Read The Wishing Well Page 6

  The wishing well was then hidden by magic.

  Only three Para’s remained. They were each hidden around the kingdom. People eventually forgot about the well. It became a legend and a warning to all future generations. They all knew the danger if King Tommit possessed that strength of power.

  He would be—undefeatable.

  “This is very troubling. I don’t need to explain just how dangerous it is. We need to rally our families, friends, even our—enemies. I will need a volunteer to go to Fara. See if we have anyone in their kingdom that is willing to help us. Or possibly, if someone could shed some light on how King Tommit came to seize the throne.”

  Nods of assent were coming from around the circle. Trix, the smallest of the rebelling circle, flew up on the toadstool. Her wings fluttered in the night air. She had long black hair that was gathered up in several braids which were tied together and looked like a rose. Violets were woven through her hair, accenting her dark lavender gossamer dress. Her eyes were the color of a ripe plum and her porcelain skin shimmered in the candlelight.

  “I will go,” her timid voice spoke up.

  The fireflies moved around her, giving the effect of a spotlight shining on her. Trix’s cheeks glowed crimson from the attention.

  “Are you certain? It will be dangerous—you may never return.” Cassius voice was steeped with worry.

  “Stop trying to convince me, Cassius,” her words were followed by a mischievous wink. “I know what I am signing up for. You forget I have already lost loved ones, too. More of my family is missing. If there is any chance of finding out what happened to them…” Her voice and thoughts trailed off.

  Steel resolve flashed, fiery in her eyes. “I’m going!”

  No one could argue with that.

  “Granted. Would you at least consider taking someone along? I would feel better knowing that you had someone with you.”

  A giant leaned forward. “I will go, and I will bring the little lady home safely.”

  The vow came out of Tidens’ mouth. He was only four years old, but stood at over twenty five feet tall already. There had always been an underlying sadness in his icy blue eyes. White blonde tufts of curls shot out from every direction of his head. His parents had been hold-outs, hiding deep in the beanstalk forest. They hid for almost two years after Tommit had the other giant adults killed. Cronan found them on one of his many raids. They were able to hide Tiden, but they lost their lives in the fight. Tiden, like Cassius, had been raised by a mixed family.

  “Very good, Tiden. Thank you.”

  Tiden stood and Trix flew up, landing on his shoulder.

  “God speed my friends.” Cassius’ words were fervent and pained. With a silent nod they turned and went on their way. Several fireflies followed, lighting the night air for the new travelers. Cassius felt the weight of their lives sitting heavy on his weary shoulders.

  “Why don’t we call it a night? We will meet back here in three moons. By then, I will expect reports from even the outer-lying settlements. Remember, Tommit has eyes and ears everywhere. Be careful with whom you entrust your secrets. Our lives depend on it. Be safe my friends, and god speed.”

  The mood was somber as they each took one last look at each other.

  Danger and death weighed heavy in the eyes of each new rebel. Each one went, silently, alone, into the murky darkness of the forbidding night. Cassius slumped down into one of the awaiting stumps. He had been left alone in the still darkness.

  Even the fireflies had retreated into the gloomy night.

  So many thoughts and emotions were running through him. Cassius had always been very protective of those he loved. Aurora brought out a new fierceness he never knew existed within him. He would fight to the death to save her. Never had he felt this way about anyone. Part of him always wondered if he would ever feel this way. He’d always struggled with romantic love. Never knowing his birth parents, he wondered if he was capable of it. While it was true…he saw many different types of love in his adoptive families.

  But it wasn’t the same.

  Part of him wondered if his parents had not loved him enough to keep him, and maybe that had led him to believe that he was unable to love that deeply.

  Realizing how long he had been sitting here sulking, he got up; he was going to be late. Security has been tighter at the castle since the announcement of the engagement. Drayben was concerned that Aurora would find a way to escape before the wedding. So he had doubled the night guards. It had been days since Cassius had seen Evver or Aurora.

  Tonight, he was hoping to rectify that.

  Using a different entrance each time, he quietly moved through the darkness. Whenever light started to approach, he went in the opposite direction. After an hour of the cat and mouse routine, he found his way to Aurora’s new room. Slipping past the sleeping guard, he entered Aurora’s new bed-chamber.

  It was a far cry from Evver’s storage closet. Her room could easily hold the large stable where he spent his days. In the middle of the room, sat a large canopy bed. It was covered with golden satin fabric. A deep red comforter with the royal crest rested on it. The bed was filled with more pillows than his eyes had ever seen. There were large dressers, which were hand carved and delicate. Fresh flowers littered the room. Their scent was overpowering.

  There was a large window seat that overlooked the kingdom.

  This is where he found them. Evver had her tiny arms wrapped around a sobbing Aurora. They were both so wrapped up in their own misery, the whole kingdom could have stormed in and they would have never noticed.

  Seeing Aurora so miserable ripped fresh layers off of his already raw heart.

  Pain stabbed deep within him with each step. Cassius ignored the calling of his arms to rush and sweep her into them. He longed to wipe away the tears falling from her lovely face. When he was only steps from the window seat, Evver finally noticed him. A quiet, delighted squeal escaped her throat. Aurora looked up. Her eyes locked on Cassius. They pulled him to her. It was as if his body was being pulled toward her. Evver and Aurora stood. Then Evver rushed to him. He wrapped his strong arms around his little sister. At the same time his eyes never left Aurora’s. Her tears had slowed and her mouth fell open as if she were trying to speak.


  I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  Cassius was here. Just seeing his gentle eyes allowed me to really breathe for the first time since my latest nightmare had begun. His muscular arms were wrapped around Evver. A familiar pang of jealousy struck my aching heart. I knew it was ridiculous, but I wanted him to hold me. I held my fisted hands at my side and willed my body to stop from reaching out to him. His aqua eyes were locked on me. I could feel my pain being transported to his gentle features. His gaze tightened, along with his neck muscles, when he saw the enormous diamond on my ring finger.

  Evver pulled back from his embrace. Tears were misting down her diminutive features. It hurt me to see her in so much pain. I had kept my mouth quiet about Drayben’s threats. She didn’t need the added weight on her tiny shoulders.

  “Oh, Cass, what are we going to do?” She whispered in agony. His hands reached up to wipe away her tears. He smiled at the sister he loved so much.

  It was an incredibly tender moment and it filled my heart to see it.

  “It’s all going to work out, Evver. Have I ever let you down before?”

  Her head shook no, in response.

  “I’m working on it. You just have to stay strong for me. For Aurora.” His eyes returned to mine.

  “Are you alright?” His words were now directed toward me.

  I tried to speak but my voice would give away my fear, so I nodded. Evver stepped out of his embrace and I walked toward him. We met in the middle.

  “You look beautiful, Aurora.”

  My face flushed warm in response. I looked down at the opulent golden velvet gown. It was the kind of things I imagined in fairy tales: a square neckline, a corseted bodice that tightened to my wais
t and then flared like a bell. Encrusted jewels went down the front and wide sleeves hung from my wrists.

  I hated it.

  True, it was beautiful; the type of things most little girls dreamed of wearing. It was a gift from my soon-to-be...husband. I gagged at the thought, looking at Cassius. In the candlelight, his image burned into my soul. I would hold it there forever. It would help me get through the hard or impossible moments with Tommit.

  It was like looking at the sun for even a brief second.

  For the longest while after, the light is all you can see. I would hold this memory with me, no matter what my future held. His eyes were blazing; his walnut hair was covered with crystallized drops of rain. Long and lean muscles bulged under his clothes. Cassius was wearing on an off white shirt with an oversized collar and buckskin suede string laced up the front. Dark chestnut brown riding pants ended in black leather riding boots. The look on his face reminded me of Prince Phillip’s resolve, as he charged the burning castle and Maleficent, on Sleeping Beauty. It was my mom’s favorite fairy tale. It was how I got my name, after her favorite princess.

  How I longed for my happily ever after.

  “Please don’t worry, Aurora.” His hand reached up and brushed my skin. My face heated by his touch. My heart rate soared while my hands shook with exhilaration. I wanted for him to take me in his awaiting arms, but it could never happen. I had to remain strong. I stepped back, afraid that if he touched me again that I would lose all of my resolve. There was a glimmer of hurt in his eyes, but it didn’t last.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” I said, fearing that my room was already surrounded by guards.

  “I had to come. I needed to know what’s been happening.” His eyes found my large diamond again. “He gave you Queen Alis' ring? It’s been missing for years.”

  I looked down at the anchor dragging me to the depths of Hades. I never stopped to think that there could actually be a story behind the ring.


  “King Winston’s mother was the last Queen who ruled Paradan. Her husband was killed by an attack from Rartan. It was before the treaty—before peace. She passed on when King Winston was only fifteen years of age. He was tasked with taking over the kingdom and all of the mess left by the time of war. He was King Windom’s father. He was a merciful king; he is the one who brought the treaty into effect. Without him, the kingdoms would all be in ruins by now. Sorry…the last thing you need now is a history lesson.”

  He smiled and stepped closer to me.

  I could smell his scent. It was fresh and earthy, like he had just cut the grass on a warm summer night. My heart sped up. I had to take another step back to steady myself.

  “It's fine, but you really should go. I have guards checking on me regularly. It would end terribly if you were found here.”

  I looked to Evver to give me some back up. She knew I was right.

  “Look, Cas, why don’t you meet me in the kitchen tomorrow night. I can give you an update. But Aurora is right. It will be awful if they find you here with her.”

  He could tell neither of us was going to back down.

  “Fine. I will be back tomorrow, but don’t lose hope. I am working on it.” He took two quick steps and kissed my forehead before hugging Evver and slipping back out the door. I felt like half of myself left with him. It was dangerous to feel like this, but part of me longed to run after him.

  Evver walked over to me and took my hand in hers.

  Chapter 11

  I savored the moment.

  The heat lingered on my skin from his touch. My tears had dried out. Nothing remained. I pretended to sleep. Evver was continually worried about me. She wouldn’t stop until I slept. I tried to ease my breathing, slowing it enough for her to believe my act. I heard a contented sigh. The sound of her creaking cot gave me great satisfaction. I hated this. She was hurting more because of me. My appearance down the well only brought more pain to her gentle heart. Now I understood she had been in pain long before I had made my way to the castle on a smelly troll's back. It seemed every day I added to her young life more complications, not to mention stress.

  I struggled with the sheer impossibility of what had become of my life. My bullies in the real world seemed like newborn puppies compared to Tommit and Drayben.

  I was growing more desperate by the day.

  Tomorrow I will have fittings for my wedding gown. How was I going to make it through? At first my knee-jerk reaction was to run. Then my heart stopped me. No matter what I suffered—if I disappeared, then Evver’s punishment would certainly be death. Drayben didn’t mince words. He had told me when I was “chosen” to be Tommit’s bride what would happen if I didn’t happily comply. My skin crawled, thinking about Tommit’s touch. I rolled over to watch her sleep; it pleased me to see her chest rising and falling peacefully.

  I had never had a sister, or even a close friend.

  At seventeen, the feelings I had for the tiny girl were so new. In the short time I had known her, I had grown to love her immensely. My heart swelled. I knew I would suffer any torture, endure any pain, to keep her safe. Perhaps I could ask for her freedom as my wedding gift.


  If I had to endure Tommit’s touch, I could deal with it to save her.

  Never would I have thought at seventeen years old that I would be trying on wedding gowns and thinking of my fiancé. I wanted true love. The type of love that your heart stops because he touches you, when you look at each other and there is no one else on the planet. It was the way I felt about Cassius. Growing up, I had heard stories about love at first sight. All my life I thought people were making it up; love at first sight is a complete impossibility.

  How could you love someone who you hadn’t known forever?

  My feelings for him had turned into another wish that I would have sent down my wishing well. I was coming to accept my fate. It made it easier, watching Evver now. Cassius wouldn’t be storming the castle on his white horse with his steel sword raised. It was too dangerous. I wouldn’t want him to risk his precious life for mine. Knowing him and Evver were safe and alive could get me through anything.

  Evver was sleeping fitfully.

  I wondered what her dreams were showing her. I wanted to get up and soothe her, but I was well aware the anger that would ensue if she realized my subterfuge. I gently rose out of my bed and found my way to my window seat. I looked over the kingdom I would soon be queen over. It was strange, as I had only been in the town square once, and that was in the middle of the night. I longed to wander the streets during the day to check out the shops or to stop to talk to those around me.

  It had been daylight when I was carried through the kingdom by the smelly Cronan. A trip I was grateful to have slept through. There were no memories. I didn’t want to imagine the faces of the people seeing the towering troll carrying me like a sack of potatoes. I could see lights from the window fires burning on torches around the kingdom. I was left wondering where Cass laid his head tonight. Was he thinking of me? Or did he sleep restfully, relieved I was soon to marry Tommit?

  My heart ached to see his face, feel his touch one more time.

  Part of me longed to flee into the midnight air, to have even a moment of freedom. The thought of being free from all the watchful eyes called to me. I wondered if I would ever be allowed to walk out in the open in the town square on my own. Would I always be a prisoner? I continued staring off into the twinkling night. My heart was heavy with possibilities, so many questions, it was completely overwhelming. My heart shuddered at the surprising touch.

  I turned to see Evver with her hands placed firmly on her hips. The look in her eyes reminded me of the many times my mother had caught me sneaking out of bed to watch my favorite show.

  “Aurora! What are you doing?”

  “Sorry, Evver. I just couldn’t sleep.”

  She looked at me with compassion as she sat across from me on the window seat.

  “What’s going through
your mind?” I looked at the girl I loved, would give my life for, my happiness for. She seemed to be reading my thoughts.

  “You can tell me, Aurora, I’m here for you.” Hearing her concern caused tears to start forming. Reaching her arms out to hug me, she settled into my chest. The love she showed me was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

  Hugging her, she had her diminutive head resting against my heart.

  “Oh, Evver, I just hate it. I hate that you’re not out there flying and being a happy child. I hate how I’m being forced to marry someone who I despise. I hate how everyone is being treated in Paradan. I just hate it.”

  Evver was nestled against me listening to my heart beat. After a moment, she replied. “Cas is going to fix this. He will. He will save us.”

  Her voice broke. Then with just a whisper, “He will.”

  Chapter 12

  All alone, in the eerie darkness of the unlit room, sat Evver.

  The castle was void of any of the usual bustling or noise. As far as she could tell, it was just past the darkest hour of the night. She was certain Cassius would be here soon. Although she was still unsure of what she was going to tell him. Aurora had changed in the past day. Evver knew she was frightened, but there was more to it, and she was staying mum about it. Aurora trembled when Evver told her how she was going to meet Cassius tonight.

  Young Evver had to wait until she was sure that Aurora slept.

  Was it unrealistic for her to want Aurora and Cassius together? Cassius was her big brother, her hero. Never in her life had he let her down. He had protected her from birth. It was her fault she had been caught and brought to the castle. Cassius warned them to stay at the safe house. They were never to go out unless he was with them. She had thought he was being overprotective. Learning the hard way is never easy. There was a noise in the doorway. Evver froze. After a moment there was a clicking sound. This caused Evver to breathe in relief. It was something she and Cassius had used to communicate since she was a baby.

  Evver responded in kind.

  Footsteps slipped across the floor until they stopped inches from her. Evver reached out and found Cassius’ outreached hand.