Read The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. II. (of V.) Page 6

  _TALE XI._ (A).

  _Madame de Roncex, while at the monastery of the Grey Friars at Thouars, (1) was constrained to go in great haste to a certain place, and, not looking to see whether the seats were clean, sat down in a filthy spot and befouled both her person and clothes; whereupon crying out for assistance, in the hope that some woman would come and cleanse her, she was waited on by men, who beheld her in the worst plight in which a woman could be found_. (2)

  1 In the department of the Deux-Sevres.--Ed.

  2 This story, given in Boaistuau's version of Margaret's tales, and to be found in most of the MS. copies of the _Heptameron_ at the 'Paris Bibliotheque Nationale', was not included in the edition issued by Gruget, who replaced it by a story called _The jests made by a Grey Friar_, for which see _post_, p. 95 _et seq_.--Ed.

  In the household of Madame de la Tremoille there was a lady namedRoncex, who one day, when her mistress had gone to visit the monasteryof the Grey Friars, found herself in great need to go to a certain placewhither her maid could not go in her stead. She took with her a girlnamed La Mothe to keep her company, but being modest and unwilling tobe seen, left her in the room, and went alone into a darksome privy,a place used in common by all the friars, who had given such a goodaccount therein of all their victuals, that seat and floor, and in sooththe whole place, were thickly covered with the must of Bacchus and Ceresthat had passed through the friars' bellies.

  The unhappy lady, who was so hard pressed that she had scarcely time tolift her dress, chanced to sit down in the foulest, dirtiest spot in thewhole place, where she found herself stuck fast as though with glue, herpoor hips, garments, and feet being so contaminated that she durst nottake a step or turn on any side, for fear lest she should meet withsomething worse. Thereupon she began to call out as loudly as shecould--

  "La Mothe, my child, I am ruined and undone!"

  The poor girl, who had formerly heard tell of the wickedness of the GreyFriars, and imagined that some of them were hidden there and were tryingto take her mistress by force, thereupon ran off as hard as she could,saying to every one she met--

  "Come and help Madame de Roncex; the Grey Friars are trying to ravishher in yonder privy."

  They thereupon hastened thither with all speed, and found the unhappylady crying out for assistance, longing for some woman to come andcleanse her, and with her back parts all uncovered, for she feared totouch them with her garments lest these also should be defiled.

  The gentlemen, coming in at her cries, beheld this fine sight, but couldsee nought of the Grey Friars, unless it were their ordure clinging toher hips; nor did this pass without laughter on their part and greatshame on hers, for instead of having women to cleanse her, she waswaited on by men, who saw her naked, and in the sorriest plight in whicha woman could be found. For this reason, on perceiving them, shesoiled what was still clean, by dropping her garments in order to coverherself, forgetting the filth that she was in for the shame she felt atsight of the men. And when she had come out of that foul place it wasnecessary to strip her naked and change all her garments before shecould leave the monastery. She was minded to be angry with La Mothe forthe aid that she had brought her, but finding that the poor girl hadthought her in a yet more evil plight, she put aside her wrath andlaughed like the rest. (3)

  3 It is impossible to identify the lady mentioned in this story, her name being spelt in so many ways in the various MSS. of the _Heptameron_. It is given as Roncex in the copy here followed, as Roubex in a copy that belonged to Louis XVIII., and as Roncci in the De Thou MS., whilst Boaistuau printed it as Roucey. The Madame de la Tremoille, alluded to at the outset, is believed by Lacroix and Dillaye to have been Anne de Laval (daughter of Guy XV., Count of Laval, and of Charlotte of Aragon, Princess of Tarento), who married Francis de la Tremoille, Viscount of Thouars, in 1521, and was by her mother a cousin of Queen Margaret. Possibly, however, the reference is to Gabrielle de Bourbon, wife of Louis II. de la Tremoille, a lady of exemplary piety, who erected the beautiful Renaissance chapel of the chateau of Thouars.--L. & Ed.

  "I think, ladies," said Nomerfide, "that this story has proved neitherlong nor melancholy, and that I have given you what you expected."

  At this the company laughed heartily, and Oisille said--"The story isindeed nasty and unclean, yet, knowing the persons who fared in thismanner, we cannot consider it unwelcome. Gladly would I have seen thefaces of La Mothe and of the lady to whom she brought such timely aid.But now," she added to Nomerfide, "since you have finished so soon, giveyour vote to some one whose thoughts are of a graver turn."

  "Since you desire me to atone for my fault," answered Nomerfide, "I givemy vote to Dagoucin, whose discretion is such that he would die ratherthan say anything foolish."

  Dagoucin then thanked her for the esteem in which she held his goodsense, and thus began--"The story I am minded to relate is intended toshow you how love blinds the greatest and most honourable hearts, andhow hard it is to overcome wickedness by any kindness whatsoever."

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