Read The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay) Page 10

His friends knew he was dead, they didn't hesitate to fire on CONNOR. CONNOR uses the dead man as a shield, buying time to pull out the other pistol, as the body absorbs their fire. Reaching out from behind the dead body, CONNOR shoots down two more soldiers.

  Only half a dozen left standing. They scatter about, desperately looking to distance themselves from CONNOR. Two had dropped their guns and appeared unarmed, CONNOR decides he will deal with them last. He pushes the dead man's body off jumps to my feet.

  As soon as CONNOR is up, we see the soldiers loose grenades at him. CONNOR reacts, trying to move. One hits just yards away, sending CONNOR flying into a nearby tree. CONNOR nearly blacks out from the force of the impact. Slinking to the ground, his ears ringing. I couldn't hear anything. The grenade had knocked down the other three soldiers who had been closing in on CONNOR. CONNOR is struggling to get, a low hanging branch has forced itself between his ribs.

  CONNOR empties his clip into a particularly motivated individual who is charging while firing erratically. One of the soldier's bullets clips CONNOR's injured shoulder, the bandage taking more damage than his arm.

  When CONNOR attempts to reload, he realizes that his clips must have been knocked off when the grenade had sent him flying.

  Five left, three armed the other two still trying to find weapons on the ground. CONNOR without a gun. The three soldiers see their opportunity and advanced. They weren't firing, these bastards intend to take CONNOR alive if possible. CONNOR pulls out the kukri and hatchet.

  Unfortunately for them, it was not. CONNOR rushes them, moving fast between the two closest to him. Swinging the kurki, knocking his barrel out of my way. CONNOR follows with a vicious swing from the hatchet, lodging it into the soldier's skull. The grunt crumples to the ground, the other has decided CONNOR didn't need to live after all. He fires with his pistol, as CONNOR dislodges the hatchet by kicking the dead man in the chest. CONNOR wastes no time moving toward the next soldier. CONNOR takes a bullet in his uninjured shoulder, but it was not enough to stop his momentum. The blade of the Kukri slashes across the soldier's face, blinding him. CONNOR follows by slamming the hatchet into his wrist, forcing him to drop the pistol.

  CONNOR is unrelenting, like a hurricane of blades, raining blow upon blow onto him. The last armed soldier moves in trying to peel CONNOR's attention away. CONNOR notices and strikes hard, swinging an arm backward and slicing his throat. CONNOR moves to finish his previous target. The soldier has fallen to one knee under the force of the blows. Wounds all over him, including a mangled collar bone via hatchet during the melee. He was completely incapable of fighting back at this point. The soldier is pleading, begging CONNOR not to kill him. It is difficult to ascertain whether he is speaking Chinese or if his voice is just garbled by the injuries to his face and neck.

  CONNOR hesitates for only a moment before driving the tip of the kukri down through the soldier's right trapezius muscle and into his lung.

  Two men left. The hesitation was CONNOR's last fatal mistake. He had ignored the other two men for far too long. A hail of gunfire rang out, spraying CONNOR from the side and another from behind.

  CONNOR simks to the ground in shock. They had won, he would not walk away from here.

  CONNOR had fallen to his knees, slumping forward. The man who had shot him from behind yanks CONNOR upright by the throat. The soldier is pressing a pistol to CONNOR's head with his free hand.


  Hey! That's my gun asshole.

  CONNOR spits blood out of his mouth as he struggles to breathe.



  The other soldier, obviously an officer, viciously backhands CONNOR. CONNOR falls to the ground from the force of the blow. His comrade, promptly yanks him back up to his knees.


  Tell me something, General, did you really think you could withstand the might of the Empire of China?


  Oh, you're an Empire now? That's precious.

  CONNOR spits a tooth and more blood out. He flashes a bloody grin.


  Arrogant fool!

  XIAO stomps his boot hard into CONNOR's face. CONNOR's nose breaks, but this time the other soldier is kind enough to keep him upright. The soldier,XIANG, binds CONNOR's hands with zip ties as his Officer continues to speak. Once bound he pulls CONNOR back to his feet.


  You're going to make me a very famous man, General. I am deeply saddened by the loss of so many soldiers, but it will only serve to bolster my own reputation.


  I'm just so very happy for you. But what makes you think you'll make it back alive?

  You are as foolish as you are dangerous. Xiang, call in the helicopter for retrieval.

  Xiang responds in Chinese and begins to walk off as his superior continues to monologue like a classic cartoon villain.


  You talk too much.


  I will take great pleasure in watching your execution, perhaps I will even be allowed to take part in it.


  Shao XIAO.

  XIANG slowly walks up to his officer, continuing to speak in Chinese. XIANG looks uneasy


  So your name's Chow Jow, huh? That's a cool name, I guess. Is there a Mrs Chow Jow?

  XIAO is extremely angry with whatever Xiang had told him. This time he kicks CONNOR hard in the ribs, connecting where the branch had penetrated.


  Shao XIAO, scum. It is not a name, it is a rank.

  CONNOR clenches his teeth hard, trying not to scream from the pain. He is doubled over. CONNOR is getting dizzy from the blood loss, he is starting to fade.


  Stand up! (Xiang yanks CONNOR upright by the collar) It seems our radio is damaged, we will have to march back to the cabin and retrieve another. Move fool!


  What makes you think I'm going to let you live?

  CONNOR looks XIAO straight in the eyes, rage and menace painted across his face. XIAO is visibly taken aback.


  You couldn't possib..


  Shut the fuck up! I killed two dozen of your men single-handedly. Another thirty or forty within the last week. Do you really think, the two of you will live long enough to find another radio?

  XIAO rushes forward, withing inches of CONNOR's face.

  You arrog... Arggh"

  XIAO yelps as CONNOR headbutts him in the nose. Their faces are now both covered in blood.

  Xiang stomps hard into the back of CONNOR's leg, sending him to his knees. CONNOR struggles to his feet, bellowing at a cowering XIAO

  Pray! Pray to whatever god comforts you. Beg him to accept your soul, because I promise you I will separate it from your body before this day ends. Ask your god whether you have been righteous. Ask him if the incredible suffering I laid upon you and these men, was necessary. Two dozen others have died today and I guarantee you will as well. Reconcile with your deity before I rob you of the opportunity. I continued as they stood there stunned.

  As CONNOR brings himself upright, he viciously slams a boot into XIAO's chest. The kick sends the senior officer sprawling into the mud. XIANG pistol whips CONNOR into submission and continues beating him until XIAO stops him. XIAO's voice is trembling. XIANG is screaming something at his commander in Mandarin.


  No matter, it will make very little difference whether you live or die. Kill him, Xiang. Make sure the pig stays down this time.

  We start to slowly transition to CONNOR's POV. He is fading from over-exerting himself. We hear CONNOR's pulse, his heart struggling to keep beating. His head swims as the last two living soldiers prepare to execute him. Xiang walks slowly back around CONNOR, standing next to the officer. They both draw up their guns, their hands trembling.

  Xiang fires, everything is muffled and distance. It almost sounds
like more shots are being fired. The first bullet tears through CONNOR's chest, he lands in the mud with his face turned.

  We hear another gun for sure this time. CONNOR's body jerks as the bullets enter him. More shots in the distance, they become clear as CONNOR's heartrate slows.

  CONNOR finds himself looking into the officer's eyes as he loses consciousness.

  CONNOR is fading in and out. Frantic sounds mingle with the serenity of the forest. He can barely see, everything is a blur. CONNOR is looking up at the vague outline of the treetops and the sun peeking through. It is beautiful.

  Voices mingle with the bird's singing, we can't make out what they're saying. CONNOR's body rocks back and forth as the shapes of people that we can't make out rush over him. The camera jerks up as CONNOR is pulled swiftly off the ground and then moved for a moment before being gently lowered down a few inches.

  The voices are frantic again as the tree tops begin to shake and rock to and froe. The shadows are rushing past and the sun chases him across the sky. He's being taken somewhere.

  CONNOR's vision fades to black.

  V.O. Liz

  Connor Jeffries' story ends here, with him alone and bleeding to death in the woods.

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