Read The Viking's Chosen Page 17

  “I don’t like it,” he snapped.

  My mother stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his shoulders. I could see him visibly relax. “I don’t like it, either. However, I trust our daughter. And she is right. We need the element of surprise, making our move when he is least expecting it. Her strategy is a sound one, and you know it.”

  “The gods were cruel for not granting me one son so that I would not be outnumbered by females,” he grumbled.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I stood up and wrapped my arms around my father and king. He bore the weight of an entire kingdom on his shoulders, and yet he maintained the humility of a man who did not wield such power. Yes, I had been angry at him for setting up an arranged marriage. But I had always known it would happen one day. And I knew it wasn’t because he was seeking more power; it was because he knew we needed protection. My father was not a selfish man, but like any king, he often found himself faced with difficult circumstances—situations when none of his options were good. This was one such situation. And it broke my heart to see him blaming himself.

  “This isn’t your fault, Father. You could not have known that Cathal was a beast. Please do not take on the responsibility of his actions.”

  “You are not a parent, dear one,” he said as his hand ran down the back of my head and hair. “One day you will be, and you will understand that any time your child is caused pain, you cannot help but feel as though you could have done something to prevent it. I would never wish such a fate on any of you, and yet it has happened. I beg your forgiveness, Allete.”

  To my utter shock, my father, the king, knelt before me and bowed his head. My heart broke, and for a moment I was speechless.

  “There is no need for forgiveness, Your Highness,” I said formally. “You have not wronged me. But if it will make you feel better, I will forgive you, though I feel no ill will toward you, and I never will.”

  After several silent moments, he stood and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Promise me you will not be alone with him,” he demanded, though not cruelly.

  “I promise I will do my best to keep that from happening.”

  He stared at me for at least a minute before finally nodding. “That will have to be enough, I suppose.”

  He turned to Dayna and bowed his head. “Thank you for being brave, Dayna. Your courage and loyalty to your family will not be forgotten.”

  She smiled at him. “I wanted to be sure you knew ahead of time that there was a strong possibility someone would call for my head. If he touches her again, I will do everything in my power to slit his throat.”

  My mother shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Dear child,” she mumbled.

  “Please attempt to refrain from committing murder. At least until after you have spoken with me first,” Father said.

  “I make no promises, but I will try to control my urges.”

  “Then we are surely doomed,” I teased. “Controlling your urges isn’t exactly your strong suit.”

  “We all have minor flaws, sister mine,” she cooed. “Some more tragic than others.”

  “We will leave you to rest,” our mother said as she grabbed Father’s hand. “We love you both.”

  Dayna and I spoke at the same time as we repeated the sentiment. When they were finally gone, and it was only Dayna, Lidia, and myself, I let out a slow breath. “I cannot believe you went to them.”

  “Somebody had to. What he did could not go unpunished or ignored. He assaulted you, a princess, and his future wife. I was not about to let that go, Allete.”

  I was grateful for my sister, but I worried for her. She was as in as much danger from his wrath as I was now that she’d threatened him. Dayna would not keep quiet if he confronted her again. Though I did not think myself any less brave than her, I did know that she was much more impulsive than me, and I was better at thinking things through. Dayna would simply act. Despite what her actions might provoke, she would simply lash out and consider the consequences later.

  “You need to avoid being alone with him, too,” I told her. “He will consider your confrontation as a direct insult to him. Even though he cannot kill you, he will do what he can to punish you.”

  “I am not afraid of him,” she said. “He is nothing but a coward.”

  “Even cowards can be dangerous. Please be smart about your actions, Dayna.”

  “I will try to think before acting. I need to tell you one more thing,” she said.

  I held in the groan, knowing by the hesitation in her voice that I was not going to like what she had to say.

  “I might have mentioned to Thomas what happened with Cathal.”

  “You what!” I nearly shouted.

  “He loves you. He had a right to know.”

  I didn’t have the energy to scold her, so I decided to hold my tongue and save it for when I could tell her off properly. I didn’t want her to have any confusion about my displeasure at her actions. “So he will be here momentarily? Is that what you’re saying?”

  She nodded. “You might want to get dressed.”

  I motioned for Lidia to pick out a dress from the wardrobe and quickly ate the now-cold breakfast. I gave it my best effort, but I couldn’t help being anxious. I knew there were so many ways my terrible situation could get much worse, but I did not want to give fate any ideas.

  “I have come to realize over the years that no news is good news. So when my men came to me unexpectedly, I knew I would soon be facing trouble. I had a feeling it would be a long time before there would be no news to report.”

  * * *


  I heard several pairs of feet moving quickly through the corridor. I turned my body in the direction of the sound, simultaneously keeping my body in front of Allete’s door.

  “It’s our men,” Brant said as he too turned to face the direction of the approaching steps.

  I almost asked how he could tell, but then I too heard the unique rhythm of the march, something I had trained my warriors to do long ago, a pronounced stomp every few steps. It let us distinguish friend from foe even at a distance. I must have missed the sound at first because of my worry over Allete.

  Less than half a minute later, Amund, Rush, and Delvin rounded the corner and came to a halt in front of us.

  “Sir,” they all three said at the same time and bowed their heads slightly.

  “What brings you from your posts?” I asked.

  “We have information,” Amund spoke up.

  “What news?” Sometimes getting information out of them was like trying to get a mule to lead a heifer.

  “Magnus,” Amund answered. “His plans have changed. He has become obsessed with taking over this kingdom. We aren’t sure when he is planning to take action, but it will be soon.”

  I cursed under my breath. It was just like Magnus to take an already-dumb arse plan and make it worse. “Do you have any idea what he is planning?”

  Rush stepped forward. “It will involve killing, that much was made clear by the men he’d snuck into the kingdom.”

  That was not surprising. With their Jarl, any raid would involve killing, even if it was not necessary. “Do you know if there is any discord among his ranks? Does anyone else see the folly of his plan?”

  They all three shook their heads. I cursed under my breath.

  “Continue to keep your ears and eyes open. Bring us any information immediately.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What report from your assigned posts?” I asked.

  “We’ve had the displeasure of being around Cathal’s soldiers,” Delvin practically spat. “They’re as dumb as bricks and as mean as wild boars.”

  “That isn’t surprising,” Brant chuckled. “Their king is no better.”

  “I cannot believe that the ruler of this kingdom would ship his daughter off to be married to such a man,” Amund said.

  “She is not going to marry him,” I growled. “He’s too dangerous, and she
belongs with me.” I hadn’t really planned on saying that second part out loud, but it was true. And my men should probably know that she would be accompanying us home.

  Before they could respond, another body appeared from around the corner. Thomas, Allete’s cousin, looked as though someone had jabbed him with a hot poker. I could feel the violence emanating from him, and I did not like the look in his eyes.

  “I need to see my cousin,” he declared and took a step toward me and the door behind me.

  “You won’t be going in like that,” I pointed at his face. “You get yourself under control first.”

  “Have you forgotten your place, guard?”

  I tried not to hold his words against him. I knew he was simply worried about Allete, but I wouldn’t allow him to think he could intimidate me just because of his station. “Not at all. I am Allete’s chief guard, and it is my duty to ensure that she is safe from anyone—including overly emotional family members.”

  Thomas’s jaw flexed, and his hands clenched into fists. After several minutes, he finally relaxed, if only a little. “Fair enough. Please allow me to see my cousin.”

  I turned and knocked on the door behind me. When I heard Allete’s voice say to enter, I opened the door and stuck my head in. “Your cousin is here to speak with you.”

  Her lips tightened, but she gave a stiff head nod. “Send him in.”

  I pushed the door open wider and stepped aside so he could pass. Before he could walk into the room, I grabbed his arm and pulled him close. “If you do anything to further upset her, I won’t react kindly. She’s been through enough. Remember that before you open your mouth.” I released him and waited until he was inside before closing the door.

  Brant looked at me with a small smile and shook his head. “You are smitten.”

  My men shot me a look and their eyes widened. “Not a word,” I snapped at them. “Return to your posts.”

  They each nodded and turned, heading back in the direction they’d come.

  Brant began to speak again, but I held up my hand to stop him. “No more, please. I’m just worried about her safety.” He left it alone, and we stood guard in silence. My own mind wandered to the life I might have with Allete in the future—a life filled with promise. I realized that until her, I had not been looking forward to my future. But now, now I very much wanted a chance to have a life with her.

  I watched as Thomas paced the room. He hadn’t spoken since he’d arrived. He simply looked at me, shook his head, and began pacing. This went on for several long minutes before I finally addressed him.

  “Are you going to say something?”

  He stopped and looked up at me. “What do you want me to say? Do you want me to ask you why on earth you haven’t told me about the things Cathal has said to you? Do you want me to ask why you didn’t come to me when he assaulted you?” His voice rose with every question, and by the last one, he was yelling. “Do you want me to ask why you kept quiet and continued to put yourself in danger?”

  My mouth hung open in shock. Thomas rarely yelled. He was the patient one in the family, but today he looked anything but.

  “I can try to explain, but I do not think you will understand.”

  “I am not an idiot, cousin. I am capable of rational thought, if what you’ve done is rational.”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. I mean I don’t know if you can understand because perhaps I wasn’t being rational. I was trying to protect my family. I understand why Father needs this alliance.”

  “He would not allow this if he knew what Cathal was like,” Thomas challenged.

  “You are correct. He does not wish me to marry Cathal, and he is trying to figure out a way to stop it without provoking all-out war. A war that we would have no chance of winning,” I pointed out.

  “So, your parents do know?”

  I shot a look at Dayna. “Yes, they had the same source you did.”

  Thomas looked at my sister and a small smile appeared. “At least one of you was using her brain.”

  “I understand that you are worried for me, but please keep your insults to yourself. I have no need of another man treating me like I am a dullard.”

  Thomas’s eyes widened. “I don’t think you are a dullard, and I did not mean to imply that. You are correct. I am worried about you. You are my dearest cousin, and I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

  I stepped toward him and wrapped my arms around him. “I know that. But I need you to trust me. I have agreed with Father that I will not be alone with Cathal again. I will always have my own guards with me, not just his. But we must be careful. Cathal can never know that my parents are aware of his behavior. I fear what he would do to those I love. He has already threatened to hurt my family.”

  “Why can’t we just kill him and make it look like an accident?” Thomas asked.

  Dayna laughed. “I knew I loved you for a reason.”

  “I’m your cousin,” Thomas said dryly. “Isn’t that reason enough?”

  Dayna shook her head. “Just because you’re family does not make you worthy of my love.”

  “Good to know,” Thomas laughed.

  “You two cannot go around speaking about killing a king. That is treason, and the penalty is death. I don’t even know if Father could keep you from being executed, so mind your tongues,” I practically barked.

  “You have turned into quite the little mama bear,” Thomas chuckled.

  I shrugged. “I’m just telling you what you already know. You are blinded by your hate, and that can cause you to act rashly.”

  “I suppose you are right, but sometimes acting rashly is needed.”

  I groaned. There was no point in arguing with him. When he’d made up his mind about something, there was rarely any way to change it. “So, did you only come here to scold me, or have you actually missed me? I have only seen you a handful of times in the past two weeks. Where have you been hiding?”

  Thomas grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what you mean. I’ve been around.”

  “No, you haven’t,” I argued. “You have been noticeable scarce. Have you found a girl or something?”

  Dayna’s eyes widened. “Have you finally found someone who will put up with you?”

  I laughed. It was true. It would take a woman with great patience to handle the likes of Thomas. Though I was sure he would make a wonderful husband. He had a kind soul and playful nature. He was sure to be a most delightful father, too because of his childlike nature. His children would never lack for adventures.

  “Why on earth would I tell you two wenches if I’d found the woman of my dreams? You would just run off to warn her away from me. No.” He shook his head. “I think it better to keep that secret to myself.”

  “You have to tell us,” Dayna said as she stomped her foot. “We’re your favorite cousins.”

  “You’re my only cousins,” Thomas pointed out.

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “No, I think it is the entire point. How can I have favorites when there is no one to compete for my affection?”

  Dayna picked up the nearest thing she could grab, a shoe I’d discarded on the floor, and threw it at him. “Do not play games with me, Thomas Mathew. You will tell us if you have found a potential bride. We have to approve of her. That is the way of it.”

  He laughed, and his eyes sparkled in that joyful way that I loved. “No, Dayna, that is your way of it. Not everything revolves around you and your ways.”

  “Allete, tell him he is wrong,” she pleaded.

  It was my turn to laugh. Thomas had a point. Dayna was by no means a selfish person, but she could tend to be a tad self-centered at times. “Dayna, you can’t force someone to tell you something that he does not wish to share.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it is his right to keep things to himself.”

  She sat down on the end of my bed with a plop and crossed her arms in front o
f her chest. She looked like a scolded child. It only made me want to laugh more, but I bit my tongue to keep from doing so.

  “But…” I turned back to Thomas. “She isn’t entirely wrong. A second and third opinion might be in order. After all, you can’t hide her away from us forever.”

  “Well, look at the time. I must be on my way.” Thomas ignored my statement as he walked over to Dayna and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the forehead.

  “Thomas,” she practically whined.

  He was undeterred as he came back to me and wrapped his arms around me. “You stay safe. Promise?”

  I nodded. “I promise.”

  He stepped back and gave me a playful tap on the nose and then headed to the door. He pulled it open and just before he closed it behind him, he said over his shoulder, “Just to drive you both bat crazy, yes, there is a woman in my life. But I will reveal nothing further.” He closed the door quickly behind him.

  I saw the look on Dayna’s face and chuckled. “You really hate not knowing, don’t you?”

  “It’s not fair that he won’t tell us. If we had found suitors, he would demand to know who they were, and then he would want to meet them.”

  She was right, he would. But then, we were female and whether we liked it or not, there was a double standard when it came to male and females and courting. “We should be happy for him and wait until he is ready to tell us more,” I offered.

  “Fine,” Dayna huffed. “I’ll wait, but I won’t be happy about it.”

  “I said you should be happy for him, not happy about waiting.”

  “I’ll consider your counsel.”

  I smiled at her. “I look forward to the day you find your match. He will have to have a backbone of steel to stand up to you.”

  “I’ve already met him.” She pointed at the door. “He’s on the other side of that door, and everything about him calls out to me.”

  “A guard, Dayna?” I asked, even though I knew the answer. “You cannot marry a guard. No matter how kind he is or how good a warrior, he is beneath your station.”