Read The name of Snow Page 15


  “So.. where are we going?” asked Jay as he held the car door open for Zu.

  “Well,, the plan was to go to the cinema at Brent Cross.. but according to their Internet site it’s at Staples Corner.. so I’m a little confused”

  “It’s ok.. I think I know where it is” Jay climbed in and started the car.

  “Have you been there before?”

  “Brent Cross?.. Yeah.. loads of times.. it’s got supermarkets and restaurants and all sorts of things”

  “No.. not Brent Cross.. the cinema I mean”

  “I know that’s what you meant..” Jay squeezed Zu’s knee “..I was only teasing you.. Yes.. I’ve been there a few times”

  “With Gemma?”

  Jay decided that it would be wise to tread cautiously “Yes.. with Gemma.. but also with Ben and Steve..” Jay quickly changed the subject “..Which do you prefer by the way.. butter or salt popcorn?”


  “Popcorn.. which type do you prefer?”

  “I thought there was only one type.. the salty one?”

  “Really?.. Haven’t you ever tried butter popcorn?.. You are in for a treat!” Jay drove the car into a parking space and pulled on the handbrake.

  “Haven’t you forgotten something?” Zu stared hard at Jay.

  “No.. I don’t think so.. I’ve got my wallet.. haven’t I?..” Jay patted his jacket “..Yes.. wallet’s here.. err.. what have I forgotten Zu?”

  Zu grabbed hold of Jay’s lapel, pulled him towards her and kissed him.

  “That!.. You haven’t kissed me today!” Zu smacked Jay resoundingly on his thigh.

  “Oh.. that.. err.. Sorry!.. I just haven’t had the opportunity..“ Jay pulled Zu back towards him and kissed her solidly on the lips “..But that.. That is what I call a kiss!”

  The screening room was huge. Sound bellowed out from large wall-mounted speakers on all sides. The trailer films were already underway as they made their way carefully to their seats following the small floor lights. Jay and Zu eventually threw themselves down on to their seats, triumphantly placing copious amounts of food and drink around them to demark their territory. Jay had bought soft drinks, sweets and popcorn in both varieties, all of which Zu was already trying out.

  Jay had always loved going to the cinema. He used to go with parents when he was a child. It always signified warmth and togetherness, sitting in a cosy ‘womb’ of entertainment. No pirate websites or home projectors could ever replace the cosiness in his eyes. Zu dug further into the bucket of salty popcorn.

  “Aren’t you going to have some sweet popcorn my sweet?” Jay held his bucket of butter popcorn up. Zu wrinkled her nose and merely shook her head

  “Ergh.. No thank you!.. I’ve already tried it.. and I really don’t know how you can eat that stuff!”

  “Like this..” Jay threw a piece in his mouth “..It’s normal popcorn Zu!.. It’s nice!”

  “Well.. I must say I’m glad I haven’t tried that before.. it’s horrible!”

  “All the more for me then my salty love.. Don’t they have this in Scandinavia?”

  “Not that I know of.. It was always with salt when I had it”

  “Do they eat cereals with salt as well?”

  “No.. of course not!”

  “Just thought they might.. It’s just as strange as eating salty popcorn to me.. And some people eat porridge with salt on.. the Scots for example”

  “Really?.. Now that is odd!”

  Jay and Zu snuggled in to their seats and up to each other as the film started. They held hands and munched popcorn periodically throughout the film, punctuated occasionally with rustling sweet packets and quick kisses. The film was a modern romantic comedy which Jay wouldn’t normally watch, but it was somehow made more palatable when seen together with Zu. Jay was, however, grateful when the credits started rolling. The pair pulled themselves out of their cosy burrow and stood up as the lights were turned up.

  “Did you like it darling?”

  “Err.. yes.. yeah.. it was very.. err.. good!” Jay was aware of the fact that he didn’t sound very convincing “Fancy a coffee Zu.. or do you want to go home?”

  “Coffee sounds good.. and I’d like to see your flat please”

  “Ok.. yes.. I have coffee..” Jay tried to remember what state his flat was in “..I can do that.. It’s just around the corner”

  “Voila! Chais moi!” exclaimed Jay proudly as he parked his car outside his flat.

  “Oh.. this looks nice Jay!” Zu inspected the outside of the house. Jay was thankful that she hadn’t noticed the pile of rubble lying in his front garden, and still occupying a prominent position on his ‘To Do’ list.

  “Wait until you look inside.. That might change your mind!” Jay turned the key in the front door and pushed it open “There’s a light switch here.. “ Jay almost fell over the doorstep and narrowly avoided bringing Zu down with him “Oh.. sorry Zu.. lost my footing..” Jay caught Zu’s eyes in the light. They stood and stared at each other in the half dark hallway. Zu was as beautiful as the first time he had seen her; mesmerizing, beautiful, gorgeous. Her hair, lips, cheekbones – everything about her was perfect. Jay put his hands around the back of Zu’s head and pulled her slowly towards him. He kissed her softly on the lips. Zu moved closer, pulling Jay’s body towards her. Jay kicked the front door closed as they continued kissing. They stumbled backwards down the corridor until they reached the bedroom. Jay pulled Zu’s coat from her shoulders, catching a whiff of her sweet perfume as they fell onto the bed. Jay lay on top of Zu, caressing her face and kissing her lips and neck. She resembled a black and white photograph lit up in the moonlight. Zu pushed her body up against him, placing a leg on either side of him. She tugged lightly at the hair on the back of his head whilst Jay unbuttoned her cardigan. He ran his hand across her chest and enveloped her breasts. Zu pulled him closer, running her thigh against his hip. She bit his lower lip gently as he raised himself up by his arms. He reached down to her skirt, pulling the hem up to her waist and simultaneously exposing her bare buttocks. He felt the softness of her skin as their tongues met and danced in each other’s mouths. Jay’s hand moved down to her thigh. She was warm, soft. Zu stroked his back and bit his shoulder gently as Jay ran his hand along the inside of her thigh. Her stomach arched upwards, every muscle in her body tensing in unison with his movements. Zu pulled his head down to her half- exposed breast. Jay nibbled her nipples gently as he unclasped her bra, pulling it away to one side. Zu stretched her arms out above her as Jay kissed her stomach and then thighs. Jay raised himself up on his arms only to be pulled down by Zu’s forceful arms seconds later. She pulled him into her and let out a slight wince.

  “Erm.. when was the last time you did this?” Jay looked down at Zu. He was confused and slightly perplexed as he held his upper body above her.

  “Um.. I don’t know.. Why?”

  “You just feel rather.. well.. a bit.. erm.. closed.. But maybe it’s because I haven’t done this for a while” Jay bent down to kiss her again as he pushed a little harder. He felt something give as Zu cried a little in pain.

  “Sorry Zu.. Are you ok?” Jay kissed Zu tenderly on the forehead.

  “Yes.. Yes.. I’m fine” Zu smiled back at Jay through watery eyes.

  “Err.. are you.. um.. I mean.. were you.. a virgin Zu?”

  “Does it matter?” Zu looked up, almost as if she had done something wrong.

  “No.. Absolutely not! No.. not at all.. I just.. Oh.. never mind” Jay smiled down at Zu as she pulled him inside her again, grasping both of his buttocks with her hands.