Read The Thetas Page 20

  “It’s a little long.” Abby says.

  “I think I have the legs for it.” I say.

  Penelope lights up on the sale. “Will there be anything else Colleen?”

  “Do you have any more g–strings?”

  Abby lights up on my request.“G–strings?” Abby asks. “Have we converted you Col?”

  I’ve been converted on how they serve a purpose for function. And it doesn’t hurt that they make me feel a little more confident when I’m wearing them. Sort of like my sexy little secret.

  “All part of a plan for tomorrow Abby. All part of a plan.”

  Penelope walks me over to a white wooden table where pieces of lingerie are displayed. Man, her La Perla selection is on par with Saks. I spot a white silk and lace g–string next to some bikinis. I pick it up along with the matching bra and bikini briefs.

  “You’re going to need some hosiery for the fall if you’re going to wear boots with your skirt. Might I recommend some pantyhose?”


  “Black or nude?” Penelope says taking a package off the rack.

  “Black. Oh do you have a swim cap?”

  Penelope hurries over to the clearance table and rushes back with a group of them. “Just have a few left. Orange, yellow or pink?”

  Orange has been my lucky color these past few weeks. “I’m going to go with orange.”

  “Col, you know you can’t wear a cap when you walk the Plank.” Abby says.

  “I know.” I say. “But I like this hairstyle too much. I don’t want to ruin my do when I do some laps in the pool.”

  “At the party tomorrow afternoon?”

  “On Monday afternoon after lunch.”

  “You’re gonna have to wait an hour after you eat before you go in the water.”

  Nice to know she believes in me too. We head over to the sales counter and Penelope rings me up. Now if I can find just the right shoes to go with it I’ll have the perfect outfit.

  Chapter 47

  Today’s the big day. All or nothing.

  I take one last look at myself in the full–length mirror wearing my best outfit, a mauve check Chanel suit, mauve Italian leather heels and a white Church hat with pink flowers. Diamond stud earrings and a Rolex watch. I’m wearing over twenty thousand dollars worth of merchandise. And I plan on bringing it all back up here without a drop of water on it.

  I’m pretty calm for a woman who is about to have her mettle tested. A couple of months ago I’d be anxious about taking a college final or writing a term paper. Perhaps the Theta swerves have gotten me used to expecting the unexpected.

  I check my watch. 7:58. Time for breakfast. I hurry out of the suite downstairs, through the vestibule, and down the hall into the dining room. I’m greeted with smiles from all the sisters and Dean Mothers as I approach the table.

  “Good morning ladies.” I greet.

  “Good Morning Colleen.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “Are you ready for the challenges we’re going to put in front of you?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I say as I give her a smile.

  “Good. We’ll start after breakfast.”

  Grand Mother Flowers takes her seat at the head of the table and we all take our seats once she sits down. Rosa places a silver tray with a dome on it in front of me. That’s odd, usually I’m served last.

  “Colleen, why don’t you see what you’re having for breakfast.” Dean Mother Dr. Reed says.

  Okay, I’ll play along.

  The room fills with anticipation as I ease the dome off the tray. I wonder what vile recipe they’ve prepared for me to ingest today. My eyes light up as I find out what my breakfast is.


  “You’ve been doing exceptionally well these past three weeks, so we felt you deserved a treat.” Dean Mother Dr. Reed says.

  “Thanks Dr. Reed.” I reply.

  I dig in to my breakfast. Maybe today will be a good day after all.

  Chapter 48

  I polish off my waffles and wash it down with a glass of orange juice. Across the table, Dean Mother Carver eases up out of her seat and approaches me. “Are you finished with your breakfast Pledge?” She asks.

  The formal tone of her voice and serious expression on her face lets me know that the time for socializing is over. Now I’m on the Theta clock.


  “You can follow me then.”

  Dean Mother Carver turns on a dime in her high heels. We walk out into the hall to the vestibule and pause in front of the portrait of my mother. “You can have a seat. We’ll let you know when we’re ready for you.”

  Dean Mother Carver turns on a dime again and closes the tall wooden doors behind her. As I ease into the sofa in the vestibule I peer up at the portrait of my mother. Whatever happens today I’m going to do my best to make you proud Mom.

  Chapter 49

  I check my watch. 10:25. An hour after breakfast. At least I won’t get sick if I fall into the pool. Nice to know they’re looking out for my safety.

  I hear the clop of high heels pounding into the hardwood floor. As the door opens, Marcy and Abby approach me dressed in mint green suits, white heels and white church hats with yellow flowers. I wonder what the symbolism for the colors is.

  “Colleen? We’re ready for you.” Marcy says.

  I jump off the sofa and give them a look. “Do I have to take my clothes off again?”

  “No, just come with us.” Abby says.

  I let out a sigh of relief. The friendly smile Abby gives me helps me relax. I don’t know what I’m in for with this test, but I have a feeling it won’t be as crazy as the first examination.

  Marcy and Abby stand on either side of me as the clop of our high heels echo on the trip down the hall. There’s a mellow vibe between us when we reach the end of the hall. Marcy opens the door to the ballroom which has been decorated with white tablecloths and vases filled with fresh cut pink roses. The White curtains have been pulled back to reveal tall picture windows. Sunlight fills the room and cascades down on the Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers who sit at the table dressed in mint green suits and white church hats with yellow flowers. Each lady has their own bucket of tennis balls.

  “We present the Pledge for the first part of her second examination.” Marcy says.

  “Thank You Sister Marcia.” Grand Mother Flowers says.

  Marcy and Abby take seats next to the table across from us. I focus my attention on the Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers. “Dr. Reed, proceed with the physical component of the examination.

  Dean Mother Dr. Reed eases out of her seat and approaches me with a smile. “Pledge, step on the scale.” She requests.

  I step out of my heels and onto the scale. My body tenses with anticipation hearing the mechanism in the scale spin. I hear my heart pounding in my chest as it sways to a stop. I can’t bear to look down at the number. I can’t have lost much weight in four weeks.

  Dr. Reed peers down at the scale and smiles at me. “The Pledge’s weight is currently one hundred nineteen pounds.” Dr. Reed announces.

  My eyes light up on the revelation. Eleven pounds! I was only expecting to lose five or six max. But eleven pounds is a lot! I knew we were working hard, but I wasn’t expecting results like this so soon.

  Dr. Reed turns to the other Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers. “The Pledge is now currently at a healthy weight for a woman her age. Let the record state that she now meets the Theta standard for health.”

  “Excellent.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “That’s tremendous progress over the course of three weeks. Based on what you’ve seen would you recommend extending her stay with us?”

  “With her weight down to the Theta standard, I would like to continue working with the Pledge on maintaining her diet and exercise regimen over the next four weeks.”

  “Her muscles could use a little more definition. It is noted Dr. Reed votes to extend Pledge Anderson’s stay at the Theta House for another
month.” Grand Mother Flowers continues.

  I smile when I hear the news. Grand Mother Flowers notices how happy I am and grimaces. “Don’t get too happy Pledge. You still have to pass three out of the four examinations from the Dean Mothers to prove that you are worthy of continuing of staying on with us.” She admonishes.

  Thanks for grounding me Grand Mother Flowers. At least I know what I’m in for. And now that I know what I’m in for I’m going for a sweep. “Pledge, put your shoes back on.” Dean Mother Dr. Reed requests.

  I slip my heels back on and then focus my eyes back up on the ladies sitting at the table. As Dr. Reed returns to her seat, Grand Mother Flowers lets me know the rules of the examination. “The remainder of the examination will be oral.” She starts. “Each Dean Mother will ask you five questions. Each question is worth five points. If you get a question right you’ll be asked another question. If you get a question wrong, The Dean Mother who asked you the question will hit you with a tennis ball. If you move out of the way when a tennis ball is thrown at you, you’ll forfeit the entire round with that Dean Mother.”

  I expected a rough game. Whatever they throw at me I can take.

  “Are there any questions Pledge?” Dean Mother Carver says.

  “Are you going to take headshots?”

  “Because of your vision issues, we won’t aim for your head.” Dean Mother Morgan says. “But the rest of you is open for assault with a tennis ball.”

  “Thanks. I don’t have any more questions.”

  Grand Mother Flowers smiles at me. “Dean Mother Morgan, proceed with the historical portion of the examination.”

  Dean Mother Morgan gives me a serious look before she asks her question. “Pledge, what are the Principles inscribed on the Theta the statue on the front lawn?”

  “The Principles of the Thetas are Pride, Prosperity, Power and Pulchritude.”

  “Excellent. What year were Thetas established?


  “Good. “How many sisters were in the first Theta sisterhood?”


  “Who were the founders of The Thetas?”

  “Andrea Robinson and Alma Travis.”

  “Good. What was the original mission of The Thetas?”

  “The original mission of The Thetas was to promote leadership, integrity and character among Black women and to instill Christian values in their sisters.”

  “Excellent. A perfect score. The Pledge has shown a comprehensive understanding of the History of The Thetas.”

  “She has shown a passion for learning.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “From your observations of the Pledge, do you recommend that she be allowed to remain on for an additional four weeks?

  “I wish to begin mentoring the Pledge in business and networking at Anderson Financial. I recommend that she be allowed to remain on for an additional four weeks so she can get a better understanding of her father’s business operations.”

  It is noted that two of the three Dean Mothers have recommended that Pledge Anderson remain at the Theta house for an additional four weeks.”

  Grand Mother Flowers smiles at me. “You’re halfway there Colleen. Keep up the good work.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Dean Mother Dr. Reed proceed with the portion of the examination on the values of the organization.

  Pledge, what denomination of Christianity does the Theta organization promote?

  I read that manual from cover to cover and nothing was stated about a denomination like Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian or Catholic. It just says Christian. However we did go to the South Baptist Church. But I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything in regards to the denomination of Christianity the Thetas promote as a part of their core values.

  “You don’t promote any denomination.” I answer.

  I expect a tennis ball to go my way. Instead Dr. Reed smiles at me. “That’s right we don’t specify any denomination of Christianity that we promote.”

  Pledge, why do we promote Christianity as part of our core values?”

  Page 32 paragraph four of the Theta manual. “So that women will have an understanding the role God has for them in society. To learn how to be a suitable help meet in doing God’s work.”

  Excellent. “What is the reason the organization keeps its location and operations a secret?”

  “To protect the organization from White supremacists and those in the Black community who would undermine our mission in doing God’s work.”

  “Great.” This next one will be a two part question. What is the Theta viewpoint on sexual activity?

  “We don’t promote or support pre–marital sexual intercourse. However, masturbation is considered appropriate for a single Theta woman to engage in.”

  “If a Pledge is engaging in pre–marital sexual intercourse with a man during her pledgship, what is the policy for disciplining them?”

  I know they disciplined Aunt Margaret for her sexual indiscretions. But they still let her in. But that was 1960. I’m sure the rules have changed since then. I’ll risk a guess.

  “Expulsion.” I blurt.

  A tennis ball catches me in the shoulder. “A woman who participated in pre-marital sexual intercourse wouldn’t be allowed to pledge. She’d be rejected during Examination.”

  Crap, that was an easy one and I missed it because I wasn’t paying attention to the words she used. Two and a half points I lost by being careless. I’ll keep my ears open for those small details next time.

  Dr. Reed smiles at me then turns to Grand Mother Flowers. The Pledge has shown a comprehensive understanding of our core values and our mission.”

  “She is well versed in the academics. But let’s see if her social skills are up to par. Dean Mother Carver, proceed with the portion of the examination on the etiquette of the organization.”

  Dean Mother Carver focuses her attention on them. “Pledge, How is a Theta woman to be dressed during Theta affairs?”

  “A Theta woman is to be dressed in a business suit, or dress, heels, hat, and jewelry during Theta affairs unless specified by a Dean Mother or Grand Mother.”

  “Good. Why is a Theta woman to be dressed in her finest attire when she’s about on Theta affairs?

  “To leave a strong first impression on those she meets. Also to leave a positive impression of the organization on others when she is about socially.”

  Good. “How is a Theta woman supposed to keep her attire?”

  “A Theta woman is to keep her attire neatly pressed and clean at all times.”

  “Good. How is a Theta woman to be dressed when she is out on non–Theta affairs?”

  Trick question. I wasn’t prepared for this one. But I’ll take a guess. “A suit and heels?”

  Dean Mother Carver grabs a tennis ball out of the bucket and hurls it at me. I grimace as it hits me in the arm. “You can wear whatever you want when you’re on non–Theta affairs. But it is preferred you wear attire that is neatly pressed and clean when you’re out and about.”

  Crap another easy one. And I missed it! Well, I’m just down seven and a half points. I can still score forty of the fifty percent of my grade if I get all the answers to Grand Mother Flowers’ questions right.

  Dean Mother Carver continues her part of the examination. “Pledge, a two part question. What is part of having a good face in public?”

  “Being honest, truthful, and transparent in all I say and do.”

  I anticipate a tennis ball for the awkward answer. Dean Mother Carver smiles at me. “Excellent. “What causes a woman to lose face?”

  “Not being completely honest about what she says or does.”

  Dean Mother Carver turns to Grand Mother Flowers. “The Pledge has a good understanding of etiquette.”

  “Do you recommend she remain with us for another four weeks Linda?”

  Dean Mother Carver takes no time to answer that question. “Yes I wish to continue working with The Pledge to refine her etiquette and poise.”
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  Grand Mother Flowers smiles at me. “You’ve won the favor of all the Dean Mothers. It’s very rare that something like this happens.”

  On the inside I’m ecstatic. But I express my gratitude with polite smile. “Thank you all for supporting me.” I say.

  I’m give appreciative smiles by the Dean Mothers as Grand Mother Flowers gets back to business. “Now I will ask a series of random questions to see if the pledge has been paying attention while she was here.”

  “Pledge, what is the role of a Theta woman in the world?”

  “To assist in the leadership of her family and be a competent help meet to her husband.”

  “Excellent.” Grand Mother Flowers answers. “Why is feminism bad for women?”

  “Because it teaches women not to value themselves. Also, because it teaches women to be co–dependent on the government instead of God.”

  “What is the purpose of Slipdress Sunday?”

  “To assess the networking and interpersonal skills of a Pledge.”

  “Good. Who is the highest ranking member of the Theta organization?”

  The Senior Grand Mother.”

  “Good. “Why do we wait for the Grand Mother to sit before sitting at the table during meals?”

  Now there’s something I take for granted every day. But I think I know why we all do this.“To show our respect for her authority and to acknowledge her position as leader of the Theta organization.”


  After I answer Grand Mother Flowers’ last question correctly, I can feel everyone’s joy for me. But Grand Mother Flowers isn’t finished with me yet. She looks me dead in the eyes as she addresses me.

  “A near perfect score. You should be proud of yourself. We haven’t had someone do so well on the examination since Millicent Travis in 1962.” She says.

  A proud smile sprouts on my face. If Mom were alive, I’d think she’d be glad to know I did as well as she did on the exam. I hope I can take that momentum into Walking the Plank.

  “The Pledge has shown that she takes her time with us seriously. She has made efforts to improve herself in the four weeks and has shown she appreciates the efforts made by everyone to assist her in gaining a stronger social education.” Grand Mother Flowers continues.

  “Do you wish to extend Pledge Anderson’s stay here at the Theta House?” Dean Mother Carver asks.