Read Three Point King Page 41

  Chapter 30:

  By December the Davis basketball team had fully returned to their winning ways. They had won five games in a row and were positioned to make a run at post season play in January after the holidays. Jack had never been more excited in his life than he was during the last several weeks.

  Jack and Keevan had developed an unusual camaraderie on the court. Other teams were referring to the two Davis guards as the "Dynamic Duo" and there were some whisperings about them being the best tandem of guards in the history of the league. The last two games Jack played in there were several high school coaches from the Denver area watching their games. The only thing that was missing from the team was Ox.

  Ox continued to work out with the team on their conditioning in the early morning, but he couldn't get over the stab wounds. The doctor's had said the wounds had healed fine, but Ox still had pain when he ran. Jack tried to convince him to go back to the doctor to see if they could do something, but Ox kept telling him that something just didn't feel right.

  Jack was convinced that Ox had given up on basketball, but something inside told him not to give up hope. After school was released on winter break, Jack had formulated a plan to help Ox. Amanda had told him about some exercises that people do in swimming pools to help them feel less resistance when they recover from injuries. Jack's plan was simple. He was going to get Ox to go to a pool with him and have him run in the water. The only problem was that Ox was afraid of swimming pools.

  After several days of begging and pleading, Jack finally got Ox to go with him to the pool where Amanda practiced. She had agreed to meet them after her practice and show Ox how to use the water to help the pain.

  As the boys waited for Amanda to finish practicing, they marveled at the indoor pool facility. Amanda practiced in an enclosed area with an olympic sized pool. A whole separate area divided by a giant glass wall had two water slides, a dozen fountains, a baby pool with tons of toys and contraptions, and a circular pool that had a current flowing in one direction. Ox was too dumbfounded to say anything.

  "What do you think Amanda will have us do?"


  "It's gonna be fine Ox...Amanda is a great swimmer and I learned how to swim back at the swimming hold in Kansas. Nothing like this...but I can swim."

  Before too long Amanda found the boys. She was wearing a one piece bright blue racing swimming suit with a white swimmers cap on her head. Ox looked at her like she was an alien.

  "Hey Amanda."

  Jack stood up and gave her a hug. He thought about how bad he wanted to kiss her again. He couldn't believe that even though she let him hold her hand, they had only kissed the one time at Jack's house.

  "Hi ready Ox?...Let's get you better."

  Ox shook his head as he sat down. Amanda sat down next to him and turned his face to look at her.

  "The water is not going to hurt you Ox...You are going to be completely safe with me...Look over look over there...those are life guards Ox...there job is to make sure everyone is don't have to worry."

  Ox slowly nodded his head and stood up. Amanda lead him to the circular pool with the current. There was a set of stairs that gradually descended into the pool. Amanda took Ox by the hand and slowly brought him down the stairs. Jack followed a little bit behind them and prayed that Ox would trust Amanda. Step by step Ox found his way into the pool. Amanda stood in front of him and gave him a big smile.

  "See can do's warm and relaxing in here...all we're going to do is walk around this pool in the same direction as the current. It's just like an easy stroll in the neighborhood."

  Jack was impressed by how calm Amanda was and was even more impressed that Ox was actually following her. Amanda walked backwards in the pool and held both of Ox's huge hands. Jack thought it was kind of funny to see someone so big be so uncertain about something, but he figured that Ox must either really want to play basketball or he really trusted Amanda.

  By the time Ox had followed Amanda around the pool four or five times he seemed to be a bit more settled about the water. Amanda had Ox put his hand on her shoulders and she put her back towards Ox and started walking. Ox continued to follow her around the pool another four to five times. When that sequence was done, Amanda stood side by side Ox and he walked around the pool by himself. When they came back to the set of stairs Amanda had Ox grab onto the rail.

  "Do you feel adjusted to the water Ox?"

  "I's think so..."

  "Are you ready to try to do the thing that will make the most difference in getting you better?"

  "Does I gots to go under water?"

  "'s just walking, but this time we're gonna go against the current."

  "Dat's cool."

  Amanda had Ox follow her as she walked against the current. Ox seemed a little uncertain at first, but after several times around the pool he found his stride. He was using his long legs and strong frame to push past the oncoming water. Jack followed all the exercises, but he and Amanda couldn't keep up with Ox for very long. Pretty soon he had lapped them in the circular pool and was even beginning to look like he was enjoying himself. Jack took Amanda by the hand as they walked. He was so thankful that she had been there for Ox.

  Ox and Jack continued to visit the pool almost every day over winter break. By the time winter break had finished, Ox told Jack he felt like he could start running with the team before school in the mornings. Jack had been given the best present of all that break, hope that his best friend might play basketball again.