Read This Too Shall Pass Page 3

  “Dudes are dicks, Paige. I don’t know what to say to you. I went through this with a dick, too. He left me for some girl he went to school with. It sucks. It sucks big time, but don’t do what I did. Get back in the saddle and ride on.”

  “I hope he dies. I hate him so much.”

  “No, you don’t, and I don’t want to hear that. You can’t take a stone back after it’s thrown no more than you take back a word after it’s said. You’re hurt. I of all people get that, but, believe it or not, it’ll pass.”

  “How can he be so callous? It’s not like we didn’t share everything. I just don’t get it.”

  “I don’t get it either, Paige. All I can tell you is this too shall pass. Whether you believe it or not, time heals all pain. You might never forget it, but it will pass. I promise. You’re young. You’re getting ready to graduate high school, and as much as you don’t want to hear this right now, you’re going to be okay.”

  “We have prom!”

  “So, go with someone else. What about Chase? He’s always liked you.”

  “Chase is Jordan’s friend.”

  “And Hallie wasn’t yours?”

  “Ugh! I don’t want Chase. I want Jordan. Why does this have to be so hard? This sucks. Why the hell did he have to do this now with so much going on?”

  “I’m saying this from experience, Paige. Keep looking forward, don’t look back. If that’s the choice Jordan wants to make, there is nothing you can do about it. Move forward. You’re going to school soon, you have your whole life ahead of you, and you don’t have to let Jordan bring you down.”

  “I know, and I will, I promise. I just need a few days to be pissed off. Do you want to go shopping?”

  Alexis inhaled a deep breath, remembering Cory’s request to meet him in his office. Riki had T-ball practice, too. “Sure, we can do that.”

  Cory understood the dilemma and agreed to a raincheck. He didn’t have a problem meeting Sam with the girls and told her to go. She didn’t really have a choice. Paige needed her and she wanted to be there for her. It did suck that he waited until this time of year to decide to break up with her. He could have at least waited until after, prom, graduation, and all the parties. And he could have waited until after Alexis’s appointment with Cory. Grrr.


  “Lexis, I don’t want to wear this,” Riki complained as her eyes scoped out the clothes Alexis laid out for her.

  Alexis frowned with a scrunched nose. “Why? You picked it out?”

  “Well, Emily is going to wear a skirt.”

  “You’re going to be running around the farm. You’re not going to want to play in a skirt, Riki.”

  “Yes I will. We want to do a cheer for Paige.”

  “Fine, go get a skirt. I’ll throw shorts in Kinley’s diaper bag for you.” This conversation could go on for twenty minutes. Riki could argue a case better than a high-paid lawyer, and she normally won. It wasn’t worth it.

  “You should wear a skirt, too,” Cory teased with his hands going up the back of Alexis’s tee-shirt.

  “You should behave. I’m sad.”

  “Why are you sad?”

  “My little Paige is graduating high school. How did this happen?”

  Cory laid across the bed and propped himself up on one elbow when Alexis pulled away to find yet another shirt. “So she’s back with Jordan now?”

  “Who knows. I wish she would tell him where to go.”

  “I thought you liked Jordan.”

  “I did, I do. I don’t know. I just think it’s shitty how he’s playing her and Hallie.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you’re sulking about? Is it really Jordan?”

  Alexis dropped the shirt she’d pulled over her head to the bed and glared at him. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m a little apprehensive about meeting Mitch.”

  “Okay, that’s one thing, but to sit there and manipulate it to be about me and Mitch is another. Don’t do that. If you’ve got something on your mind say it. I was speaking of Paige growing up, that’s it.”

  Cory pulled her wrist, landing her right on top of him. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to want him.”

  “You’re stupid. Stop it. I don’t want Mitch. Mitch could never come close to what you and I have. Don’t ever think I have one regret about Mitch. I don’t.” Alexis kissed his lips and tried to move. Cory held her.

  “But what if you would have waited?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What if you and I didn’t have Kinley? What if we never met? Would you consider getting back with him now that he’s divorced and moving back here?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I don’t know, Cory. I have never thought about getting back with Mitch, not once since I met you. I don’t want Mitch and you’re being ridiculous. Get ready.”

  “Tell me you love me.”

  “I love you. I am so crazy in love with you, it’s not funny. I don’t even like Mitch anymore. Now get up and get dressed. Your jeans are on the chair.” Alexis nodded toward the wingback chair. Cory shook his head at her favorite jeans, but refrained from saying anything. If she wanted him in those jeans, he’d oblige. No problem.

  “Do you want me to dress Kinley?” Cory questioned while sliding into Alexis’s favorite pair of jeans. They both turned toward the baby monitor when they heard Riki talking to her. Kinley cooed and giggled at Riki playing peekaboo. She thought it was hilarious to hide under the crib and jump out in different places. Kinley would hold on to the edge and run to find Riki.


  A banner hung across the entrance of the barn congratulating Paige. Every other picnic table had either a blue or white covering to match the Brady County Dragons’ colors. A table was set up in the corner with cards and presents. Another table right beside of that one displayed trophies, ribbons, and honor student awards, along with pictures of Paige from the time she was born up to her graduation.

  Riki was off playing outside and baby Kinley was right by Cory and Alexis, sitting at one of the tables in her walker. Cory held his foot on it to keep her from wandering around until he finally got tired of trying to keep her contained and let her wander close by. She got a lot of attention from everyone that passed by, until she saw Grandpa McKinley. Kinley was coming out of her walker, reaching for him to take her while she practically climbed out. Of course he did and headed right to the barn to see the new baby piglets.

  Alexis watched the door, anxiously awaiting Mitch’s arrival. Cory noticed, but didn’t say anything. He had nothing to worry about. She was his and would soon carry his name. He wanted to announce their upcoming wedding right in front of the dirt bag, but Alexis didn’t want him to. It was Paige’s day and she didn’t want to take anything away from her. She decided they would do it at Kinley’s birthday party instead.

  As soon as everyone was done eating the massive mounds of food and every side dish imaginable, the large cake was cut. Alexis started to relax and forget about Mitch, deciding he must have changed his mind. Cups of hidden alcohol had started to emerge and the music was getting a little loud. That’s when Alexis noticed him. She was sitting on top of a picnic table beside Bernie and Sam, admiring her parents dancing. He stopped and shook her brother, Tom’s hand first, and then gave Paige an envelope along with a congratulatory hug.

  Cory knew exactly who he was by the look on Alexis’s face. He reached over and took Kinley from Travis as Mitch made his way to their clique. The atmosphere was weird for a few minutes while Mitch spoke to Sam, Travis, Bernie, Doug, and finally Alexis.

  “How are you?” he asked with a thin smile.

  “I’m good, Mitch. How are you?”

  “I’m doing very well. This must be the new guy?”

  “Fiancé, yes. This is Cory. Cory this is Mitch, and the little one there is Kinley. She’ll be one next week. We have another one running around here somewhere, too,” Alexis added. Riki ran to the table at t
he moment, breaking the eccentricity in the air.

  “I want my shorts now, Lexis.”

  “They’re over there in Kinley’s bag. What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to climb the hay stacks in the barn.”

  “No, I don’t want you doing that. You’re going to get all itchy.”

  “No I won’t. The other kids are doing it.”

  “Listen, Riki,” Cory ordered with a nod and a frown, backing Alexis up.

  “Dad, I want to play in the barn too.” Riki whined and then smiled when Kinley kicked her legs and arms, reaching for her big sister. Riki held her hands and talked with her before going back to her whining. “Please, it’s not fair if I don’t get to play, too.” She was such a good big sister, stopping the argument in her case to pay attention to Kinley.

  “What happened the last time you did that?” Alexis asked.

  “I won’t breakout this time, I promise.” Everyone laughed but Cory and Alexis, including Mitch.

  “Come on, Aunt Sam will find you long pants.” Sam stood and reached for her hand. Cory and Alexis sighed and let her go. She would just have to whine more when she had to get rubbed down with Calamine lotion later.

  Alexis watch Mitch walk away, mingling with his old roots. Her eyes went to Cory’s and she sensed the moment of awkwardness. She was only watching him walk away. It wasn’t mischievous or sneaky at all. She broke the moment by talking to Kinley.

  “You’re all sticky. You need a bath.” Alexis cooed while her fingers dug into her chunky little legs. Kinley reached for her and Alexis took her, catching Mitch’s eyes that time. Dammit. Why the hell did he have to come back there? Cory needed to walk away. She needed to gossip with Bernie.

  “I can go throw her in the tub,” Cory offered.

  “No, we’ll wait and throw them both in there. It’s almost eight. I want to feed her soon so I can drink. You can grab me her diaper bag so I can wipe her fingers with a baby wipe.”

  “No more M&M’s, Bernie,” Cory warned with pinched eyebrows.

  “She loves them, don’t you baby.”

  “You could at least put them in her mouth.”

  “She wouldn’t let me. She wanted to do it.”

  Alexis laughed and explained her new thing just as Mitch returned. Their eyes briefly locked and once again hers went swiftly to Cory’s. Yup, he was watching her like a hawk.

  “Her highchair has a little cubby for her cup. She uses it for the food she doesn’t like.”

  Cory wiped her hands with a baby wipe and then took her when she reached for him. “She doesn’t like cherry’s either. I gave her a fruit cup the other day and she put them in her cup holder too. You’re so funny,” he teased. Kinley giggled and scrunched her legs to her chest when his teeth to her ribs sent her into a laughing frenzy.

  “How’s business, Lexi?” Mitch interjected. Lexi? Really? He was going to do this?

  “Nobody really calls me that anymore. It’s great.” Alexis turned and exchanged a look with Bernie after she lightly elbowed her.

  “I’ll have to bring Nathan in again sometime. His school pictures sucked this time.”

  “Yeah, you’ll have to do that.”

  Riki saved the awkward moment that time. “I’m ready to take a bath now.”

  “Why? Because you’re all itchy?”

  “Yes, on my back.”

  Alexis shook her head and lifted the back of her shirt. Her skin was splattered with red patches just like the last time she played around the hay. “Come on,” she coaxed while reaching for Kinley.

  Alexis put all three girls in the tub and sat on the toilet while Emily and Riki played with Kinley and then told Alexis about trying to catch the baby pigs.

  “Did you catch one?”

  “No cause them is too slippery,” Riki explained.

  “They are,” she corrected her and made her say it again.

  Alexis’s eyes met Cory’s at the door and handed him a towel. “You’re just in time,” she said while taking soapy Kinley from the tub. He wrapped her in a towel and kissed her fine wet hair. “Her jammies are on the couch.”

  Cory was in the rocking chair when the girls came out in their matching long summer night gowns, showing them off to him while Alexis cleaned up their water mess in the bathroom. Kinley had her arm over her eyes and was almost asleep when Alexis joined him.

  “Don’t let her fall asleep yet. I want to feed her a little,” Alexis ordered while shuffling around the room, stuffing dirty clothes into a bag, and helping Riki with her sleeping bag.

  “She’s probably not hungry. She’s had way too much junk for one day.”

  “I still want to feed her.”

  “Just let her go to sleep. She’s almost out.”

  Alexis unzipped Riki’s sleeping bag and gave him an annoyed look just as Grandma Kinney and the older girls came into join them.

  “What?” he questioned.

  “I’m full. I need to feed her. I’ll be back to tuck you in after I put Kinley down, Riki.”

  “I’m not going to sleep yet. We’re watching a movie and eating popcorn.”

  “I can still tell you goodnight, can’t I? Here, kiss Kinley.”

  Alexis took relaxed Kinley from Cory’s arms and held her over to Riki.

  “I love you, Kinney Poo.” Kinley pulled away. She wasn’t interested in Riki. She was interested in sleep.

  Alexis carried her into her parent’s room to the crib and sat in the rocking chair with Cory following. Kinley instantly latched on and covered her eyes with her arm.

  “You can stop breastfeeding now.”

  “Shut up, she’s a baby. I don’t want to.”

  Cory laughed and sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her.

  “I know this is weird for you, Cory, but it doesn’t have to be. Mitch is nothing.”

  “I’m not worried. I just know there is some old chemistry there and I don’t like it.”

  “There’s no old chemistry,” Alexis assured him with a snort.

  “Maybe not on your part.”

  “Let’s not do this, please. I want to have fun tonight. I don’t want to argue.”

  “We’re not arguing. I just don’t like him and what the hell is up with Lexi?”

  “He’s always called me that. I’m going to bed with you tonight, not him. I’m going to marry you in a few months, not him. Can we just have fun?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. I was the same way with Camille. I wouldn’t want to be around her either, but I can’t help it, Cory. He’s been around for a lot of years. It’s not just me he’s friends with.”

  “How can your dad let him come here after what he did to you?”

  “Mitch doesn’t know about the Cowen. He thinks I miscarried, you know that. And furthermore, my dad is not the grudge holding type. He’s not going to play God and judge anyone, not even Mitch.”

  Cory took a loud breath, in and out. “Let’s go get drunk.”

  “Now you’re talking. Hang on, let me put her on the other one for five minutes.”

  “You have to stop breastfeeding.”

  “I will when she’s one. I don’t want to stop. That means she’s growing up.”

  “He’s a nice looking guy.”

  “Oh my, God. Stop it. So what? He doesn’t have anything on you and your dick is way bigger.”

  “You know you just said that with a picture of Jesus right over your head?”

  “I don’t care. I’m not lying so it doesn’t matter,” Alexis assured him while looking up to the framed photo over her head. She giggled and stood to place sleeping Kinley in her crib. Cory stood, too and kissed her little cheeks and covered her with a blanket.

  Cory stopped Alexis before she could sidestep him and kissed her. Really kissed her, tongue and all.

  “We can’t do that in front of Jesus, especially in my parent’s room. What was that for?”

  “A reminder that I love you.”

  “You’re being dumb.”

  “Probably,” Cory admitted with his arms around her, holding her securely to his body.

  “Let’s get out of here before I start taking my clothes off.”

  Alexis kissed Riki and turned to her mom. “Kinley’s down for the night. We’ll probably go home and get them in the morning.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t do that. I don’t like you drinking and driving even if it is right down the road.”

  “I won’t drive. I’ll make Cory do it.”

  “I’m being serious, Alexis.”

  “You’re the one—

  Cory’s hand covered Alexis’s mouth, cutting her off mid-sentence. “It’s fine Lola, I’ll be the designated driver. We’ll just get the girls in the morning.” Oh no. He wasn’t listening to this argument again. McKinley women didn’t know when to stop. This argument about being married before you slept in the same bed could go on for days with neither one of them caving. Cory dragged Alexis by the hand, back to the barn.

  “You always do that. Why do you argue with her about it? You know she’s not going to change her mind.”

  “Well it’s dumb. Let’s go to the car and get the cooler.”

  Cory planted another kiss on her lips once he opened the hatch on her car. This time, however she kissed back and teased him with her hips.

  “Is that his truck?”

  “Seriously? I’m trying to get in your pants and you’re asking me about a truck?”

  “No, I was asking if it was Mitch’s truck. It looks like a little boy truck, something Jordan would drive.”

  Alexis pulled away and opened the cooler with an exasperated breath. “Yes, that’s his truck. Open this.”

  Cory opened her beer and carried the cooler full of ice cold beer to the barn. Alexis chugged the first one before they ever made it back. She needed that, and then some. It took about four of those ice cold beers for her to loosen up and not give a shit about Mitch being there anymore. She was feeling pretty good when Travis made her dance to ‘Boot Scootin’. Bernie and Cory sat it out and watched as the floor of drunks moved together to the song, including Mitch. Alexis had her beer in one hand and her thumb in the pocket of her well fitted jeans with the other. She caught Cory’s eyes with hers and winked at him.