Read The White Light Page 18

  Now that May had finally arrived Tessie found that she had plenty of time on her hands, and so much on her mind that she didn't know where to begin. Knowing in her mind that nothing had ever been resolved regarding the events that took place in Toni's mother's house the last time they were together, and that bothered her, for in her mind she realized that at any time an 'event' could happen placing her in some strange and perhaps dangerous situation. Fearing for the unknown, and not wanting to be alone, she decided to call Toni. “Hi, my good friend - now that I’m on vacation I feel free as a bird. Mentioning a bird, how would you like to fly out to your mom’s place for a few days?”

  “What a racket you have; all this free time and naturally you have to rub it in,” Toni said smiling, “You know you never need an invitation to come here; you are always welcome. It would be great being with you and then you and I can visit your mom and mine.”

  “Fine, then I’ll see you soon, and oh, we have some things to go over when you get here; will tell you when I see you.”

  Arrangements were made for a flight into Oakland directly from Texas. Soon after Toni arrived, Tessie was there to greet her. The two did their familiar greetings, laughed and giggled because their get-togethers always brought back childhood memories. Ah, childhood memories, exactly what Tessie had in mind as part of the reason to have Toni visit. There has to be good with the bad, you see, for the memories of that place held both. After settling down from their excitement, Toni couldn't wait to tell her friend about Bob and all that had been happening. In her excitement Tessie also couldn't wait to tell in detail all about Dennis and the ins and outs of the mysteries surrounding their relationship.

  “I guess we have seen just about everything there is to see and been places we have wished to visit in the past few years, wouldn't you say Toni?

  “You said a mouthful, but I do wish things would get back to normal so that we might have some peace and quiet in our lives, don't you think?”

  “I have a feeling things will get better; it will just be a matter of time, and I feel our time is coming. We’ll be happy once all is said and done, but you know we still have some unfinished business to attend to Toni.”

  “I know we have unfinished business, but did you have something special on your mind?”

  “As a matter of fact, something has been bothering me for a while now, but I have had to suppress my thoughts on that subject because there were too many other pressing issues, Toni.”

  “I hope I'm not thinking what you’re thinking Tessie. I fear I know what's been bothering you and to tell you the truth, I believe you have been breaking into my thoughts lately; I just have that feeling. You do know that has happened many times in the past so the feelings are easy to recognize.”

  They knew what the subject was because that ordeal was never resolved, and until it was - not Tessie nor Toni's lives would ever be the same. Without speaking another word, Toni invited her over to her mother's house for a visit. Each knew what that visit would involve, other than just saying hello to Toni’s Mom. When they arrived, all was peaceful in the neighborhood, but just being near that house reopened suppressed feelings of past events. It was like going into a house of horrors, having been there before and knowing where all the scary stuff was, but still being frightened when a ghost or goblin jumped out at you and loud music blurted out.

  “I love your mother, Toni, but I hate this house. It sends chills up and down my spine.”

  “It's sad that I have the same feelings about this place as you do, but we are here so we might as well make the best of it and think only positive thoughts, okay Tess?”

  They knew positive thoughts were difficult to come by, but they did manage to have a pleasant visit with Francine. Following their visit, Toni excused herself and retreated to the upstairs bedroom where she used to live while growing up, and while there it was impossible not to see and touch the old desk; that same old desk that held the wishes both had so foolishly made a long time ago. Just the touch made Toni shiver. Not wanting to open it, she just rubbed her hand across the surface and took a deep breath before going into the closet. There on the shelf was a box; yes the very same box purchased from Willy from the candle shop, you know, the one that held that special candle supposed to help them defeat the evilness of their wish. She grabbed it up and hurriedly returned to the downstairs living room where Tessie and Toni’s Mom were finishing their tea and cookies. They visited for a short time longer and then announced they had important business to complete. They hugged Francine while thanking her for the tea and promised a return visit real soon. With those words, and with box in hand, they departed. Each knew the destination of their next visit, because it was Willy who might hold the secret of the candle’s power. He seemed so sure it would work when he sold it to them for that outrageous price. Entering the candle store each looked around trying to find Willy. A sales person appeared and asked what they needed, trying to act like a professional sales person.

  “We need to see Willy,” they said in unison.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “Not unless you are a mystic and can help us ward off evil spirits,” Tessie said in a low spooky voice.

  The sales person exhibited a strange and fearful look and quickly dismissed herself saying over her shoulder to wait for Willy and she’d get him. After a short time Willy appeared, and when he saw Toni and Tessie, he put on his best smile and greeted them.

  “My favorite haunted ladies. What can I do for you? The last meeting we had left me with fond memories if you remember.”

  “We remember! How could we ever forget? Tessie replied. “We need to talk to you about this box. Do you remember what's inside it? No it's not a head; we haven't come that far; it's that candle we bought from you and never used. We are here now to ask you to help us put it to the use for which it was intended, way back when.”

  “I...I don't have time right now.”

  “Okay, then give us back our money,” Toni demanded. “You did overcharge us if you recall.”

  “Well...but it was the going price at the time.”

  “Plus, you never gave us instructions, so now we are here to get them, and you know what Willy? We have decided to allow you to perform the magic with us; how's that?” Tessie said with more than a suggestion.

  “Tonight! We must wait until tonight so meet me at the building in back of the store because it is a special room. Plus, I will have to bring in four other people to help, for it will take seven of us for my séance."

  “Your séance? I thought we had only to light the candle. What's with this séance?” Toni demanded.

  “I looked over the book and if you remember reading the instructions back then, there was a mention of a gathering of people who had to perform a special incantation in a special way in order to break any spell brought about or wished for in the Wizard book.”

  “You’re correct, and we did read that, but I guess we had suppressed it from our memory for fear something would happen to us before we could perform the ritual,” confirmed Toni.

  “It must be tonight because the conditions are just right. You must have known that otherwise why would you suddenly appear out of nowhere at exactly the right time?”

  Toni and Tessie pretended to allow Willy to think their powers brought them together at the precise time, but they weren’t aware of special timing, although when you think about it, was it just by chance they happened to schedule their visit exactly when they did. Was the Wizard weaving its spell as they prepared to get together, or was it just coincidence?

  In order to prepare for the séance Willy had to have four other people because the rules call for seven people to be joined together at the table before the program could begin. Willy made a call to some friends and when he told what he had planned to do they thought it would be fun so it was scheduled a
t 11:30 pm because it would be shortly after that when the spirit world would be most active. The seven people met in the back room of the candle shop, and after rearranging the furniture he set up a perfect round table and placed the special candle in the center. It was placed directly on top of the book Wizard because that was the onset of this special wish Tessie and Toni wanted to have removed.

  Candles were placed around the room and incense were burned in the four corners near the candles. The lights were dimmed, and all seven participants were seated; Willy with his back to the wall and Toni and Tessie opposite him. Two others sat next to Toni in between Willy and her. The other two sat in between Tessie and Willy so that there was Willy and two others on his left and two on his right. They joined hands and the two closest to Tessie and Toni joined hands with them. The mystic candle in the center of the table was lit. The other candles and incense were already burning.

  Willy worked himself into a mood while the others were instructed to be silent, listen, and not move from beginning to end. “Our beloved Author of Wizard we bring you gifts from life into death. Commune with us and move among us. Move about us as you will. We have brought you here to ask you to remove a wish that Tessie and Toni asked for years ago and now they desire to have it gone. Vellent capiat, vellent capiat – they meant no harm; exire vellet, exire vellet – exit the wish; sint liberi, sint liberi – let them be free; non inferant illis mala, non inferant illis mala – do them no harm.” Willy spoke these words in Latin, it being the ancient language. As the words vibrated throughout the room Tessie and Toni felt an electricity surge race through their bodies. They looked at one another but couldn’t speak. They were afraid that something had gone wrong and couldn’t yell out because they were forbidden to utter a sound.

  Suddenly and without notice the room began to vibrate scaring the hell out of everyone, but Willy cautioned them to remain still while he continued his chants in Latin. The incense burst into a fragrance that permeated the entire chamber where the seven people were sitting. The candles flickered brightly and then dimly. The book Wizard shook and tossed the mystic candle aside and flung open its pages. The candle moved as if by some mystical power and landed back upon the open book. The air began to circulate in a helix rotation sucking Toni and Tessie up and pressing them against the ceiling. Their arms and legs were outstretched and they couldn’t move a muscle. What was truly amazing was the look on Toni and Tessie’s faces as they looked down at the table, for below them were the seven people in the original group including the two of them. But how could this be if they were at the table holding hands with the persons next to them and be pressed tightly up against the ceiling? The circling wind increased until all the candles went out. The participants were so scared their joined hands and arms were trembling, but they were more afraid of breaking the bond that held them together.

  “Blow out the whirling wind great Wizard. We know you are with us. We feel the strength of your power. Blow out the whirling wind. I command you.”

  As suddenly as it began, the wind ceased completely and Toni and Tessie fell downward but weren’t in fear of hitting the ground, for as they neared the table they were transformed into themselves. Abruptly the candles relit themselves and the mystic candle showed brightly.

  “Thank you o’ great Wizard, master of all. We wish you to return from whence you came,” chanted Willy.

  With those words the mystic candle jumped from the book and spun around while the open pages closed themselves and the candle spun itself atop the book and came to a rest. The lights in the room lighted brightly.

  “It’s over! We did it. The chant worked and the Wizard has returned to his secret world.”

  All six participants except Willy gave out a big cheer and thanked whatever spirit was among them for restoring them without harm. They were happy to be back but shaken significantly from their experience. Toni and Tessie said not a word for they knew no one there would believe what just happened. They felt no pain, but each knew their out-of-body flight to the ceiling was real, but it would remain their secret; at least for now. There weren’t any words to thank Willy and their attitudes toward him were forever changed. They would remain friends for life. Toni and Tessie got out of that place in a hurry and went to Tessie’s mother’s home; they were apprehensive about going back to Francine’s home just yet. Although it was late Tessie cautioned Francine that the two might be spending the night and not to be concerned if they came home late that night. Tessie’s mom happened to be awake when the two girls arrived and greeted them. After their harrowing experience of that evening they didn’t look their best and that’s why they hoped to slip into the house and head for the bedroom for a well-earned night’s sleep.

  “Wow! You two look like you just saw a ghost. Where have you been?”

  “It’s a long story Mom” reported Tessie, “we’ll tell you all about it in the morning. Right now we are exhausted and need to hit the bed for the evening.”

  “Well, okay, you two get on up to your room and I will have breakfast for you in the morning.”

  The morning came and went. Toni and Tessie had a nice visit with Tessie’s mom but didn’t trouble her with details. They created a sensible story that satisfied Tessie’s mom and everyone was happy. After departing the house Toni and Tessie went down next door to Toni’s mom’s house. They were greeted as usual and had their visit and their usual cup of tea. They excused themselves and went upstairs to Toni’s room. There loomed the old desk. Although it still looked ominous, the two didn’t feel any threat or unusual vibrations as they had in the past. They opened the desk drawer and retrieved the wishes that had been restored after having been strewn around the room some time ago. They took their wishes down stairs and out into the back yard where the barbecue pit was located, and carefully lifted the lid of the barbecue rack and held the papers containing their wishes. They gathered some paper from the stack used to light a fire and placed them on top of the coals and lit them. After a short wait the coals began to get warm. It was at that time Toni and Tessie decided to perform a simple ceremony. They held their wish papers and gently placed them into the fire. Then Toni said, “Fire, fire, take these away to a place where they will be, out of our lives to a place we will never again see.” The fire ignited the papers and incinerated the last remaining vestiges of their past. Now with only one thing remaining to do, Toni returned to the house, went back upstairs and retrieved the book Wizard, and gently carried it out to the yard and handed it to Tessie.

  “It’s your turn Tess. Do your thing.”

  Without hesitation Tessie took the book and placed it gently on top of the burning papers containing their wishes. As the book ignited, odd and unusual colors streamed from the pages. It was a most unusual display of evaporating flames they had ever seen. Even the pages within seemed to open themselves and burn in sections rather than as a complete entity. As the fire was burning and the performance was on going, Tessie chanted “Go ye now where you will never be found, for neither Toni nor I ever want you around. You performed well, now go to Hell.”

  They laughed and performed a little dance around the fire because for the first time in a long time they felt relaxed now realizing that they would never have to worry about being whisked away to some strange place again. They said their goodbyes to their parents, respectively, and headed for the Tessie’s house in Berkley. After a short stay, Toni needed to return to Texas for there was a lot of work yet to be done with her business, plus there was Bob, and also no telling what she would discover upon her return to Memorial.


  Chapter Eighteen