Read The Total December Experiment Page 4

  Even before she had received the news of a inheritance, she had lived frugally and worked a rather menial job while trying to decide what she wanted to do with her life. She wanted a higher education and a career but had to decide on a career first. She had several things in mind that would be satisfying but was unable to choose.

  “Damn, it’s my birth sign giving me problems. Why is it that a Libra finds it so hard to make decisions? Why couldn’t I have been a fire sign. I could have completed my schooling and had my career by now…probably even be the ‘ boss’ !”

  Her whimsical thoughts prompted a dimpled grin and an impatient shake of her head. Manda spent several hours studying the platt and blueprints of the house. A list of observations and questions began to grow. That task completed, she gathered the necessary papers and set off for the courthouse.

  Chapter 14

  John Lanier strolled down the sidewalk toward his favorite eatery, “Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch.” He entered the homey little restaurant and headed for his favorite table, nodding and speaking to friends on his way. Kate, the owner , started toward him. John was a favorite customer and an old friend, dating back to high school. She always personally took his order so they could chat for a minute or so.

  “ What looks good today, Kate ?”

  With a roll of her eyes she said,” John, why on earth do you ask me that every single time you walk in that door ? You know damn well this is the week you order a Reuben every day. Next week, it’ll be homemade barbeque you’ll be wanting. The only decision you ever have to make is what dessert you’re gonna take back to your office so you can spoil your appetite for supper !”

  “ Now Kate, be nice or I’ll go some place else.”

  “Sure you will. You know as well as I do that I’m the only place in town where you can get a Rueben.”

  “ You know me too well, Kate.”

  “ Hey John,” she said with a wink, “ who was that cute little darlin’ riding around with you yesterday?“

  “ That was Miss Harris … she is attractive, isn’t she.”

  “ Is she a local ‘cause I don’t recall seeing her before?”

  “ She’s the little lady who inherited the O’Neal place. She’s from northern Indiana.”

  Unease flickered across Kate’s face and settled in her eyes.

  “ How did she take the news about that young girl found on her property?”

  “ I haven’t had a chance to tell her. She was so worn out from her trip that we haven’t covered any details about anything. She’s going to set up another appointment as soon as she’s rested. I’ll tell her then.”

  Kate tightly pressed her lips together and shook her head. “ I’d be really scared and upset if I was in her shoes. Be careful how you tell her, John.”

  “ As careful as I can be Kate, but there’s not much I can do to soften the fact that a murder was committed on her estate.”

  “ Have the police found out anything out yet ?”

  “ I haven’t heard a thing. Haven’t seen Gary since it happened. I expect he’s pretty busy. “

  “ Well, keep me up to date, John. Guess I better get back to work and turn your order in or you will go some place else.”

  “ Never, Kate, you do make the only reuben.”

  Smacking the top of his head, she laughed and turned to go to the kitchen.

  Chapter 15

  Thanks to the information from Mr. Lanier, Manda readily located the courthouse. Grabbing the old shabby briefcase from the front seat, she started toward the imposing building. Manda entered and was enveloped by much cooler air. Courthouses throughout the USA seemed to be built from the same blueprint and materials, she thought. Walls and floor of marble, which naturally radiate cool air, and a rotunda approximately four stories above her built of domed stained glass. Breathtaking ! The hollow echo of her low heeled shoes bouncing off the walls from all directions was the only sound she heard in the massive building, causing an instant feeling of aloneness….an uncomfortable sensation.

  Manda located the Recorder’s office, entered and almost immediately left, blowing the hair out of her eyes in frustration as she followed the directions to the Accessor’s office.

  Manda approached the ‘golden ager’ behind the counter.

  “ Hello…aaah…Mrs. Case…after a quick glance at her name tag. The Recorder’s office referred me to you. I’m trying to trace all the owners of a particular piece of land.”

  “ You’re in the right place, Honey. What’s the address of the property ?”

  “7249 East Sunset Road.”

  “Why, that’s the O’Neal estate, isn’t it ?”

  At Manda’s nod, the tiny woman pursed her lips and scanned Manda’s face in a speculative manner.

  “ May I ask why you’re interested ? Isn’t any of my business ; just curious.”

  “ I’m Manda Harris. I just inherited ‘Live Oaks’ from my great aunt. Until a few weeks ago, I didn’t know she existed , so I’m trying to fill in the gaps by getting all the history that I can about the estate and the owners.”

  After a few seconds of ticking silence the clerk motioned toward a chair.

  “ Have a seat; I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Manda checked her list as she waited. Next; the clerk’s office for dates of births, deaths and marriages; finally the Treasurer’s office for a record of taxes on the estate. Tomorrow morning she would call Mr. Lanier for another appointment.

  “ I think you’ll find everything you need in this folder. If you need anything else, just come visit me again.”

  Manda thanked her and turned to leave.

  “ Oh, Miss Harris…Good luck.”

  What a curious thing to say, Manda thought.

  Several hours later Manda returned to her hotel with her briefcase filled with her evening’s entertainment. Her plan was to surround herself with everything needed for a physically comfy but mentally exciting evening…like enjoying a good book. She was anxious to begin reading everything she had found at the courthouse but postponed that for later…her intent was to use the reading to cap off her evening much as a lover of wine would use the finest vintage to end his day. Dinner, followed by an indulgent scented bath, soft music in the background, then curling up in the large chair with hot chocolate and her reading material, a notebook and pencil on the table beside her to jot down questions or ‘to do’ items.

  Chapter 16

  At approximately the same time, Detective Haworth sat at his desk at home surrounded by his own reading material with a thermos of coffee at his elbow. His state of mind was very different than Manda’s, however. Plenty of information but nothing that helped bring order out of chaos. Two other deaths in two different states, Georgia and Louisiana had been found through the database, the same MO…almost exact….even the posing with the quilt. Neither of the young women had been ID’d and no evidence was found at the crime scene to identify either the victim or the killer. There had been no insect infestation on them even though they both had been exposed to the elements for more than a week, in one case approximately two weeks. Three murders six months apart. Gary laid the photos of the victims side by side. All were blond, attractive, and about the same age and build. All had been posed on a quilt placed under them after death. All had worn a tiny symbol painted on their ring fingers.

  A very organized serial killer with a very particular agenda was out there somewhere.

  Chapter 17

  Manda was fascinated. Her grandfather, James Whitman O’Neal, had been born at Live Oaks in 1916 followed several years later by the birth of his sister, Nanny May on October 11th, 1920.

  “Her birthday is the same as mine,” murmured Manda with awe.

  Manda continued to read. Her grandfather had married Leticia Ann Renfro in 1948. In1952, Manda’s mother, Teresa June O’Neal was born.

  Confusion washed over Manda’s face. According to the courthouse records, Manda’s grandfather died October 11th in 1998 at the r
ipe age of 82.

  “ This is too much. There has to be a mistake somewhere!”

  First, all these dates of October 11th ?? That degree of coincidence was hard to believe. Secondly, Manda’s mom had said that her dad had died a few years after she had been born in approximately 1955.

  “Well…. A phone call to Mom is definitely a must ! There’s no point in checking these other dates until I get all this in order.”

  She wouldn’t be able to talk with her mom until 10:00 PM tonight because her mom worked as a volunteer at her local hospital every evening.

  “ It’s going to be a long evening,” Manda said aloud.

  She tried to read a novel but found she kept having to back track in an attempt to remember what she had read.

  Frustrated, impatient and very uneasy for some reason, she decided to pass some time with a walk to take in the local sights before darkness slipped in behind dusk.

  Chapter 18

  Gem had been walking the grounds of Live Oaks for hours. Being close to the house was soothing as long as darkness wasn’t seeping over the estate. Gem had been afraid to be at the mansion during the dark hours since the breeze and the moon had spoken.

  The cemetery near the rear of Live Oaks had been visited and fresh flowers laid at the headstones of the owners who had gone before. Gem had pleaded for patience and had spoken words of love and reassurance to each one. In response, the air was filled with subtle diversities of sounds and sensations. The gentle weeping of women, masculine sounds of frustration and grief, and underscoring all; the nuance of laughter. Gem’s flesh felt as though an electrical currant was running through it and the need to leave the estate was overwhelming and immediate.

  The realization struck that the very air was laden with the approach of darkness coming, clutching the trailing hem of dusk.

  Chapter 19

  “ Mom, Manda here.”

  “ How are you, Hon ? I’ve been a little worried….was expecting to hear from you a few days ago. Where are you now ? How can I get hold of you?”

  “Have you found out any details yet about this Great Aunt and the inheritance ?”

  “ Well, I’m OK, sort of. I’m staying at the Harbor Hotel in Gulf Shores in room # 210. The phone number of the hotel is 251-632-1011. You’re not going to believe this, Mom, but the inheritance is a huge estate on the Gulf.”

  “ Good Heavens, Honey! Tell me all!”

  “ I don’t know much about it yet. I haven’t had a tour of the grounds but the place is massive. I’m going to call for another appointment with the lawyer in the morning. I’ll tour everything and take lots of pictures for you. As soon as I’ve seen everything, I’ll call you back, OK ?”

  “All right…Guess I’ll have to wait but it’s going to be hard. This is SO exciting! I’m happy for you, Manda.”

  “I’m excited too, Mom. Ah…I do have quite a puzzle here, though. I need to ask you some questions.”

  “OK, Dear.”

  “Have you ever researched our family tree ?”

  “ No; never had the time or inclination. Mom gave me all that information.”

  “Have you ever heard of a …Violet Louise Cochran ?

  “ No, I haven’t. Who is she ?”

  “ I’ll get to that in a few days. I have to do more research at the courthouse and the library. Had you ever heard of Live Oaks before Mr. Lanier contacted me?”

  “ Not a word, Honey. What’s going on ? You’re being awfully mysterious.”

  “ What were the full names of Grandma and Grandpa, Mom ?”

  “ Manda!!! You know their names!”

  “ Humor me, Mom. I’ll let you in on everything as soon as I get my facts straight.”

  Sighing deeply, Manda’s mom complied.

  “Mom’s name is Katherine Letitia Simpson and Dad’s name is Whitman James O’Neal.”

  “Have you ever seen their birth certificates.”

  “ No. Mom said they were lost years ago. I guess she didn’t see any need to get copies.” Manda, What on earth…??”

  “Mom, please have patience with me. As soon as I get the answers, I’ll give them to you.”

  “ But….”

  “Mom, Don’t worry. It’s nothing horrific, just very very interesting. I’ve got to go. You’ll be hearing from me tomorrow night or the day after. I’ll be careful…everything’s fine. OK?”

  Another sigh:” All right, I love you, Hon.”

  “ I love you too. Bye, Mom.”

  Chapter 20

  The sounds of the graveyard continued long after Gem had left. The moon had risen and the wind had freshened. The bouquets left at the headstones began to turn brown and within minutes had blackened and dried. The wind snapped the dry stems and tore the dried petals from the flowers sending them swirling high into the night sky.

  As they broke up and disappeared the weeping and cries of grief and anger grew in volume……as did the laughter.

  Chapter 21

  Manda pored over all the information trying to make sense of it but was unable to do so. She wrote a list of questions to ask Mr. Lanier and hoped that something in the will would clarify this mess.

  She knew that she probably wouldn’t get much sleep tonight but at least she could try to relax. To that end, she took a bubble bath and donned her comfy robe and slippers, called room service and ordered black forest cake and hot chocolate. Bless chocolate, she thought.

  While waiting for room service, she switched the television on with the intention of losing herself in a movie.

  The movies hadn’t begun yet…instead the local 11:00 PM news was on. I suppose I’d better begin to watch the local goings on of this fair city, she thought. The picture on the screen was a rather odd one of a young blond woman. The voice of the commentator was asking the viewers to please call the local police department if anyone recognized her. The picture then dissolved into a view of the news man sitting at his desk beginning a different news story.

  A knock on the door signaled the arrival of room service.

  A moment later, while enjoying her bedtime snack, it occurred to Manda that the young woman on the news vaguely reminded her of someone. She picked her brain for some time but couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation. A short time later, Manda slipped into her bed and in spite of her earlier concern about being unable to sleep, her eyelids closed right away. Just before she slipped into the abyss of sleep, a face flashed through her mind.

  Susan, the face on the TV screen looked like Susan.

  Before she could examine that thought further, she tumbled into the abyss and fell into disturbing and puzzling dreams.


  “Patrick, are we doing the right thing ?”

  “ I don’t know, Megan. We’ve tried to stop this cycle of evil for so long and in so many ways. All we can do is keep trying and keep praying and protect the innocents as much as we can.”

  “We haven’t done a very good job of it, Pat.”

  “Now Megan, we managed to stop him for a very long while. That counts for something, doesn’t it ?”

  “ Tell that to her and see if she believes us,” Meg said, gazing at the restless figure lying on the bed.

  “ We can only do our best, Meggie darling. Don’t worry so. I think we should leave now, go to our private place and enjoy each other.”

  Meg glanced up at him. Yes, there it was, that mischievous gleam in his blue eyes.

  “ Patrick, you are a rogue and a scoundrel….only thinking of yourself.”

  “ No Meggie, I’m thinking of you too.”

  With an answering twinkle of her eye, Megan took his hand and gently tugged him toward her.

  “ Well, Mr. Patrick O’Neal, we’d best go and see how much you’re thinking of me.”


  Manda slowly sat up in bed. Something had awakened her. She thought she had heard the tinkling laughter of
a woman, but a glance around the room convinced her that she’d been dreaming. Feeling very comfortable and safe, she lay down and drifted back to sleep, hearing again, a light hearted giggle.


  Manda slept later than usual, awakening with a smile on her lips. She knew she had had several dreams during the night, two of them disturbing, but there had also been one that had left an uplifting feeling….it had been cute and overshadowed the barely remembered other two.

  Manda checked her watch, dismayed that she had slept so long. She reached for the phone and checking his number, dialed Mr. Lanier’s office.

  Grace answered the phone.

  “ Good morning. This is Manda Harris. I’m calling to set a time for Mr. Lanier to show me the property.”

  “ He’s at the courthouse right now. I’ll give him your message as soon as he gets back….shouldn’t be too long. Are you in your hotel room.”

  “Yes, I’ll stay here until he calls. Thanks.”

  “ You’re welcome, Ms Harris.”

  Manda couldn’t leave her room, so she ordered coffee and a pastry. Now would be a good time to go over the genealogy again to make sure she was prepared for her appointment.

  Manda had the papers from the courthouse spread on the coverlet, her pen and notebook beside her.

  “OK, Here we go.




  G.G.Grandfather ( Manda’s ) married G.G. Grandmother