Read The Wishing Well Page 7


  Feeling her hand in his was so soothing. He picked her up in a large bear hug. Then he sat on the open bench seat. Using all the tender care he could he sat Evver across from him.

  “Evver,” he said in a quiet whisper. “How are you, birdie?”

  His hands tightened around hers. She smiled. Cassius hadn’t called her that since she was two years old. She was just starting to learn how to fly. You would think because she was a fairy it would come natural for her. Flying would just happen. Not in Evver’s case. Fear of falling had her walking and foregoing the use of her new wings.

  Evver had been scared of leaving the ground, she refused to fly. She wouldn’t even try it. Cassius finally convinced her she would be safe. He led her deep into the forest to the largest tree. It was a favorite of the kids for climbing, and the birds for nesting. Evver climbed on Cassius’ back, then he made his way up to the top of the tree. She clung to him, pleading for him to head back down.

  Carefully, he pulled her off his back and sat her on his lap.

  For the next four hours, they watched as mother birds pushed their babies out of the nest. At first she was horrified, but as time passed, she realized what they were doing. They weren’t doing it to be mean, they were trying to teach them. The sun was starting to set when she turned to Cassius.

  “I think I am ready to try it.”

  “Go ahead little birdie.”

  She did, and she had never stopped after that moment. Until Tommit had her wings clipped. They were both so thoughtful, that they sat in silence for a while. He was playing with her corkscrew curls and she had rested her head in his lap.

  “Don’t worry about me,” she pleads fervently.

  “I’m your big brother, it’s what I do,” he assured her. She smiled. “I will always worry about you birdie.”

  “I know.”

  “How’s Aurora?” His single question had a million more behind it.

  “I don’t know. She is scared, I know that. But I think she is trying to protect me from the worst of it. Just like someone else I know.” She squeezed him. “I’m worried Cas. I think she is giving up. You have to save her.”

  This worried Cassius. He could see Aurora was a fighter, but something had broken her. What could it be? Why would she give in to Tommit so easily?

  “I am working on it. There won’t be a wedding—don’t worry.”

  “You have ten days. Tomorrow, Aurora is being presented to the kingdom. I’m afraid, after that, Tommit will win.”

  Tomorrow? Tommit was moving faster than Cassius and the others thought he would. If he found Ecraicias’ wishing well, then he wouldn’t need ten days. They either needed to find it first, or they needed enough of the kingdom to rally against him. Tomorrow night, they were all meeting up for updates. He prayed someone would have good news. There had to be hope in all of the darkness that was threatening to consume them all.

  “Have faith, little birdie. Now, you better get back. We don’t want anyone catching you out during the night. I love you.”

  He reached out and hugged her. Cassius felt damp drops on his shoulder. He hated how his sister was hurting, and even more, that he couldn’t fix the problem with a simple lullaby and a sweet treat. Cassius rubbed Evver’s back while he willed the pain to disappear.

  “I love you, too.” She released his grasp and shuffled out of the room.

  Evver heard him move, almost silently, out of the kitchen. He was gone in a flash. Moving back to Aurora’s new room, she didn’t risk lighting a candle. She had wandered these halls dozens of times. So she felt comfortable moving into the black of night. Every step was deliberate and quiet, not wanting to call attention to herself. She was coming around one of the last hallways when she heard a noise. It was a buzzing sound. Stopping in her tracks, her heart stopped. It was a sound she would never forget.

  Fairy wings!

  There was a table close by, and she hurried to mold herself in the small opening in the bottom–not wanting to be found, and afraid to hear the sound of a fairy flying. Had they captured someone new? If the Destroyers found her, she would be killed on the spot. Evver held her breath and prayed that they wouldn’t notice her.

  A light was starting to filter in.

  Every second that passed, it got brighter and brighter.

  Who was coming? Would they see her? Would her meeting with Cassius be the reason for her death? She was terrified. Evver could see her life flashing before her eyes. Her family, her life, those she loved, and Aurora. Aurora what would happen to her if Evver was caught? Would they think Aurora was responsible for her actions? Would she be punished as well? Tears were starting to build. The light in the hall was growing. She was beginning to see the outline of those entering her space.

  She wasn’t ready for the wings she saw.

  Lote was flying!

  Evver couldn’t believe her eyes. How was this even possible? Lote had her wings? Every second and every moment of the time she had spent with the motherly woman was in question, now. Had it all been a lie? Could she be working with Tommit and Drayben? Evver shook with fury and fear.

  Lote flew by, so caught up in her own thoughts that she never noticed the tiny fairy hidden under the table. She would never know she had been exposed. Evver waited for longer than necessary to free herself from the tight space. Unsure if Lote would be returning she ran the rest of the way to Aurora’s room. For the first time that night, luck wasn’t on her side. The guard had returned to Aurora’s door. He was seated in a chair, looking like he had settled in for the remainder of the night. Evver’s mind frantically searched for a solution to her latest problem. How was she going to get past the guard? Fighting back the tears, as they spilled from her beautiful emerald eyes, was a losing battle at this point. Times like this, she wished for her mother and father. For the time before Tommit shattered their peaceful lives.

  Exhaustion was starting to creep into her muscles and mind.

  She knew she couldn’t fall asleep and then be found here. Why didn’t she listen to Aurora and stay in her room tonight? It, once again, came down to the same reason she was in the castle in the first place. She thought she was smart enough, strong enough, to be out on her own.

  Luck turned, and the guard had fallen asleep. Relief flooded her body as she slipped past him and opened the door just far enough for her to slip through. She turned around after shutting the door and exhaled loudly–only to find Aurora standing, feet from her, with red-rimmed eyes, hands on her hips, and fury and worry in her eyes.

  “EVVER! Where have you been!?!”

  Chapter 13

  I was preparing to be introduced to the kingdom.

  I was exhausted after Evver’s last night’s antics.

  She had been terrified by her running around last night. She still wouldn’t tell me what had gone on, but she had promised me she would never do it again. It was enough for me, so I left it alone. It was apparent there was a lot floating around in her mind, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to know it all. I was consumed with the thought that, in just a few hours, I would be presented to the kingdom.

  Drayben and Tommit had created quite a story about my life and family. I doubted anyone would ask. Most were so afraid of King Tommit and his Destroyers that they would have accepted anyone as their new queen. As for the others? Well they were just thankful to be living comfortably; they would not do anything to jeopardize it.

  A gown was delivered for the special event.

  It was the color of flowing blood. Over 50 yards of fabric must have been used to make it. In some ways it was like the other gowns. Tight fitted from my chest to my waist and ending with a full bell skirt. However, today this dress had a large train. The fabric was silky and gathered from my waist down to the floor. The top was open, leaving my shoulders exposed. The golden delicate rope wound its way around my shoulders then it braided down my chest.

  My hair had taken over an hour.

  Most of it was left down and curled. I still didn’t get h
ow they managed those curls without a curling iron. The same golden rope accented with rubies was braided into my hair. It formed a half crown on the back of my head. A matching ruby necklace touched my naked collarbone. No detail was overlooked. My shoes were the same color of crimson; heels which tied from my ankles to my mid-calf with the matching golden rope. None of it was certainly made for my comfort.

  The gown was made as a prop in Drayben and Tommit’s quest for power.

  I couldn’t sit down, and breathing was an afterthought. My large diamond weighed heavily on my hand and heart. The final piece was the crown. It was simple, and it surprised me. Golden spires each had rubies perched on top of spires that then encircled my head.

  The whole effect was dazzling.

  I felt strong, regal and stunning.

  Evver’s eyes were glued to my every movement. Her eyes were large and red-rimmed saucers, threatening to spill over at any moment. Evver was so sure Cassius would come to my rescue. Watching me prepare to be introduced to the kingdom was soul crushing for her. I hadn’t seen Cassius for two days. After how I treated him, I couldn’t blame him for staying away. I was certain he would never darken my doorway again.

  It pained me, but after Drayben’s visit, I knew I had no other choice. To protect him, I would have done anything, said anything. Seeing the pain that touched his eyes was like a sharpened knife slicing its way into my already weeping heart.

  I could handle my pain–my fate, even.

  Another reason Evver was struggling was that I had been assigned a new guard. It was Zieg.

  She had been having night terrors ever since. He arrived to take me to the viewing area. Tommit was already there waiting for me. Evver followed behind Zieg, not trusting him for even a moment. I could hear her whimper every few moments. I tried to talk her into staying behind, but she refused. She could be so stubborn sometimes.

  Tommit was on the balcony off of his room.

  He was being worshiped and praised by those in the large crowd in the courtyard. He reveled in the attention. Most of the assembly was human, but there were a few trolls mixed in attendance for crowd control. Tommit was dressed to impress everyone—but me. His blonde waves were shining and his goatee was darker than I remembered. He was wearing black pants and a red dress uniform coat. It was the exact color of my blood red dress. Gold buttons went down his chest and held his wrist cuffs together. Medals adorned his chest and black shiny leather boots finished the effect. It was dramatic and I was certain anyone would agree that the look was striking. If I wouldn’t have known what a smarmy, evil man Tommit was, I might have been swayed for a second.

  Smiling when he saw me, he reached out his hand for me to take. The familiar look of lust flashed in his coal colored eyes. I felt the familiar sense of darkness the closer I got to him. I took a deep breath, willing my courage to hold. I placed my hand in his. A large lump formed in my throat. Each step into the light signaled a step closer to the end.

  Stepping out into the sunlight…The noise was deafening.

  It hurts my ears, but I managed a smile. Hoping it comes off as happy and not the grimace I was feeling. The cheers grew.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Now quiet!” Silence filled the square. “I am so grateful to have you all assembled here to share in this joyous occasion.” More cheers were heard.

  “Hail, King Tommit!”

  “Long live the King!”

  I couldn’t be sure of where the cheers were coming from. Tommit motioned for silence.

  “I have called you all here for one very special announcement. I would like to introduce to you my lovely betrothed. People of Paradan, I present your future Queen, Aurora.” He took his left arm, pulling me to the edge of the open balcony. There was a roar from the crowd. My eyes tried to focus on their faces but I couldn’t.


  Cassius watched from the gallery. His eyes were glued to his beloved Aurora. Every time he saw her, she grew more beautiful. Today was no different, except today she looked the part of the Queen. He had fallen harder than he had thought possible for her. The last moments he spent with Aurora echoed in his mind. She had been so distant. He was certain she cared for him, perhaps—not as much as he cared for her.

  But that didn’t matter.

  Evver was hoping Cassius would fix it all. She was naïve in believing he could save the world. He was trying, and he was willing to die trying if that is what it took, but he wouldn’t let Tommit survive this. There have been groups already rallying out there in support against Tommit. Aurora would be the perfect queen. She was kind, loving, gentle, and compassionate to all with which she came in contact with.

  Anyone who had the opportunity to see her could see the beauty of her soul shining through, that day.

  Aurora’s eyes were tight, her smile guarded and forced. Those in the crowd would never notice, but Cassius knew every single expression. Every movement she made told a story. When he had seen her last, she was frightened. Not only did she push him away, but there was more to it. It was true he didn’t know Aurora’s story.

  She had been evasive from the beginning.

  Cassius could see the underlying pain in her tortured eyes. Tonight, they were meeting for updates. He was hoping for good news. First, Cassius was going to save her from Tommit and then he would find out her story. Maybe then he could make the pain in her gaze disappear forever.

  The crowd was starting to quiet down. King Tommit loved the applause and all of the cheers. He seemed annoyed when it started to end so quickly. So, taking things into his own hands, he pulled Aurora into an unexpected kiss.

  The crowd went wild! Cassius felt fury surge through him; with all the strength left in him, he forced himself to stay frozen in place.


  My stomach heaved; I quickly forced myself to recover.

  I fought the instinct to punch him full in the jaw. My hands were clenched into fists and were pleading to extend into his smug jaw. Never in my life had I wanted to physically hurt someone more than I wanted to hurt Tommit. Tommit’s lips felt unnatural and slimy. When I tried to pull away he only pulled me closer. The crowd loved it.

  Finally, when our lips separated, he laughed darkly in my ear. He relished my discomfort. Pleasure washed over his arrogant features. I hated him. With every cell of my body I hated the man who I was going to marry.

  “I look forward to you all getting to know 'MY' beloved Aurora.” His possessive words tortured me. “Our wedding will be unlike anything the kingdom has ever seen. In ten days, Paradan will have a new queen to stand by my side.”

  Sounds erupted, horns blared and people were shouting. But Tommit’s words echoed in my ears. He continued to speak but my ears had stopped communicating with my brain.

  My smile remained and numbness set in.

  I was going to have to find a way of dealing with my future…husband. I cringed internally at the reality of the word. I looked toward Tommit. He was basking in the glow of victory. At times he reminded me of a neurotic, self-absorbed, greedy megalomaniac politician. He would do anything it took to retain his power.

  Tommit didn’t care who he hurt, or whose life he destroyed in the process. I was beginning to believe that he enjoyed the destruction that was left in his wake of conquest the most. He pulled me into another embrace. This time, I was prepared for what was coming up. Tensing my muscles and forcing my lips to be hard, I resisted the urge to bite him.

  Chapter 14

  We walked back into Tommit’s bedroom. I found it odd that he chose this balcony to make the announcement. There were at least ten others he could have chosen. The room was twice the size of my new room. The windows were draped in golden satin fabric which puddled on the ground. There were lavish couches placed in two of the corners of the room. In the center of the bedroom sat the bed.

  It was the largest bed I had ever seen.

  It looked like two king size beds had been put together and then a massive headboard in the shape of a large crown sat at t
he top. It was gold in color and was polished until it shone. Part of me wondered if it was the real thing. The crest of Paradan was engraved in the middle of the headboard. Long golden satin drapes hung from the ceiling adding to the cozy feel of the bed. Dozens of red and gold pillows topped the bed in satins, velvets, and minks covering them. The comforter was blood red and had the same golden rope my dress and hair was adorned with, at this very moment.

  It was beautiful and I longed to touch it and feel if it was in fact, as soft, as it looked.

  There were hand carved dressers and night stands, which had incredible detail. I was amazed at the quiet elegance the whole room had. For a moment, I could forget how the room belonged to the monster—who would soon be my husband. Whoever had put this room together had done it with great care. I wondered if this room had belonged to the previous Kings.

  Tommit had noticed my fascination with the stunning bed. “You like?”

  He smiled at me seductively.

  “It’s marvelous.” I admitted reluctantly.

  “No worries, my beauty. It won’t be long before we will share it as man and wife.” I flushed at his suggestive coo. A flash of anger and disgust hit me. I wanted to tell him that he was the last person on the planet I would want to share a bed with. I bit my tongue so hard that I tasted blood, just so I could betray my true feelings.

  Stepping toward me, his left hand fingered my ruby necklace.

  “So beautiful.”

  I had the feeling he wasn’t talking about my necklace, as his eyes flamed with lust. My heart quivered in fear. His fingers played with the middle stone. My breath caught in my chest. Tommit’s fingers traveled down to my collarbone and then to my throat. I closed my eyes, not wanting to be present in this moment.

  This was my fate, my way of protecting those I loved, Evver and Cassius.

  I felt Tommit’s lips touch my bare throat. My heart was telling me to run as far and fast as I could from the monster in front of me. My head, however, told me this was the choice I had made. Choosing Evver and Cassius over my happiness: this was the price I had to pay to secure their safety.

  “Excuse me!” The voice was loud and forceful. I didn’t have to look, as I knew the voice by heart. We both turned toward the open doorway to see Evver standing there. Her brow was furrowed in determination. Hands were on her hips in irritation.