Read The Titan Drowns Page 20

  Chapter Seventeen


  The day dragged on endlessly. He’d watched their entrance into Queenstown Harbour in the early afternoon, the emerald green hills of Ireland dramatically rolling out along the shore. He’d seen the new passengers and cargo loaded. He’d even enjoyed the speed they got up to once they left the harbour, as if the Titanic were a huge horse that had finally been given its head. It almost felt like now that the ship had done its duty by the ports of Europe, she could stretch her legs and reach for the distant shores of America.

  Not that she would ever reach those shores. She would fall at an icy hurdle half way there and sink without a trace. Damn, he wished he could get that out of his head for even a few, short minutes.

  He wandered along A Deck promenade, lost in thought, lost in hopeless conjecture about what might be if he could change the events that were to come. Even though he knew it was wrong, his mind played with the possibilities.

  What if he talked to the Captain and told him about the ice?

  But Eilish had said the Captain would be warned by Marconi about the ice sheets in the area and would ignore them, thinking his unsinkable ship could avoid any approaching danger.

  What if he alerted the passengers and prepared them for the lifeboats so that more could be saved? Eilish had told him that many of the lifeboats would be half empty when they were lowered away.

  But how could he let them know without casting himself into the role of crazy man? They all thought the ship was unsinkable. They’d hardly rush to board a lifeboat just because he suggested they do so a day before the event transpired.

  No. No matter which way he looked at it, there was no recourse for him but to accept fate.

  Max glanced up and saw a young couple walking toward him, very much in love, if their attentive looks were any indication. Was she with child? He let his eyes linger longer than was politely necessary. When the man’s hand lay for a second on his wife’s stomach, he had his answer.

  These two were possible Targets. He must find Carter and Finn and tell them about his find. He knew the two Jumpers, as they were called, were assessing the other passengers for any prospective Targets. Who better than a pregnant woman to add to their group? But he would need to know their names and a little about them if he were to assist.

  With an unacceptable lack of decorum he stopped the couple and introduced himself. Their stunned surprise was politely hidden and they greeted him warmly.

  ‘No, I do not think we have met. Mr Ingham, did you say? We are not from England. We just joined the ship at Queenstown. I am Phillip Lunridge and this is my wife, Clarissa. We are from Portland, Maine. We have been travelling Europe on our honeymoon for the last three months and now we are returning home.’

  ‘Am I correct in surmising that there will be happy news for your family when you arrive?’

  The young woman blushed and dropped her head demurely.

  ‘As a matter of fact we only found out before boarding the ship. Clarissa has been feeling unwell in the last few weeks and I finally convinced her to see a physician. We will be parents in just over six months, so he told us.’

  ‘Congratulations. I could see a warm glow around you two, as if you shared some good news of that kind. I hope you do not mind that I mentioned it. My wife and I have long wanted children but have not been so blessed.’ He lied admirably, convinced as he was in the rightness of his actions. He was attempting to save this couple’s lives and that of their unborn child; a little lie like this was acceptable.

  And in the back of his mind he realised that it was not entirely untrue. He and Agnes may not have wanted a child but he did. And now, of course, he would never be a father. Committed to a barren woman in a barren world, a child was never to be his.

  However, he had Eilish, which was enough for any man.

  ‘I am sorry to hear that. It is truly a gift all loving couples should share.’ Clarissa raised her head and spoke softly for the first time. Max could see she was a serene young woman and seemed very content with her condition.

  ‘I will let you continue your exploration, and I hope we will meet again during the voyage. It is quite a ship we travel on.’

  ‘Indeed. The “Ship of Dreams,” they are calling it.’ Phillip smiled down at his wife and squeezed her arm.

  As they went their separate ways, Max could only think that those dreams would soon be nightmares from which most would never wake.

  Nevertheless, he must find Carter and Finn and tell them of his discovery. These were possibly another two who could be saved. Maybe they could get Eilish up to talk with the wife. A woman could be more open with one of her own gender.

  He knew he was clinging to straws. He kept trying to find a reason that would bring Eilish to his side. It had been a day and a half since he’d seen her and it felt like a year and a half. He’d barely slept a wink the night before because she was not by his side. On top of the sleepless night in Southampton, it meant he would soon be too fatigued to function.