Read The War Journals: Resistance (Screenplay) Page 9

  Do you think I blame you for my mom? Like I would somehow blame you for not being able to save her? That's bullshit, she may have died, but because of you I'm here and so are two dozen other people. Don't try and pretend that one over-rides the other.


  Think about what you're asking of me.


  I know Connor, I know, but we're only asking because we know you're strong enough to do it. We're with you until the end. You know that.


  I'll think about it. No guarantees.


  That's a yes.


  Hey Mike, is there somewhere we can plug in a laptop and a phone?

  Yeah, yeah it's over by the table you're sittin at. You knows I gots meat ready to put on the smoker outside too. Need to get it done before it starts pourin' again.

  CONNOR grabs the bag, taking a few pills while the others were in the back room so mike could show them how to use the shower and where the beds were. MIKE walks back out with an armful of meat.


  Ima go start the meat

  As he plugs in the laptop, CONNOR pauses. He looks dismayed. He bends down and we notice something taped under the table. It is a long range 2 way radio.

  Without touching it, being careful not to mess up the duct tape, he inspects this radio. It is clearly not American, the markings look to be Mandarin. No wonder MIKE was being so hospitable and trying to keep them in the cabin for a few days.

  CONNOR plugs in the laptop and the phone, grabbing a pillow out of the duffel bag. He would sleep here against the table, to ensure MIKE couldn't access the radio. CONNOR quickly makes a bed on the ground and pretends to have fallen asleep. LIZ and JESSE are talking to MIKE as he comes back in. LIZ is the first to notice CONNOR sleeping without setting up a watch. LIZ grabs JESSE's wrist while MIKE isn't looking and motions in CONNOR's direction. JESSE nods.


  CONNOR's had a rough few days, I'll take the first watch so he can get some sleep. JES, you've got second. No offense MIKE.


  Nah, undastood ma'am.

  The next day, LIZ slept near the table, pretending to have come in and fallen asleep next to CONNOR, she kept on eye on the radio and "slept" throughout the day. MIKE is acting very uncomfortable. Constantly taking opportunities to see if LIZ is awake.

  Throughout the day, CONNOR has Mike help fill up their water supply and show him the trails surrounding the cabin. MIKE had no idea CONNOR was looking for fresh track in the mud.

  By late afternoon MIKE begins feigning concern for Liz, that she had been sleeping so long. He is showing CONNOR the gator and which trails lead out.


  I needs to take a showa too. Ya, ya, I ain|t had one in almost four days now.


  I can tell.

  CONNOR follows MIKE back, his hand on the hilt of his kukri. Mike is talking about a shower more than any normal person would. Jesse is near the cabin, pretending he was looking at trees. LIZ is no longer in the front room. The door to the dorm is cracked slightly, the light is off. MIKE's accent is getting thicker as his nerves get the best of him.


  Oh, hey Liz musta went inta the other room.


  Yea, she's been asleep all day, she probably moved to the beds.


  Hey Jesse can you go grab that meat off the smoka? There's a big platter right there to put it on.


  Sure thing

  Jesse grabs the platter and walks outside, he had never let his weapon leave his side.


  Say Conna, I don't hear the wata. Yous wanna check on her?


  Yeah of course.


  Ya. Good. Ill just uh. Grab my skivvies.


  Hey Liz, are you ok?

  We see JESSE duck below a window outside. As CONNOR walks around the door LIZ she hands him a pistol. CONNOR keeps walking, closing the door halfway behind him. LIZ is behind the door with the machine gun in her hand. She was going to force his hand. LIZ whispers to CONNOR as he watches through the door crack.


  The radio went off. It was in English, Connor. they know something is up.


  You're incredible.

  CONNOR gives LIZ a quick kiss on the lips before he slings the door open with the pistol aimed at MIKE's head. MIKE spins around, he wets himself. This shouldn't be played for laughs.


  Don't move unless you want this to become very unsanitary.

  Jesse is sneaking back inside, his gun also aimed at Mike's head.


  Why are you doing this Mike?(no answer) You seem like a nice enough guy. You even seemed sincere last night, asking me to fight back.


  They're gonna kill me if I don't, then theys gonna kill my ex wife too! I ain't got no choice man. They've already won.


  There's always a choice Michael. When faced with certain death we have the choice to die with dignity or fall into cowardice and let others die with us.


  It ain't that simple man. There's dozens of them. You can barely take a few of me injured that bad. How you gonna save us alls?


  Maybe I cant, but you can be damn sure none of us are gonna live if you make that call Mike. Are you going to go out fighting like a man or will you trade our lives and countless others just to save your own? Sometimes you have to save your own life.

  He doesnt respond, we can tell he is torn. The pain flows with the tears from his eyes, he didn't want to die, but he would rather let them die in his place, as indicated by his constant glances and small jerks toward the table.

  After a few moments MIKE screams, scrambling with his hands under the table, ripping the radio out.


  THEY'RE HERE!! THEY'RE HERE!!The general is he...!

  Chkaw, Chkaw, Chkaw! rang the machine gun in Jesse's hands.

  Mike falls to the ground, his face mutilated by the three rounds that had entered it. The back of his head was one gaping wound, blood and brain matter scattering the wall. The wounds were tight all within a few inches of each other. Jesse had controlled the weapon better than most career soldiers could ever hope to. Barely a fist's size between the three entry points.

  LIZ's free hand falls to her side, the batteries from the radio hitting the ground with a quiet thunk as they rolled across the floor.

  They stand there in stunned silence before JESSE finally breaks it


  Come on! We have to go.


  He's right...


  You did the right thing.


  He's right, they tried to radio three time's today.


  The gator is about fifteen yards from here, the gas is full.

  No response from them, aside from compliance as they grab their bags and begin to flee.


  If they didn't get radio contact, they sure as hell could have heard those weapons firing. Let's get the fuck out of here.

  They rush through the woods, barreling down the trail to where MIKE had hidden his getaway vehicle.


  Thirty two miles down the trail to our right. It hits the highway and goes straight to Seattle.

  They throw their gear into the back and climb in. LIZ turns around, looking terrifed. JESSE climbs in the back, setting up the bigger machine gun.



  I know, we need to get moving

  We can hear the Chinese descend on the cabin, the sound of the door being kicked in and their realization that MIKE was dead. They were in pursuit by the time CONNOR had found the right trail.


  Fuck you!!!!


>   The quad JES, take out those quads.


  Got it!

  JESSE is spitting shells into the distance to keep the enemy at bay. He aims for the ground directly in front of the two quads and takes them out as the enter the spray.


  Oh shit...

  Moments later what seemed to be a shell from a bazooka or RPG flys past, about ten yards to the side, exploding into a massive pine tree.


  Yeah, you wont get another shot mother fucker!

  JESSE manages to hit the soldier with the RPG. The soldiers could only pursue on foot while JESSE laid down cover fire.


  Hold on, we've got a sharp turn coming up, we should be out of firing range after that.

  As they close in on the turn, their pursuers let loose a volley in a last ditch effort to stop them. Branches were falling out of trees, bullets lodging into trunks. Some even ricocheting off the small bed of the tractor that Jesse is laying in, returning their fire.


  Oh god. Oww fuck, this hurts way fucking worse than they make it look.

  We hear him mumbling incoherently, cussing at random PLA soldiers. CONNOR looks at him through the mirror as soon as they are safely around the corner. He had rolled onto his side, clutching at his chest in a fetal position. Jesse had been hit.


  Jesse! Connor, I've got to help him.

  She did not wait for a response. She was already climbing around the roll cage, trying to get back to him.


  How bad is it?

  We can't hear what LIZ is saying at first. Finally she starts yelling over the wind.


  He's bleeding like crazy, it hit right by his collar bone. Big round too. We have to get him to a hospital, he's losing too much blood.


  Just hang in there, we'll be at the road in another ten minutes or so.

  CONNOR looks down at the gauges, trying to estimate how far he could get on this tank of gas. We can faintly hear JESSE moaning from the back. He seems to be in an incredible amount of pain. Probably the worst of his life, up to that point. LIZ is talking to him, trying to keep him calm.


  You're gonna be fine, honey.


  We've got a problem. (pause) A big one.


  What? what do you mean?


  They must have hit the fuel line, I can see the gas gauge slowly going down.


  What are we going to do? Hang tight JES, I need to talk to CONNOR.

  After she finishes getting a bandage around his arm to stymie the bleeding, she climbs back up front


  I have no idea. I honestly don't have a single god damn clue.


  He's in a lot of pain. He'll be fine for probably an hour, maybe two, but he needs to get to a doctor bad. This isn't something we can just wrap up and drown out with pain killers.


  You're right.

  CONNOR brings the tractor to a stop. He immediately hops out and starts rummaging through the bags.


  What the hell are you doing?


  Where's the duct tape?




  Look we're a good five miles away now, it'll take them at least half an hour to catch up to us on foot. Now where is the god damn duct tape?


  It's in the bag by the medical kit. You have to tell me what you're thinking. Don't you fucking shut me out. Not now.

  I'm thinking we need to stop the gas leak if we want to get him to a hospital.

  CONNOR tells her as he looks for the line that had been damaged.


  Is that going to work?


  No, not very well. It's like putting a band-aid on it, but it will slow the leak down some.


  How much?(LIZ is looking more angry with every moment)


  Enough to get the two of you to the road at least. That's the best we can hope for-


  Wait. What do you mean the two of you? You cant leave us, are you fucking crazy? They'll slaughter you.


  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what they intend to do.


  I'm not going to let you!

  LIZ is sobbing, she shoves CONNOR hard, knowing she has no say in the matter. CONNOR tries to remain calm, he pulls out the larger mounted gun as they talk. He then straps the Kukri and hatchet to either side of his belt.


  You are. You won't make it if I don't and we both know it.


  Connor, they're going to kill you.


  Probably, but maybe not Liz. If you haven't noticed, I've made it this far without getting killed. Maybe, just maybe, that luck is going to hold up.


  Unngghh, don'


  Take it easy, Jes.

  CONNOR grabs the extra clips for the two pistols. He straps on the one flak jacket they have.




  I know what I'm doing. Oh and I'mm going to need to borrow these last two belts of grenades from you.


  Connor I cant just leave you here to die.

  Liz grabs his arms as if she were going to drag him back into the vehicle. She struggles, trying to stop him. When she calms down he cups her face in his hands.


  You can and you will. I love you and I refuse to keep running from these fucks. Besides, without me on this thing, that's 200 pounds less which means you're going to be using a lot less fuel to keep going.


  We have to keep running, it's the only way. You don't have to do this. I don't need you to be this General. I just need you, CONNOR.


  I've run far enough. We both know that they will never stop chasing me. If they want a fight, I'll give them one. This ends here one way or the other.

  We watch as they stand ther in silence looking into each others eyes for the last time, LIZ clinging to CONNOR as if she thought that he would float off if she let go. CONNOR takes a step back, unholsters her pistol and puts a fresh clip into it before handing it back.


  You need to go. Tell people what happened here, they deserve to know. The PLA can kill me, but they can't destroy what's been set into motion. This is bigger than any of us now, we've just got to keep the momentum going.

  LIZ says nothing, knowing she cant change CONNOR's mind. He kisses her on the forehead before picking up his weapons and starting to walk back the way they had come.


  We'll come back for you...

  She says sobbing as she gets into the tractor and pulls away.

  CONNOR walks about thirty yards back, looking for a place to make his stand. The trail is narrow, with huge trees walling them on each side. Just a few feet off the trail is a large tree with plenty of low hanging branches. CONNOR paces across the trail bending down every few feet and burying something. He repeats this ten yards further down, careful to avoid the tracks left by the Gator. Once done, CONNOR returns to the tree he had picked out. He climbs up a few branches, putting himself about 10 feet off the ground. The branch is sturdy enough to hold his weight near the trunk. CONNOR is crouched down, with the machine gun's tripod set against the branch.

  Within minutes heard their boots thundering down the trail in unison. The sound of their feet amplified by the almost complete silence of the woods. Even the birds had left, they wanted no part of this.

  CONNOR waits patiently, taking measured breaths, biding his time until the enemy would inevitably step into his sights.

  He did not h
ave to wait long. Soon twenty six men come into view, jogging in a tight formation. They look well seasoned and experienced. However, they have made a fatal mistake in exchange for speed. Their weapons are slung over their shoulders, hanging behind them so that they could pursue.

  Twenty six men in tight formation came running up the trail toward CONNOR. Their eyes on the tracks from the gator, they would not get close enough to see where we had stopped. They are only yards away, nearly in front of CONNOR.

  CONNOR tosses grenades at them, in front and behind as soon as they enter his kill box. They are caught off guard and have started to panic. CONNOR trains the gun on them and opens fire.

  22 men, the grenades had killed four. Another two are badly injured.

  The bullets tear through the leaves in front of CONNOR. Like a swarm of angry hornets, speeding toward their victims.

  16 men left scrambling for cover, as the magazine is spent. CONNOR lobs the rest of the grenades, corralling them back into the line of fire, afterward jumping out of the tree.

  14 men, three more on the ground dying from grievous wounds.

  The strap on CONNOR's gun snags a branch on the way down. The soldiers have spotted CONNOR and come running. CONNOR releases the hook, leaving the machine gun where it had stuck.

  Three men running right at him, raising their guns to fire. CONNOR unholsters a pistol, calmly moving toward them.

  Only eleven left as he puts bullets in heads of the three foolish enough to rush. The others have begun to collect themselves. They were scrambling for cover after the blasts had knocked them off their feet.

  A few bullets in one man's back as he tried to run behind a tree. Ten left. CONNOR calmly firing and moving between them. He seems serene amidst the chaos. CONNOR has pressed toward them so aggressively that they can't afford to fire wildly without hitting their own men.

  Another struggling to get a bead on CONNOR, his gun jams. He probably let the barrel hit the dirt in his panic. Another fatal mistake. CONNOR passes a soldier struggling to his feet in order to shoot the soldier with the jammed gun. CONNOR fires a shot from so close that his blood splatter hits him.

  This time, CONNOR has made the mistake. The man behind CONNOR, much larger than the others, viciously slammed into him, tackling me to the ground. CONNOR's gun goes flying out of his hand. As they fall, CONNOR slips the Kukri out, driving it into the soldier's stomach before they hit the ground. His guts spill from the gash.