Read The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. II. (of V.) Page 5


  On the morrow they rose in great eagerness to return to the place wherethey had had so much pleasure on the previous day. Each one was readywith a tale, and was impatient for the telling of it. They listenedto the reading of Madame Oisille, and then heard mass, all commendingthemselves to God, and praying Him to grant them speech and grace forthe continuance of their fellowship. Afterwards they went to dinner,reminding one another the while of many stories of the past.

  After dinner, they rested in their apartments, and at the appointed timereturned to the meadow, where day and season alike seemed favourable totheir plans. They all sat down on the natural seat afforded by the greensward, and Parlamente said--

  "Yesterday I told the tenth and last tale; it is therefore for me tochoose who shall begin to-day. Madame Oisille was the first of theladies to speak, as being the oldest and wisest, and so I now give myvote to the youngest--I do not also say the flightiest--for I am surethat if we all follow her leading we shall not delay vespers so longas we did yesterday. Wherefore, Nomerfide, you shall lead us, but I begthat you will not cause us to begin our second day in tears."

  "There was no need to make that request," said Nomerfide, "for one ofour number has made me choose a tale which has taken such a hold on methat I can tell no other; and should it occasion sadness in you, yournatures must be melancholy ones indeed."

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