Read The Tale Of The Vampire Bride Page 68

Page 68


  Closing my eyes, I pushed back the pain and concentrated on the fresh blood inside of me. I willed it to heal my body and salve the agony. Slowly, I felt the savage pain begin to fade away.

  Opening my eyes, I saw great flakes of blackened skin fall from my arm and chest to reveal fresh, new white skin. The wounds from the bullets were closing and the tiny metal bits fell from my flesh onto the roof.

  Ignatius reached down and plucked a misshapen bullet from the roof. “Blessed and inscribed with crosses,” he said in a low voice as his fingers began to smolder. He tossed away the pellet and turned to look upon me. I could see the torment in his eyes. He wanted so badly to console me, but Vlad was there, watching us. I could sense my Master’s suspicion.

  Vlad slid out of his cloak and wrapped it about me. He was clearly anxious to cover my nakedness.

  “Who is this man?” I asked him. It seemed the correct thing to ask now that I was healed.

  “My vampire brother,” he answered curtly.

  His tone frightened me.

  Ignatius rose to his feet and moved to the edge of the roof to survey the area around us. His long hair rippled on the night wind and his eyes glowed as he squatted down. “The hunters are on the move. ”

  Vlad helped me to my feet. He ran his hand over my cheek, brushing away the charred flesh. “I am taking my wife home immediately. ”

  Ignatius turned, looking at Vlad sharply. The animosity between the two was palatable. “That is most likely best considering that a dhamphir has been spotted in the city. She is still too weak to fight for herself,” he agreed.

  My hair fell around my face and I dared to look toward Ignatius through the tangle of my red curls. I wanted to flee into his arms, but I dared not. Tears filled my eyes as I looked upon the man I loved. He turned away as though in pain.

  Vlad gripped me by the arm and pulled me along after him. I stumbled a little and grabbed hold of my Master to steady myself. Glancing back at Ignatius, I saw that he was following us. His long face was stricken with emotion. When he saw me look back upon him, he slightly nodded. My limbs trembled as I nodded back. We both were in agreement. This was not our time to move against Vlad.

  The voices of the hunters drifted up to us as they spread through the streets attempting to track us. I could hear one man’s voice raised above the others. Svend was once more leading his vampire hunters into battle.

  “Move along, Glynis,” Vlad ordered me. He jerked hard on my hand and I stumbled, crashing to the rooftop.

  “I am weak,” I hissed at him.

  “Very well,” he answered.

  Sweeping me up into his arms, Vlad leaped from roof to another. I clung to him as we soared into the night wind, then fell back onto another rooftop. Ignatius followed us easily, then darted ahead to make sure the way was clear.

  “This way,” Ignatius ordered.

  Vlad once more leaped and a few shots rang out as the hunters below fired at us. One shot ripped through Vlad's arm and he nearly dropped me. Ignatius immediately took flight, gripped Vlad tightly by the arm, and flung us onto another rooftop. I fell on the slanted roof, and grabbed hold of the shingles, gasping with fright. Vlad moved to quickly fish the pellet out of his arm with his fingers, gritting his teeth at the pain. The stench of burning flesh filled the air as he struggled. Ignatius dared to help me to my feet as Vlad tossed away the bullet with an angry grunt.

  I held tightly to Ignatius arms, finding solace in his touch. “Thank you,” I managed before Vlad’s strong arm came about my waist and heaved me up against him. Again, he leaped into the air and sailed over the heads of the vampire hunters. For a moment, I saw the young Irish hunter gazing up at me then we landed atop an office building.

  “We should fly,” Ignatius decided when he landed behind us. “The dhamphir be damned. Glynis barely evaded him before, but the three of us should be a match for him. ”

  Vlad turned, looking at Ignatius fiercely. I trembled in Vlad’s grip, my eyes wide with fright.

  Ignatius turned slowly toward us as he realized what he had said. “You told me your wife barely evaded a dhamphir, Vlad. Is that not so?”

  Vlad looked confused, obviously trying to remember if he had mentioned such a thing to his vampire brother. “Yes, she barely evaded him. ” He gripped me so tightly, I felt him crushing my bones. I whimpered in pain. He struggled internally with some disturbing thought, then finally said, “Help me with her. ”

  Ignatius strode back to us and took hold of my other hand. At Vlad’s lead, we all leaped into the night air. I felt both of the men pushing their power outward, hiding us from the eyes below. The wind whistled in my ears as I clung to both of them. I was still weak despite my wounds being healed. I had lost far too much blood to be sated with one short feeding.

  Swooping over the city, Vlad lead us toward our estate. He lessened his hold on my hand and I managed to heal my shattered bones. I felt dizzy from the exertion. Feeling rather lightheaded, I foolishly lamented my tattered dress as it flapped around me.

  None of us saw the weapon that sent Vlad spiraling out of the sky. He released my hand as the silver dagger struck his shoulder. I watched my Master fall to the earth below as Ignatius gathered me up in his arms. Moving swiftly through the air, we darted down into the trees. Branches tried to snag us, but my lover was swift and sure and kept us from being entangled.

  Gliding through the foliage, Ignatius held me protectively in his embrace. There was a great commotion to the side of us, and I gasped in fear. Vlad's roar of rage filled the night.

  “Foul beast!” It was a woman's voice, full of hate.

  A shivered in fear and weakness as the sound of battle erupted nearby. Suddenly, a female dressed in men’s clothing sailed through the air near us and into the boughs of a tree. Her body caught in the branches, resembling a rag doll tossed away by a petulant child. Long black hair was woven into a braid and it swung around her head as her form swayed in the boughs of the tree. Her throat was ripped out and her eyes were devoid of life. With an almost surreal slowness, she slipped through the branches of the tree to the ground below.

  “Another dhamphir,” Ignatius whispered in my ear.

  His touch was tender as I turned to gaze fully into his face. I parted my lips to speak when I was torn from his grip.

  A scream almost left my lips until I realized it was Vlad who held me.

  “To the ground,” he ordered.

  When we landed I saw the female dhamphir sprawled nearby. Irrationally, I feared she would somehow spring to life to pursue us. But she remained dead, staring blindly toward us. I had to turn away.

  “Vlad, they are everywhere,” Ignatius said in a fierce whisper.

  “We keep moving,” Vlad answered tersely.

  Gripping my hand, Vlad ran through the trees, dragging me along behind him. Ignatius kept pace with us, leaping with great ease over gnarled roots. Though I tried, I could barely keep up with Vlad and stumbled a few times. I felt utterly weak and helpless. I cried out with frustration. Kindly, Ignatius reached out to grip my other hand and helped me keep up. Vlad snarled with anger, but he did not fight Ignatius’ assistance. He understood how desperately in danger we were.

  When we reached the wall that encircled the estate, Vlad leaped up to perch on top. I landed next to him and teetered. The weakness in my limbs was dismaying, but Ignatius' touch was comforting as he steadied me.

  Gazing through the dark silhouette of the trees we saw the house on fire. Great flames were engulfing the structure I had come to love as my home. Through the smoke and fire, I could see our servants trying to defend themselves against the vampire hunters. To my dismay, I could see that they were losing as they were struck down with guns and daggers.

  With a gasp, I covered my mouth in horror. “Vlad, stop them!”

  Vlad was silent, his green eyes taking in the chaos that loomed just beyond the edges
of the trees. At last he turned to Ignatius and me. “We must flee Buda. ”

  Ignatius started to protest, then faltered. “Of course. ”

  “Arminius is among them,” Vlad said in a low voice and pointed.

  A dark shape against the flames carried a large crucifix. It was the priest I had seen before when the mad vampire had been struck down.

  “He will never give up hunting you,” Ignatius answered in a grim tone.

  “No, he will not. Neither will his apprentices. ” Vlad shook his head and turned to me. “I am sorry, Glynis, but our time here is at an end. We must go. ”

  A woman’s scream pierced the night. I gripped Vlad’s arm tightly as I saw the familiar form of my maid atop the house. She was clinging to the roof above my room and to my horror I saw the small shape of a child with her. Two vampire hunters, braving the fire, attempted to drag them off the shingles.

  “Grab the bride of the devil,” someone shouted from below. “Throw her and the spawn down. ”

  “Vlad, its Magda!”

  Vlad turned to Ignatius as he reluctantly released my arm. “Take Glynis to the stables of Sir Stephen. Wait for me there. ”

  Ignatius hesitated, then nodded. “Of course. ”

  Vlad took hold of the back of my neck and stared deep into my eyes before he gave me a quick, harsh kiss. Releasing me, he flung himself into the air and vanished from sight as he drew his power about him.

  Taking hold of my hand, Ignatius leaped down just beyond the ivy-laden wall where we had made love not too long ago. In silence, he pulled me along behind him. Though we moved swiftly, he was tender and mindful of my weakness. As we hurried, I could feel him shielding both of us. I knew we were but a mere shadow slipping in and out of the darkness.

  Running more swiftly than any mortal, we made our way down the darkened streets to Sir Stephen’s estate. The gates were open and Ignatius hesitated.

  “We could flee together,” he said softly.

  I looked at him desperately, my mind whirling with the possibility. “Should we?”

  Ignatius looked torn and afraid. “We could chance it. We could flee to another country. We will have to move swiftly. ”

  “But with his blood in me, if he beckons me…” I felt tears on my face. “If he calls to me…”

  Ignatius nodded, his face tense, and he dared to kiss me.

  I clung to him, my lips worshiping his. Our kiss was desperate, yet full of love.

  He drew back with an anguished expression. “We shall find a way to break his power over you. I swear it, my love. ”

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  He smiled ruefully, then guided me down the long lane toward the stables.

  Our hands clasped tightly, we reached the stables. All was quiet and still here. The vampire hunters were no where to be seen. Ignatius touched my cheek gently.

  “We shall find safety soon,” he promised.

  Vlad emerged from the darkness holding Magda in one arm and a small boy in the other. Magda sobbed and coughed as he guided her toward us. Covered in soot and reeking of smoke, she collapsed to the ground when they reached us. I went to her instantly, falling to my knees.

  “Mistress, mistress…” she cried when she saw me.

  Ignatius took the small boy in his arms. Drawing a handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped the child’s dirty face. The boy stared blankly as tears fell silently down his cheeks. He was struck dumb with fear and my heart broke for him.

  Vlad did not say a word, but set about drawing some horses from the stable. I watched him, fearful of his expression.

  Ignatius gently lowered the boy into Magda’s arms and she held the child tightly as she wept. The little boy stirred out of his daze and buried his face in her neck as he wrapped his tiny arms about her.

  Ignatius moved to help Vlad saddle the horses. They worked in silence, barely acknowledging each other, but working efficiently. I held Magda's hand as I tried to calm her, but my own fear threatened to overwhelm my senses.

  At last, the horses were ready.

  “The woman and her child are to go to Astir,” Vlad said to Ignatius.