Read The Thetas Page 21

  “Yes. I would like to work with the Pledge over the next four weeks on how she can become a suitable help meet capable of doing God’s work in her life.”Grand Mother Flowers replies.

  Grand Mother Flowers smiles proudly as the formal tone changes into a casual one. “Congratulations. Colleen. You’ve passed the oral portion of the examination.”

  Chapter 50

  I’m pretty pleased about my performance on the first part of the Theta exam. Three weeks of studying paid off. Now If I can get past walking the plank I’ll be able to stay here for another month. Everything is on me. And I’m not nervous at all. I can do this.

  The formal tone in the room shifts into a more relaxed vibe as everyone breaks out of their roles as Theta officers and back into regular women. I stay in my formal stance as the Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers ease out of their seats and approach me.

  “Excellent work Colleen.” Grand Mother Flowers says patting me on the back.

  “Thanks. I studied my butt off.”

  “It showed. You have a very strong understanding of our mission and core values.”

  And I’ll be applying them to my life. “Am I walking the plank now?”

  “We’ll all take a ten–minute break before we begin the second part of the examination.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “When you’re ready we’ll be out by the pool Colleen.”

  The Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers file out of the ballroom. I take a moment to stretch as Marcy and Abby approach me.

  “Man, you blew it out!” Abby cheers. “I didn’t come close to getting as many questions right as you did.”

  I am feeling good about doing as well as my mother. It’s nice to know that I’m as smart as she is. “You got hit with a lot of tennis balls?”

  “The bruises just started to fade away a couple of months ago.”

  Sounds like she passed by the skin of her teeth.

  “Think you’ll be able to do the same for Walking the Plank?” Marcia inquires.

  “I hope so.”

  “Are you making any plans for Sunday?” Abby asks.

  “Abby, don’t you think it’s a little early to make plans for Sunday?” Marcy chides. “She is walking the plank.”

  “I know Colleen’s got this.” Abby encourages.

  “Still, we don’t want to get overconfident Abby. Colleen’s got a long way to go.”

  I understand Marcy’s reservations. But I’m not afraid. I’m halfway there. And the only person who can keep me from getting there is me. And I plan on honoring the memory of my mother by making her proud of me.

  “Well I’m not making any plans just yet.” I say smiling at Abby. “But keep your schedule open just in case.”

  “We’ll be out on the patio.” Marcy says.

  Marcy and Abby head out of the ballroom. After five minutes pass, I check my watch. The ten–minute break is just about over. I take a deep breath and head out of the ballroom. As I make my way through the French doors and out to the pool, the Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers go back to being officers of The Thetas.

  “Are you ready to walk the plank Pledge?” Grand Mother Flowers asks.

  “I’m ready Grand Mother Flowers.” I reply confidently.

  “Good. You’ll do two laps on the plank.” Dean Mother Carver says. “On those two laps you’ll be judged on poise, grace, personality, and style.”

  “How many points are a passing grade?” I inquire.

  “You can earn ten points from each of us.” Dean Mother Dr. Reed says. “And Marcy and Abby get to vote too. Their votes are five points a piece.”

  Fifty points. Twenty–five points per lap. Not a problem. I can do this. “Okay.”

  Before I approach the board, Grand Mother Flowers grabs my shoulder and leans over to whisper in my ear. “Just remember. You control your reality.”

  The air is filled with anticipation as I step on the board. My heart races in my chest. I take a deep breath and clear my nerves. Okay Col. This is it. All or nothing.

  I remember Grand Mother Flowers’ advice as I march down the board. I control my reality; that water is not there. I’m not walking the plank. No, I’m on a runway wearing the latest fashions. I imagine myself as a fashion model showing off an original in the New Buffington Fall line. As I hear the techno music of the fashion show playing in my head, my arms and legs find their rhythm as my hips sway to the beats. I feel everyone’s eyes on me as I approach the rose bush. I’ve got their attention, now I’ll show them who they’re looking at.

  On the first turn, I turn and pose. When they see my face, I greet them with a friendly smile then twist and strut back up the platform. The G–string I’m wearing under my skirt gives me the freedom of movement I need to let my steps flow into each other. Energy swirls around me, I feel myself glowing as I make my way back to the patio table.

  Everyone feels me, the staunch Theta women break out of their formal positions as officers and call to me like fans at an event.

  “Work it Colleen!” Abby calls.

  “You got it going on Col!” Marcy barks.

  “There it is!” Dean Mother Carver calls. “I can feel you!”

  “Now that is how a Theta Woman walks!” Grand Mother Flowers yells.

  I give everyone a smile as I turn on the dime for the second time. The crowd is into me, they can’t take their eyes off me. I feel their energy, it swirls around me lifting up my spirits as I gracefully make my way down the board giving them a smile that lights up the back yard.

  The music in my head ends as I step off the board and onto the concrete without a drop of water on my shoes. A round of applause fills the air as I approach the Dean Mothers and Grand Mother Flowers.

  “Excellent work Pledge.” Dean Mother Carver says. “You truly mastered walking the Plank. “I felt every part of you in every step you took up there.”

  It was a command performance. But I’ll be modest. “Thank you.”

  “You can have a seat while we go over your score.” Grand Mother Flowers requests.

  Chapter 51

  I ease into a chair at the patio table and cross my legs as the ladies head back into the house. I blew out the exam part and from Dean Mother Carver’s comments, I can only hope I did the same for Walking the Plank.

  Hard to believe a month ago I didn’t want to be here. I had all these ideas in my head that the Thetas were going to be a bunch of bimbos into partying and drinking. But getting to know everyone I’ve met women who have taught me more than anything I’ve learned in any of my Women’s studies classes at NYU. I’d actually miss this place if I had to leave.

  A few minutes pass before I hear high heels marching into the concrete. That was pretty quick. They didn’t even take time to debate anything. I jump out of my seat anticipating the news. My heart races as Grand Mother Flower approaches me with a grimace on her face. “I’m sorry Colleen...”

  My eyes grow wide as her voice trails off somberly. “But you’re going to be staying here four more weeks. You got a perfect score!”

  Joy overtakes me on hearing the news. I grab Grand Mother Flowers and give her a big hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I exclaim as I hug her tightly.

  Grand Mother Flowers breaks the embrace and smiles at me. “Don’t tell me you’re happy about enduring another four weeks of suffering with us Pledge?”

  “Who knows what I’ll learn about myself in that time?” I say.

  Chapter 52

  Grand Mother Flowers is about to say something when Rosa rushes out to the patio. “Ms. Flowers, there’s a gentleman on the phone regarding tomorrow’s surprise.”

  Surprise. I wonder what they have planned for tomorrow. And I wonder if it involves me doing something humiliating.

  “You’ll have to excuse me, I need to take this call.” Grand Mother Flowers says.

  “Before you go, can I get a clue to the surprise?”I ask.

  Grand Mother Flowers smiles at me. “If I gave you a clue, then it w
ouldn’t be a surprise. “But I guarantee you’ll love this one.” She reassures.

  By what she said I don’t know whether to be nervous or terrified.

  Rosa turns to us. “Lunch will be ready in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you Rosa.” Grand Mother Flowers says. “Ladies, after lunch you have the rest of the day off. We’ll go back on the clock Tuesday morning. Let’s give Colleen here a couple of days to relax and unwind before we put her through the remaining Theta challenges.”

  Looks like I have a few days off until my next Theta Challenge. Grand Mother Flowers follows Rosa back into the house. As soon as she leaves, the formal body language of the Dean Mothers becomes casual. “So ladies who’s up for a movie tonight?” Linda asks.

  “I hear The Cassandra Cookbook is good.” Angela replies.

  “Or we could check out that new Marilyn Marie movie.” Janeen says. “Dark Ride.”

  “Man, I’ve been reading bad things about that one.” Linda says.

  “Linda, it’s the girl from All About Nikki. She’s usually good on the show–”

  “I like Nikki too, but don’t know if I want to take a risk on it.” Linda continues. “Cassandra’s been getting good reviews.”

  Janeen goes along with the group. “Okay I’ll check out Cassandra.” Janeen sighs.

  “We’ll meet downstairs at seven, Get dinner at Hanna’s then head over to the theater.” Linda says.

  “We’ll take the convertible.” Angela says. “I’ve been wanting to drop the top and drive the Benz since I got here.”

  As the Dean Mothers head into the house to finish their evening plans, I catch how the senior Theta Sisters pulled a swerve on us. They’ve got the convertible. They’re going to Hanna’s. And they’re going to the movies. They totally pulled rank on us.

  “Looks like we’re staying home.” Abby says.

  I’m not too fazed about getting swerved. “So is the life of a junior Theta Sister.” I say. “But they deserve the perks for working so hard. We’ll get the convertible next week.”

  “Until then we can order a pizza and watch a couple of movies.” Marcy says.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll meet you in the lounge at eight.”

  * * * *


  I peel out of my suit and heels and get into a pair of baby blue short pajamas. After I hang up my Chanel suit on the rack and put my shoes on the shelf, I dart out of the walk–in closet, through the suite, down the hall, and downstairs. I don’t want to leave Marcy and Abby waiting too long. Pepperoni pizza is disgusting when it’s cold.

  I turn the corner and head down the hall. As I enter the lounge the aroma of hot pizza fills the air. Marcy and Abby greet me with smiles. As they open the pizza box on the coffee table to reveal a half sausage half pepperoni pie I smile back at them as I flop into the goose down sofa cushions in front of the big screen TV.

  “So what are we watching tonight?” I ask as I reach over to taking a slice of pepperoni out of the box.

  “Spike Lee’s School Daze followed by Spike Lee’s Jungle Fever.” Abby replies.

  Another great selection of movies. “Great.” I say.

  While Abby puts the videotape in the VCR, Marcy gives me a curious look as she chomps down a slice of sausage pizza. “Man Col, you were something this morning on the plank. How’d you manage to radiate so much confidence?”

  “I know, it was like you weren’t afraid of anything.” Abby says as she flops on the cushion next to me.

  I’ll let them in on my secret. “I imagined myself as a model wearing a designer original.”

  Marcy’s eyes light up. “No way! I saw myself as a swimsuit model when I walked the plank.”

  “How’d you score?”

  I didn’t score as many points as you did my time here.” Marcy continues. “I didn’t have as much personality as you had in your trip down the board.”

  “You held back?”

  “Yeah. And it cost me points.”

  “You probably learned not to be so shy after that.”

  “Yeah, a Theta Challenge is definitely not the place to be so reserved.”

  I wonder how I scored with her. “Did I get all your points?” I inquire.

  Marcia smiles back at me. “You had them on that pose you did on that second turn.”

  “And you had mine on that first one.” Abby says. “Man, you were a tigress up there.”

  “Tigress? I thought we ladies were all supposed to be soft and dainty–”

  “Hey, ladies aren’t all sugar and spice and everything nice.” Abby says. “We know how to let ourselves be known. And you let yourself be known today.”

  “I had a ton of pressure on me–”

  “And you didn’t give into it. Part of walking the plank is learning how to overcome your fears and face the challenge put in front of you.”

  I didn’t know there was a deeper educational component to it. I just thought I was learning etiquette. But thinking about it, I did have to use my head to overcome another challenge. And in using my head I didn’t lose face in an adverse situation. Most girls would have probably crumbled just knowing if they didn’t make it they’d be out of here for good.

  “Just like Sink or Swim.” I say. “There may be danger all around you, but you have to keep going. I take it the plank represents the straight and narrow path we’re supposed to stay on?”

  “Yep.” Abby says. “And walking the plank is a metaphor for our lives.”

  “More of those Christian principles we’re supposed to learn while we’re here.”

  “Yeah, the pool is like the world. It’s full of corrupt stuff that can drown us if we fall in. But if we have faith and trust in God, we can make it across the straight and narrow path and do what God wants us to do.”

  Wow. Marcy’s has given me something to think about. I would have never thought that I could apply Christian values to my everyday life like that. “I just thought we were supposed to make it across without getting wet.”

  “To be a Christian requires a strong resolve Col.” Marcy continues. “You’re gonna face temptations. And just like the water can ruin your clothes, sin can ruin your life.”

  I’m thinking part of being a lady is having the resolve to stay on that straight and narrow path. To have the character to stay true to oneself. To have the courage to show who I really am in every situation even in the greatest adversity.

  “And do twice as much damage.”

  “But you’ve shown you’ll stand up for what you believe in Colleen.” Abby says. “Each time we’ve thrown something at you, you’ve come back ready to face more.”

  “I’m just giving everything my all–”

  “And that’s what you have to do when you go out there. Nothing less than your best is going to cut it.”

  “As a Theta?”

  “As a Christian.” Marcy says. “Remember, we’re salt and light. Our example can inspire others or it can turn them away.”

  “With a strong resolve like yours, you could be a shining example to others what a Christian is.”

  “I didn’t think I’d be that great of a role model–”

  “You’d be surprised how people see you.” Marcy continues.

  “You guys have me sounding like a superhero or something–”

  “You do rise to the occasion like one.” Abby jokes. “I can’t wait to see how you take on the next couple of challenges over the next month.”

  I’m curious to find out what the next four weeks will entail. I wonder if Marcy and Abby are willing to let me know what’s in store for me.

  “Can I get a clue to what’s in store for me over the next four weeks?”

  “If we gave you a clue, then you wouldn’t learn anything.” Marcy quips.

  Chapter 53

  I wouldn’t learn anything. That’s an understatement. I’ve learned so much about myself over the past month. I should have known they wouldn’t give me any clues to what’s coming next.

/>   Looks like I’m going to have to figure things out on my own. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Chapter 54

  Checking myself out in the full–length mirror in my Black Chanel two–piece, I make out the trace lines of muscles in my abs and my biceps. Even my legs have some definition to them. I know I lost eleven pounds, but it looks like I put on a hundred pounds of sexy. If I were going to the beach I could probably turn a few heads there.

  I’m definitely going to keep my workouts after I leave here. My diet too. If I knew I could look this good I’d have started working out like this years ago.

  I check my watch. 1:58. And the party starts at two. I better get down there. I tie my black floral print pareo around my waist, hurry out of the suite, down the stairs, through the kitchen, and out to the patio. The strong smell of barbecue fills the air as I approach the patio table. The Dean Mothers and the sisters stop chatting and jump out of their seats and approach me with smiles.

  “Hey Col, great suit.” Abby says.

  “Thanks Abby. You’re looking hot yourself.” I say I say looking her up and down in a red two piece that shows off all her curves.

  Abby smiles on hearing the compliment. I get a good look at all the women in their designer bikinis. “Did I just step on the set of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue?” I blurt.

  The ladies proudly model their toned, fit bodies after hearing the compliment. “I knew we looked good but I didn’t know we looked that good.” Dean Mother Morgan laughs.

  “I haven’t seen bodies like this except in magazines.”

  “Well, this is the kind of body you can get when you eat right and make time to exercise regularly.” Dean Mother Dr. Reed says.

  “It looks like you’re on your way to one yourself.” Marcy says.

  I blush on the compliment. “Where’s Grand Mother Flowers?” I inquire.

  “She’s picking up your surprise. She had to go to the city to get it.” Marcy replies.

  I wonder what she’s going to get from there. Maybe that Buffington Original.

  “Until then, why don’t you just relax.” Dean Mother Carver says. “We have plenty of food.”

  Looks like a small intimate gathering. I’m just gonna chill out and have fun.