Read Ties To The Blood Moon Page 53


  The next days were a blur. I was never fully awake, but never asleep either. The pain grew to be unbearable at times and I begged for William to kill me. At times I writhed around on the bed in severe agony. I could actually feel my insides rolling around in my stomach. all of my organs were dying. I was dying.

  It grew increasingly hard to discern fantasy from reality. I had nightmares on top of nightmares. Not just your average “bad guy trying to kill me” nightmares either. These were more terrifying than any horror movie I ever remembered watching.

  At one point I thought I saw William standing over me and when I reached for him he turned into a horrible looking monster with giant black fangs, and he bent down and started tearing my guts out with his teeth.

  Once the pain finally started to lessen, my hunger grew. I wanted blood. I needed blood. I remember William holding me down and I tried to claw his eyes out. He said it was too soon to eat. I had to fully transform first or my body would just reject it and the pain would become even more excruciating. I couldn’t even imagine anything more painful than what I had already gone through.

  He didn’t tell me about all the vomiting I would have to endure. Oh my God, I never would have thought one person had so much inside them. I threw up black bile for hours until I became too weak to move and passed out.

  I cracked my eyes open for a moment when I heard William calling my name. “The light is too bright,” I heard someone say in a low guttural voice, and quickly realized the strange voice I’d heard was mine.

  Even though the lights were off in the bedroom, the door to the bathroom was slightly ajar and that light seemed like it was a million watts. “Sorry, I forgot.” William hurried and pulled the door closed, then I passed out again.

  I didn’t think the pain would ever end. I felt like I had been on a rollercoaster ride to hell and back…in all actuality I had. My body had died and was transforming into the ultimate undead being…a vampire.

  When I awoke that last time, I felt so much better. I was weak and hungry and my throat was on fire. I called out for water, but William knew that’s not what my body craved. Instead, he went into the other room and returned with two bags of blood. It smelled heavenly and my mouth instantly watered when he carried it into the room. He tore open the bag and I ripped it from his hands. As soon as I finished both bags I wanted more. My hunger was taking over and I noticed a sound I hadn’t heard before…William’s heartbeat. It was loud and pulsed in my ears. My thirst quickly took over and I wanted to rip out his throat.

  “More,” I growled. “I need more.” My voice sounded almost like a man.

  “All right. I just wanted to make sure you were ready.” He opened the door to the secret room, and returned a moment later with two more bags of blood.

  I grew impatient watching him take his time opening the first bag. I ripped it from his hands and tore off the top with my teeth, gulping it down. He made sure to open the second one quicker than he had the first.

  “Ahh,” I said, falling back onto the sweat soaked pillow, smiling, fully sated, and completely intoxicated.

  William locked the door to the hidden room, and climbed into bed with me, very gently pulling me close to him. It hurt like hell just to move, but I held it in. He gently wiped at the excess blood on my lips around my mouth. “How do you feel?” He asked quietly, close to my ear.

  Still smiling, I cracked opened my eyes. “Like a million bucks…well, like a million bucks that’s been to hell and back.”