and he was fearful I would chose her. ”

  Sir Stephen paled, and Maria looked absolutely terrified.

  “We would have been honored if you had chosen her,” Maria said swiftly.

  “So you did know all along that the veils were a lie,” I snapped at her.

  Maria looked at her husband, then at Vlad. At last she said, “If you understood what a great man your husband is you would not feel any reservations-“

  “He murdered my family!”

  My voice was sharp and cold.

  Vlad did not even look in my direction. “Therefore, all of the mortals before you have assisted me in drawing you to me and ensuring our safe passage to England. And for that, I am quite grateful. ”

  The Baroness forced a bright smile. “It is our pleasure. ”

  Sir Stephen looked up and said in a low voice, “I am in your service. ”

  Maria nodded her head, clutching Stephen’s hand.

  “I thank you for your service and now I release all of you. Stephen, I am transferring all my business to a new solicitor and Baroness, though your parties are a delight and my wife and I shall attend any we are invited to, consider our dealings at an end. ”

  The expression on the faces of the mortals was one of absolute shock and terror.

  “Count Dracula,” Sir Stephen said in a tremulous voice. “I am at your service! I will do as you say. Have I not done all you requested?”

  Vlad stood up and reached out to touch my cheek. “Yes, you have. But your services are no longer required. ”

  My anger was pulsating inside of me. I could have slain all of them right then and there. Vlad took my hand to calm me. As we left the room together, he turned and said, “Do with them as you please. But with discretion. ”

  “You cannot do this!”

  I turned to look at the Baroness. Her expression was desperate. She was moving toward us, one hand outstretched.

  “Vlad, please,” she whispered.

  He slapped her hand away, then slapped her cheek. She fell to the floor weeping.

  I stared at her with wide, unblinking eyes. I wanted to kill them all in that very moment, but Vlad was drawing me away.

  Sir Stephen held his wife tightly in his arms as she wept in desperate fear. I could feel no pity for any of them. I felt cold, raw anger pulsating through me. Because of them my family was dead and I was a vampire. Now that Vlad had released them, I could feel my blood lust rising.

  “Not now,” Vlad said firmly, guiding me away from the parlor.

  As we walked toward the front doors, Brice appeared, pacing us. He did not utter a word, but opened the door for us, bowing slightly. As I passed him, he looked up at me and I gave him a slight nod.

  Slipping into our cloaks, Vlad and I exited the palace toward our waiting carriage.

  “They are yours now. Do as you please. Not tonight, but another. ”

  As he lifted me into the carriage, I reached out to touch his face. “Why, Vlad?”

  He lowered me back to the ground to take me in his arms. “To keep you from trying to kill me,” he said with a smirk. “Or maybe because you deserve revenge. ”

  I gazed up at him and then slowly blinked. “This does not assuage my anger toward you. ”

  “I would expect nothing less,” he answered me. His green eyes glimmered with deep emotion that I could not fathom nor discern. Pressing his full lips against my forehead, he held me to him for a moment.

  “You are an odd man,” I decided, pulling away from him. Climbing into the carriage, I turned back to give him a fierce look.

  “And you are a contrary woman,” he answered, joining me in the carriage.

  Settling into the seat, I drew my cloak around me and forced myself to focus. My eyes were hot and unblinking. I could feel the blood lust raging in my veins. I wanted desperately to enter the palace and slaughter them all. Then I could set Brice free and perhaps find some measure of peace.

  But Vlad stayed my hand and that aggravated me.

  “Revenge should be savored,” Vlad said after a long moment of silence.

  I snorted at this, but he had a point. Fluffing my skirt, I looked out the window as the carriage rolled down the drive and down toward the heart of Buda.

  “It is time for a new beginning and to dispatch the past. It is time for us both to embrace our new existence. We shall be free in England. We shall be powerful together,” Vlad continued in a low voice. His hand slid under mine and he held it loosely. “Can you not see that?”

  I slowly looked at him, my gaze quite steady. “Perhaps. ” My thoughts were of revenge. I would kill his mortal servants he had so kindly released to me. After that, I would then find a way to kill him. Then, at last, I would be free to be with Ignatius.

  “I shall give you all you desire,” Vlad promised.

  Ignoring him, I watched as the carriage turned down a narrow lane. We passed an overturned cart that had cut off our passage home. Two men were attempting to right it.

  “You shall see that I can make amends for what happened to your family. I
will grant you the life they desired for you,” his voice droned on.

  The squalid housing of the poor rose up around us. The stench of the streets assailed my senses.

  “I realize you do not understand fully all that you are, but I shall correct this,” Vlad’s voice continued in his native tongue.

  Keeping my back to him, I watched the dismal dwellings slip past the window. I heard something and turned my head slightly trying to concentrate on the sound.

  It sounded like a man speaking in English.

  “I shall return you to the life you deserve,” Vlad vowed, then kissed my hand.

  “You mean the life you stole,” I said sharply, turning toward him.

  Then fire enveloped the carriage.

  Chapter 33

  The Journal of Lady Glynis Wright - Continued

  Glass shattered, then flames roared up and engulfed me. I screamed in pain as my dress caught fire. Vlad ripped me from the seat and tossed me onto the floor. Using his cloak, he tried to put out my dress as I continued to shriek in pain. Flames licked the interior of the carriage, the ceiling setting afire.

  The horses screamed as the carriage crazily rolled about. We slammed into a building when the carriage lurched to one side. Vlad hooked one hand under my arm and with his other hand ripped the burning door off its hinges and hurled it away. Flinging me out of the carriage before him, we fell into the street.

  The horses fought with the reins, making the small carriage careen wildly from side to side. The driver was pitched headlong into the street. The carriage began to shatter apart into burning wreckage. The terrified horses raced away into the misty night with the remains of the carriage trailing in fiery debris behind them.

  Vlad rose to his feet and staggered to the driver. The man was quite dead, his neck broken.

  Again, there was the shatter of glass and flames sprang up around me. I screamed in terror and Vlad was instantly at my side. Grabbing me tightly, he sprang into the night air. The loud cracks of rifles filled the night and sharp, terrible stabs pierced my torso. I choked as blood flowed from my lips.

  Looking down, I saw the vampire hunters on the rooftops of the homes of the poor wielding torches and rifles. We had been ambushed.

  Vlad swung low over the rooftops and onto the shingles of a large building. I vomited blood all over him as I staggered, unable to stand. With horror, I realized my dress was burned to tatters and that my arm and chest were blackened. The pain was immense. Wounds were seeping blood and I realized I had been shot more than once. Vlad, too, was injured, but not nearly as badly as I.

  “Vlad,” I gasped, falling to my knees.

  It was not Vlad who caught me, but Ignatius. His arms came about me and he gently lowered me to the roof. His dark blue eyes were full of fear. I almost uttered his name before I realized what folly that would be.

  “Vlad, you must feed her at once,” Ignatius said urgently.

  Vlad fell to his knees beside me, his hand sliding over my hair. He gave Ignatius a sharp look, and said in a demanding voice, “What are you doing here?”

  “I happened to be in the area when I saw what remained of your carriage go rushing past,” Ignatius answered. “I immediately hurried to find and assist you. ” His dark blue eyes were eerily bright and he looked fierce.

  Vlad growled, “Such consideration, brother, for the safety of one you despise. ”

  Gripping my unburned hand tightly, Ignatius glared at Vlad. “I despise you no more than I do myself. Now, feed her and let us be off before the dhamphir comes. ”

  Vlad slashed his neck. “Drink, Glynis, and heal. ”

  Weakly, I wrapped my arm about Vlad’s shoulders and pressed my lips to his throat. His blood filled my mouth and soon I was gulping down great draughts of the rich, thick vitae.

  “Do not let her drink too much, Vlad,” Ignatius urged. “You must be strong enough to fight. ”

  I could feel Ignatius’ hand holding mine tenderly as I drank. Vlad growled at Ignatius angrily, and I felt my secret lover reluctantly withdraw his hand.

  After a moment, Vlad pulled me away from his throat. Cradling me against him, Vlad gently stroked my face. “Heal, Glynis. ”