Read Three Point King Page 36

  Chapter 26:

  "Dat was sum game...y'all had dem' Hawks on da ropes."

  "I know Ox...we almost had em'"

  "Don't git down country's gonna win next week."

  "I don't know Ox...every team is different in this league. If Keevan gets shut down we might be toast."

  "Ain't no fool gonna shut down seen him....he be good...he studpid...but he good."

  "Keevan's coming around Ox. I don't know if he'll ever be able to hang with us...but he's getting better."

  "I's say he cool now...I ain't seen it yet."

  "You will when you get back to school...what did the doctor say anyway the other day when you went?"

  "He tell me I's got another few weeks yet..."

  "Few weeks for what?"

  "For me to play again...I's get to go back to school on Monday."

  "Well then we need to figure out how you're gonna talk to Mr. Roderick about what happened."

  "Mrs. H. already call him...he be comin' for dinner tomorrow night."

  "What?...Are you serious?"

  "Yeah!...what you tripin' on Jack?"

  "I'm sorry...I guess I've just been consumed with that game we just played."

  "Is cool country boy...Mrs. H. be workin' tonight so we's got da house."

  "Just what I need...a quiet house."

  "You wanna call Amanda?"

  "Why would we do that?"

  "Cause you likes her."

  "She's my friend Ox."

  "I's seen dem googoo eyes she look at you wit'."


  "All game today."

  "Did you sit by her?"

  "When Mrs. H. drop me off I find a spot and she come find me."

  "What did she say?"

  "See foo''s like her."

  "Whatever Ox...let's find a movie or something."

  "I's thinkin' bout' calling."

  "Would you knock it off...why would we call her?"

  "Cause her dad be workin' tonight too...and she don't wanna be wit' her bro's all night."

  "Fine her...but who's gonna bring her over?"

  "She done find a way."

  Ox picked up the house phone and dialed Amanda's cell phone. Jack looked nervous and excited all at the same time. Ox smiled as Jack heard Amanda answer her phone.

  "What up girl?"

  "Hey Ox...what's going on?"

  "My boy Jack is wonderin' if you wants to come chill wit' us."

  "Sure...can you guys come get me?"

  "You at home?"

  " brothers have some friends over and it's getting kind of lame."

  "We's ain't got no way to pick you up...Mrs. H. be out at work wit' da car."

  "Well your house is only about a thirty minute bike ride from mine...wanna meet up at the bike path by the reservoir?"

  "I's still can't do no exercise...let me check wit' Jack....Jack...she want you to meet her on dat bike path by the reservoir."

  "What are you doing Ox? It's gonna be dark soon. She won't be able to ride home in the dark."

  "We's jus' wait for Mrs. H. to come home...she give her a ride."

  "As long as you tell my mom that this was your idea."

  " got it."

  "Manda...Jack gonna meet you."

  "Great...tell him I'll be leaving in about five minutes."

  "Aight! See ya soon."

  Jack nervously went out to the garage to see if the bike he saw a couple weeks ago was still there. When he found it he saw that there was lots of of dust on it. The tires looked a little worn, but it was in riding condition and the tires were inflated. He dusted it off and headed out toward the reservoir.

  The ride took longer than fifteen minutes. By the time Jack got there the sun was beginning to make it's decent behind the mountains. Amanda came riding up to Jack a few minutes after he arrived.

  "Hi Jack!"

  Amanda looked radiant. She was wearing plain jeans and a college hooded sweatshirt, but her face was bright and her eyes luminescent.

  "Hi Amanda."

  "Do you wanna ride back to your house?"

  "Uhhh...I don't want you to ride home in the dark."

  "Oh...well my mom or dad can pick me up when I'm ready."

  "Okay...I guess we should go."

  Jack peddled in front of Amanda. He occasionally looked back to see her enjoying herself along the bike trail. Jack hadn't realized that he had climbed so many small hills on his way to the reservoir. The ride back to his house was much easier and didn't take as long. It still took about twenty minutes to get back to the house and by the time they got back the sun looked as if it was sitting on the tips of the mountains.

  Jack had Amanda park her bike on the porch and he returned the other bike to the garage. When they both went into the house Ox was watching football on the TV.

  "Hey Ox!"

  "What up girl?...Jack found you ok?"

  "Yeah...he was waiting for me."

  "Cool...what y'all wanna watch?"

  "Did my mom pick up any movies at the store this week?"

  "Nay...we's just got what here."

  Jack opened up the entertainment center where a bunch of movies were kept.

  "Looks like we've got some action, some comedy, and some dramatic crap."

  "Let's watch something funny."

  "Dat be cool."

  Jack picked a movie that was supposed to be making fun of other movies. He started the movie and turned around to see that Ox had moved to the recliner leaving Amanda seated on the couch. Jack was now forced to sit next to Amanda. He walked over cautiously and sat on the left side of her because she was sitting in the middle of the couch.

  Jack sat back trying to relax and Amanda sunk back in the couch right next to him. Jack could feel her shoulder next to his and could smell her tropical shampoo on her hair. He took a silent breathe through his nose and tried to capture the smell. Involuntarily he turned his head to look at Amanda. She returned the look and her eyes sparkled. Amanda softly grabbed Jack's hand and then turned to watch the movie. Jack felt a flood of emotions rushing through his blood and down his spine. He didn't know he could ever feel this way.

  By the time the movie was over, Amanda was curled up next to Jack still holding his hand. Jack looked at Ox who had fallen asleep during the movie. Amanda looked up at Jack and closed her eyes and puckered her lips. Jack tilted his head and kissed Amanda. The moment was the mixture of putting your head on soft pillow and sticking your feet in cold water at the same time. When it ended Jack heard his mom's car pulling into the driveway.

  Jack jumped up off the couch. Amanda looked at him in confusion. Jack pointed outside and Amanda jumped up as well. It didn't take long for Jack's mom to come in the house. She looked at Amanda and surprisingly smiled. Just behind her was Greg. He came in the house and didn't look so happy to see his daughter.

  "Hi mom."

  "Hi Jack...I see you invited someone over."

  "Yeah...sorry about that...Ox wanted Amanda to come over and watch a movie with us."

  "Well it looks like Ox didn't make it through the movie did he."


  Greg looked flustered, but then he looked at Gina who was all smiles.

  "Maybe I should take Amanda home."

  "Don't be silly Greg...why don't you both stay...I'm sure the boys didn't eat yet...did you?"

  " mom. We didn't eat."

  "Great I'm make up some dinner and then you can go home."

  Jack's mom looked dreamily at Greg. He returned a soft look and they kissed. Jack uncomfortably looked at Amanda. She bashfully turned her head as her dad followed Gina into the kitchen to make dinner.