Read The Temple of Destruction: Book One – The Lost Treasures Page 3

  Chapter Three

  Notch had hidden the sword. He had buried in the bottom of a trunk in the room he was staying in. The village was small and the inn even smaller but he didn’t want anyone to see it somehow. What if they knew what it was? What if it lead to trouble? The last thing Notch wanted was trouble.

  The first thing he wanted was sleep. But sleep hadn’t come since he had left the temple and managed to get back to the small village nearby. The nightmares were vivid and brutal – bright and dark at the same time. There was always Herobrine in them.

  Notch stared at the door of the library. He couldn’t remember the whole legend of the Temple of Herobrine and wanted to refresh himself. There had to have been something he missed. An empty temple, soon swarming with zombies and skeletons. A sword. A vanishing statue. And finally Herobrine in the woods, staring at him and threatening him. Yes, he had to have been missing something.

  Notch stepped inside the library. The scent of old books filled the air. It comforted him. He spent some time trying to find the right book. A lot of them didn’t mention the Temple of Herobrine. It had taken him years to finally put enough information together to find it.

  He sat down on one of the tables, next to a collection of creeper heads and opened a giant book he had pulled from the shelf. Notch skimmed it until he finally found the section he was looking for. He read it but it was filled with generic information he already knew. The temple had been the hub of communication, trade and worship until it was struck down and no one knew what happened to it.

  Why had everyone gone only to suddenly appear from inside the walls as zombies? It raised more questions than answers. Notch couldn’t get Herobrine’s disturbing eyes out of his head. His nightmares were so vivid…

  He searched more books, finally finding a small thin one that offered more information that he had found previously.

  The passage in the book detailed that the temple was once the center of the multiple villages in that area. Notch knew the location of one of the villagers near the temple but his interest in exploring it had vanished after seeing Herobrine. The temple flourished along with the villages. However, the location in the middle of the jungle meant that it was often attacked by creepers and other creatures. The villagers tried many ways of protecting the villages but nothing seemed to work. The villages were rebuilt multiple times.

  Then – luck. A hero came out of the darkness to save them. He struck down the creeper nests so the villages would no longer be attacked. Thankfully, the village took the temple and put it in his name in his honor, creating a statue for him. Herobrine was the protector of their land, vowing to go after anyone who tried to harm the villages.

  Then one day, all trade, communication and commerce ceased. No one heard from the villages anymore nor the temple. There was nothing. Other towns sent travelers to the land to see what was going on but never returned. The land was lost to time and their destruction a mystery.

  Notch looked at the book, staring at the words until they seemed to swim in front of him. The passage about how Herobrine became a hero was new as was the fact other places had sent travelers off to the temple to see what had happened. But they had never returned…How was everything connected?

  Notch was sure everything was connected somehow. He just hadn’t figured out how yet. Herobrine in his nightmares, the sword, all of it had to lead to something. He was so tired…He wished he could sleep without a nightmare. He leaned back in his chair and tried to figure out what to do next. He figured the books would give him the same information each time. He just needed one more thing – a hint on which village had sent travelers to the temple. He’d go there and see if they knew more in their own libraries or around the town.

  Notch knew he had to get to the bottom of this. He felt as if he had a giant clock over his head and time was truly running out. He had awoken something and it wasn’t happy.

  That night Notch made his way back to the inn. The library had turned up only one clue that might lead him to a town that he could go to. It sounded like one nearby. It was in the snow covered mountains where the spiders liked to crawl around at night. He would head out in the morning. Notch opened the door to his room and shut it, turning around.

  He almost screamed and flattened himself against the door. Lava was spilling into his room, through the windows, down onto the floor and even over his bed. It was heading towards him. Notch spun around and tried to open the door but the door was stuck. It wouldn’t open. How could this be?! He pounded his fists against the door, glancing over his shoulder at the lava closing in.

  There he was – Herobrine was in the middle of the lava, unharmed. His blank eyes stared at him. The lava rolled over his feet but he didn’t even flinch. He just stared at Notch, his features expressionless. Notch shut his eyes, ready to be engulfed…

  He kept waiting. After a full minute of accepting his doom, he cracked one eye open fearfully. But the room was empty. There was no lava. There was no Herobrine. The room looked untouched. Notch kept staring. How was that possible? Had he been dreaming? Very slowly, he took a step into the room, afraid the lava would suddenly appear again. But nothing happened. The room was exactly how it was supposed to be. He couldn’t help but think he was being haunted.