I was sitting in my throne room when it happened. I was speaking with my advisor, sorting out some issues when she barged in through the doors. They rattled, making an awful noise.
I instantly dismissed my advisor and guards, dreading what was about to happen. I didn’t want anyone to witness Snow’s behavior. Everyone else loved her, they thought she was a perfect young woman. I didn’t want to ruin their illusion.
“I want my kingdom!” Snow yelled, her voice echoing through the large room. My heart instantly started hammering away in my chest, I hated confrontation and Snow was the best at it.
To be honest, I was a little scared by her. Her eyes burned with rage, all directed at me. I knew there would be no reasoning with her. She wouldn’t listen to a word I said, even if I was telling her why she couldn’t have her kingdom yet. It was only for her own good so she didn’t have to deal with the burden at such a young age.
“Snow, you are still so young. You can have the kingdom when you are ready for it. You know I only want what is best for you,” I replied, trying to keep my tone of voice soothing. The last thing I wanted to do was antagonize her.
She stomped over to the side table and proceeded to pick up and throw each of the expensive antiques onto the floor. One by one, they were shattered into a thousand pieces. I let her go, despite how much money she was throwing onto the ground.
With the last one still in her hand, Snow turned to me. “My father never loved you! I want you to die like him!” She aimed the vase and threw it at me, aiming directly for my head. I ducked at the last moment, narrowly avoiding taking the direct hit. The vase smashed into the wall behind me, sending shards in all different directions.
Her anger was not normal for a sixteen year old girl. I feared there was something seriously wrong with her. I had heard stories of demon possession before, or even witch’s curses that took all the sweetness from a child. My stomach was sick just thinking about what was causing her to burn with such rage.
“Snow, you need to calm down.”
“You can’t tell me what to do!” She screamed my way before leaving as abruptly as she had arrived.
I found the guards and gave them orders. “Please make sure Snow is okay and not in danger of harming herself or anyone else.” They nodded their understanding and left, heading in her direction.
I dismissed all my advisors for the day after that and sat alone in the room, cleaning up the mess myself. There were already so many whispers in the palace about what a terrible step-mother I was to Snow. I didn’t need anyone to witness the fallout from my latest attempt. They all thought I was mean to her and that’s why she hated me so much. Some of the gossip I had heard brought tears to my eyes and I’m sure it was Snow that was the one spreading them.
I spent countless days and nights agonizing over what I should do about Snow. My conclusion was that it seemed the palace wasn’t a healthy place for her. She needed to live without the burden of court life. She needed to find herself again, rediscover the little girl that her father loved so much. She had to be in there somewhere.
With a heavy heart and at my wit’s end, I called for my friend, the Huntsman. He and I had got to know each other quite well after my husband died. If I needed anything, he would help me in any way he could. I appreciated the way he never judged, only aided me. He was the only one I had confided in about Snow and her treatment of me. I knew my secret was safe with him.
“My queen, what may I do for you?” He asked, bowing low to me. I wasn’t a fan of the formalities but I couldn’t stop them.
“I need you to take care of Snow White for me,” I said, knowing I was putting the wheels in motion for her to get better. I had to do something, everyone in the palace was starting to think I was evil and I wasn’t. That was the opposite of what was going on.
“You want me to kill her?” He looked at me with his eyes wide open.
“No, of course not.” My eyes were equally surprised at that notion. “I want you to take her into the woods and find a new home for her. I want her to have some time to think clearly. She will soon remember who she really is. She needs refuge, not a kingdom full of eyes watching her.”
He nodded. “I understand. I will do it immediately. You have my word, my queen.”
“Thank you, Huntsman,” I said sincerely. He bowed again before he left.
I started pacing, praying I was making the right decision. I loved Snow. Every time I looked at her, I saw pieces of her father reflected back at me. I know he would have wanted me to do this. If she continued on as she was, she would have a nervous breakdown. Hopefully my actions would circumvent that happening.
I felt nauseous until I saw the Huntsman again. A full day and night had passed since our meeting. As each moment passed, it only made my nerves even greater.
“Huntsman, please tell me what happened,” I pleaded nervously. My fingernails had all but disappeared from my anxious biting of them.
“It is done. Snow is in the woods, she will find refuge there,” he replied.
“Did she go willingly?”
He shook his head, I should have known. “She said she was being banished so you could rule the kingdom forever without her. She called you many terrible names that I could not repeat.”
“As I expected. In time, she will see this was the right decision. I am doing this for her and not myself. I will more than gladly give her the kingdom when she is ready for it.”
“Yes, my queen.”
“We must not tell anyone about this,” I continued. “We cannot have anyone finding her until she has recovered. When she is rested and her true self again, then we will bring her back and celebrate.”
“That will be a joyous day,” he agreed.
“It certainly will be.”
I dismissed the Huntsman and breathed a sigh of relief. It was done, Snow would be fine. But just to be sure, I would check on her regularly. We would both know when it was time for her to return.