Read The Total December Experiment Page 5

Patrick Ian O’Neill 1861 Megan Ann Sheen

  Born: 1823--Died 1897 Born: 1843—Died: 1905

  Place of birth: Ireland Place of birth:




  G.Grandfather ( Manda’s ) married G. Grandmother


  Colin James O’Neill 1906 Ester Marie Sinclair

  Born: 1866—Died 1942 Born: 1884—Died: 1957

  Place of birth: USA Place of birth:




  Grandfather ( Manda’s ) married Grandmother


  James Whitman O’Neill 1948 Violet Louise Cochran

  Born: 1916—Died 1998 Born: 1931—Died: 1953

  Place of birth: USA Place of birth:



  James’s Sister

  Nanny May O’Neill

  Born: 10-11-1920---Died: 6-14-2004




  Mother ( Manda’s ) married Father


  Teresa June O’Neill 1980 Charles Lee Harris

  Born: 1952 Born: 1949—Died: 1995

  Place of birth: Place of birth:







  Manda June Harris

  Born: 10-11,1984

  Place of birth: Gary, Indiana USA




  Teresa’s Mom ? Aunt ? Who ? Will be approximately 18 years older than Teresa….born approximately 1934


  Katherine Letitia Simpson O’Neill ????

  Born: ?—Died: ?

  Place of birth: ?




  Patrick Ian O’Neill sailed from Ireland to America in 1839 at age 16

  Live Oaks built by Patrick at age 32

  Construction: 1853 to 1855

  Married Megan at age 38……Megan was 18

  Had Colin at age 43




  Colin James O’Neal born at Live Oaks

  Married Ester at age 40……Ester was 22

  Had James at age 50

  Had Nanny May at age 54……James’s sister—Manda’s Great Aunt—spinster




  James Whitman O’Neill born at Live Oaks

  Married Violet at age 32……Violet was 17

  Had Teresa at age 36



  Teresa June O’Neill

  Born at Live Oak ( she doesn’t know that……has no accurate knowledge of ancestors)

  Married Charles at age 28……Charles was 31

  Had Manda at age 32

  Lost Charles ( work accident )….he was 46—Teresa was 43—Manda was 11

  Married Franklin Louis Wembly in 1998 at age 46



  Manda June Harris……age 20

  Born Gary, Indiana

  No siblings

  No love interest


  “What a mess. I hope Mr. Lanier can clear this up for me!”

  She had started double checking her list of questions and her ‘to do’ list when Mr. Lanier returned her call.

  “ Grace gave me your message, Ms Harris. The matter that I was working on this morning has been postponed so I have free time this afternoon. Would 2:00 be OK?”

  “That will be great.”

  “Fine, I’ll pick you up at 2:00 then.”

  Chapter 22

  “ Sam…this is Gary Haworth.”

  “ Hey Gary, what are you up to. Good to talk to you, unless this is business instead of pleasure.”

  “ Afraid it’s business, pal. I know when I’m in over my head and need help.”

  “ What ya got ?”

  “ I think I’ve got a serial killer with a peculiar MO. I’d say an impossible mo. I pulled two more murders up from the database that have to be by the same perp. Plenty of strange evidence but nothing that helps. No ID on the vics. I’ve flooded the media with information, but no info coming back at me.”

  “ You want me in on this?”

  “ Dammit Sam, you know I don’t have an ego problem. I can handle working with you guys. I need some fresh ideas here and some identifications.”

  “ OK, Gary. Fax me everything you have and I’ll get on it right away.”

  “ Thanks, old buddie.”

  “ No sweat. I’ll call as soon as I come up with anything.”

  Gary hung the phone up but continued to sit, staring off into space. There had to be other resources he could tap. He just had to figure out what they were.

  Chapter 23

  Manda was relaxed on this second trip to Live Oaks. Being more familiar with the history and lay out of the house, her feelings were of curiosity and anticipation. Her camera slung over her shoulder and her briefcase full of documents along with her list of questions, made her feel in control and prepared for just about anything. As the car pulled up to the front of the mansion, Manda was able to see it through different eyes as being familiar instead of intimidating.

  Mr. Lanier, who had been quiet during the trip approached the entrance fidgeting with the keys. Manda’s impression was that they had reversed positions. He seemed nervous while she felt self assured.

  As the huge door swung open, Manda caught her breath in surprise and delight. She walked into the huge foyer and slowly turned in a circle taking it all in. The ceiling of the foyer towered three stories above her. The entire wall where the entrance door was located, was of very rough hewn stone soaring the total height to the ceiling. Massive iron sconces holding huge candles were on both sides of the great door. Past the sconces on each side of the door were tall arched windows, three on each side, large enough that they covered the entire length of the wall. All along the base of the windows were low pedestals holding large urns meant for plants. The walls of the foyer curved up and in, to form a center arch in the middle of the ceiling from which hung an enormous intricately wrought metal chandelier. The other walls were finished in a rough surfaced stucco effect painted medium grey. Due to the textured surface, the light from the windows and chandelier caused the walls to appear to be a mix of several shades of grey.

  The floor of the foyer appeared to be wooden tiles set in a diamond pattern. The color treatment of the floor was very unusual and beautiful. It looked as though several stains of different colors had been applied one on top of another and blended in a random pattern.

  The effect was of antiquing with blended shades of dark grey, dark forest green and midnight blue. Burnished to a rich deep gleam, it was magnificent. All the doorways leading from the foyer were arched and framed with the same stone used on the entrance wall.

  Toward the rear and center of the foyer, a sweeping staircase with massive intricately carved spindles and banister, rose to the second floor level, then divided to form a balcony that circled the foyer. Ornate doors that were finished to match the flooring led off the balcony hall to rooms around the perimeter of the foyer.
r />   Between each door was a sconce matching the ones by the entrance door. The colors and textures of the foyer produced a combination of coolness, warmth and comfort. Amazing that all three were felt at the same time.

  Manda, awed by the beauty, decided the rest of the house must pale in comparison to this, but she was wrong. The flooring was the same throughout the house, except in the kitchen, conservatory and bathrooms which were tiled in stone from Mexico. The house was wealthy with huge arched windows that allowed light to flood each room. No gloom and doom in this house, thought Manda. Beautifully carved wood moldings enriched each room and fireplaces of different styles abounded throughout the house. There were wall niches in almost every room for lovely displays. Built in bookcases filled three walls of the study and library. Lovely sconces and chandeliers were everywhere. The kitchen and bathrooms were completely modern as to performance but designed to blend with the rest of the house’s decor.

  “ The plumbing, heating, cooling and electricity are much more than adequate and very well maintained, Ms Harris. The fireplaces are checked every year and kept in working order. The entire place is checked every Spring for any necessary repairs, etc. If, however, you find anything you want done, contact me.”

  “ Thank you, Mr. Lanier.”

  “ If you’re ready, we can drive to my office and take care of the rest of the formalities.”

  “ That will be fine. Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 24

  “ Gary, Sam here. I have a few questions.”

  “ Hope I have the answers!”

  “ The quilt that was under her…is there anything unusual on it? The reason I’m asking is the quilt under the vic in Louisiana has a strange symbol sewn into the corner of the underside. I’ve requested this same info from the other crime scene in Georgia but I haven’t heard back yet.”

  “ Nothing special has been noted about the quilt, Sam, but I’ll check.”

  “ Was her body in the vicinity of water…river, pond, whatever?”

  “ Yeah, the Gulf was about 300 feet away from her body.”

  “ She had a gold star on her fingernail, right, Gary?”

  “ Right, what’s the deal here?”

  “ WELL, my lady here was found by the Mississippi…silver moon on her fingernail. I’m waiting on the stats from Georgia.”

  “ Weird.”

  “ Yep. Do me a favor, Gary. Take several pics of the quilt. If you find any unusual markings, take some shots of that too and fax everything to me.”

  “ Will do . Talk to you later.

  Chapter 25

  Manda sat at the desk across from Mr. Lanier.

  “ Before we start with other business, I have some

  confusing facts I hope you can help me with.”

  “ I’ll try.”

  “ I went to the courthouse and got a list of previous owners and all the records of my ancestors that they had recorded. Some of the information doesn’t match what Mom knows. Maybe you know something that will straighten this out. I’m supposed to call Mom tonight and I’d like to be able to ease her mind.”

  “That’s interesting. What are the conflicting facts?” Manda pull her reference list out of her purse and looked it over.

  “ Mom doesn’t remember Live Oaks at all. She was told that her Dad, who she knows as Whitman James O’Neal, died in 1955, a few years after she was born. The courthouse records state that his name was James Whitman O’Neal and that he died in 1998.”

  “ Mom says that her mom’s name is Megan Katherine Simpson but a woman named Leticia Ann Renfro is listed as Mom’s mother in the records. I asked Mom if she had ever seen any birth certificates and she said that she hadn’t.”

  “ This is a very interesting turn of events. Let me make a copy of your paper and Grace and I will get on it right away.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Lanier.”

  “ Don’t thank me yet. I’ll keep you informed on what we learn.”

  After Grace made a copy and returned the original, Manda asked if they were finished for the day.

  “ Oh, I almost forgot. This is rather important.”

  Manda sat, puzzled by the strange look on his face.

  Mr. Lanier stood and walked over to the window with his back to Manda. She saw his shoulders rise in a deep sign as he turned to face her.

  “ Don’t be alarmed if the police come to see you.”

  “ Excuse me ?”

  “The local police may want to ask you some questions.”

  “What….Why ?”

  Mr. Lanier swung toward the window again for a few seconds buying a little time to come up with the right words. He didn’t want to frighten her but he knew the news would do just that.

  “ Manda, may I call you Manda ?” At her nod, he continued. “Last Monday morning, the body of a young woman was found on the edge of your property.”

  Her mouth fell open in shock

  “ She had been murdered.”

  “ Oh, My God, are you sure ?”

  “ Afraid so, Manda.”

  “ Who was she ? Who did it ?”

  “ So far, there are no answers. The police are working on it, of course.”

  “ Mr. Lanier….”

  “ Call me John, please, if you don’t mind.”

  “ John, how far from the house…where was she found

  exactly ? I feel awful for asking these things. I mean…A woman died and I’m asking these kinds of questions, but I’m terrified!”

  “ Try not to be, Manda. The house and grounds have excellent security systems connected directly to the police station. If it would help, you can get guard dogs and hire a guard. You have the financial means to do so. If you like, I can contact Sheriff Turner and inquire about a guard and the dogs.”

  “ Please, John, right now. I’m not going to set foot on the place until that’s been taken care of.”

  “ Right away, Manda. May I take you to your hotel? I’ll call you as soon as I have everything arranged. You may want to get in touch with the staff. I’m sure you’ll feel safer if others are there with you. They were retained by your great aunt a number of years ago and they are completely trustworthy.”

  “ Yes, I’ll do that right away. As soon as I get to the hotel.”

  The ride back to the hotel was silent. Manda could feel anxiety building along with her fear. She opened the door to her room with trembling hands and entered.


  He had given her the formal reading of the will, plus a list of all she had to do, with his help, for the legal transfer of property, insurance claims and outstanding debts…of which there were few. Included with the will were two envelopes addressed to her and closed with wax seals. One appeared to be a letter. The larger one gave no hint as to it’s contents.

  “ I believe these are yours, Ms. Harris,” and had handed her a large heavy key ring holding numerous keys.

  “I’ve labeled each one for you. I know you are going to enjoy getting to know your property….ah….after the necessary arrangements have been made. If you need anything, anything at all, feel free to call me.”

  Manda flopped onto her bed over come by all that had happened the last few days. She lost out in her attempt to control her feelings and the tears began. She cried out of confusion, fear and loneliness until she fell into a troubled sleep.

  Chapter 27

  Voluminous waves thundered onto the beach casting seashells, seaweed and even man-o-war onto the sand before it retreated, only to be sucked into the next wave about to pound the shore. A great storm out in the Gulf was responsible for all this fury, thought Gem. The sound of the crushing waves had drawn him to the bluff. He had been wandering the grounds for an hour or so enjoying the solitude. As he had begun strolling to the great live oak so he could feel the essence of Karyn, he had heard the tumult of the water. The drama unfolding before him heightened his awareness of her presence. A heavy sadness settled over and enveloped him. He bent his head in shame and clenched his fists in bitt

  Chapter 28

  Gary was too impatient to wait so he grabbed the phone from it’s cradle. He had faxed the pictures and comments to Sam, but in an investigation, time lost meant opportunities lost. This case was getting so damn complicated and downright strange, it was giving him nightmares…during his sleep AND while awake.

  “ Sam, good buddy, Gary here. Have you gotten the fax ?”

  “ Yep. You know this case is getting way out in left field, don’t ya ?”

  “ I know, it’s driving me batty. That’s why I’m calling. I didn’t want to wait for your take on it any longer than I had to. What do you think ? Have you heard from Georgia yet?”

  “ Heard from them about an hour ago, Gary. Don’t know about the quilt yet but everything else is a go. There’s a striking resemblance to the other victims. Blond, etc., same MO even to the estimated time of death as the other two…wee hour of the morning. Found on the shore overlooking the Gulf and get this……a gold sun painted on her ring finger ! Can you believe this warped creep with his weird MO!!”

  “ Sam, I believe just about anything any more. The symbol on the quilt didn’t show up in the pictures very well so I sent you a drawing of it. Oh… Another quirk to this case from the ‘Outer Limits’. Sandy, our dispatcher, noticed something interesting. She saw the picture of the quilt. Seems one of her hobbies is quilting. She says the pattern used in the quilt is, are you ready for this?”

  “ Hit me with it.”

  “ The pattern is called the Alabama Star.”

  “ You’re shitting me, right ?”

  “ Nope, she says that every state has it’s own star pattern. You better check out the other two. Another thing about quilters. They always deliberately make a mistake while they’re sewing it.”

  “ Why in holy hell would they do that, Gary ?”

  “ It’s some old tradition about nobody being perfect, so there has to be a little mistake. Do you suppose that’s why the symbol’s there? Maybe it could be the perp’s signature too.”

  “ I have no idea, Gary. What I know about quilts and quilters is……nothing! Ask your dispatcher what all she knows about quilts and get back with me. When I get any news from Georgia, I’ll call. I’m going to send a picture of my symbol too. See if your dispatcher can identify it.”

  “Right away, Sam.”

  Chapter 29

  “ Manda, Mr. Lanier here.”

  “ Hello, any news today? How are the arrangements for additional security going ?”