Read The name of Snow Page 16

“I love you Zu” Jay turned on his side as he spoke.

  “I love you too Jay” Zu stroked the side of Jay’s face, her eyes smiling, her cheeks flushed.

  “I mean it Zu.. It’s not just something I’m saying in the heat of the moment or anything.. I really really love you!.. I love your hair.. your eyes.. your smile.. your body.. your mind..”

  “I’m glad to hear my mind still figures in there Jay!” Zu pulled at Jay’s chest hair.

  Jay continued undeterred “I love the way you constantly tease me.. and interrupt me.. I love your sense of humour and how kind you are.. and your family..”

  “Wow!.. It must be love then!” Zu sat up in bed and pulled the duvet around her.

  “Yes.. I mean.. I don’t normally get on with in-laws.. but I get on really well with your parents.. It’s strange.. It’s as if I’ve known them for years..” Jay sat up too, snuggling in to Zu “..Erm.. did I take your virginity by the way?”

  “Yes.. yes you did.. And that means that you have to stay with me now!”

  “Really?.. Well alright.. I suppose I can cope with that” Jay kissed Zu on the cheek.

  “You make me laugh Jay.. That’s why I like you”

  “Oh.. so you’ve reverted back to merely liking me now?.. That didn’t take long!” Jay tickled Zu’s side.

  “Ok.. I loooove you Jamey!” Zu placed a firm kiss on Jay’s lips as she swivelled out of bed and picked up her clothes.

  “Where are you off to?”

  “Well.. I can’t stay here all night.. My parents will be getting worried.. and besides.. I’ve got work tomorrow.. I’ve also got loads of Uni stuff to do.. There’s no peace for the wicked you know!”

  “Ah.. Ok.. Sorry Zu.. I wasn’t thinking” Jay stood up and put on his clothing “You have got time for a coffee, right?”

  “Well.. I suppose we’d better have that coffee now given that’s why we came here” Zu smiled at Jay.

  “Yes.. you are right.. Cappuccino my love?”

  “Yes please darling”

  Jay continued to talk from the kitchen whilst Zu put on her clothes.

  “What did you say Jay?.. I can’t hear what you are saying out there”

  “Sugar?” Jay popped his head round the doorway.

  “Yes my sweet?”

  “No.. Would you like sugar Zu?”

  “I’m just teasing you Jay.. now that I know you like it..” Zu winked at Jay “..Yes.. one sugar please”

  Jay remained standing by the doorway. His smile turned into a look of thoughtfulness, verging on worry “Erm.. Zu?.. You know I like to be honest right?”

  “Yes..” Zu wondered what Jay was about to tell her. Her heart began to race “What is it Jay?” Zu’s voice sounded unwittingly stern, but she didn’t like surprises.

  Jay stared down at his feet “Well.. it’s a little embarrassing really” He looked back at Zu “You remember you accused me of hacking into Globus’ systems?“

  “Yes?” asked Zu pensively.

  “Well.. I did.. sort of.. I mean.. I know it was a stupid thing to do.. but it was the only way I could find you!”

  “Yes.. it was stupid..” Zu walked over to Jay and thought for a moment “But thank you for doing that” Zu placed a hand on his chest.

  “There’s something else Zu..”

  “What?” Zu’s voice raised again as she drew her hand back.

  Jay moved his weight nervously from one leg to the other and back again. “The police have had me in for questioning”

  “Really?.. Seriously?!” Zu stared into Jay’s eyes.

  “Yes.. I might even lose my job over it.. I don’t know..”

  “God Jay!.. That was really stupid!..” Zu held Jay’s hand “..What if I speak to Ruth.. the owner of Globus?.. I’m sure she’ll get the police to drop the charges if I explain things to her”

  “Nooo Zu! You’ve got to promise me that you won’t get involved..” Jay clutched Zu’s elbow and pulled her gently towards him again “..Promise?”

  “Why ever not?”

  “Just imagine what your boss would think if you tell her that you know someone who has hacked into their systems.. I don’t exactly think that that would give you any brownie points”

  “No.. maybe you are right.. But how did you leave it with the police?”

  “They want me to go in again next week.. and then I’ll have to appear in Court”

  “Really?!” Zu rubbed Jay’s arm consolingly “I’m so sorry Jay.. It almost feels as if it’s my fault”

  “No.. it’s all my fault Zu! And Ben’s been dragged into it too.. The poor guy just wanted to help me out and.. of course.. the police found him before they found me.. Sod’s Law really..” Jay stared into space for a few seconds before taking Zu by the hand “Come on.. Better make that coffee eh?”

  Jay drove Zu home where they exchanged long goodbyes and they promised to talk to each other later on the phone. Jay checked his post box when he got home. There was an official looking envelope bearing a solicitors stamp on the back. He didn’t want to open it, knowing what it contained, but he forced himself to anyway.

  Wallis Greene Solicitors Mr. James Jarrett

  9a Tetherham Square 81 Hamphill Road

  London EC1 London N3

  Ref.: The Crown v. James Jarrett - 101/arh-23832091bd

  Dear Mr. Jarrett

  The Crown Prosecution Service has appointed me to represent you in the above case. I would therefore ask you to contact me as quickly as possible in order to arrange a meeting.

  Yours sincerely

  Rupert Osborne LLB

  Everything had become so official, so serious. The flat felt empty without Zu. Jay attempted to piece the police inspector’s words together and tried to work out what the ‘other things’ could be. He knew that he hadn’t done anything else but he had also heard of stories where the police had framed innocent suspects in order to clear up unwanted cases. It all sounded like something from a film, and very surreal. Jay felt emotionally drained and decided to play guitar, composing an anti-police song before he rang Zu.

  Zu sounded tired. She had had a major row with Sharif because he had told her that he ‘approved’ of her relationship with Jay. His apparent arrogance and bigotry annoyed her, but they both decided that they had probably misunderstood each other and that Sharif had good intentions at heart. Jay told Zu that he thought Sharif seemed like a nice guy under the surface. Jay and Zu went on to talk about how happy they were together until Zu’s yawns signalled an irrefutable need to sleep. Neither Jay nor Zu wanted to hang up first, but Zu conceded by midnight. They exchanged weary kisses and wistful goodnights.
