Read Three Point King Page 54

  Chapter 42:

  Jack tuned out the noise filling the gymnasium as he watched Ox brace for the tip off against the Hawks. As the ball floated into the air all the trouble of the day floated away with it. Jack eliminated all the conversations he had had and could only think of one thing, beating Alan and the Hawks.

  Ox won the tip and Keevan ended up with the ball. Keevan dashed up the court and split the unsettled Hawks defense for a quick two point lead. Davis hustled back onto defense. Coach Roderick started Keevan, Ox, Jack, Arturo, and Cisco. He told them before the game that they would counted the Hawks front line with unparalleled guard play. He emphasized that Jack would need to help out under the hoop defensively, but that the plan was to either penetrate and dish on offense or create three point opportunities.

  As the defense set the Hawks ran their quick strike offense. Before Jack knew what was happening a Hawk player was jumping into him and making a two point shot. Jack fell to the ground and no foul was called. He hoped up and raced down the court. He turned to see Keevan splitting a trap and passing the ball to Jack. Jack turned around and dribbled, then set himself at the three point line and sunk a three pointer. The small Davis crowd cheered as Coach Roderick signaled in a trap play for Keevan and Cisco.

  The Hawks handled the trap very routinely and pushed the ball up court to a wide open Alan. Alan elevated himself under the hoop and laid the basket in the hoop. Arturo made the inbound pass to Jack who was the only guard on the Hawks end of the court. Jack dribbled the ball past half court and passed it to Cisco. Cisco penetrated to the hoop and put up a floating shot that rattled off the rim. The Hawks grabbed the rebound and were off and running again. They flew down the court and mailed in another easy two pointer. Jack took a couple deep breaths knowing that the Hawks onslaught of fast break basketball was going to continue most of the game.

  Keevan slowly brought the ball past mid court. He passed the ball to Cisco on the left wing. Cisco passed the ball into Arturo who found Ox cutting toward the basket. Ox put the ball on the court with one dribble and elevated towards the hoop. Two Hawk players stood in front of him with their hands held high. Ox somehow avoided the defenders and worked the ball to hit the backboard and fall for two points. Greg called a timeout after the shot counted and Ox not called for an offensive foul. Jack listened to Greg berate the ref's as he walked to his bench.

  Coach Roderick huddled his team together.

  "I can't say I approve of playing big man ball, but it got them to take a timeout. Let's stick with the plan. We need to penetrate and dish. They're leaving Jack alone out there. We need to take advantage of that get some more three point looks. When they start collapsing on you Jack you need to pass it down to Ox or out to Keevan. They will over commit to any player who's hot. Let's keep rotating who's hot and get them confused. Ox, Keevan, and Jack this game is in your hands. Let's do it."

  Jack was already calculating how Greg would coach his team and what the Hawks might come out with. He knew that Greg was a good X's and O's coach, but he also knew he was overly aggressive and that his team took on the same characteristic.

  The Hawks came out running and slightly outpace Davis down the court for another two point layup. Keevan pushed the ball up the floor and got fouled as he nearly sunk a hard fought inside shot. Alan was called for the foul. Keevan went to the foul line and made both free throws.

  Coach Roderick call for a full press as the Hawks braced for the inbound. The Hawks got the ball inbounds, but Cisco and Keevan blanketed the guard who had the ball. Keevan stripped the ball loose and passed to Jack who hit an easy jump shot for two points. Base defense was called and Davis had a head start down the court.

  The Hawks methodically brought the ball up court and set their offense in motion. Jack dropped down low to help. He was quickly posted up by Alan. Alan stuck his backside into Jack and called for the ball. The ball came and Alan elevated for Jack's outstretched arms and sunk a two point bucket. Alan looked down at Jack after the shot went down. "I've got that all night dwarf boy!"

  Jack hustled off down court. Keevan brought the ball across mid court, turned on the jets, raced to the hoop, and kicked the ball back out to a wide open Jack. Jack sunk another three point basket. Alan looked at Jack in disgust and raced off down court. The Hawks established their fast break pace and once again beat the Davis defense for two points.

  Keevan hustled up the court and called for Jack to be ready for another three point attempt. Keevan drove the lane and passed the ball back out to Jack who sunk another three pointer. Jack pounded his chest once and pointed at Keevan. He knew what would come next.

  The Hawks formed their offense as Davis set their defense. Alan was once again posting up Jack. "I'm swatting that three junk in your face next time!" Jack dug one of his knuckles into Alan's back. Alan slammed his heel onto Jack's foot and spun toward the basket. He caught a pass and scored for the Hawks. Jack knew that Alan would embarrass him all day on defense, but it didn't matter. Davis had the lead and wasn't backing down.

  Keevan dribbled outside the three point line waiting for a lane to open up. When nothing did he passed the ball to Cisco at the top of the key. Jack positioned himself on the right wing three point line. Jack called for the ball and Cisco obliged. When the ball came two Hawk defenders swarmed Jack as he had planned. Arturo was left wide open under the hoop. Jack forced the ball his way and he made an uncontested shot. Davis was rolling, but so were the Hawks.

  The game continued to go back and forth in a similar manner for the rest of the first half. The Hawks did not squander a single offensive possession and had twenty two points at half time. Davis missed a few shots, but managed to score twenty four point and take a two point lead into half time.

  As the teams left the court Jack watched Greg come down hard on Alan and his teammates while they retreated to their locker room. Jack and his teammates sat on a bench and waited for Coach Roderick. David had substituted for Arturo for a short time during the first half, but other than that the starters had played the entire first half. He could tell Keevan was tired and so was Cisco, but Ox looked in good spirits as did Arturo who had a good break.

  Jack tried to review Davis's foul situation in his head. Other than Arturo, nobody had any fouls according to his recollection. As the team drank water and took some deep breaths Coach Roderick walked in. He looked at his team and smiled.

  "Do you all realize you are the first team this year to a take a lead into halftime against the Hawks?"

  The team slowly smiled and Coach Roderick laughed then his face turned serious.

  "We still have a second half to play. We are tired, but we are strong. Here's how it's going down. We've only got one player with fouls, that's Arturo. He's got two so he can still play, but we're going to foul the heck out of them this second half. Jocelyn, Leon, you two are going to foul out of this game. Jocelyn is going to start the second half for Arturo. If the ball is anywhere close to you I want you to foul whoever has it. When you get three fouls we'll bring Arturo back in, then Arturo will go in and David will go in for Ox. David, I know you're a great defender, but we need to foul this team. Take the foul if you can't stop the shot. Guards! No fouling for the guards. You three are the key to winning this game and we need you in the entire second half. Do not foul!"

  "I know that fouling will slow down their offense, but they're a good free throw shooting team Coach."

  "Good point Jack. The fouling is to keep us fresh. They're going to score no matter what. But even if we get a few breathers, we'll be better off at the end of the game. It will also take them out of their rhythm on offense. We're not going to out run them in the second half, this is the best plan I've got."

  "It's good Coach. We'll do it!"

  Jack led Davis out of the locker room and had everyone stretch and loosen up before the second half started. Jack tuned out the crowd.
He could hear his name being called, but he didn't want to lose focus on his task at hand. The season had come down to one half of basketball that needed to be executed with perfection and no distraction would jeopardize that.

  The Hawks inbounded the ball to start the second half. Jocelyn immediately got to work fouling one of Alan's friends who caught the inbound pass. The Hawks were awarded the ball to be inbounded again. This time the pass went to one of the guards. The Hawks got the ball into Alan. Jocelyn went flying in at him and hit his arms as he was getting ready to shoot. Alan went to the foul line and calmly made both baskets. Coach Roderick called in for his team to settle down. Jack watched as Greg observed Coach Roderick.

  Keevan brought the ball up the court and passed the ball to Jocelyn who was left wide open. When no Hawk player attempted to defend her she took a shot and missed. The Hawks raced down the floor and got another two points in transition. They took their first lead of the game and the crowd's volume increased.

  Once again Keevan dribbled the ball up the court. The Hawks set their defense and Jack called for a penetrate and dish. Keevan drove the ball towards the hoop and got hit hard by three Hawks. Keevan got up a little shaken. He limped to the free throw line and missed the first shot. His second shot bounced around the rim and rolled in. Keevan then dropped to the floor clutching his ankle. The referee's called a timeout and Coach Roderick jogged out onto the court. Jack knelt down next to Keevan.

  "What hurts?"

  "I came down wrong on my foot,"

  Keevan winced in pain as Coach Roderick arrived.

  "You alright Keevan?"

  "Don't think so hurts pretty bad,"

  "Alright, let's get you up...Jack take over...this is your team now. You want Leon or David?"

  "Give me Arturo coach. If it doesn't go well call a timeout and we'll regroup."

  Coach Roderick nodded and called Arturo to come out on the floor. The Davis defense set themselves in their base look and waited for the Hawks offensive attack. As scripted the Hawks brought the ball in low. Jocelyn immediately fouled a Hawk player and put him on the line. After he made the first three throw David subbed in for Jocelyn. The second free throw didn't fall and Ox grabbed the rebound. Ox pushed the ball up to Cisco who had three steps on the Hawks closest defender. Cisco took the ball all the way to the hoop and scored to tie the game. Jack pumped his fist in the air and set the base defense again.

  The Hawks came down the court ready to swoop in for another basket. With three larger players down low the Hawks passed the ball several times before David got posted up. David held his ground and Cisco snuck inside to strip the ball loose. He picked up the ball and passed to Jack. Jack targeted Ox with a pass; Ox was racing Alan down the floor. Ox caught the pass and muscled his way in for a two point bucket. Davis had regained the lead.

  The Hawks caught Davis in transitional defense and mounted a big layup over Arturo drawing a simultaneous blocking foul. The Hawks had a chance to take the lead back. The extra free throw went in and Arturo inbounded the ball to Cisco. Cisco slowed the pace down and set the Davis offense. He called for a high screen. Ox came out and set a perfect screen for Jack who made an open three pointer.

  Jack yelled for his team to set the defense. They got back to their positions and the Hawks came down court with full force. The game continued to go back and forth. Davis slowed down the Hawks by fouling and the Hawks returned the favor by taking cheap shots at every chance they got. The high screen game worked well for Davis and Jack made five consecutive three pointers to keep Davis in the game. With forty seconds to go Arturo had one foul left to give, Jocelyn had fouled out, and David had two fouls to give. Ox had gotten in on the foul game and had also earned three fouls. Leon was even worked into the rotation and grabbed a couple of key fouls that stopped some momentum surges by the Hawks. Keevan continued to sit out with an iced ankle that was elevated on a chair. The score had the Hawks in the lead by two points and the possession arrow favored Davis.

  The Hawks inbounded the ball for a possession that could seal them a victory. Jack set the Davis defense against the blaring sound of the crowd. The Hawks methodically worked the ball into the low post. Arturo fouled the Hawk who got the ball sending him to the line for two foul shots. Both foul shots were made and Arturo was forced out of the game. With two players fouled out and one player injured Coach Roderick sent in Leon to the game.

  Twenty nine seconds remained on the clock. Cisco scurried up the floor and Ox set another high screen for Jack. The Hawks anticipated the call and smothered their three point shooting nemesis. Jack put up the shot and was hit on the arm as he let the shot fly. He looked past the crashing defenders to see the ball bank off the backboard and go in. The referee blew his whistle signaling the chance for four point play. Ox hugged Jack who glared with intensity at the court. Jack approached the foul line and squared himself to the basket. He let the shot go and tied the game.

  Davis rushed down the court as time ticked off the clock. The Hawks were off to the races as well. As Jack turned to set himself defensively his eyes met Alan who was charging right at him with the basketball. Jack instinctively crouched defensively and grabbed Alan in big bear hug. Alan bowled over Jack tumbling the two of them to the ground. The referee blew his whistle and Alan jumped up off the floor and blatantly kicked Jack right in the stomach and cursed him. Another whistle blew and Alan was given a technical foul and ejected from the game. Greg came unglued on the sidelines and boos jeered out from the crowd. The referee pointed to Greg warning him of another technical and he quickly calmed down. Jack meanwhile tried to catch his breath after getting the wind kicked out of him.

  The referee helped Jack up and escorted him down the court to shoot two foul shots. Jack shot the ball and missed the first shot. Cheer echoed through the gym. Jack made the next shot and he was able to muster a jog to go back to the other end of the court.

  A new player checked in the game for the Hawks and was placed at the line to shoot Alan's free throws. He made both shots and the Hawks were once again up by a point. Because of the technical foul the referee advance the inbound pass to half court for Davis. Ox inbounded the ball to Cisco. Jack fought hard to get open, but he wasn't able to move like he wanted. As the game clock wound down to under ten seconds Ox rushed a high screen play. Jack went through the motions, but was surrounded when he got the ball. Through the crowd of defenders he saw Leon unguarded in the low post. Jack fell to the floor and rolled the ball between the legs of a Hawk defender. Leon picked up the ball and with three seconds on the clock took a shot. The shot fell with less than two seconds on the clock giving Davis a one point lead.

  The Hawks raced to inbound the ball, launched a desperation court length shot that fell well short of its intended goal. The buzzer sounded, Jack peeled himself off the floor and the Davis team mobbed Leon. Ox lifted Jack up and Keevan smiled as he hopped onto the court. As Jack looked over Ox's shoulder he could see Alan kicking over a chair and Greg grabbing Alan by the jersey and screaming in his face. The other Hawk players moseyed away from the confrontation.

  Coach Roderick jumped into the celebration and called his team to hover over him.

  "You all left everything on the court this season! You are the best team I've ever been a part of! Let's go get that tournament championship trophy!"

  The acting league commissioner came to center of the court and begrudgingly awarded the Davis team it's hardest fought championship. Most of the crowd dispersed, but the the Davis faithful cheered on their team.