Read Ties To The Blood Moon Page 52

  Chapter 46

  The last conversation I had with William before he turned me started out with him saying how happy he was that he would no longer have to bear the thought of living forever without me. He seemed saddened when he placed a soft kiss on my lips and I think in that moment he had finally shown me the true William. A kind, gentle, loving, sincere man that would protect me until the end of time.

  A single tear dripped from his eye and he looked shocked when he wiped it away. “Did that come from me?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled. “It’s okay to cry. I cry like every five minutes.”

  He had this really serious look. “No! You don’t understand.” He sat up, and that worried me.

  “Don’t understand what…tears? As much as I cry, I think that qualifies me as an expert on the subject,” I said, smiling, trying unsuccessfully to make him smile.

  “Vampires can’t make tears.”

  I raised up and propped my weight on my elbows. “Boy I’m in trouble then, huh?” I laughed, but only faintly.

  “There’s certain things we can’t do, and crying is one of them.” A concerned look came over him, and he just kept staring at me.

  “Genevieve…there’s something else you have to understand before you go through with this.” His voice was low and throaty, just like it would be if he was crying. “Once you turn, you can’t ever…uh, you know.” He paused and cleared his throat before finishing. “Have a baby.”

  “I kind of figured that. I’m not stupid, William. I understand anatomy. But, hey…you never know?”

  “No,” he said, adamantly, shaking his head. This is one thing I’m definitely sure of.”

  “Yeah? You also said vampires can’t make tears, but you just did.” I gazed at him, taking my hand and running the backs of my fingernails down his arm. “I’ve thought about this a lot. I know what the consequences are and I’m okay with everything. Honest.”

  William gazed longingly into my eyes. “I love you more than anything else in this world,” he whispered and kissed me. At the same time he gently lay me back on the pillow.

  “I love you too,” I whispered, while he used his fingernail to slice open the vein on his neck and positioned it over my mouth.

  The taste of William’s blood was much different than I ever remembered blood tasting. As soon as I swallowed the first sugary gulp, my insides exploded. Pleasure rippled through me, making me feel truly alive for the first time. My whole body tingled with excitement. His blood was more intoxicating than a million drugs rolled into one, and I instantly became addicted.

  I bit down, rolling over on top of him and latched on, wanting more. The intense passion I felt was unlike anything I could have ever imagined, and the more he gave the more I wanted. I didn’t realize until that moment, but when he had bitten me earlier it not only affected him it affected me as well. My body longed for the sweet nectar coming from within him.

  It was the most intimate feeling two people could share. The moment he pushed my head back and broke the bond, I fell away, sated but in agony, too. It felt like someone had ripped off one of my arms.

  I lay back on the pillow too intoxicated to move. I could just barely open my eyes, and when I peered at William he was so ghostly white it frightened me.

  I tried to nudge him, but I was so weak I couldn’t move my arm. “William,” I breathed his name so quiet I was afraid he wouldn’t hear me.

  He reached over and took my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. “Shh…it will start soon,” he whispered. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll be right here until you wake.”