Read Three Point King Page 35

  Chapter 25:

  Jack walked into the same high school gym the Hawks had held try outs in. He looked around and already saw lots of people trying to find seats. Mr. Roderick called the team's attention to the court and had Jack and Keevan start warm up exercise for the team. Jack looked across the court and saw Alan horse playing with a couple of other Hawk players. Alan caught sight of Jack and pointed at him while he talked to his teammates. They all started laughing. Jack turned away and started calling out the stretching exercises he and Keevan were running.

  The new Davis team was completely different with Josiah and Ox out of the lineup. All week long Mr. Roderick had the team practice zone defense. They ran variations of a box 1, 2-3, and 1-3-1 zone scheme. Jack knew that Keevan and David would be the main cogs to keep the defense intact. Jack felt like he was getting better defensively, but even Jocelyn had a stronger defensive presence than he did.

  After Keevan and Jack finished stretching, the team ran basic passing and layup drills. Mr. Roderick did not have Cisco scout the Hawks, all seven Davis players were getting loose, knowing that all of them would be getting some sort of playing time in the game. Shortly after the team started shooting drills the referee called both coaches and captains to mid court. Keevan jogged over to be with Mr. Roderick. Greg and Alan came from the Hawks side of the court. Jack stood three or four feet off the three point line in hopes that he could hear what was going on. The referee started the conversation.

  "Alright coaches...I checked with the league office and all of the Davis players filed the correct paperwork to compete in this game. We'll start the game in ten minutes."

  The referee walked away. Jack turned to see Mr. Roderick staring down Greg.

  "If you were so concerned about my players legitimacy to play you should've contacted me instead of the league office."

  "Look Manley...I just want to be sure that my boys play against a legitimate opponent. Let's not forget what happened last year."

  "You know what Greg...that's pretty low. Even with the forfeited games we still beat you in the championship game."

  "And I just want to be sure that this league has a legitimate champion...Besides, you've got a good friend of mine playing on your team."

  Jack looked Greg square in the eye with a petrified look. Mr. Roderick and Keevan both turned to look at Jack. Alan chuckled.

  "Mr. Hampton plays for Davis...his association with you off the court is none of my do what you need to do when he's not on my team...but he plays for it?"

  "Absolutely...I just hope you use him to fulfill his potential."

  "I gotta get back to my team Greg...see ya!"

  Mr. Roderick walked away from Greg and Alan. Alan looked and pointed at Jack again with a big grimace on his face. Mr. Roderick called the Davis team to the circle up around the free throw line.

  "Alright's everyone doing?"

  Jack looked at the faces of most of the players. With the exception of Keevan and David, the team looked unconfident and uncertain if they should really be on the court.

  "Let's not worry about that now...The Hawks think they are better than us...pure and simple...their coach thinks that with our current team that we won't beat them. I can tell you this much...if we don't play as a team...they will beat us. But you're better than they are. If you stick together we can beat this team. We're going to start Keevan at the one, Jack at the two, Jocelyn at the three, David at four, and Arturo at the 5...this team likes to crash the hoop so we're gonna need a good effort from everyone on rebounding. We'll play a 2-3 zone until I signal a switch...Now let's jog around and get ready for the tip."

  Jack's gut told him that the team was about to get clobbered by Alan and the other Hawks, but his heart told him he had a fighting chance. While they ran a few quick jogs across court Jack couldn't help but look up and see that both sides of bleachers were filling in with spectators. This would probably the most well attended game he had ever played in.

  By the time the jog was over the referee called for both teams to take places on their benches. Jack and the other starters strolled out onto the court. Arturo tipped off against Alan who easily won the tip for the Hawks. One of the Hawks pushed the ball to a streaking player who scored an easy uncontested layup. Davis didn't even have a chance to set their zone defense.

  Arturo inbounded the ball to Keevan who was immediately pressured by the Hawks. He passed the ball David who brought the ball up court and dished the ball off to Jack. Jack had an open three point look. Jack heard Greg yelling at his team to cover the open man. Jack shot the ball and it went right through the net.

  Davis quickly transitioned into their zone defense. The Hawks slowly brought the ball up the court. Jack took his position on the right wing. All of sudden he felt a body behind him and saw the ball passed towards his side of the court. As he reacted to the ball he ran right into Alan and almost stumbled to the ground. Alan pinched his back and told Jack to get off his court. Before Jack regained his balance one of the Hawks was driving around Arturo for another easy layup.

  The Hawks didn't pressure Keevan as he brought the ball up the court uncontested. Arturo tried to jostle for position on the post, but was getting knocked around pretty good. Jocelyn had good position on her defender and Keevan passed her the ball. As she turned to shoot Alan came flying out of nowhere and blocked her shot. One of the Hawks picked up the loose ball and pushed it up the court for another easy Hawk layup. Jack had a feeling that the game would either be really close or that Davis would suffer a lopsided loss.

  Before Jack could think through the feelings he was having, Keevan brought the ball back up the court and signaled a penetrate and pass play. Keevan drove the ball into the paint and then turned and passed to a wide open Jack. Jack did not hesitate in knocking down another three point shot. The seemingly imbalanced game was somehow tied.

  Keevan and Jack continued to work the inside outside game against the Hawks through the first half. Keevan would occasionally find the open lane and score a layup and when the Hawks colllapsed around him he either found Jack or David for an open shot. Jocelyn even scored two baskets from Keevan's ability to penetrate the Hawks defense. At halftime Davis was trailing the Hawks by only three points.

  Mr. Roderick led the team off the court and into a locker room area affixed just off the gym. The Hawks did the same thing on the opposite side of the gym. Jack could feel his lungs burning from the fast paced game, but Keevan looked to be in good spirits as did David. The rest of the team looked like they could pass out at any second. Mr. Roderick had them all take a seat and drink some water.

  "We're hanging around in this game, but we have got to slow them down on offense. David is doing a great job preventing their forwards from really taking it to us and Arturo is holding his own down low...but you gotta watch those fouls Arturo. You already have three and we still have a whole half of hoops to play. and Jack are rotating the way I like...but you both need to watch out for the pick and roll play they keep running up high. Cisco...I don't know what to tell you except stay where you're supposed to be. David, Arturo, and Jocelyn can't cover the back door pass every time. And Keevan...nice offense...keep penetrating. Their guards can't keep up with you and they're biting every time you penetrate the lane. I'm sure they'll try to adjust to it in the second half. If they do it should mean that you'll have some opportunities for fade away shots and it might open some back door passes to David. Jack...I want you to adjust to their defense. I'm sure that they'll mark you up and that you'll be covered as long as you roam around the three point area. Follow David on some of his back door screens and try to get'll need to get creative out there...the same shots that were there in the first half won't be there in the second. The rest of you need to just keep working hard. Play your positions and don't try anything fancy...Alright...I'm gonna try something new. We're going to turn
out the lights and I'm going to walk you through some breathing exercises."

  Jack and Keevan looked at each other a bit befuddled. David's eyes were wide open, but the rest of the team still just looked exhausted. Mr. Roderick turned out the lights and with the exception of the light shining through the crack of the door, the room was dark. Mr. Roderick spoke in a calm and guilt free voice. Jack wasn't sure if it was really Mr. Roderick, but it had to be him. He gave the team mellow instructions to slow down their breathing and to free their minds. Jack pictured himself running around Hawk defenders and hitting jump shots from all over the court.

  When Jack felt like he could almost fall asleep the lights turned back on. Jack looked around at the rest of the team. They were no longer exhausted or breathing heavy. Most of them seemed calm and relaxed. Mr. Roderick led them out of the locker room and straight to their bench where he reported to the referee that his team was ready. The clock on the wall still showed a minute and thirty seconds before half time ended. Mr. Roderick called Jack, Keevan, David, Jocelyn, and Cisco to start the second half.

  After the clock ran out, Davis inbounded the ball. Jocelyn passed the ball to Keevan. Keevan penetrated the lane and scored an easy layup. In perfect order the Davis team fell back into their defensive zone. The Hawks continued to pick and roll up top and pass down low to find an easy open shot. Keevan pushed the ball to the hoop with amazing ability. For the first five minutes of the half, Keevan was the only Davis player to score and he was scoring at will every trip down the floor. The Hawks finally missed a shot that was rebounded by Jocelyn. Keevan now had a chance to give Davis the lead. Instead of penetrating the lane, Keevan pulled up for an open three point shot that bounced off the rim and backboard eventually falling through the hoop. Davis had a two point lead.

  Greg called a timeout after the basket fell. Jack glanced down at the Hawks bench. Greg was red in the face and furious at his team. He was screaming and yelling like Jack had never seen before. Mr. Roderick huddled his team.

  "You're doing exactly what you're supposed to...You're taking what they're giving you. They might start fouling you Keevan...Are you ready to make some foul shots?"

  "Yes sir."

  "Good!...let's keep after them on defense and don't get lazy on offense. They will unravel on defense if we keep pressuring them...Alright let's go!"

  The Hawks came out and missed another basket. David picked up the rebound and pushed the ball up to Keevan who took a hard foul from Alan. Keevan made one of two shots and lengthened Davis's lead. The Hawks came storming back on the other end of the court. The point guard passed the ball to Alan who drove to the basket, laid the ball in, and got fouled by Jocelyn. Alan screamed and pounded his chest after the foul was called.

  "That's what I'm talkin bout!!!"

  Keevan laughed at Alan in his moment of triumph.

  "You think it's funny! Wait til I take you to the hole!"

  "You just got fouled by a girl."

  Keevan laughed again. Alan stopped his antics and went to the free throw line. He missed the basket and Jocelyn grabbed the rebound. She passed the ball to Keevan. Keevan drove the ball into the paint and nearly got tackled by Alan. Alan jumped up off the floor. Jack ran over to put himself between Alan and Keevan. Alan started barking at Keevan.

  "Don't bring that trash in my house!"

  Jack was afraid Keevan would retaliate.

  "We gonna fill up dis' house with trash."

  Jack walked Keevan away from Alan.

  "He's not worth it Keevan...his Dad is the coach and he's trying to get you kicked out of the game."

  "How do you know that?"

  "My mom works with his dad."

  "Your mom works with the Hawks coach?"

  "Yeah...but that doesn't matter...he's a jerk...let him get kicked out...we gotta stay calm."

  "Alright best find an open shot cause I can't get beat up by this kid in the paint all afternoon."

  Jack smiled and ran to take his place for Keevan's foul shots. Jack watched the scorer's table. He saw that Alan just committed his second foul of the game. Alan had probably saved most of his fouls for the second half and Jack knew they would come hard and they would come fast.

  After Keevan made both foul shots the Hawks were off running their offense again. They scored easily and Keevan once again was bringing the ball up the court. Jack was assigned a single defender by the Hawks and no matter how hard he had tried he had been unable to shake the kid. Keevan slowed down the pace of his dribble and surveyed the defense. Jack saw David running along the baseline. He curled to run right by David hoping that he would lose his defender. Instead he caught a big elbow in the mouth from Alan. The referee blew the whistle and Alan was called for his third foul.

  Jack ran up to Keevan who was getting ready to hand the ball to the referee for the inbound pass.

  "Drive the ball in the lane right at the kid who just elbowed me."

  "You mean the same kid that tackled me last time we had the ball?"

  "Yeah...he's got three fouls now. He'll probably foul you to make it four and then his dad will pull him out of the game."

  "You better be right."

  Keevan took the inbound pass from David and drove the ball straight at Alan. Alan stepped aside and allowed Keevan to keep driving to the hoop, but got hammered by another Hawk player. Keevan got up and gave Jack a resentful look. Jack shrugged his shoulders. Keevan stepped to the foul line and missed both shots.

  For the next ten minutes the Hawks took complete control of the game. Keevan stopped driving into the lane and Jack only got open for two three pointers. David and Jocelyn didn't do much offensively and Cisco just tried to keep pace with the game. With a minute left in the game the Hawks had a ten point lead and Mr. Roderick called Davis's final time out.

  "You all played your hearts out today...We've got a couple more possessions to show them what they'll be seeing in the championship game. Get out there and give it to em!"

  Jack watched Keevan sulk his way back onto the court. He caught up to him as they walked down the court.

  "Don't let them do this to you're a better player than anyone on the court...we can cut their lead still."

  "You don't get it's not about who's's about them being smarter and having more money."

  "Let's just run what we did in the first half."

  "Fine Jack...but I'm not gonna get knocked around."

  "That's right!"

  Jack smiled and ran over to David who also looked unusually down.

  "After we score I want you to help me trap their guard. We can steal the ball...will you do it?"

  "Sure Jack...I got nothing to lose."

  Keevan took the inbound pass from Jocelyn and slowly brought the ball up court. After he passed the half court line he turned on the speed and drove hard to the basket. The Hawks surrounded him, but Jack was forgotten in the drastic change of pace. Keevan spotted him in the corner and passed the ball. Jack put the shot up and nailed a three pointer. Jack smiled and pointed at Keevan.

  The Hawks took their time inbounding the ball. David looked like he was going to head down court, but Jack knew he would come back to help. Jack jumped on the guard who took the inbound pass. In less than a second David was back helping Jack. David swiped the ball away from the guard and Jack picked up the ball. He dribbled out to the three point line and took another shot that went in. Davis was now four points from tying the Hawks with twenty nine seconds on the clock.

  The Hawks scrambled for another inbounds pass. Jack and David were now joined by Cisco as they trapped the same guard again. This time the guard put up a high pass. Keevan read the pass and intercpeted it. He raced up the court and dished the ball off to Jack who was guarded along the three point line. Jack put up the shot despite having a hand in his face. When he came down after releasing the shot he watched the ball go through the net. Davi
s was within one point of the lead with eighteen seconds left!

  Greg called a timeout. Mr. Roderick gathered his team together.

  "What just happened out there? It doesn't matter. They're going to try to inbound it and run out the clock. Cisco doesn't have any fouls. I want you to run up and foul whoever has the ball. That should put their player on the free throw line and we'll get a chance to tie it or win this thing...Let's go!"

  The only Davis defender not guarding the inbound was Jocelyn. The Hawks were scrambling to inbound the ball and finally threw the ball all the way down court to a streaking Alan. Alan caught the ball and easily drove past Jocelyn for an easy basket. The crowd erupted. Jocelyn took the ball and had to wait to inbound it to Keevan who had to race back to her for the pass. When he got it there was less than ten seconds on the clock.

  Keevan did his best to shake defenders, but the Hawks were in prevention mode. Finally he found Jack open just past the half court line. The Hawks raced to Jack who had two seconds left on the clock. He could take a desperation shot or pass the ball to Cisco who was wide open at the three point line. Jack passed the ball. Cisco fumbled the pass and dropped the pass as time expired off the clock. Davis had lost two straight games.