Read This Too Shall Pass Page 4

  When the song was finished, Cory noticed Mitch touch the small of her back as they moved from the floor. He was instantly pissed but didn’t say anything, not wanting to ruin Alexis’s good time. They didn’t get to do this often with the girls. He kept reminding himself that she was going home with him, not Mitch.

  Mitch joined in all the conversation like he’d been there all along and never left. He sort of fit right in and Cory sort of hated it. It wasn’t like he was trying to make Cory feel like he was any less of a man or anything. He did talk to Cory, too and Cory answered with short snide remarks. Alexis elbowed his ribs.

  The entire dance floor was full of loud drunks. Cory even danced, but that may have been to keep Mitch away from Alexis. Maybe? Regardless, she didn’t mind at all. There wasn’t a man on earth she would have rather been dancing with than him.

  Tired and thirsty, they sat out the next song and watched Paige and Jordan being the center of attention, dancing very provocative on the floor. Paige’s dad was livid. He didn’t like seeing his baby dance like that with Jordan.

  “Lighten up. She’s eighteen and this is her night,” Alexis reminded him.

  “She doesn’t have to put it on display,” he complained.

  “Come on, let’s go be on display with them,” Cory offered when the fast song ended and Prince started singing ‘Purple Rain’. Every time Alexis looked toward Mitch, he was staring right at her. She always did think this song was emotional and it was easy to get lost in Cory’s arms with it. She turned her attention to her man and away from Mitch and gazed up at him instead. His hands held her close as they swayed in unison to the expressive song. Alexis was the one to part his lips with her tongue and sway into his hips. He was fine until she moaned. Dammit.

  “I love you,” she whispered as the song came to a close.

  “I love you more, but I can’t move,” he confessed. The rest of the dancers moved right into Katy Perry. Cory didn’t let her move.

  “Why?” she asked and he pulled her closer not telling, but showing her why. She laughed.

  “Do you find this funny?”

  “I do,” she admitted. “Do you want to do something about it?”

  “What would you suggest I do about it, smarty pants?”

  “Stay behind me,” she said. Alex took his hand and led him out of the barn while keeping him close enough so that she was the only one that knew what he was trying to hide.

  Mitch watched as they left the building with an envious look and Alexis once again noticed.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To get rid of our problems.”

  “You have a problem, too?”

  “Oh yes,” Alexis admitted. She turned and walked backward, kissing him with her hands on the snap of his jeans.

  “It’s dark in here.”

  “You don’t need to see.” Alexis led him to the back corner of the barn, opened a wooden gate, and unbuttoned his jeans, releasing his erection to her hand. He moaned as he unbuttoned her jeans and slid his fingers between her legs. She wiggled her hips, slid out of them, and pulled herself up to the wooden table. Cory entered her with ease and a hiss.

  “Dammit, Alexis,” Cory rasped as he secretly made love to her, thrusting in and out of her with her legs wrapped perfectly around his waist. Cory covered her moans more than once while she rocked into him. He decided to hurry her along when their secret quickie was turning into much more. His thumb circled her aching numb and his mouth once again covered the escaping moans. Their bodies became one when Cory held himself deep inside her, colliding with her own bliss.

  “Holy shit, girl.”

  Alexis laughed, kissed him deep and passionate, and then withdrew her hips from his. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  They walked back to the barn hand in hand. Alexis got them both a beer from their cooler and handed one to Cory. He opened it for her and handed it back, taking the other one for himself as he always did. Alexis chugged half of it and winked at Cory.

  “Where were you?” Bernie asked. Alexis hopped beside her on top of the picnic-table, feet propped to the bench. Alexis answered with a sneaky smile.

  “Oh my God, Lex,” Bernie exclaimed. Alexis laughed and Cory shook his head. He walked away and joined Travis in a fish story. That’s exactly what it was, too. Cory was with him that day, and he was sure the small mouth was more like eight inches, not thirteen.

  “Where?” Bernie wanted to know.

  “In the barn.”

  Within minutes the fish stories were back around the women huddled around the table. Mitch of course had to join in, too. He told them about a time when he and Jim were fishing over at Alexis’s pond. Jim caught him in the back of the head with a fishing hook.

  Cory reached around him and took Alexis’s hand and led her to the dance floor without speaking a word.

  They were dancing provocatively to ‘Don’t Spit Me Out’ when Alexis caught Mitch staring again. She turned, spinning away from him annoyed. Cory held onto her when she tried to escape the slow song.

  “I think you need to come in the bathroom with me,” she explained.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Not for that, you dummy.”

  “For what?”

  “I think I have a splinter,” she explained and Cory laughed.

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because it feels like there is a foreign object in my ass and it stings,” she explained. Cory couldn’t help but laugh again.

  He pulled her hand and led her to the corner bathroom. He turned on the light and closed the door.

  “Drop your pants.”

  Alexis gave him a warning look and he gave her a fake apology, trying like hell to hide the smirk. Alexis pulled her pants down just below her butt cheeks and placed her hands on the sink.

  “Yes, you most certainly do have a splinter,” Cory smirked while his head tilted to her ass.

  “Are you going to get it out or just stare at my ass all night?”

  “I prefer the latter.”

  “Cory. People are going to think we are in here having sex.”

  “Well, you are in the perfect position and causing quite a commotion in my jeans again.”

  “Do you always get a hard on when your patients take off their pants?” she asked with eyebrows stretching to the ceiling, standing there with her ass hanging out.

  “No, just your pants.”

  “Cory, are you going to take it out or not?”

  “Okay, let me see.” Cory got another annoyed look when his hand flattened on the un-injured butt cheek.” I need tweezers. I can’t get it. My nails aren’t long enough.”

  “Yell for Bernie.”

  Cory stuck his head out the door and yelled for Bernie. He let her in and closed the door quickly behind her.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Bernie questioned. Her face grimaced while her eyes went from Cory to Alexis’s bare ass.

  “She has a splinter.” Cory explained the situation, trying like hell to be serious.

  “You’re asking for it, Cory Baker,” she threatened. Her eyes went to Bernie when she started laughing, too.

  “The hell with both of you.”

  “I’m sorry, Lex, wait. I’ll get it, turn around,” Bernie offered while her teeth dug into her bottom lip, trying not to laugh.

  Alexis turned back around and Bernie helped with a quick yank.

  “Ouch!” Alexis yelled and turned, seeing Bernie holding the splinter.

  “You tell anyone about this and so help me God,” Alexis threatened with a straight finger, pulling up her jeans.

  Cory walked out first and Alexis held Bernie back.

  “Look at how he keeps looking at me, Bernie.”

  “I noticed. Do you want me to say something to him?”

  “No, just let it go. Do you think Cory has noticed?”

  “I would imagine so. Travis has mentioned it and so has Sam.”

  They slowed dow
n when they saw Mitch talking to Cory. Cory shrugged his shoulders and nodded toward Alexis. As soon as they got to them, Mitch asked her if she would like to dance, holding his hand out for her to take with a big stupid smile. Alexis wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t want him touching her at all, but she did kind of want the time to talk to him and tell him to back off. She looked at Cory and he nodded telling her it was okay, besides, they were dancing right in front of him.

  Alexis walked in front of him, declining his hand. Mitch kept his distance, refraining from pulling her close like Cory had. The song ‘Truly Madly Deeply’ from Savage Garden started and Alexis rolled her eyes. Really? Of all songs John had to pick that one.

  “Recognize this song?” Mitch asked.

  “No, not really,” she lied.

  He laughed, “Yeah okay, sure you don’t.”

  “How have you been, Lexi?”

  “We had this conversation. I’ve been wonderful, couldn’t be better? How about yourself?

  “Oh you know, divorce, new job, new life. You’re doing very well though, new house, successful business, rich doctor boyfriend.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” Alexis replied. She wasn’t having this conversation with Mitch. Mitch was in the past and he was going to stay there. Alexis looked to Cory leaned against the table with his arms and ankles crossed, glaring right at them. Alexis pursed her lips with an air kiss and winked at him. He winked back, but didn’t lose the stiff glare.

  “Let’s dance,” Bernie suggested with an open hand. Cory hesitated but took her hand and followed. It wasn’t thirty seconds before Bernie released him and asked Alexis if she minded if she cut in. Alexis gladly let him go and welcomed Cory’s arms.

  “I should have said, hell no,” Cory admitted with a kiss.

  “Baby, you never have anything to worry about with Mitch. I feel much better being in your arms.”

  “I was ready to deck him, Lex. You can’t dance with him again. I can’t stand the thought of him having his hands on you, and if he doesn’t stop giving you the eye, I’m going to deck him.”

  “I am perfectly fine with that and you’re not decking anyone.”

  “How’s your butt?”

  “I may need to find a doctor to take a look at it.”

  “I know the perfect doctor and he would love to take a look at your ass.”

  “I bet you do.” Alexis smiled and kissed the roughness on his chin. A five o’clock shadow brushed her lips. Could she possibly be more in love with this man? Their bodies swayed while they carried on normal conversation.

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that my renters are moving at the end of this month.”

  “Good, now you can sell the house.”

  Cory looked down at her surprised. “You want me to sell the house?”

  “Are you ever planning on living in it again?”

  “No way, I’m never leaving you.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “With everything in me. I can’t wait to walk you down that aisle.”

  “Do you think your parents will come?”

  “No, I doubt it. Ellen will.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I still can’t believe they haven’t seen Kinley yet.” That one was too hard to swallow. Alexis couldn’t fathom that one. How could anyone treat their own that way? She would never understand it.

  “I can. I’m ready to blow this joint. You want to go home with me?”

  “Hmmm, I don’t know. I don’t usually go home with strange men.”

  “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You will?”

  “Absolutely, drunk sex with no kids.”

  “Let’s go.” Alexis pulled Cory from the dance floor and said goodbye to her family. She gave Paige a big hug and Jordan a dirty look. Dick.

  “See you later, Lexi.” Mitch called and she shot him a fake grin.

  “See you later, Lexi,” Cory mimicked in a sissified tone. Alexis laughed.

  “Are you okay to drive?” she asked.

  “We’re going two miles. I think I’ll be fine.”

  Cory was barely onto the dirt road before Alexis was stripping clothes. “What the hell are you doing? Stop it.”

  “No, scoot your seat back a little.”

  “Lex, I can’t drive with you doing that. I’m already impaired. You’re going to—

  Cory’s words were cut off by Alexis’s hand and then her mouth.

  “You’re so bad.”

  That lasted a half a mile down the dirt road. Cory shut the lights off, put the car in park, and backed his seat up. He pulled her hair back into a makeshift ponytail and moaned while his fingers searched out her breasts. She moved them away from there and directed them between her legs instead. She needed to pump, he wasn’t going there. Alexis moaned next, letting her leg drop to the side, giving him even more access.

  “You’re so wet.”

  “Hmm,” she moaned while taking him to the back of her throat.

  “Come over here and straddle me.”

  “Uh-uh,” she protested in a hum while keeping up her momentum. Cory hissed and pushed on her head with every thrust. His fingers danced on her throbbing nub, keeping perfect rhythm with the song on the radio. By the time Katy Perry finished the chorus, singing about having the eye of the tiger, Alexis was spent. She hummed with Cory in her mouth an audible moan while she came at the hands of his mercy. Cory tried to pull her head away with the ponytail, but she didn’t stop. She sucked harder until he was expended with her. Alexis held him there, filling all three squirts and waited for his high to match hers. It was hot, erotic as hell, but only until they were both down from the pleasure.

  Alexis abruptly shot up and opened his door. She leaned over him and spit out the door. Cory laughed and smacked her bare ass and she laughed too. At least she made it that far. She wasn’t even planning on that. It just happened.


  Cory was in the kitchen feeding the girls when she woke. She put on a pair of panties and grabbed Cory’s long sleeved button up shirt, hanging from the closet doorknob.

  “What time did you go get them? Hi, baby, did you have fun?” Alexis asked Riki, kissing her first, then Kinley, and then Cory.

  “I see where I stand. Why am I last?”

  Riki laughed. “I was first.”

  “Around seven, I knew little Ms. Kinley here wouldn’t sleep in for Grandma and Grandpa,” he said while tickling her feet and making her giggle and squirm.

  Alexis poured a cup of coffee and leaned against the sink, watching Cory feed Kinley oatmeal.

  “You look very s-e-x-y in my shirt.” He admitted with raised eyebrows, spelling out the word he didn’t want smarty pants Riki saying later.

  “Thanks, do we have to go to C-H-U-R-C-H?” she asked while sipping her coffee and spelling out that word, too. She didn’t want to go to church. A nice lazy Sunday at home with her family was what she wanted.

  “Y-E-S,” he spelled out.

  Forty-five minutes later, against her will, they were pulling into the gravel parking lot. Most of Alexis’s family was there when they arrived at church. Bernie was not and Alexis was pissed at her.

  “Are you kidding me?” Cory announced with a scowl.

  “Cory, he grew up in this church too. You can’t expect him not to come here because we do.”

  “Cory, Lexi,” Mitch nodded in greeting.

  Riki ran off to find Aunt Sam and Emily, and Alexis waited for Cory to retrieve Kinley from her seat, cussing Bernie under her breath. How the hell was she supposed to gossip about Mitch if she didn’t bother coming to church?

  Pastor Chuck made a big deal about Mitch being in church. He was glad to see him back and hoped to see him every Sunday. Blah! Alexis and Cory took their normal seat half way back on the right, and Mitch sat right smack dab in front of them. Of course Mitch smiled back at Alexis every chance he got. He was asking for trouble and Cory was going to end up saying something. Good. He deserved it.

  Cory purpos
ely kept a hold of Alexis’s hand. “If he turns around and looks at you one more time, I’m going to deck him right here in church.”

  “Shhh, you are not,” Alexis warned. Cory wasn’t going to have to deck him. She was ready to do it herself. Mitch glanced back again during the ending prayer, and Alexis shot him a dirty look. What the hell? Was he stupid or what?

  “I’m going to get Kinley,” she said as soon as Pastor Chuck said amen. Alexis met Cory at the entrance and caught Kinley midair when she leaped from her mommy to her daddy.

  “You’re going hit the ground one of these days,” he said with a kiss to her forehead.

  “Your mama’s making meatloaf. Do you want to come over for dinner?” Walt asked while hugging Alexis.

  “See ya, Lexi!” All heads turned toward stupid Mitch, climbing into his truck.

  “I’m ready to kill him.”

  “Stop it. He’s just being friendly,” Lola chastised.

  “No, he’s being an idiot. If he was being friendly he would have said—

  “See ya later Mr. and Mrs. McKinley, Cory,” Mitch called with a waving arm, making Alexis out to be the bad guy.

  “See, come over for dinner. Jim and Lisa are coming over.”

  “No, we’re going to barbeque something. It’s too nice to cook inside. I want to get the mowers out and ready to go. My yard is already knee high.”

  “It’s Sunday, the Lord’s day. You can do that tomorrow,” Walt intervened.

  “We’re not working on Sunday. Don’t worry, Walt,” Cory explained. Why did she do that? Why couldn’t she just appease them and let them be who they were?

  Alexis hugged both her parents and buckled Riki in. “Can we fish in the pond?”

  “I think we can. That sounds like fun,” Alexis agreed with a kiss.

  “We can’t live in the same town with this guy, Lex,” Cory started as soon as her door was closed.

  “Okay, let’s move. You can go buy a practice somewhere else and I’ll start over with my business from scratch.”