Read Three Point King Page 53

  Chapter 41:

  Sweat poured down Jack's forehead as he jogged off the court and high fived Cisco. He turned to look at the scoreboard. With less than two minutes to go in the game Davis had a commanding fifteen point lead on the Sharks and a date with the Hawks who easily defeated the Vikings in the other semifinal game.

  Jack sat down on the bench and smiled as he watched Cisco, Arturo, Jocelyn, Keevan, and Leon close out the game. The Sharks managed to close the gap to nine points before time ran out. When the final buzzer sounded the Sharks lined up and met the Davis team in a friendly handshake across midcourt. Coach Roderick goaded his team out of the gym and into a locker room. Jack could tell that the entire team was invigorated by the win. He smiled and looked up at Coach Roderick who was ready to address the team.

  "We've had some close games and we've had some blow outs. You know what we're up against next. The Hawks have not lost all year. They have the highest scoring team in the league and one of the best front lines this league has ever seen. Their coach is the founder of this league and every other team has a reason to be intimidated by them. But you guys are different! You are the only team to have challenged the Hawks successfully! We match up against them better than anyone else! We can beat them...we will beat them!"

  The Davis team was practically on their feet by the time Coach Roderick finished his pep talk. As the team regained composure Coach Roderick continued to talk.

  "We've got a long break until the game tonight. I want you to visualize a winning score on the score board until we come back tonight. Go home and rest or do what you need to do to get back here at four o'clock and we'll warm up in the gym....and great job today!"

  Jack got up and congratulated his teammates for making the final game of the tournament. He knew instinctively that Davis had a tough road ahead, but he also knew that victory was possible. Ox grabbed Jack by the shoulders.

  "Where we be goin' for dat lunch Ms. H promise?"

  "It's your call Ox, but no overeating. We've got to be ready for the Hawks."

  "We be ready country boy!"

  "You know it!"

  Jack and Ox left the locker room to look for Jack's mom. When they got back to the gym she was talking with Greg. Jack cautiously approached her, but was greeted by Greg's slimy charm.

  "Great game out there Jack, your mom invited me to go to lunch with you all."

  Jack felt the hairs on his neck stand up.

  "Don't you think that might be out of line?"

  "Not at all Jack, we'll just be going as friends. No basketball talk...I promise."

  Jack looked at Ox who shrugged his shoulders. That would be the only gesture Greg needed to weasel himself into having lunch with two opposing players.

  Jack's mom insisted on driving. She took them to a fifties themed diner that was nearby. Jack was disgusted by the sweet talk coming out of Greg on the way to lunch. He made several motions in the back of the car to Ox like he might throw up. Ox giggled, but didn't react as harshly as Jack.

  After they arrived at the restaurant and ordered their food, Greg started talking again.

  "I've been talking a lot with your mom and felt like we should discuss where we all are headed."

  Greg looked directly at Jack.

  "What do you mean...we?"

  "Look Jack. I love your mom a lot."

  Greg reached down and grabbed Gina's hand.

  "We've talked about moving in together."

  Jack jerked his head back. He knew something like this was coming, but he thought it would be something more absurd like a marriage proposal.

  "I'm not ready for something like that."

  Jack looked at Ox and made a face begging Ox to rescue him from the situation.

  "Honey...Greg and I are ready to take the next step in our relationship...we want to be together."

  "Look mom, no disrespect, but I'm not ready for any of this. We haven't even been in Denver for a year and I definitely don't need your boyfriend to be watching every move I make."

  "Jack. Greg's not going to watch every move you make."

  "Then what's he doing? Can't you see past his real motives mom?"

  Jack glared at Greg with disgust.

  "Slow down Jack...I'm doing this because I love your mom and we want more in our relationship."

  "Do whatever you want on your own time, but I don't want anyone moving in with us!"

  "I didn't say Greg would be moving in with us, we'd be moving in with him."

  "Are you serious? I'm not going! There is no way I'll live in that house."

  "Come on Jack. Amanda would love to have you. It would be just as much your house as it would be ours."

  "I'm not gonna live with Alan!"

  Jack caught a small smirk on Greg's face.

  "Did you see that mom? He's playing us. I'm done here."

  "No you're not Jack. Sit down!...I took in Ox when you asked if he could live with us. I'm asking to move in with Greg. Now you can accept the fact that it's going to happen or you can be miserable."

  "Well what about Ox? Is he gonna move in with Greg too?"

  "Your mom and I talked about it Jack. We think it's best if we get him reconnected with his mom."

  "No way! You two are insane! He can't go back to his crack head mom!"

  "It be cool country boy...I figure it out."

  "No Ox! You're my family! This is stupid...let's go Ox."

  Jack stood up and walked away despite the protests from his mom. Ox got up and followed him. Jack turned his head to see his mom visibly upset and Greg trying to calm her down. Without a plan or realization of the situation he now found himself in, Jack left the restaurant and walked back to the school with Ox tailing him.

  When they got back the gymnasium was empty except for a janitor who was cleaning up some trash. Jack sat on the first row of bleachers. Ox sat down next to him.

  "I knows it be hard when ma's and pa's act stupid."

  "She's getting played Ox...she doesn't even know it and if I call Greg on it he'll deny it."

  "Maybe it ain't so bad if y'all go wit Greg."

  "Don't you see it is bad. He might have feelings for my mom, but he's really interested in me playing for his team and running my life. My mom hasn't even thought about another guy since my dad left and now she's just letting her heart decide what's best for us."

  "So whatcha gonna do?"

  "Probably go where you go. I'm sure mom will move in with Greg whether I like it or no and I'll just go with you...we'll find some place to live and make our own way."

  "Nah Jack...dat ain't what's I want."

  "You don't?"

  "Nah...I wants a house likes we got now...I needs to get strong again and go to a good high school so I's can get to college."

  "Are you serious? Where is all this coming from?"

  "My math teacher be talkin' to me...he cool. I thinks I can do it."

  "You can do anything you want Ox, maybe hanging out with me isn't the right path for you."

  "Maybe...or maybe give me mo' den' anyone has. We's brothers Jack."

  "You're right Ox...we're brothers."

  "Coach Roderick asked me dis week if I not likin' yo house dat I live wit him."


  "Yah...he be changin' dis year from last."

  "You used to call him Coach Crazy."

  Ox laughed and let out a big grin.

  "He be cool."

  Jack didn't know whether to laugh or cry with everything that was going on. He was about to lunge in at Ox and give him a big hug when Jack's past walked into the gym.

  The man was medium height and build; he wore blue jeans and a flannel shirt that was buttoned all the way to his partially grown beard. Jack knew who the man was at once and stood up in shock. The man walked casually over to Jack. As the man got closer Jack could see tears in his eyes.

  "Hi Jack."

sp; The man could barely cough out the words.

  "Hi Dad."

  Jack's heart warmed and his stomach turned. He had dreamed of finding his dad and had secretly hoped his dad would reappear in his life, but his sudden appearance left Jack more confused than joyful.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I'm sorry I left Jack. It was a mistake, a mistake I won't make again."

  Jack stared coldly at his father who was ready to release his tears.

  "Where have you been?"


  "That's it?"

  "Look Jack...I'm not proud of what I've been doing the last two years and I can't tell you everything that's been going on with me, but I'm here now and I've got a job in Denver. I'd like to be part of your life again."

  "What about mom?"

  "She doesn't know I'm here. I found you on the internet. You wouldn't believe how may Jack Hampton's there are...anyway, I found the articles about you playing basketball and now I'm here."

  "That's a great story dad."

  Jack took a deep breath. He consciously thought about dismissing his dad like his dad dismissed him two years ago, but he couldn't convince himself that it was the right thing to do.

  "Alright dad, you can hang out and watch the final game, but you should know that mom's moved on."

  "That's all I can ask for son...I just need a chance. I'm not worried about your mom. I'm sure she's done with me."

  "She waited two years for you before she couldn't take it and we moved out here."

  "It was a good move for her. Is she happy?"

  Jack looked over at Ox who had remained silent since Jack's dad walked in the gym.

  "This is my friend Ox."

  "Good to meet you Ox."

  "Is good meetin' you sir."

  "Mom's happy. She has a boyfriend."

  "I thought she might."

  "He coaches the team we'll be playing against."

  Jack's dad looked mildly surprised.

  "How'd that happen?"

  "Long story dad...Ox and I need to go find some food. We'll meet you back here later ok?"

  "Can I go get you boys something?"

  "Dat'd be great!"

  Jack scowled at Ox for jumping on the offer, but Ox looked returned the scowl with a look of innocence and hunger.

  "I'll go round something up and come back."

  Jack's dad waved and slowly turned to leave the gym.

  "Why'd you do that Ox?"

  "I's hungry and he done offer up."

  "This has been the worst day of my life."

  Jack sat on the bleacher on put his face into his hands.

  "I sees it like now you gots options."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Aight look, when yo ma say she movin' wit Greg you ain't got no place to you got yo dad and he got a job, you live wit him."

  "It's not that simple Ox...he looks different, he's probably doing something he shouldn't be and my mom won't let him just let me live with him."

  "Dat's why you's got to use to yo advantage...tell Mrs. H. dat you gonna move wit yo dad less she stay where she at."

  "You want me to play them against each other?"

  "You can't go live wit dat rat coach and his chump son...make it work for you. For you!"

  "I'll figure it out Ox. Thanks for being here for me...I don't know what I'd do without you."

  Jack gave Ox a masculine embrace.