Read Three Point King Page 40

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  Jack sat on a set of bleachers with Ox to his left and Amanda on his right. The Hawks game was getting ready to tip off. Amanda reached over and took Jack's hand and held it. He blushingly looked at her. She smiled back and squeezed tighter. Jack glanced over at Ox who was chuckling and shaking his head.

  "You's got ta watch dis' game promised Mrs. H. dat's what we come to do."

  "Relax Ox...we're watching the game."

  "I's thinkin' you's watching yo hand."

  "Knock it off Ox...we're gonna watch...right Amanda?"

  "Yes Ox...we're here to watch the game...and if I hold Jack's hand at the same time so be it."

  "I see how you is wants yo man."

  "No...I just want to be close to Jack tonight...I haven't seen him all week."

  "Dat's cause Jack be a crazy person...he got us runnin', studyin', and practicin' all day."

  "Is that true Jack?"

  "Yeah...kinda...Coach made us start studying before practice which cut into some of our conditioning time...I've got most of the team running with me before school every morning. By the time we finish study hall and practice and then get's pretty late and we eat dinner and pretty much collapse."

  "Well that explains why you're asleep every time I've called this week."

  "You called me this week?"

  "Yeah think you're gonna get a kiss and then just walk away from a girl?"

  "I didn't just walk away...I just haven't had time...honestly."

  "I trust you Jack...I just wish you had a cell phone or something so that I could at least text you."

  "My mom can't afford it right now...maybe you should tell me what nights you're gonna call and I can stay up to talk."

  "I'm never sure when I'll have time..."

  Amanda smiled sarcastically at Jack.

  "Very about you call me on Wednesday nights?"

  "I suppose I could...but what if I want to call another night too?"

  "You can...but I promise I'll be awake on Wednesday nights."

  "It's a deal..."

  The Hawks game was under way and Jack continued to feel Amanda's soft and warm hand. He glanced at Ox who was studying the game pretty closely. Alan was hustling pretty hard and the other Hawk players looked to be in a particularly good groove. Jack tried to figure out what they were doing on offense, but it just looked like a bunch of guys flying around from up on the bleachers. He wondered how he ever found his way around everybody out on the court.

  Amanda cheered for Alan after he scored an impressive layup against two defenders. He somehow heard her through the noise and smiled until he saw Jack and Ox. His smile faded into a deep scowl. Jack looked over at Amanda.

  "I guess we just ruined his night by being here."

  "He needs to get over it Jack...I think he's just jealous that he can't shoot the ball as well as you...and my dad can't stop talking about your games after he watches you drives Alan crazy. My dad's also not that nice about Alan when we're at home by ourselves...he only compliments him in public."

  "Your dad is a mystery to me."

  "What do you mean?"

  "It's like he has at least two personalities...really nice and really pushy."

  "I'm not following."

  " when he's around my mom he's super nice...always smiling and doing nice things...then I saw him get into it with my basketball coach before we played each's like he gets possessed or something."

  "He just loves basketball Jack...he wanted to play pro so bad...he tried out for several teams and actually made it onto one team...but three weeks into the season he broke his ankle in a practice and was never invited the time he rehabbed he couldn't get anyone to give him another shot...that's why he went into business and he's done really well."

  "That's not a secret Amanda...your family has more money than I've ever seen."

  "My dad's just a bit complicated...that's probably why my mom left."

  "How is your mom?"

  "She still comes over to pick up the boys...she keeps asking me if I want to go, but I tell her no...I'm not sure I can get past what she did to my dad."

  "Your dad's getting over it though...look at how happy he is with my mom."

  "I know I shouldn't say this...but I think my dad is just happy about the idea of your mom."

  "Come again."

  "He likes your mom fine...but he likes the idea of being close to you Jack...I think you remind him of himself."

  "How do you figure?"

  "My dad was pretty poor growing up and all he ever did was play basketball...his mom and dad didn't spring for fancy basketball leagues or shoes...he had to earn it all on his own...when he tried out for his high school team his high school coach had no idea who my dad was because he wasn't involved in any youth leagues...of course after he learned some fundamentals he was one of the best players in the state and got to go to college on a full ride basketball scholarship...I think he sees some of himself in you."

  "He should probably look harder to see it in his two boys."

  "My brothers are pretty spoiled Jack...they don't want things as bad as other people."

  "But you're different...what makes you different."

  "I don't know...I had to ask my parents to get involved in the things I'm involved in...I've had to teach them about my sports and educate brothers have always just had things handed to them and were expected to be great ball players."

  "How come your dad didn't want you to play basketball?"

  "He did...when I stood up to him and told him I didn't want to play he took it hard...and when I asked to be in things like swimming and softball he told me no several times. Finally he gave I guess I've had to fight for some things too...just like you."

  "You know a lot about people."

  "My dad says I have an old soul...I guess he's right."

  "Well you have a young face."

  "Thanks Jack...but that's not gonna get you another kiss."

  Jack laughed and put his arm around Amanda.

  "You's two needs to take dat outside...I's tryin' to watch da game."

  "Who's winning Ox?"

  "Dem Hawks...dey up good and Alan be playin' hard."

  By the end of the game the Hawks had put up sixty four points in a solid victory. Jack's mom had told them to be outside at seven thirty, they still had about fifteen minutes before she would be there. Amanda wanted to go congratulate Alan. Jack decided it would be best if they said goodbye on the bleachers. He didn't want to interfere with Alan celebrating. Amanda gave Jack a big hug and trotted down the bleachers. Ox and Jack walked down the bleachers towards the exit.

  As Jack walked towards the exit of the gym he could see that Alan and Amanda were arguing rather than celebrating the victory. Jack turned to walk over to them. Ox grabbed him.

  "Remembers what happened wit' Josiah Jack."

  "Your right Ox...I'll stay out of it."

  Jack suppressed the urge to go rescue Amanda and turned and walked out to the parking lot to wait for his mom. Ox and Jack were outside for about five minutes when Alan and several of his teammates came out of the gym. They were walking in the opposite direction of Jack and Ox, but Alan diverted their intended path and came straight towards Jack and Ox. Ox put his hand on Jack's shoulder as Alan approached.

  "Stay away from my sister loser!"

  Ox clamped down on Jack's shoulder pretty hard.

  "Did you hear me loser!?"

  "I'm not deaf Alan."

  "You touch her again and I'll hurt you!"

  "Aight Alan...dat be cool...we's gonna leave yo sista' alone."

  "I ain't talking to you freak!"

  Jack felt his face burning and his fists clenching. He didn't want to get into another fight, but Alan was pushing all the right buttons. Jack felt like he needed to protect his pride of lions.

  "Walk away Alan."
br />   "Or what? Midget!"

  Alan turned away and then spun back at Jack and launched a mangled pile of spit right into Jack's face.

  "Go back to the gutter...white trash!"

  Jack was stunned that Alan hadn't taken a swing at him. He knew he shouldn't say or do anything, but his heart was pounding and his adrenaline was rushing.

  "Talk to me like that again and I'll take you down!"

  "Get your trailer park mom and hobo friend out of my family's life!"

  Jack didn't think he could restrain himself anymore. Ox had both of his hands clamped down on Jacks' shoulders and Alan was not showing any signs of letting up. Just when Jack felt like tearing away from Ox a big SUV with bright headlights pulled up in front of the boys. The other Hawk players jumped in the SUV and Alan slowly walked away from Jack and got in.

  "Don't be doin' nothin' stupid Jack."

  "That idiot spit in my face and you didn't let me do anything about it."

  "You's got ta learn yo lesson Jack...fightin' ain't no good...dat's why I let my talkin' be done on da court."

  "I thought you were gonna give up on basketball?"

  "We be seein' soon."

  Jack shook off the anger that was bottled up inside and within a minute or two his mom had arrived to take him home.