Read The White Light Page 19

  Toni arrived home late and immediately showered and went to bed thinking she’d call the hospital to check on Bob early the next morning. She crawled into bed exhausted, in fact too exhausted to sleep so she got up to fix a glass of warm milk when her phone beeped. She placed the bottle of milk back into the refrigerator and ran to grab it, “Hello.”

  “This is Linda Mayson, the hospital representative at Memorial informing you that there have some new developments regarding Bob Steinman. It might be in your best interest to visit Memorial at your earliest convenience.”

  Toni didn't know what to expect. She thought that whatever was going on Bob would be in good hands until morning and she would be better equipped to handle whatever news would be forthcoming, so she went to bed.

  At Memorial, someone was watching the intensive care unit where Bob was lying, and at the right time entered. This person was dressed in a white jacket resembling one worn by a doctor, in this way not arousing any suspicion. He quickly approached the bed where Bob lay sleeping and placed a small object on his chest, just below the neck but up from his stomach. He then quickly removed his jacket and exited the room never to be seen again. He didn't need to be around because what he did was place a talisman as he had been directed by Morita. You see Morita was still involved because she didn't believe that Bob kept his promise not to tell anything about what had happened to him in Miami, and she was back to her evilness in trying to complete her work by removing Bob. It wasn't too long after the mystery man left the room that Bob began to stir. He had made significant improvement during the past week and was able to move his hands and arms. He was awakened because he had a burning sensation on his chest, and his instincts alerted him to react. Bob felt the object, lifted it from his chest and held it so that he could see what it was. When he saw the talisman figure he was a little puzzled as to its meaning, but then came to the realization that this was once again the work of Morita, the sorcerer from Miami.

  In an instant after his discovery of the object Bob felt his body weaken and it seemed to lift from the bed but he knew this was impossible. Then he felt himself sliding feet first into what appeared to be a chamber. As he approached he was immediately struck be a bright light of such magnitude it was impossible to focus, for how does one focus when looking into a light brighter than ever known before? Shortly after being transported into the light Bob could feel his body in a sitting position even though he had been unable to sit since being brought into the hospital, but here he was drifting on this sea of tranquility going where he didn't know. What he did know was that he felt no pain in his body in fact he felt nothing but relaxation and peace. As he was adrift in this strange sea he noticed a person along with him who appeared to be directing this craft in a specific direction. It was impossible to know where because there were no reference points for Bob to affix upon. On his journey into the unknown Bob noticed other craft similar to the one on which he was being transported. Although he could not make out who was in the units he was aware of their presence. In fact the other people were known to Bob. Had he not been in his current state this idea might have been disturbing to him, but knowing the people beside him, in front of him, and behind him didn't bother Bob at all. As all craft were heading in the same direction, Bob didn't seem to care because he was at one with his environment.

  Toni jumped to her feet from a deep sleep in a startled state. She had no idea why she was now standing alongside her bed. Then as if on autopilot she knew she had to get dressed quickly and head for Memorial, for she had now developed this gnawing feeling that all was not right with Bob. It took no time to arrive at the hospital as she was the only soul on the road at that hour. After arriving, she darted through the corridor and to the intensive care unit, and upon nearing Bob's room she could see great activity in and out of the room. There before her eyes were a team of doctors and nurses hovered over Bob in what looked like a life or death effort to restore Bob and bring him out of whatever malady was affecting his body. She grabbed a nurse who wasn't actively involved in the procedures being performed and asked in a desperate voice what was happening.

  “Is Bob in trouble? What's going on? What has happened to him?”

  The nurse had all she could do to break away from Toni's vice-like grip.

  “Mam, who are you? You aren't supposed to be here. What do you want?”

  “This man is my friend and I was brought here by a message that was sent to me telepathically. I knew Bob was in trouble. Please tell me what is happening.”

  “All I can tell you is that this man is in deep trouble. His heart stopped a short time ago and the team is trying to bring him back.”

  Toni's heart sunk to the ground and was so distraught she couldn't think straight. She was shaking like a leaf and felt useless. As her eyes fixed on Bob's bed, she noticed a small object laying on the floor close to the head of the railing supporting the mattress. She recognized it as something she had seen before and darted to it, then bent over and snatched it away. It didn't take her long to see what it was, and she knew immediately it was a talisman and the only person she knew who would place such an object in that room was Mapita. She knew Mapita wouldn't have done it herself, but instead directed one of her 'slaves' to do her dirty work for her.

  “It's a talisman!" screamed Toni. “Bob has just had a hex placed upon him by an evil sorcerer.”

  One of the aides grabbed Toni and pulled her aside because she was in the way of the team. When questioned further, Toni yelled out again that Bob was being held by a curse. She needed to communicate with him before it was too late.

  “Bob! Please hear my voice. You must stop where you are going, for I know you are in the light and you aren't supposed to be there.” Toni repeated this call three times and then she waited. A strange feeling overtook her body as if to tell her that her message was received and to wait and word would be sent back to her.

  Bob, in his most restful state felt a pounding on his chest. He grabbed the place where the talisman had been placed, but nothing was there. He knew someone or something was beckoning for him to stop his journey and return. Bob didn't want to go back to wherever back was. He was happy, peaceful, and with people he knew, so why would he want to return to somewhere else? Again Bob felt the thump on his chest, and took a greater awareness and at that instant he could hear a voice way off in the distance telling him to stop. Bob motioned to the helmsman to delay the journey and the craft stopped in the tranquil sea. Bob listened intently and then reacted to the voice. Toni, is that you? He called out to himself. Where are you and where am I? What do I need to do to return to you? His thought was intercepted and relayed back to him as if by the speed of light. “Return! You must return, now!” Bob had the helmsman turn the craft in the opposite direction and work his way back to the hole in space where their journey originated. The helmsman did as he was directed.

  “The paddles! Use the paddles,” yelled Dr. Mitchell, “It's our only hope.”

  The paddles were electrically charged pads that when placed on a patient's heart and when fired, would send a response to a person’s heart in hopes of regulating it once it got off course. Bob's heart was off course and it was hoped that the shock would create a normal rhythm and restore him to his stable condition. I'm fighting! I'm trying to return. Please give me more time. Bob pleaded his case to himself. It wasn't to himself, however, for Toni intercepted his thoughts and told the doctors that Bob was coming back. She insisted they not give up for Bob told her he was coming home. Of course the doctors thought she was hallucinating and kept with their task. The last and final paddle made Bob jump up from the table and at that same instant, he became rhythmic again; beep...beep...beep; a sign that he was stabilizing. Toni got the message loud and clear and yelled out again that Bob was almost back and to keep working on him. I see the tunnel again. I am headed straight for it, but where is the bright light? This tunnel is dark and dull. Where
is it leading me? Bob could feel himself talking but knew he wasn't in charge. Something else was motivating him to sail back, to return to Toni. As Bob saw the end of the tunnel, or the beginning, he didn't know which, he felt himself blow out of it and hover. He drifted to the ceiling and just stayed affixed watching the activities going on below him. He knew it was a prototype of himself - nearby was Toni frantic looking. He tried to motion to her that he was around, but couldn't move. He sent out his most powerful mental message to Toni. She felt a bump and looked around but no one was near, yet she knew Bob was sending her a signal that he was back. Again she yelled out, “Bob's back. He's with us again.” she pleaded, but this time the doctors and nurses took note of her pleading. They studied the monitors and it was obvious she knew something they didn't for there was the proof; Bob's vitals were becoming more stable. Bob watching all the commotion from his elevated perch knew it was time for him to return to his body and assume the position he was in before being swept away into the light. He felt himself slowly blend into his body on the bed. At that exact time the monitors registered a normal rate for all aspects of his condition being observed. Bob was indeed back. Toni yelled out a sigh of relief as did the doctors and nurses, for it had been quite hectic for a time and a lot of people were very worried that they were about to lose Bob, but it wasn't to be, at least not now.


  Chapter Nineteen